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No Refund for Cancelled Subscription


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Just because you are not experiencing any problems doesn't mean someone else isn't.

Not only did the game not meet what was advertised for me.

It has a plethora of bugs from crafting to lag/fps and many other problems I'm experiencing that also result in consistent down time for all and the reasons for the patches.

It takes the fun away from the game and has become less fun as time goes on with no end game to look forward to as so many lvl 50s are whining about.

There is nobody on the republic side of my server. No one to group with as they stated there would be.

Symptoms got worse after 1.2 for me and even worse after last nights patch.

Patch after patch it's not getting any better, just worse for me and if they can't fix the issues then it's a lemon. Plus They really haven't been able to fix all the issues without screwing something else up. It's truly getting annoying.

I spent time jumping servers to find the right one, crafting with multiple characters with a poor crafting systems that was supposed to get fixed in 1.2 delayed progress. All this denied me from getting to lvl 50 and reaching legacy 6. Excluding me from the award to "loyal" players.

I don't have to explain my game play style or defend it. I felt no rush to get to end game for bragging rights only to complain there is no end game.

This game is far from what they said you could do and enjoy. It may be for some, but not me or many.

Still cant customize your armor like originally intended from the beginning.

This isn't what I signed up for and definitely not the experience would have happily I paid for.

I didn't play WoW or SWG and am truly sorry you all put up with the crap I hear about those games.

The game I played is far more advanced than this game could hope to be even if this survives the 5 years that one has been around. My expectations of a superior MMO as was advertised are higher than all of you trolling me back.

SWTOR said this would be the MMO of all MMOs. I have yet to see it and am pissed for paying too much for it.

This company dosen't treat players equally which is why I want nothing to do with it and not part of the expected paid experience.


None of which make the game non-functional. So again I ask you, how is the game non-functional? You can make the argument that you don't like the direction it's going. You can make the argument that the game is different then what you expected. But at no point did EA, Bioware, or Lucasarts lie cheat or steal from you. They made it known upfront in the terms of service that YOU HAD TO AGREE TO that they resedge the right to make changes as needed and as they see fit to the game with no refunding recourse guaranteed. As I see it you can still log in everyday till your 6 month sub has expired, but that is your choice, they are not forcing you to log in or not log in. And you are still able to play any and all of your toons, assuming of course you have the skill to actually play and not face roll yourself on every mob. But non functional? No the only thing I have seen nonfunctional lately is your ability to use rational and sensible reasoning.

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Probably been said but..


This whole thing is situation normal. The game is usable, if you feel it isn't take it up with your local laws and have them determine if the quality of the title violates trade laws. They'll get it sorted.


Otherwise, as it's been made abundantly clear, you cannot get a refund on unused time.

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When you do a long term deal in the gaming world, you make a pact with the game company.... you agree to invest in the game for the duration of the terms, and they give you a better rate....y'know, as in you pay less money. Dig?


It's a gamble.


No where do they guarantee your satisfaction. It's up to you as a reasonable adult to vet the game and gage where you think they are going with it, and ride the poney in whatever direction that turns out to be, even if it isn't 100% where you thought or wished.....That or pay the normal rate and hope off unscathed at your convenience at the nearest monthly marker.


Basically if we all could do as you believe we should, then we'd all just sub for the longest period of time to get the very best rate, and bail when we like. Why would ANY company do that? Hell, try that with a phone company.

Edited by ChakraFive
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With his forum date he has been here since launch. He is 4 months into the game. I would say he has eaten the better part of that meal and still wants to get a refund. I don't think many places will refund you when over half the meal is gone.


Yeah. I'm waiting for him to slip a nasty bug out of his pocket and drop it in and demand a refund. :p

Edited by Andryah
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Any game is not as bad and nonfunctional as this one.


This game works good and is very functional. And seen 10x worst problems with MMO. Remember the free 30 days was to preview. If you did not like in that time could have cancelled then,

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Probably been said but..


This whole thing is situation normal. The game is usable, if you feel it isn't take it up with your local laws and have them determine if the quality of the title violates trade laws. They'll get it sorted.


Otherwise, as it's been made abundantly clear, you cannot get a refund on unused time.


That is also where he/she would fail. The game is not in violation.

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Another player expecting an MMO to end all others with SWTOR, when Bioware didnt mislead anyone on what this game was going to be. From the beginning they told you what SWTOR was. In that respect, they have exceeded all of my expectations. Sorry you had some misguided expectations and they were not met.
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You can't cancel a 6 month subscription and get a refund for time left when you quit playing.


Its like signing a 1 year lease, you cant break said lease and hope that they will not bill you for the remaining time on said lease. In this case you pay up front for said lease, and if you don't use the time on said lease they don't reimburse you for the time you haven't used .

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I pay monthly. If I stop playing after a week, I can't get my money back for the 3 weeks I didn't play. You signed up for 6 months, you get and pay for 6 months. You signed for it and were discounted over the monthly fee. You pay $13 a month, instead of $15. :rolleyes:
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The last game I payed for more than a month was wow payed for 90 days everyone told me how great it was, I could not wait for those 90 days to be over after 30 days, to me the game was so boring, 90 days felt liike 90 years...LOL

After I dropped that terd of a game I have never payed for more than a month at a time.. /shrug I did not bother to ask for a refund, because I knew gaming companies just don't do that..

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