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How come Annilhation Marauders...


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12 sec CD charge with a root effect and a snare that's just as good and easier to apply than most ranged snares?

And then there would be the fact that any meaningful damage, other than some midium to high cooldown skills, can only be dealt while standing still.


Kiting is not part of this game.

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90% of ranged in this game still has no clue how to kite. I can't tell you how many ranged classes I come up against that thinks kiting is just trying to run away, or try to just stand and turret me while I melt their face. When I do come up against anyone with half a brain the difficulty ramps up. It's just an epidemic of bad tangent crying over the handful of mara's out there that know what they're doing. I still see plenty of mara's in wz's doing garbage damage. It all comes down to who's behind the keyboard, maybe some of you should go watch some wow hunter vids on YouTube to get some kiting pointers.


I play a Mara and also an Arsenal Mercenary, maybe you should check the Kite Tools of a Mercenary, they do not exist.


As an Arsenal Mercenary you have:


Jet Boost - Knock back with slow every 20 seconds

Unload (3 second cast )- Damage Ability with slow every 15 seconds (reduced CD when it procs)

Electro Dart - 4 second stun every 60 seconds


So tell me how this ranged Class should kite?


You Force Charge, he knocks you away, you Force Camouflage to him and his only Ability left is a 4 second stun.

Every time he is using now his knock back you Force Charge back.


Without a root and an instant Slow Ability the only thing the Arsenal Mercenary can do is tanking your Damage, Fake Cast and try to out DPS you.





Every Range Class in WOW had different ability`s like roots, a slow on the Main Nuke or different instant Casts that provide a slow.

Edited by Hibbsen
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Pre 1.2 this would be true, but with our quality of life changes in 1.2 (obfuscate out of GCD/free interupt/free AoE Stun/ravage buff) marauder can defeat operatives even if they open on you on stealth. The ONLY way an operative can defeat a marauder is when they take 50% of your hp on their opener (knockdown + backstab crit combo = 8k damage). So when they open up on you, immediately pop a defensive CD and you'll win the 1v1 for sure. Also keep your dots and BOTH slows on them (seeping wound + crippling slash) and they can't cleanse your dots al the time.


Pre 1.2, Assassins/Operatives/Powertechs/Marauders were the best 1v1 classes, they all had equal chances to win a 1v1.

But in 1.2, marauders defeats them all without even using all their CD's.


Clearly you verse bad players. I'm a War Hero mara, and up against most War Hero classes I am forced to use every def CD to stay up.

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In Hutt Ball, at the very least, a decent Mercenary can knock me off long enough for me to be unable to get back up (the stupid server lag issues is actually a big factor). I usually find myself in positions where I should be against a wall, and still get knocked in some random direction off of the catwalk.


Bugs used to break the Marauder. Now they keep them in check.


I main a Marauder, and I never said they were UP since I hit level 50. The problem is, they ONLY shine once they are level 47 and above. Snipers, for example, can destroy just as well (if not better) pre-49 than they can post-50. Is Sniper OP? Hell no. Is Marauder OP? Probably, but only post-50 with good gear. The problem is that the new Expertise system gave Marauders/Sentinels a big edge in damage. Not sure if anyone realized, but they MELT just as hard as other classes now. This is especially true now that they're considered "FOTM" (I don't believe it). Either way, they get focused easily and are generally the first targets, therefore the first to go down.

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Ravage has nothing to do with it. The 10% buff to our closer though is huge.


Much of the reason people see Mara's as Op now is because there is more burst and more melee right now. Pre 1.2 it was all Sorc's and Merc and a few melee mixed in. Now there are more sins, Juggs, and Mara's so the ranged can't burn us down.


Play a game with 6 geared ranged on the other side and you'll see real quick how OP we aren't.


oh how useless I feel in a huttball game against all ranged. run up to someone, knocked back, rooted, then charge only to get stunned and they run away.. very frustrating when everyone I hit just runs away and the other ranged just spam dps on me.

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As arrogant as this is going to sound, I believe the majority of ranged classes in this game have No idea how to utitlize their skills for proper kiting. Nor do they time Anything correctly. Nor do they utitlize strafing. Warriors in WoW had a low CD charge, much like Mara's do, and yet were one of the most kiteable classes in that game. The skill level of most people in SWTOR is low, and thus more pvp takes place on the forums with people claiming "Mara's cant be kited" instead of doing the PvP itself and becoming better. I absolutely despise the L2P insult, but at this point, with record breaking whining daily on the PvP forums, there is no other explanation.


This is 100% correct, pre 1.2 everyone was a Merc and got carried by tracer missile. Now everyone wants to be the FoTM Marauder but they don't know how to play our class, you want to beat a Marauder 100% of the time in any spec, have two knockbacks, that give you easily every chance you need given your skill level to kill us. We can't do anything if we are slowed or CC'd beyond two times. If you have't figured that out yet you are just keyboard mashing.

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As arrogant as this is going to sound, I believe the majority of ranged classes in this game have No idea how to utitlize their skills for proper kiting. Nor do they time Anything correctly. Nor do they utitlize strafing. Warriors in WoW had a low CD charge, much like Mara's do, and yet were one of the most kiteable classes in that game. The skill level of most people in SWTOR is low, and thus more pvp takes place on the forums with people claiming "Mara's cant be kited" instead of doing the PvP itself and becoming better. I absolutely despise the L2P insult, but at this point, with record breaking whining daily on the PvP forums, there is no other explanation.


This x100, however I'd like to add that the bolded/colored text in this quote is also applied to the vast majority of melee, but in the case of melee, they do not use proper defensive cooldowns, they blow charge when it isn't needed (should save it for when you do get knocked back), and many just generally mash keys. It is rare for me to see a game that I don't do at least 400k damage. Even when my team and myself are getting owned, I can pull that. Yet I see fully BM geared marauders pulling sub 300k every game. The skill level gap between the top players and the bottom feeders is astoundingly wide. I feel like many ranged classes get used to facerolling most melee becuase 99% of them are clueless, so when they finally go up against one of the 3-4 good melee on their server, they get annihilated (lolpun) and wonder why. Adapt, ask yourself what you could do better.

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Ravage hurts, but if people are complaining about anni ravage's ... really now? No AC tree for tanking, healing, 3 choices for "dps" and now the kicker, standing next to a pure dps Aclass and letting it channel for 3secs...


It hurts.. no s.h.it?!


Also, water is wet, fire burns stuff, more at 11.

Edited by SinnedQWERTY
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Ravage hurts, but if people are complaining about anni ravage's ... really now? No AC tree for tanking, healing, 3 choices for "dps" and now the kicker, standing next to a pure dps Aclass and letting it channel for 3secs...


It hurts.. no s.h.it?!


Also, water is wet, fire burns stuff, more at 11.


Yeah I don't know how anyone can really complain about ravage, of any spec.


I think people who don't play mara/jugg don't realise that ravage has a cooldown of 30 secs (27secs if specced) -which means it is not available even once in some fights.


Ravage is NOT what killed them most times.

Edited by aRtFuL
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Annihilation has always been good. People just always have to cry about some class being OP, and I guess they picked marauders because of the ravage buff and the buffs to the other trees. Its honestly not that hard to get out of ravage, and its a 30 second cooldown.


People will always find something to complain about.

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This person is a genius. Ravage was near worthless pre 1.2, it needed some help. Pre 1.2 our finisher was 10% lower than other classes, it was buffed because of balancing. Will a good Mara/ Sent wreck? Absolutely, but it is because of the person behind the keyboard, a bad player will get absolutely rolled trying to play this AC.



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This post deserves a sticky.



to those who whine about marauders are OP from WZ experience. plz del your main and roll mara,

There are many times I got kill instantly by a operative/scoundrel or for some reason I can never get them into melee range, can I QQ that they are OP?..

Instead of whining like a 8 year old brat, learn about your own class 1st, Learn how to blind your keys to freaking keyboard instead of face-roll ion the number keys and buy a naga/Swtor mouse.


If you can't afford one then I highly recommend GET A JOB AND BUY ONE!.(honesty anyone who report this phases is a moron. Loser may find this Disrespectful but to me is a live coaching phases)


8 years ago in WOW comments something like this, woke me up and got me a job/career just after I have served the army while I'm still living with my parents and also taught me how to think and turn things into my favor(Guess who taught that????? The same ppl who uses phases like this...duh~!:eek:).


There is a thing in your skull is called a "brain" use it. And rewards only can be obtain by effort, not whining and crying.(honesty anyone who report this phases is a moron too.)

Edited by EugeneYap
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This x100, however I'd like to add that the bolded/colored text in this quote is also applied to the vast majority of melee, but in the case of melee, they do not use proper defensive cooldowns, they blow charge when it isn't needed (should save it for when you do get knocked back), and many just generally mash keys. It is rare for me to see a game that I don't do at least 400k damage. Even when my team and myself are getting owned, I can pull that. Yet I see fully BM geared marauders pulling sub 300k every game. The skill level gap between the top players and the bottom feeders is astoundingly wide. I feel like many ranged classes get used to facerolling most melee becuase 99% of them are clueless, so when they finally go up against one of the 3-4 good melee on their server, they get annihilated (lolpun) and wonder why. Adapt, ask yourself what you could do better.



QFT. 90% of sents/maras have no clue how to maximize. The gap between decent and amazing is enormous.

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As arrogant as this is going to sound, I believe the majority of ranged classes in this game have No idea how to utitlize their skills for proper kiting. Nor do they time Anything correctly. Nor do they utitlize strafing. Warriors in WoW had a low CD charge, much like Mara's do, and yet were one of the most kiteable classes in that game. The skill level of most people in SWTOR is low, and thus more pvp takes place on the forums with people claiming "Mara's cant be kited" instead of doing the PvP itself and becoming better. I absolutely despise the L2P insult, but at this point, with record breaking whining daily on the PvP forums, there is no other explanation.


You sir , are absolutely right; skill lvl on this game is low as hell ; as a former AoC and lately DCUO player can say that this game has the lowest skill determined combat i´ve ever played. My AoC m8s and me are wrecking in this game.

Just take a look at the cone of ranged classes in this game you´ll laugh. And then they come here complain cause their bad.

to be just, i´ve meet really good ranged players in this game, but they are like 5 peeps or so. Melee players arent so much better either in this game im amazed how many times i´ve solo killed with less than 30% HP left, melees that should try circle strafing and getting out of my range for a change.

Dam, that was almost a rant; well , a rant directed to badies complaining bout good ones.

Cheers to the good ones :D!

badies= keep diying and "practicing on the forums"

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