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Fix the population impalance, BW


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ive seen many games like this that will do a server reset every few months or once the inbalance gets to a certain percent, they would let the people who log on first pick their side and then eventually the last people coming on would end up getting stuck on whichever side was lower, they also did it by level brackets, for example one particular game im thinking of had 100 levels and it was seperated 100-92, 91-82,81-71, and it would make sure each of these level brackets was balanced between both sides.


That's a horrible idea. So if I'm on vacation during this 'reset', I can no longer play with my guildmates and friends because they logged on before me?


People forced into a faction they didn't want would quit, or at least not play until the next 'reset', which wouldn't solve the problem.

Edited by amantheil
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ive seen many games like this that will do a server reset every few months or once the inbalance gets to a certain percent, they would let the people who log on first pick their side and then eventually the last people coming on would end up getting stuck on whichever side was lower, they also did it by level brackets, for example one particular game im thinking of had 100 levels and it was seperated 100-92, 91-82,81-71, and it would make sure each of these level brackets was balanced between both sides.


Name one MMO that does that..


Answer none have ever done that. If they did the game would be over the next month.

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I completely agree i have 2 50s a powertech and a trooper on the same server (daragon Tales) And on fleet alone there are usually 20 republic players (only 10 50s) and when i jump on my powertech there are like 112 imperials on... WOW really?


At least pubs got them insta ques on warzones, but if your are on a pvp server good luck levling.


Lol my mains on that server Awaiting transfer Ilum was like 1-2pub vs 20 imps crazy

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Dear BW,


I love your game. It's great. I love your Warzones. I wish I could play them. Up until last week, almost every WZ on my server ended early because the Republic wouldn't have enough players to fill out a team and the WZ would auto-abort. Now that that feature is gone, we just get gang-banged by the Imps who outnumber us 8-5 if we are lucky.


I was actually just about to cancel my subscription to this game when I was given a free month of play time, so now Bioware has a month, not to fix it, but to tell me that they even CARE about this problem! Because everything I'm seeing from them says "Working as intended. There is no population problem la la la la la la" with their fingers in their ears.


Let me repeat. I like this game. I like it a lot. I'm dying to be able to play it as it was intended to be played. FIX IT!


Here is a fix for you - reroll republic. I dont understand why every egomaniac thinks that every other player has to change their behavior so that you can do what you want.

Or do you expect BW to hire cheap labor from third world countries to play rep so that you can play your überawesome sith?

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What's your suggestion? Force people to roll Republic?


Every MMO has faction imbalance to the "cooler" or "better looking" faction. Besides that, the imbalance isn't even that bad. Last they said I believe, was that it was 58% Empire 42% Republic.


Last time I checked Mythic is owned by these people. Mythic made Dark Age of Camelot. In that game when it first launched in order to keep everyone from rolling the same factions they gave bonuses to the less populated ones. Stuff like more exp, more coin drops from mobs, crafting bonuses. Why the hell hasnt BioWare figured this out yet? Or at least add faction transfers. Well I guess if they cant figure out how to even add server transfers then that idea is pretty far fetched.

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What doesn't help is imperial version of mirrored items look way better.


A good example is the empire and republic pilot outfits. Empire is well drawn texture of blues and blacks. Republic is a bland and ugly orange. Another is consular and inquisitor gear. Another is the fleet station, imperial is bright, colourful and tasteful, republic is bland, brown and ugly.


In fact, you can sum up either faction in a single word; Imperial - colourful, republic - brown.


I find the republic blue pilot pants to be way sexy! :D

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Agree with op though, some servers have very low Rep (or even imp?) population. Should give imigration to some server to balance it out there. If LFG system becomes global it won't mather so much anymore, though. But from the looks of things I don't think that'll be in 1.3.
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Last time I checked Mythic is owned by these people. Mythic made Dark Age of Camelot. In that game when it first launched in order to keep everyone from rolling the same factions they gave bonuses to the less populated ones. Stuff like more exp, more coin drops from mobs, crafting bonuses. Why the hell hasnt BioWare figured this out yet? Or at least add faction transfers. Well I guess if they cant figure out how to even add server transfers then that idea is pretty far fetched.


Kind of impossible to transfer factions where your class does not exist on the other side. Not to mention the whole "I somehow inserted myself into the class storyline without doing the starter planet first."

Edited by Darth_Moonshadow
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What's your suggestion?


Every MMO has faction imbalance to the "cooler" or "better looking" faction.


You answered your own question, lol!


Of course they can't (and shouldn't) force people to play the minority faction. But what they COULD do is:


1. Give the minority faction "cooler" / "better looking" armor than the majority faction.


2. Make warzones strictly Faction A vs. Faction B (people who want faster queue times will consider playing on the side of the minority faction).


These are just two ways they could passively encourage people to play more of the minority faction... and they could be continuously changed if the factions kept flip flopping in numbers (in other words, the "bonuses" wouldn't be permanent and would self-regulate).


It's one thing to not do anything to help faction Imbalance... but BW's choices to include more same-faction warzones, as well as "cooler" armor* for the majority faction, make it worse. They are pushing in the wrong direction.



*I don't actually think the Imperial's armor sets are cooler, just using the words you did.

Edited by Shlamorel
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Here is a fix for you - reroll republic. I dont understand why every egomaniac thinks that every other player has to change their behavior so that you can do what you want.

Or do you expect BW to hire cheap labor from third world countries to play rep so that you can play your überawesome sith?


The OP is Republic. Re-read his post.

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My server is a barren wasteland, I've got a few lvl 50's on it but can't do jack **** on it due to the fact that I have no other factionmates to play with. One thing BW could do, and do it ASAP is to merge a few low pop servers together so it equalizes and restores the aspect of a living server again. I rarely play the game today since I don't want to walk around Ilum alone to farm for something I wont be able to use properly.
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You have a point here. My Sith Assassin makes me feel cool and dangerous and but i kind of shudder when i see the huge shelf-butt on my Sentinel. I expect Sir-Mix-a-Lot to peek out from around every corner.



Look at her butt.


She looks like...one of those...rap guys girlfriends.


Cross server pvp ques will fix the warfront problems. Don't expect any meaningful world pvp until this is addressed though.


If they seriously want to fix it, give us wookies, jawas, or yodas as playable species.

Problem solved.

Edited by Sparklehorse
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You have a point here. My Sith Assassin makes me feel cool and dangerous and but i kind of shudder when i see the huge shelf-butt on my Sentinel. I expect Sir-Mix-a-Lot to peek out from around every corner.





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How about having PVP sides based on alignment rather than faction ?


So its bascially Dark side v Light Side...this way you can have people rolling a light side imp agent fighting alongside light side jedi's. Obviously people who are Grey/Neutral Alignment would just be put on whichever side was low on numbers.


Only problem with this is that i still think you cant speak to a player on a different faction so communication would be difficult unless they open this up just for the pvp game then this would work well.


PVP is the only time faction balance is an issue really, so, at least give opeople the chance to roll a Light Side Sith and fight alongside Jedi. The story side of it could then be explained as they have joined the light side and vice versa for dark jedi.

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What's your suggestion? Force people to roll Republic?


Every MMO has faction imbalance to the "cooler" or "better looking" faction. Besides that, the imbalance isn't even that bad. Last they said I believe, was that it was 58% Empire 42% Republic.



I LOVE this game. I love the pvp, i love star wars.

But on my dying server, its not the old republic anymore, its SW : the ghost town imperial fleet. Seriously they need to swallow their pride, cut out all the servers with Light populations in prime time, and give free character transfers to everyone. This should happen before they roll out cross server ques. And preferably before the free subs run out. It should be their number 1 priority....

Edited by Dasgruberg
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What's your suggestion? Force people to roll Republic?


Every MMO has faction imbalance to the "cooler" or "better looking" faction. Besides that, the imbalance isn't even that bad. Last they said I believe, was that it was 58% Empire 42% Republic.




Yeah its Biowares fault that most of the players rolled Empire ... but its too late to do anything. They spent most of their development time designing and even promoting the Empire and left the Republic as an afterthought. Its no wonder there is such a faction imbalance. Nothing can be done now though.


Well ... nothing practical. Nothing short of redesigning the Republics aesthetics, remaking some of the class stories, offering free, easy to do, faction changes and offering cookies to everyone that switches is going to balance things out now. Even then it wont happen overnight and they'll have to keep a very close eye on it.


I get the feeling we'll be seeing many more same faction WZ's in the future.

Edited by MasterKayote
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How about having PVP sides based on alignment rather than faction ?


So its bascially Dark side v Light Side...this way you can have people rolling a light side imp agent fighting alongside light side jedi's. Obviously people who are Grey/Neutral Alignment would just be put on whichever side was low on numbers.


Only problem with this is that i still think you cant speak to a player on a different faction so communication would be difficult unless they open this up just for the pvp game then this would work well.


PVP is the only time faction balance is an issue really, so, at least give opeople the chance to roll a Light Side Sith and fight alongside Jedi. The story side of it could then be explained as they have joined the light side and vice versa for dark jedi.


This wouldn't work because the war is not between light side and dark side, it's between the republic and the empire. Just like in reality, there are individuals who are good and individuals who are evil, but the war is a political one, not an ideological one.

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This wouldn't work because the war is not between light side and dark side.


They are adding more warzones that allow same-faction battling. I don't see how that supports the idea of a war between the two.


I agree with you though, it's supposed to be about a war between the Republic and the Empire. It just doesn't seem that way :(

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This wouldn't work because the war is not between light side and dark side, it's between the republic and the empire. Just like in reality, there are individuals who are good and individuals who are evil, but the war is a political one, not an ideological one.


Yes, but if for arguements sake and the ease of solving the issue easily. We can assume that Light sided players are Republic Side and Dark Side are empire and Neutrals are just that...Neutral (can fight for either side, but usually the side that has fewer numbers)


Last time i checked there wasnt such an imbalance on alignment, only on faction. Also, lets say you are tired of always not having enough Republic enemies, simply spend some time grinding out the light points and immediately you are now eligable to fight on the republic side as a Sith Warrior (who has turned back to the jedi) fighting for the Republic !


I know its a war between Empire and Republic. But when all is said and done, Republic is portrayed as "Light" / "Good" side and Empire is portrayed as "Dark" / "Evil" side, so lets have this as the way to decide on teams. Sith have turned back to the jedi in SW lore you know !


im thinking of contructive ways we can sort out teh pvp faction imbalance. Server transfers may never happen so we need to look at other alternatives, my suggestion is the best i can think of that can easily be implemented.

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I made a post about my idea to help alleviate this, but I got beat up a little. I'll say it again real quick.


Allow guilds to be cross faction. The reason I do not roll republic is it takes me out of my close group of friends. I cant chat with them in guild chat. I like to be social, I like to talk to people. If I rolled on a pub toon, i would be essentially alone. That turns me off.


If the game allowed guild chat and guilds to work crass faction, I know for a fact that there would be 25 players from my guild alone who would immediately roll on pub toons.


people say it breaks RP, or that it breaks some other fantasy element of the game. i dont care. i dont RP, and i dont get into the story. if i could put my imperial agent into a dirty white t shirt and torn jeans, i would.


I just want to play, and stay in touch with my friends. rolling on the "other side" is like running into east Germany away from your western family.


cross faction guilds. DO IT.

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