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1.2.0c Demolition Round Stealth nerv?


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Hey fellow Commandos,


Today i played a few warzones noticing the damage of my Demolition Round is significant lower than the day before.

So I used my Training Dummy to create a post 1.2.0c Patch Combatlog.

Parsed the new log and a pre 1.2.0c log (both were fights angainst my Trainings Dummy)


Pre 1.2.0c

Avrg. Dmg Min. Damage Max. Damage

Demolition Round 2467.5 2445 2490


Post 1.2.0c

Avrg. Dmg Min. Damage Max. Damage

Demolition Round 1996.5 1943 2050



So the damage done by Demolition Round seems to be toned down by round about 25%

So I went looking for the Patchnotes and the only thing about Commandos in 1.2.0c are:




Demolition Round: This ability will now only gain extra damage from your additional stacks of Gravity Vortex and will not incorrectly detect debuffs from other players."


So in my Opinion there a two (three) Options:

- Bioware screwed up fixing this bug and reduced somehow the damage of Demolition Round

- Bioware listened (again) to some whiners in the PvP forums, but didnot think it would be important enough for the patch notes

(- My Data is wrong, would be nice if some of you could check some of their old logs too and compare to new ones)

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I REALLY hope your data is wrong. For Gods sake, Commando's weren't even top DPS as it was. These continual nerfs to everything from our DPS to our survivability are REALLY starting to take their toll.
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I've noticed the same with BH Heatseeker Missile today. I think they have made it ignore ALL Heat/Grav debuffs and not just other players. Do they have a QA dept. ?


That was my first thought too. But I tested this and Demolition Round without Grav debuff did less damage than with the debuffs.

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Yeah, its definitely getting a bonus from vortex still...


Which means that 1.2 hit us MUCH harder than we'd realised, and we were being artificially propped up by this 'bug'.


I'm noticing this just soloing dailies, so I shouldn't be seeing any changes if they just fixed said bug.

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I'm noticing this just soloing dailies, so I shouldn't be seeing any changes if they just fixed said bug.


Ah, I've only been doing WZs - if damage is definitely down without other debuffs in play, that has to be a bug.


I hope.

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This is beyond stupid. My max Demo Round is hitting for 1200 less on an 8 minute+ parse. Compared to an 8+ minute parse from pre patch. No other debuffs on the target, How does that work?


Wow, beyond horrible.


File a bug report and please add your parses as evidence. Hopefully they fix it asap.

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I will do. Ive linked the URLs in quite a few threads, so Ive lost track but here they are if I havnt added them to this one:






First one being Pre patch gives the following results:


Min - 2565

Max - 5925

Avg - 3743


Second log is post patch with the following results:


Min - 2018

Max - 4714

Avg - 3234


If I were to guess it would seem like our own debuff, grav vortices is not effecting Demo Round. However, that hasnt been tested here.

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Took a midday nap, had a nightmare that this isn't a bug, but they took away the gravity vortex buff to demo round. Any chance this was not a dream, this is not a bug, and it's working as planned? I know I'm getting number 1 or 2 DPS in most every warzone in full Champion gear, any chance they're metrics are showing Commandos as OPd? Tell me everything's OK and I can go back to sleep!!!
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seeing the same, its like the 25% bonus got broken completely for SELF applied grav/tracer.


5 mins of QA on test server would have picked this up... comon bioware, is the test server just there because other MMO's have one? or are you actually gonna test some of these patches before pushing to live :mad::mad::mad:

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Same problem with my commando i went from 6.5k crit high to 4.5. This is some serious bs from bioware doing a ninja nerf on a class that was far from needing it. Edited by snafus
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Same problem with my commando i went from 6.5k crit high to 4.5. This is some serious bs from bioware doing a ninja nerf on a class that was far from needing it.
It isn't exactly a ninja nerf since they had patch notes on it. Though, the current outcome of this change may be an error. Lets all just calm down and wait for an official response.


Stephen Reid was made aware of it via Twitter and escalated the report.

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It isn't exactly a ninja nerf since they had patch notes on it. Though, the current outcome of this change may be an error. Lets all just calm down and wait for an official response.


Stephen Reid was made aware of it via Twitter and escalated the report.


good to know lets hope for a fix then had me all worked up

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It's almost as if they didn't conduct ANY TESTING WHATSOEVER on this stuff before pushing it it live... does Bioware think investing any money on testers is too much of an expense or something? It's getting ridiculous, every patch comes out with glaring issues, bugs, but that doesn't stop them from pushing it to live...
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What gets me is that of all the class adjustment that needs to take place post 1.2 (Hello, marauders/sents, sorcs/sages?!?!).. THIS is what they decided to do....


/facepalm I'm speechless....

Edited by Nytak
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Let me clear up what happened: they did indeed fix demolition round benefiting from other Commando's grav vortex's (I tested and it was indeed working that way. I'm not 100% clear why we shouldn't be allowed to piggy-back on other Commando's stacks, but whatever, they probably were just concerned that it escalated PvE damage too much if you stacked Commandos).


They also fixed another bug I don't think anyone was aware of: Your own grav-round stacks counted TWICE for the demolition round buff. It had taken me a little while to figure out; I noticed that your own personal stack buffed demolition round's damage more than another Commando's did... by exactly 25%.


I can even provide a very likely explanation for how it was bugged previously. Before it ran a check on ALL grav round debuffs. After the patch it ran a check for your own personal stack... but ALSO checked globally for all stacks of the debuff... including the one you applied and already received credit for.


In short: demolition round was hitting for crazy high numbers because it was bugged even in the case of 1 Commando. I don't know if this was a big enough difference to prop up the class after the grav round nerf and without it we'll suffer, but I guess we'll find out soon.

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No, what happened is more like:


People whined about commando's grav round, cried like babies on the forums, and bam... We lose a good 20% sustained dmg output; however, if people were stupid enough to let us ramp up or dmg, we could burst them pretty hard.


Well, apparantly people are pretty darn stupid, cause they let us get through a full PVE rotation in PVP then complain when we bust them down. It was pretty evident on the forums, people immediately complaining about HSM or Demo Round..


So they cut our burst dmg..


Why? Forum whiners who suck at pvp, that's why, no other reason.

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It isn't exactly a ninja nerf since they had patch notes on it. Though, the current outcome of this change may be an error. Lets all just calm down and wait for an official response.


Stephen Reid was made aware of it via Twitter and escalated the report.


Twitter? Really? So is that the most effective means of getting issues addressed? Or is it facebook? I didn't realize I needed to monitor and post on social media sites vs. their forums to receive feedback when issues arise.

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In short: demolition round was hitting for crazy high numbers because it was bugged even in the case of 1 Commando. I don't know if this was a big enough difference to prop up the class after the grav round nerf and without it we'll suffer, but I guess we'll find out soon.


Crazy high? You mean like 6k in PvE!!!! Yeah...I can see how those crazy numbers might make Commando seem like a viable class for DPS.

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Crazy high? You mean like 6k in PvE!!!! Yeah...I can see how those crazy numbers might make Commando seem like a viable class for DPS.


Well...my base max demo round damage in almost all rakata gear is 2100 something so you should be capping out around 5k without any other influences (assuming 75% surge so 2200 * 1.75 * 1.3 = 5005).


Though it would go a long way if Bioware communication didn't suck balls and they said they fixed a bug where your vortexes were being double counted for demo round damage. Instead they throw out patch notes that are interpreted that our damage outside of a group shouldn't change.

Edited by JLapp
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The funny part is this was known about PRIOR to 1.2. It was pretty clear that multiple Mercs or Commandos was just bad to be on the receiving end of. Bioware *chose* not to fix this in 1.2, essentially stating that it was working as intended. Now, post 1.2 they come back and say.. wait, no, it's not working as intended.


So what is it? Working as intended or not?


They advertise it as a bug fix, when in fact it is another re-balancing adjustment. Only problem is this one did not get tested at all, by anybody.

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Well...my base max demo round damage in almost all rakata gear is 2100 something so you should be capping out around 5k without any other influences (assuming 75% surge so 2200 * 1.75 * 1.3 = 5005).


Though it would go a long way if Bioware communication didn't suck balls and they said they fixed a bug where your vortexes were being double counted for demo round damage. Instead they throw out patch notes that are interpreted that our damage outside of a group shouldn't change.


I'm an idiot...forgot the 25% vortex damage. Should be capping around 6250 (2200*1.75*1.3*1.25). Unless things are additive...then they would be around 5k (2200 * 2.3).

Edited by JLapp
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