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Does Operative get better in the late teens?


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I started playing TOR knowing that i wanted a SI as my main and a BH as my alt.

I leveled my SI:Sorc up to level 20 before starting on my BH.... i have to say i was tired of being a FOTM class after SI so i deleted my BH at lvl10 and went IA.


I have just got to lvl13 as a operative, my problem is with rotations and survivability.

I try to stay in melee, but the CD's on my melee skills means i have to stay at distance for many fights and there is a severe lack of CC options when fighting multiple mobs solo.

On my SI i can easily solo all content in my level range, but the operative just seems so weak.


I realy do enjoy the feel of the class however and want to keep playing, i guess im just looking for some reasurance that things do get better, that more melee skills become available and more CC.


Any insight would be greatly appreciated :)

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Operative has an absurd amount of CC it sounds as though you arent managing your tools correctly if you feel you do not have enough.


At level 13? Or are you talking at later levels?


Im merely asking if the operative gets more melee skills and CC's at later levels..

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You have flashbang, slice driod and debilitate. How many CC do you realistically need?


Slice Droid may not come until a few levels later, I forget. It's before 20 though. Also later on in addition to all that, you get the sleep darts fororganic targets, but it has to be used out-of-combat from stealth.


but yeah Operatives have a TON of CC options both long term variety (60 second duration) and short (4 second)

Edited by marshalleck
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Slice Droid may not come until a few levels later, I forget. It's before 20 though. Also later on in addition to all that, you get the sleep darts fororganic targets, but it has to be used out-of-combat from stealth.


but yeah Operatives have a TON of CC options both long term variety (60 second duration) and short (4 second)


Its level 12 dude.. he has it already.

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I've done a lot more without a companion on my Operative than I ever did with my Assassin.


Here is a fine rotation, Open with backstab -> shiv -> booster stim -> overload shot x2 -> shiv. Use grenades to knock basic/weak enemies down and open them up for another backstab. Have booster stim up all the time. Use flashbang on groups of baddies if things get out of control. If needed use debilitate/flashbang and use a kolto injection or two on yourself. Use debilitate if you want to get behind a Strong enemy for a backstab if your companion is off on a mission. Don't be afraid to use blaster shot when closing distance., its free.


Carry a couple medpacks and don't be afraid to use cunning/endurance stims!

Edited by Mavella
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Im not saying i cant kill anything lol

Its just that the class doesnt have the rogue feel so far. On my SI i feel realy powerfull, maybe i spoiled myself by playing a caster class first before the IA.


Every MMO i have played a melee class as a main, in TOR i decided to go caster main as they can "usualy" solo most content for extra gold. I was going to roll BH as my PvP toon but every class on the starter planet was BH... there where literaly no IA's so i rolled one instead.


I always do well in PvP, even on sub par melee classes. I just wanted to know if / what extra melee - CC skills i had to look forward to as i leveled up.

I havent watched any IA PvP clips, i spent all my time looking at BH clips, so i was just asking for a bit of input from the seasoned IA players. Im not the kind of person who number crunches to find the best spec... im much more hands on. I usualy get a spec from the forums and then tweek it to my personal playstyle.


As far as the IA goes, i havent seen any specs on these boards. So i was reaching out and asking if we become more viable as we level.

Regardless of the answer i will most likely persevere with the IA because i have come to realy enjoy it... some light at the end of the tunnel is all im asking for :D

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The class is great. As others have put so eloquently. I just think you have the wrong outlook/expectations for an operative. This is not some other MMO rogue clone class. It has an interesting mix of abilities that when you learn to use them properly you can get some amazing results. It only gets better as levels increase. Try and get into the right mindset for the operative and it will reward you greatly.
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To help with the roguey feel, wait til you get to lvl 20 if you spend all your points in concealment. Get laceration. Otherwise, I agree with everyone else. You're jumping into Operative with a predetermined and shaped expectation, instead of trying to learn the class for what it is. As you said, you haven't watched any IA vids, but still expect/wish it to play as a certain style of rogue from other games.


I'm glad you like IA and Operative and I hope it is/becomes your main, but please remember, he's not a damn friggin Rogue. He's an Imperial Intelligence Officer. He's got powerful melee. He's got some ranged. He can heal. He will also stealth. In those respects, he is unlike any other class.


Play him well.

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