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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Penalty for quitters is still not in game


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Quitters will always have a complaint, that is why they are quitters.


Honestly though, they do need to fix uneven match starts and give a message before joining games in progress. Then a penalty for deserting would be more palatable for most people.


Some people are just gonna whine about a debuff anyway, of course. Those are the guys this is aimed at. : )

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HA hahahahahahahahahaha




Next we will be deciding you shouldn't walk up to people in the street and hit them with a bat. We are very selfish.


Looks like we have some sociopaths here.

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You benefit from quitting a losing match.


No you don't. Especially the average solo queue pugger that is garbage. They don't have a crystal ball. They are looking for a team to carry them. They will hop from match to match, quitting as they go because they are bad. Meanwhile, they have received no rewards whatsoever, are waiting longer in queues, and are killing whatever reputation they had amongst their peers.


Sure, they may stumble into a win from time to time, but directly, there is no benefit to quitting a losing match. The fools are just rolling the dice hoping to get carried.

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Sure, they may stumble into a win from time to time, but directly, there is no benefit to quitting a losing match. The fools are just rolling the dice hoping to get carried.


Pretty much exactly this.


Bad players re-queue hoping for a "winning team". Good players do their best to turn a losing situation into a win, whether they think they will win or not.

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Ironically, I think Nicain has done the OP a huge favor with his posts in this topic. By revealing the attitude and motivations of people like him, it becomes more apparent that a deserter type debuff is necessary to keep people like him from negatively impacting the pvp experience of others. Hopefully, anyone on the fence about this issue is convinced by the shamelessly selfish attitude he displays for us here.
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I pay $15/month for MY enjoyment..no one elses, and CERTAINLY not the OPs. If I want to quit a warzone that I got stuck into, and my team is down 0-4 in huttball or w/e, I WILL NOT BE STAYING SO THAT YOU FEEL BETTER AND HAVE A BETTER TIME. I will be /quitting and re queue into a new game. Grow up.
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I pay $15/month for MY enjoyment..no one elses, and CERTAINLY not the OPs. If I want to quit a warzone that I got stuck into, and my team is down 0-4 in huttball or w/e, I WILL NOT BE STAYING SO THAT YOU FEEL BETTER AND HAVE A BETTER TIME. I will be /quitting and re queue into a new game. Grow up.


No one cares if you quit a crappy game in progress that you got queued into. At least I sure don't. <.<


If you are there from the start (w/ an even team) and decide to quit at the first sign of trouble, that's really more what this thread is about.


I agree that those 2 issues (uneven teams and in-progress games) definitely need to be fixed, but I feel that's entirely separate from people like Nicain, who will just quit because it looks like the match is going to be hard, making it even HARDER for everyone that was just left to play the match down a man for a while.


That's when the opposing team starts to win because they have an advantage and someone like YOU gets put into this losing match, wasting your queue time also, along w/ everyone who replaces you because I'd say you're w/in your rights not to stick w/ the game at that point.

Edited by Varicite
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I can score 6 goals in less than 10 minutes of Huttball.


But for your question, no, you haven't lost. You're down by 2. But when YOU leave the WZ and someone sees you and also leaves the WZ, NOW I'm going to lose either way.


I care because I could have won, but now I can't, because I'm down 1-2 people on my team.


All because you decided to arbitrarily leave to save YOURSELF some time. You wouldn't be doing that w/ a 15 minute debuff, or if you did, I can count on not having you do it to me again for the next match.


The fact that you aren't even willing to fight for a victory unless it's a sure thing tells me that you are exactly the type of person that I have to carry every match. Because I was already going to win before you showed up.


First of all, you alone won't be scoring ANY goals in huttball... Secondly if you're down by two goals within the first three minutes of the game and your team isn't advancing the ball at all, you are going to lose. I don't have a problem with a competitive game but if we're getting destroyed and I am trying to complete my daily I will not stay in that game, debuff me I don't care. Every time I queue a huttball match I'll quit before the match starts if I must. Besides it'll need to be a pretty heavy debuff to prevent people from quitting.

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** shrug ***


just got pulled in a hutball with score 0-4 losing team, checking the team roster and saw only 6 including myself. check the time and still 8 minutes left in game , so i guess wtheck lets do this for giggles.. fought hard and manage to score 1 and stopping the enemy for finall loss of 1-4


fun game even losing, and got nice 70+ commendations too


no need to quit a losing game since the reward difference between win/losss is narrowed

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This has been an issue for months.

Every time one of these threads pops up we hear their nonsense about "how bad their teammates are."


I have a new idea. If someone quits a WZ give them all the commendations they want. Give them free War Hero gear. Just get them out of the game. Listening to their complaining about how unfair it is to start 7v8 or how they hate huttball or how they hate gear differences or how they hate premades, or unfair classes is nauseating. Do they not realize there are a million people who deal with this too and its not that bad. Listening to them say they are entitled to ruin matches for their teammates because they shouldn't be "forced to do something they don't want to" makes no sense. They join a team with us, ditch us and say we cant force them to stay? WE DIDN'T FORCE THEM TO JOIN.


The quitters have thousands of excuses. In the end, they ruin it for others. Yes, often when these people leave their replacements are huge improvements and you can have an incredible comeback but often the time playing shorthanded is too much to overcome. The quitters are clinically delusional, they never lose because they quit every 1-0 game so they think they are good. Meanwhile they are generally the worst players serverwide.


So give them full war hero sets just get rid of them. Maybe if they are full war hero they will play less. This will make everyone happy. The quitters can have WH gear and continue thinking they are good, the real players don't get stuck playing short, aand Bioware gets to keep the subscription. Win, Win, Win.


I dont play SWTOR for the rewards of comms or gear; i play for fun. I quit WZs because someone comes to my door; r calls me on the phone. i am not ignoring these things for a game.


I quit every huttball i get, I hate it. it is NOT fun. would you rather i just AFK my way through when I dont want to play, or cant due to real life?


i understand that every WZ has its detractors; the solution isnt penalties for excerising our right to playing our game our way, the solution is allowing more control to play our way, IE queuing for individual WZs.


Rift had an awesome system. you could queue for all the WZs, just one or any combination in between and you got the first one that would be full based on your selections. Dont want to play void star, then queue for the other 3 and avoid void star 100%.


if you dont like how I choose to play my game, tough, you dont get to dictate how me or anyone else plays thier game. my leaving has NOTHING to do with you. get over yourself and stop taking a game so seriously.

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a deserter debuff penalty should be applied for those who leave wz , preferably add a counter on that player's statistic to show how many times he quit match.. these stat should be viewable / inspectable by everyone... For further fun, add a unremovable temporart title for the duration of the debuff , like Deserter or Coward or something funny...




before implementing this penalty, make sure to do these things FIRST


- make sure the queue always pit same numbers of players in both team

- make sure not to put new players in a last second , losing wz in progress..

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Well, you quit Huttball, person B hates Alderan, person C hates playing premades, person D hates playing vs Battlemasters etc etc etc. In aggregate you quitters ruin the game.

i can see why people do not want to play with you im sure most people put you on ignore i would like other's said make a premade or just do not que up if i seen you in a match i would leave everyone has the right to leave a match. i do it sometimes if i can into one late in the game that is a loss why stay just play it and be happy ty

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First of all, you alone won't be scoring ANY goals in huttball... Secondly if you're down by two goals within the first three minutes of the game and your team isn't advancing the ball at all, you are going to lose. I don't have a problem with a competitive game but if we're getting destroyed and I am trying to complete my daily I will not stay in that game, debuff me I don't care. Every time I queue a huttball match I'll quit before the match starts if I must. Besides it'll need to be a pretty heavy debuff to prevent people from quitting.


I queue w/ my fiance; dual Assassins. We can pretty much win Huttball by ourselves against most teams. In fact, I've lost ONE Huttball match in the past month. It's very common that we score all 6 goals between the 2 of us in the first 6-7 minutes of a match. So I think you may be making bad assumptions.


I could always post a link of us pugging and beating a premade (Taugrim's actually) in Huttball if you like, if you don't think it happens. I'm pretty sure we were down for a good bit of the game too.


Just because YOU think it's going to be a loss doesn't mean it's going to be a loss. The simple truth is that you don't know, and you won't stick around to find out, and you'd rather screw everyone else on your team than try.


Deserter debuff needs to be implemented specifically for people like you. Quitting matches should be for emergencies or RL duties only. Don't queue if you're afraid to lose.


"OMG WE MIGHT NOT WIN THIS GAME" is a complete cop-out, and abuse of the system, imo.

Edited by Varicite
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100% Agree with the OP.


On the other hand, the quitters and wtj´s are most of the time the really bad players anyway, so they are no loss at all...


You still need fodder on the field to distract and slow down the enemy team.


2-3 good players still can't beat 8 people who have the slightest clue how to play.

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You just stated why people quit right there, and you're still mad. We can get more comms on winning teams then carrying people like you. Sorry, I'm not going to waste 15 minutes of my day on a losing team so you can enjoy yourself, I play for me, not for you.


You're not my 'team mates' I didn't say "hey lets queue up a WZ together" We get dumped into a situation, most people will evaluate the situation and act correctly.


You need to stop being mad at people for not carrying you, and for not playing the way you want them to play. Its up to the individual on what his play style is going to be, grow up.




Why should there be a deserter debuff? Why are you asking bioware to hard code a rule that will force me to play with you, what if I don't want to play with you? You're going to make bioware make me do so? What the hell is that?


If I don't want to play with you, I won't and you can't make me so stop trying to get BW to socialize my playtime, as it's my playtime and I will use it however I see fit.


Oh no!!!!!! not a full 15 MINUTES!!!!!!!! Heaven forbid you use a full 1/96th of your day! I wait longer than that for a bus for crying out loud!!! And no, you are not "carrying" the team, it's called a team for a reason; everybody participates one way or another, for good or bad. Learn to live with that and you might enjoy team play a little more.


As for "you're not my team mates" sorry, but they are. By your own definition, you are all in a particular situation together, that makes you a team.


It's not a hard core rule the OP is asking for, it's a way to keep the WZ mechanics flowing with as little interuption as possible. If you have a hard time getting along with your team, I suggest you try a new stratagy....don't play.



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There should be a debuff- that said, 15 or 30 min- if I don't want to stay with a team I won't regardless of penalty.


If I join a match and see four sorcs on my team, I'm gone- why put up with a guaranteed loss for barely any reward after all.


I play for one thing- fun. I have fun when matches are competitive- and this is a gear based game, so getting gear so I'm on par with other players makes the game fun. If I'm not having fun in a match, or getting no reward- I leave. I'll stay if I'm having fun but there's no reward, or, if the match sucks but there's a good reward- which meant I did stay for matches on the old system cuz four medals got me a good amount of valour either way.


Now though? Naw, not worth it- 90% of the time the match is predictable the moment I see both teams- BM on their team but not on ours=loss. Several marauders on their team vs none on ours=loss. Half our team is sorcs=loss. Sure, you get the occassional match that surprises you- but, from a numbers perspective, it's not good enough to waste the time.


I get maybe one hour to play a day except on weekends- I'll spend it how I choose.

Edited by fungihoujo
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