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So when are we geating our Commandos back?


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Because this nerf was obviously a mistake or April fools.

No one can nerf a class this badly and say "we tested it well enough" like GZ said.

So the revert wasn't in 7.2c,


I am hoping to see it in the next patch, because only a complete and brainless bunch of monkeys would destroy a class like this and just pretend it's all good.

News flash - it is NOT good. I don't know what you do there at Bioware, but it's clearly nothing you should be getting paid for. Rubber band fights? Gaming sessions?


How about you fix what you've broken?

Edited by Yakito
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I just assume bioware only cares about the glow sticks and would rather screw over a class that should be ****** (the trooper) in favor of their pretty little sith.


It almost seems to me like mauraders are broken in pvp now... but that could be my survivability shot to hell.

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Well, first off Bioware needs to stop lying to us. Telling the community that certain mechanics are working as intended, only to change their minds a couple weeks later and roll out untested patches..


Getting sick of this...


Marauders are literally taking out people when outnumbered 2:1 and walking away with 15% or more health.


Sages and Sorcerers are just as effective now as they were pre patch, can equal our dmg output while having invaluable tools for both PVP and PVE situations.


I was cool with not having a lot of utility, because we made up for it in burst dmg ability, now... meh...


Yeah... We need to do less dmg..


Seriously BioWare, start firing your pvp people and hiring competent employees who actually have a clue.

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Lately it seems to me like their goal is not to make the game more enjoyable, but more infuriating. I don't get it.

Game is supposed to be fun, right?

I mean... is it so hard to understand that destroying our class is not fun? Did they even play it after 1.2? I don't understand it.

Who is in charge of all this?! Who on earth calls the shots here? Please... that person should not have any kind of power over this game or over anything ever ever ever.

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Marauders are literally taking out people when outnumbered 2:1 and walking away with 15% or more health.


Sages and Sorcerers are just as effective now as they were pre patch, can equal our dmg output while having invaluable tools for both PVP and PVE situations.


Yeah... We need to do less dmg..


This is not the case with Gunnery Commandos. You have an entire arsenal at your disposal. Before we get into tactics -


- Are you even geared properly (with recruit gear so cheap – there is no excuse to be in a WZ with less than 1000 expertise)

- Are you loaded up on reusable adrenals (+ Crit & + Surge) / stimpacks (+Aim / Power) & medpacks?

- Which relics are you loading? (+ Crit & + Def)

- what is the WZ map objective that you are fighting a Marauder solo or facing a Sorc/Jugg team? Are defending or assaulting said point?

- what is the map terrain? are there changes in elevation to utilize with your KBs? are their potential LoS points?


You have to have a plan for any situation; not just mash every tool at your disposal as it’s available because it won’t be there when you need it most. Success is often reliant on having your supplementary skills available. To be honest, I don't care about overall DPS when it comes to winning or losing the WZ. knocking someone in the pitt in huttball has the same effect as killing them as it takes them out of the fight for 15 seconds. you get smoked at a node and run away to try and heal up - go run ; I still own the node and we are continuing scoring while you remove yourself from the engagement.


But if you want to get into tactics when you need to win those engagements = say you are defending a side alderaan node solo and are facing a Sorc/Jugg team, they are not dangerous, but difficult to actually kill. The key to this is to lock down the Jugg; their contribution to the fight is their guard & interrupt so remove it.


- Objective one = get the jugg out of guard range then locks him down.

  • Have your shield, Adrenaline Rush, Tenacity, medpack ready to pop as needed
  • Target up Sorc first as they start to close and hit your first round of FA/GR3– odds are either FA/GR will be interrupted – just continue with the rotation. Get your grav stacks up then make sure you are between both of them after the Jugg has closed.
  • Pop the concussion charge and then cryo the Jugg.

Objective two – get the Jugg to burn his escape with a sudden sense of urgency.

  • Pop the + crit relic – but not the adrenal yet;
  • refresh with a quick GR then blow through SG / DR / HIB / SS – and hope the Jugg burns his escape after the burst
  • When he does>>
  • Immediately pop Tech Override > Concussive rd
  • If you are below 6 cells at this point – use reserve powercell on this step as well

Objective three – drop the Sorc

  • If he hasn’t tried to CC you buy now, expect it at this point and pop tenacity, shield, recharge cells and the + crit adrenal
  • burn through your full rotation FA / GR / HIB / SG / DR / FA / SS


It’s your best shot and you will end up using nearly 20 different skills / items without using the high cost / great on the damage table AoEs. Is that the case in every engagement you have?

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Thank you for this long winded and humorous post.


Reverse this situation around now please and listen and learn:


Marauder vs 3x Commando


Option 1: Dot all 3 targets, kill as needed without any urgency.


See what's happening here? Are you really this simple?

Edited by Fight
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Thank you for this long winded and humorous post.


Reverse this situation around now please and listen and learn:


Marauder vs 3x Commando


Option 1: Dot all 3 targets, kill as needed without any urgency.


See what's happening here? Are you really this simple?


You have never played a sent/mara have you?


You can't just "dot 3 targets...?...Win" our dots have cooldowns so you can only have one person with Dots on them.

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how are you evening letting that happen to you?


are you pugging WZs?


Dude i dunno what you're talking about, all I can say is that after 1.2 I can kill mercs in 5 secs with my sentinel. Pre 1.2 it took me like 6 secs. Problem is, bioware said they wanted to change the way you play gunnery, but they really didn't. They only nerfed the damage output big time, making the gunnery tree kinda worthless in pvp. I'd play assault specialist if they made a couple of changes to it, atm it's only good for vanguards but terrible for commandos.

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Since I have two level 50s, one is my Commando and the other is a Sentinel, which is my alt, therefore it's barely geared. I bought a few blue pvp pieces for my Sentinel, so I have around 350 Expertise. My commando is full champion gear (never bothered with BM grind since PVP makes me angry) and I have 10 times more fun on my Sentinel than on my Commando after the nerf. Commando is pretty much unplayable to me. And I used to be a pain in the *** for the untrained Imps. Premades would still own me.


My barely geared Sentinel owns pretty much 6 out of 8 people 1 vs 1 during a WZ (if it's a random). It has so many tools to reduce damage taken, go to stealth, break CC, apply CC, increase damage reduction or damage done to the whole "raid". Stun, close gaps... you name it!

And what do I do on my Commando now? I pillar hug while trying to be unnoticed by other players and throw a heal here and there. And the amount of healingI do is pathetic, in my opinion. I heal constantly, whenever I can, then I get focused by 1 or 2 Marauders and I die. Rinse and repeat. It's sad and it is by all means not fun.


So to me it's kinda obvious. Bioware is playing dirty here making us all reroll to the current FoTM and when we do they'll nerf them too, so we reroll to something else again. It's pathetic, sad, disgusting and frankly I will not fall for it. I have my two chars and there's no way in hell I am going to spend 5 seconds on rerolling so I can enjoy PVP or PVE again.



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I had a level 50 Marauder R.I.P Gheed....And before 1.2 I rarely lost 2v1. When I have a pocket healer I rock 4v2 or better.Peeling for my healer was ez due to all my slows and such. and it was a Merc.Now I have a commando and being only level 29 I dont have any of his utility I get TORE THE HELL UP by the melee.If it doesn't change at 50 I wont quit..I stopped using my Marauder due to it becoming FOTM (Lol dumb to delete but If i didnt i wouldnt have been able to get my commando past 20,I'm terrible with alts.)



Eithe way its just what you enjoy ignore the nerfs because everyone will get their day.

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knockback + cryo = full resolve hell pop stun break on that, charge you which will interupt your cast, start smashin at you while you wait for resolve bar to go down.


you cant hit back becouse hes now interupting everything you start casting


you finally are able to use concussion round, if your not dead by now you dont have more then 20% and will swiftly be fisnied of by one of his friends, the marauder will still be around 70% health


if you would magicly start getting him down? BAM stealth , run away and regen


there is rediculously little a commando gunnery can do against melee, while they can do SO much against you with so many gapclosers, interupts, dots and damage on the move


the only thing that is even worse is trying to fight a tank assassin in dps gear, they just mitigate evrything with force shroud, and you wont be able to ge tthem to 80% and they still dish out more damage then you do.. cc? no they have "next cc will miss" which will still build resolve.



Melee have SO many ways to fight us and lock us down, we need an equal amount of skills to counter melee. But we have absolutly none.


Were a ranged class and arent in the middle of the fight and shouldnt survive? ********, why do melee have so many gapclosers and skills to make us unable to run away then?

Edited by SeloDaoC
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there is rediculously little a commando gunnery can do against melee, while they can do SO much against you with so many gapclosers, interupts, dots and damage on the move


That's ok, we have superior damage or mobility or utility or resistance or look cool in our armor.


Yes, definitely one of those.

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Well as a gunny I can say that I still rock the dailies....of course I no longer PVP or OPS



Wasn't the stated goal of the nerfs...and yes in MMOs nerfs happen...to change our game play from spamming grav round? Maybe I am doing something wrong, but other than curtain of fire occurring more often my rotation has not changed...it just does less damage and I am easier to kill.

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Meh. I am not going to wait and hope for a buff after we got destroyed. Healing is not fun, at all. DPSing is by all means not as good as Sentinels and some other classes, I am not going for FoTM, I just want my Commando to be nice and a good chance of winning.


But it doesn't matter any longer. I uninstalled the game and I am never coming back.


I wish you all the best and I hope that you have more patience and that you can put up with developers idiocy, because I cannot.

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Well as a gunny I can say that I still rock the dailies....of course I no longer PVP or OPS



Wasn't the stated goal of the nerfs...and yes in MMOs nerfs happen...to change our game play from spamming grav round? Maybe I am doing something wrong, but other than curtain of fire occurring more often my rotation has not changed...it just does less damage and I am easier to kill.


I can keep the damage i have now. The problem is the "oh that marauder/powertech/assassin is looking at me" and then beeing dead 5 seconds later without you beeing able to do anything at all.

The Ranged vs Melee is rediculous

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