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CC Locks - resolve bar is working as should be?


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Stun - Complete loss of control that does not break on damage

Mezz - Complete loss of control that does break on damage

Knockback - Physical movement of your character to a new location initiated by a foe

Snare - Reduced movement speed

Root - 100% snare


dont forget the Pull.


Anyway. Two things I want to mention:


1. Some mez abilities still can stun you when specced (e.g. Sorcerer's Haunted Dreams that ads a 2 sec stun when whirlwind early breaks).

2. Force Charge seems to be influenced by GCD (at least that's how I explain myself). So when you try to run away and get Force Charged you kinda loose a GCD tick of movement. That seems pretty buggy because I dont believe that BW wanted actually that Force Charge works that way. Theoretically you can be "stunned" over the whole resolve reset time with beeing Force Charged by different Maras/Jugs. I remember a situation where I was ball carrier about 5m away from goal line. Getting CCed two times so my resolve was full, I pulled my anti stun ability and got charged consequently by a mara and a jug. I ended up dieing about 3m in front of the goal.

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Roots do not affect resolve, knockbacks give 400 points. You would not reach immunity in yor example. Resolve bar last 12 sec minimum, 25 sec theoretical maximum, around 20 sec on average. Get your facts straight.


in theory around 20 seconds....I never saw more then 8-10 seconds tbh. Special if you are really involved with the fight, like holding or protecting the ball...

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Hello Kaarsa, o7! Another class of fresh fifty for you to educate about resolve and CC ;). Just post the links to your test thread and challenge thread, most of them will get a clue. The rest, well, you can't help them all dude.

Guys stop raging and watch your surroundings and your UI you'll start to understand where you failed.

To the guy in the video. Dude I'm sorry, but you were playing with the 10-49 bracket mentality, ninja-ing alone like that in your centurions, and that scoundrel only reminded you that you are in the big boys league now ;).

@dunkelhaar I think that being Force Charged roots you hence going through resolve. Am I wrong?


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For you are in Elysium, and you're already dead!

Strength and Honor.

Edited by LenrocNewDawn
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Yea, with diminishing returns you would be mezzed for 8 sec, then mezzed for 4 sec, then mezzed for 2 sec, then stunned for 4 sec, then stunned for 2 sec, then stunned for 1 sec, then rooted for 5 sec, then rooted for 2 sec, then your DR for mezz would be over and we can start from the beginning! That would be REAL fun!!!


Seriously people, you dont know what you are asking for...


PS. You lie - after mezz nr 1 you have to wait 25 seconds before you can use whirwind without filling his resolve, and white resolve protects from stun if you break talented WW with damage. I tested that, I know how it works and I know you just made up this story. Go troll somewhere else.


PS2. To make your story even remotely possbile you should have used some other class than assasin as example-only sin spec that has any roots is madness, and they have 2 sec root on a long CD, you cant chain-root anyone with that.


i dont recall saying split them up. don't put words in my mouth... they should all count on the same timer. so please, stop spitting things out. an 8 sec mezz followed by a 2 sec stun is not that bad. or a 4 sec stun and 4 sec mezz is not much either. either way it can equal itself out to whichever suits your situation best. sometime you need a long mezz. sometimes you need a long stun, but having both at max time is definitely stupid. and you shouldnt be able to use 3 different stuns and roots and mezz on a guy back to back no problems



and yes, it did happen, more than once. its an effective way of keeping people at bay when killing another.



thanks for saying i lied? about what. the guy gets stunned from far away in mind trap. 8 seconds while force speeding back to the node to fight? then while he is coming back he gets a long mezz, and his resolve will drop very fast once hes out of it. and is able to be rooted for 2 secs, can run for 3, root for 2, run for 3. its still a root lock because you are only moving 6-8 yards at a time in between roots that you can protect against at all. not like hes making it to the node any time soon. being inturrupt locked doesnt mean you are unable to cast at any point in time, just means when you try, you get inturrupted.



sorry i didn't give you a play by play, but go troll someone elsewhere, lots of people see things like this all the time.

Edited by Kracin
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To my knowledge the most CC one class have is 2. Also you have a CC breaker ability. Therefore you shouldn't be stuck in CC for that long.


one break every 2 mins does not compensate correctly for it taking 5-7 stuns to fill it, they messed with ratings on it, alot of stuns generate less resolve now, not to mention all roots taken off resolve. its a really ****** system, if bw intends to leave it as is, they better reduce durations on pvp or add diminishing returns along with it.

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But the thing is they are different that's why it is split up. Roots do not affect resolve but mezz and stuns do. With a DR system they wouldn't put them all sharing the same DR. Also Force Stasis & Force Choke is not a root because you lose control of your character during it.
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Should just add a hard damage cap on stuns. Set it to 50% of the target's health at the moment the stun is applied and everything else will sort itself out. Then no one could be stunlocked to death under any circumstances and the resolve system would work without being entirely dependent on the PvP cooldown to have value.
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Now Kracin in your DR system, if I use my CC breaker on your stun will I get DR on the mezz? You guys really don't know what you are asking for, Kaarsa is right. Fights between range and melee are balanced with the CC and resolve in mind. Upsetting the balance by making CC less predominant will only make melee OP. I've seen plenty of Juggs making use of resolve to score in hutt-ball to know the system works. Yes, sometimes a smart OPs or scoundrel will mezz you for a long time if you have your cc breaker on CD but that's prolly their only use besides burning centurion wanderers in seconds :p.

In your fight example , well you acted first got the upper hand and killed those guys, well done. About rooting the second guy every 5 seconds, meh.... You two could have killed him anyways so I don't understand why you feel that's a good argument in the resolve discussion.


P.S. I've checked Force Charge adds a root 2 second root, so....

Edited by LenrocNewDawn
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i dont recall saying split them up. don't put words in my mouth... they should all count on the same timer. so please, stop spitting things out. an 8 sec mezz followed by a 2 sec stun is not that bad. or a 4 sec stun and 4 sec mezz is not much either. either way it can equal itself out to whichever suits your situation best. sometime you need a long mezz. sometimes you need a long stun, but having both at max time is definitely stupid. and you shouldnt be able to use 3 different stuns and roots and mezz on a guy back to back no problems



and yes, it did happen, more than once. its an effective way of keeping people at bay when killing another.



thanks for saying i lied? about what. the guy gets stunned from far away in mind trap. 8 seconds while force speeding back to the node to fight? then while he is coming back he gets a long mezz, and his resolve will drop very fast once hes out of it. and is able to be rooted for 2 secs, can run for 3, root for 2, run for 3. its still a root lock because you are only moving 6-8 yards at a time in between roots that you can protect against at all. not like hes making it to the node any time soon. being inturrupt locked doesnt mean you are unable to cast at any point in time, just means when you try, you get inturrupted.



sorry i didn't give you a play by play, but go troll someone elsewhere, lots of people see things like this all the time.


Yea, like the guy above, who never seen white resolve for more than 8-10 sec when it is impossible to white bar to last less than 12...


There will be NEVER DR system that treats all the CCs against the sime timer - they tried it already in this other big MMO - this leads to just trowing away all CCs.


About your made up story - resolve (before turining white) starts to drop after CC ends, so lenght of your mezz is irrelevant. Where you mezzed him, under turret on the other side so he run for 25 seconds for you to mez him again whithout giving him white resolve before second mez so he could actualy be stunned by this additional talent? I could believe in that if one of you was operative, but since you said 2 assasins....


And best part - 2 madness specced assasins in 1 party (ie. x/x/31 to get this root talent)? You really want anyone to believe that?;)

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The reason you are getting "stun locked" is that so many people read the PTS patch notes and rolled a Sentinel/Marauder, and their leap/charge ability roots you for up to 3 seconds. And roots ignore resolve.


Your CC breaker should NOT reset on death. We don't need to encourage suicide tactics.


I think the cooldown should be reduced to 1 min. The classes that can talent a shorter cooldown should be able to get it to 45 seconds. This should be tested for balance on the PTS.


I also think classes that have abilities to ignore CC have a HUGE advantage. Especially in combination with force speed and carrying the huttball. This should be revisited.


Give us the ability to pop defensive cooldowns while stunned. Guardians have a nice new ability to recover some health that can be activated while stunned and it made me realize how nice defensive CDs would be while stunned.


Otherwise, I have never seen an instance of the resolve bar actually bugging as some are claiming

Edited by LarryRow
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The reason you are getting "stun locked" is that so many people read the PTS patch notes and rolled a Sentinel/Marauder, and their leap/charge ability roots you for up to 3 seconds. And roots ignore resolve.



The reason why people scream about being stunlocked is that they rolled current FOTM sent/marauder and they are leaping alone into 1v4 situations because they think they are invicible (because they read on forum that marauders/sents are OP), then they get stunned, after that rooted (and ofc knowing difference between root and stun is way below their dignity), focus fired and then killed.


This really is not funny anymore - same "I was stunned for 20 seconds straight and my resolve last like 5 seconds" nonsence over and over again. No knowledge about resolve, minimal knowledge about game, classes and their abilities, only the same old trolling over and over....

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This really is not funny anymore - same "I was stunned for 20 seconds straight and my resolve last like 5 seconds" nonsence over and over again. No knowledge about resolve, minimal knowledge about game, classes and their abilities, only the same old trolling over and over....


Pretty much describes most of the terribly-informed posts that I read in this forum.


That's why it scares me that Bioware actually listens to this community when considering changes. I don't know jack about naturally-aspirated engines; as a result, Ford doesn't generally consult me when working on the next iteration of their Mustang.

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Pretty much describes most of the terribly-informed posts that I read in this forum.


That's why it scares me that Bioware actually listens to this community when considering changes. I don't know jack about naturally-aspirated engines; as a result, Ford doesn't generally consult me when working on the next iteration of their Mustang.


does not matter if the THEORY is x or y. All that matters is the reality. Resolve bar takes 20 seconds to goes down? In one vs one maybe, in group fights humnnn...


I just cant believe that you dont see how the CC/resolve are crazy right now special with this insane TTK. Pay attention, Im not saying that is not working as design. Theres even a video on first page where the guy get CC until dies. Serious, watch the video. Thats how the game should be? Do you think thats fun? Does not matter which class is: NO ONE should be CC lock.


I have full BM dps gear and one Warhero piece. I have more then 1100 exp, 16k health and that happens to me as Jugg/Rage. Well, to be really fair, I dont die, but I got down to 10% or less. How long do you think takes to me get dead after that? and Im talking about solo....now imagine that in group...pretty much stun and dead in seconds.


So my point is: if CC/Resolve is working as should be, CONGRATULATIONS BW. but that does not mean that mechanism is good.

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does not matter if the THEORY is x or y. All that matters is the reality. Resolve bar takes 20 seconds to goes down? In one vs one maybe, in group fights humnnn...


I just cant believe that you dont see how the CC/resolve are crazy right now special with this insane TTK. Pay attention, Im not saying that is not working as design. Theres even a video on first page where the guy get CC until dies. Serious, watch the video. Thats how the game should be? Do you think thats fun? Does not matter which class is: NO ONE should be CC lock.


I have full BM dps gear and one Warhero piece. I have more then 1100 exp, 16k health and that happens to me as Jugg/Rage. Well, to be really fair, I dont die, but I got down to 10% or less. How long do you think takes to me get dead after that? and Im talking about solo....now imagine that in group...pretty much stun and dead in seconds.


So my point is: if CC/Resolve is working as should be, CONGRATULATIONS BW. but that does not mean that mechanism is good.


What you do not understand is resolve, CC, damage and basicaly everything in SW TOR is not balanced around 1v1. It is even not balanced around your average PUG (ie. bunch of solo players without any cooperation). It is balanced around party where tanks switch guards to focused targets and taunt enemies, where healers cleanse roots/slows/mezzes, where dps remember they have cleanse too and when they should use it etc.


Guy was jumped by scoundrel from stealth and killed in 6 seconds (this is how long scoundrels stunlock last now). Did you check gear disparity between them? Isnt this jugg in centrurion mostly and scoundrel in full BM? Especially if video is made post 1.2 patch? What exactly do you expect in such situation, win? This jugg would die regardless of stunlock - if somebody kills you in 4 GCD then you have no chance whatsoever.


If you have 16k hp, heavy armor and 1100 expertise, no class in game can single handly take you down to 10% in 4-5 GCD (especially if 2 of those GCD are CCs). No way. Of course, it is sometimes hard to notice gunslinger/commando pounding on you from distance...

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What you do not understand is resolve, CC, damage and basicaly everything in SW TOR is not balanced around 1v1. It is even not balanced around your average PUG (ie. bunch of solo players without any cooperation). It is balanced around party where tanks switch guards to focused targets and taunt enemies, where healers cleanse roots/slows/mezzes, where dps remember they have cleanse too and when they should use it etc.


Group situation is even worse like I said because the resolve bar does down more quickly. Less then 8 seconds for sure and you are already CC chain again. I dont know which class you play, but try carry the ball a little as a Jugg and you will see how resolve bars is great. Sometimes you can even walk 10 feets to start get CC chain again. Thats why assassins with Force Run is great for this.


and I have a question for people here: how many times since 1.2 you revive and see your resolve bar going down at rez point? I see that CRAP ALOT now. Im pretty sure that people see that too. WIth this insane TTK your resolve bars get full when you about to die, so useless.


If you have 16k hp, heavy armor and 1100 expertise, no class in game can single handly take you down to 10% in 4-5 GCD (especially if 2 of those GCD are CCs). No way. Of course, it is sometimes hard to notice gunslinger/commando pounding on you from distance...


Dude, yesterday I bought my Chest Warhero. WIth full BM DPS Vindicator gear, even with the offhand BM dps gear, and the Warhero Vindicator Chest I have 158xx hp. If I equip my BM shield goes to 161xx. How many dps classes have more HP then that? anyway, looks like I will have to fraps few fights to prove that...


still, try understand my point. Im not complaining about 1 vs 1. My big problem here is charge to a GROUP fight use 2 or 3 skills and get CC lock and die in seconds. After the revive you see that stupid resolve bar going down at rez point. YAY, thanks alot to protect me now resolve bar.

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Group situation is even worse like I said because the resolve bar does down more quickly. Less then 8 seconds for sure and you are already CC chain again.


And reading any further is just not necessary. Do your fraps and then check with stopwatch how long last white resolve. I know that it cannot last less than 12 seconds (and it will only last so short in 1 situation - when you are hit by 600points CC, like force choke, and then by 400points CC, like force push), you will learn it by your own if you dont believe me.


PS. If you would be so nice and watch that video of pwned jugg - you wil notice that his resolve turned white at 8sec and when video ends at 17sec it is still more than 3/4 of the visible bar.

Edited by Kaarsa
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And reading any further is just not necessary. Do your fraps and then check with stopwatch how long last white resolve. I know that it cannot last less than 12 seconds (and it will only last so short in 1 situation - when you are hit by 600points CC, like force choke, and then by 400points CC, like force push), you will learn it by your own if you dont believe me.


PS. If you would be so nice and watch that video of pwned jugg - you wil notice that his resolve turned white at 8sec and when video ends at 17sec it is still more than 3/4 of the visible bar.


and even if you are right, lets suppose that takes 12 seconds to goes down. whats your point? the TTK and CC locks are not a issue for you in game right now? Everything is perfectly?

whats your class?

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and even if you are right, lets suppose that takes 12 seconds to goes down. whats your point? the TTK and CC locks are not a issue for you in game right now? Everything is perfectly?

whats your class?


The point is you exaggerate things - much like the rest of CC/Resolve whiners - to mask and hide your own ineptitude and then piss and puke at the system for your own shortcomings, despite the fact that the system is merely a set rule which everyone plays by to almost exact same degree, and some people have no problems whatsoever in adapting to how the game should be played no matter what the class.


The point is, people who are aware of the following facts:


(1) how every class has identical amount of CCs,

(2) how every class is given a 2min stun breaker

(3) how resolve works

(4) how enemies react upon given situation

(5) how to avoid walking straight into a glaring death trap and avoid becoming the focused target


...simply come up with a tactic/fighting style that allows them to perform reasonably well and exploit the strengths of the CC immunity given to you to every possible level, and therefore have no problems in dealing with CCs whether be it in 1vs1 fight or many vs many.


Kaarsa is too nice a person to blurt it out, so there you have it, there's the hard facts for you.


(ps) heck, I'm not even a good player myself, probably just about average or lower... and even I don't have any problems with CCs... It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out what to do and what not to do, after you experience in just which situations you become the focused target/cannon fodder. It merely takes a bit of memory cells to actively try not to do the same stupid thing again. Even rats and dogs remember the trial-and-error logic to not repeat mistakes.


Don't tell me you people have less intelligence than four-legged beings.

Edited by kweassa
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and even if you are right, lets suppose that takes 12 seconds to goes down. whats your point? the TTK and CC locks are not a issue for you in game right now? Everything is perfectly?

whats your class?


So, you dont see a differnece between 8sec and 12 sec (where 12 sec is minimum, when you get stunned and sstun fills your resolve bar you will usually have between 15 and 20 seconds of immunity)? So I may safely assume you dont see a difference between being taken down from 100% to 10% during 1 stun and being taken down from 80% to 30% during said stun by 2 players?


TTK (which is btw a proof that most people are sheeps, 1 guy use it at his blog and voila, it becames most often used term in pvp forum) has changed in 1.2 only in group situation. Why? Because healers had their half-god mode turned off, some of them cant adapt, some of them rage rerolled/quitted/respecced so you have less healing to ofset damage. Expertise changes increased amount of damage by 1,76% against same exp targets.


Of course when you had remodded BM gear, champ/cent gear or partially/fully pve gear you dropped like a fly. I think people slowly learn that recruit/BM/WH are BiS for pvp and wearing anything else is a suicide, but it will take so time...


What class I play? And how that matters? But here you are, in the order of starting characters I have marauder, assasin, vanguard and mercenary. All af them well known from stunlocking people to death...;)


Kaarsa is too nice a person to blurt it out, so there you have it, there's the hard facts for you.


Oh thank you, but I am not, seriously. I got 1 warning today from telling one troll what I think about him, I dont want to get second;)

Edited by Kaarsa
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The point is you exaggerate things - much like the rest of CC/Resolve whiners - to mask and hide your own ineptitude and then piss and puke at the system for your own shortcomings, despite the fact that the system is merely a set rule which everyone plays by, and some people have no problems whatsoever in adapting to how the game should be played no matter what the class.


Kaarsa is too nice a person to blurt it out, so there you have it, there's the hard facts for you.


right...the difference between 8 and 12 seconds is HUGE. I exaggerate things really bad here because 4 seconds should be enough to save my ***. Im sorry...


Yet, I respect your point of view. If you think everything is perfectly and all this posts talking about TTK, CC out of control, etc are a bunch of bad players its your opinion right?


Same way, i respect all the PAYING bad players (looks like that includes me) that are not having a good time with all this "ping-pong, stun fest" pvp style and think that things could be a little different.


Im pretty well adapted imho. Im always on the top 3 dps at the end of match and Im pretty sure that Im doing my job. Still, I really think this system needs a revamp to make things more fun and less ping-pong, stun, dead, resolve bar going down at rez point.

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PS. If you would be so nice and watch that video of pwned jugg - you wil notice that his resolve turned white at 8sec and when video ends at 17sec it is still more than 3/4 of the visible bar.


of course, he was dead. resolve bar does down quickly if you get hit for more CC. well, thats my feeling. am I wrong again?

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Im pretty well adapted imho. Im always on the top 3 dps at the end of match and Im pretty sure that Im doing my job. Still, I really think this system needs a revamp to make things more fun and less ping-pong, stun, dead, resolve bar going down at rez point.


Oh yes. Just this comment alone sort of tells me just what kind of skill level you are at.


Top 3 DPS... *snort* ...as if that actually means something..! :rolleyes:

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Oh yes. Just this comment alone sort of tells me just what kind of skill level you are at.


Top 3 DPS... *snort* ...as if that actually means something..! :rolleyes:


as a dps spec what I should do? heal? humnn


I can do high dps because Im always protecting or trying to cap a door or turret. People get close and bah, smash works fine. So yes, after make sure that I was helping my team get the objectives done, I like to check If Im doing a decend dps as a dps class.

Edited by Eommer
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of course, he was dead. resolve bar does down quickly if you get hit for more CC. well, thats my feeling. am I wrong again?


Yes, you are wrong. You are wrong in every single sentence you post about resolve (slight exaggeration, it is possible you were right once or twice). Seriously, I have done serious testing of resolve and I know what I am talking about, your own video example proves you wrong.

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