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Anyone running this on the 27' highest end imac using boot camp?


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I am planning on getting an Imac (no flame wars please) because im getting into developing ipad/iphone apps and I was wondering if anyone has been running this game using boot camp


Here are the specs of the machine

Radeon 6970m (2GB version)

4gb ram

2tb hard drive


Can anyone tell me how well it performs? Again please no flame wars.


Many thanks in advance

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Im running on a Macbook Pro with bootcamp and it runs pretty good. I would prefer to play it on a PC though . Makes my laptop get mad hott. :(


My buddy comes over and uses his mac to play, he has heat issues when its hot outside even with a laptop cooler.

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I am planning on getting an Imac (no flame wars please) because im getting into developing ipad/iphone apps and I was wondering if anyone has been running this game using boot camp


Here are the specs of the machine

Radeon 6970m (2GB version)

4gb ram

2tb hard drive


Can anyone tell me how well it performs? Again please no flame wars.


Many thanks in advance


you will need 4x the ram and an SSD to even begin to run this crappy game at any decent fps. i have a pc with those near settings and i have to run the game on low and i still have tons of lags.

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I am planning on getting an Imac (no flame wars please) because im getting into developing ipad/iphone apps and I was wondering if anyone has been running this game using boot camp


My wife plays on a 2011 IMac via bootcamp and she has no problems. It does run very hot but she hasn't encountered any problems with the game.

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I'm playing on the 21.5 i3 duo core, I can do 1080p with lowered settings. Absolutely stunning! Get the mac, get used to it, its worth it! Also you'll need a FULL install version of windows to download, runs $200. On a 27' (should be i5 or 7, quad core now) it will be flawless.
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I am running this on the 27' Imac with boot camp, I also put in two graphics cards (custom from the apple website) and I have the regular 4 gig memory. This game runs fine, but I'll admit if you are planning to do gaming, build your own custom made PC rig. For the same cost you will have a way better gaming machine. I chose the Imac for the apple software and it's capabilities. So for me, this is all I want for now. I get 60 fps constant unless in crowded cities using med settings. Max settings you will dip below 60 at "intense" gameplay.


*Edit* Also, I only have 1 tb hard drive so when I did bootcamp my hard drive is split 500 gigs to apple and 500 to windows. If that matters lol. Either way, put it this way, IMAC 27' is an amazing unit and will run the game on max settings but the problem is that for the same amount of money you will get way better results, gaming wise, from a custom made pc rig. If you go pc, CUSTOM BUILD IT!

Edited by bosefuss
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I choose Apple and iMac definitely for the software (when developers are smart enough to release on it!) quality hardware and customer support hands down. I go in there and they've chucked new a new phone and laptop charger when mine broke (both my fault) no questions. Just be friendly, they wont budge if you're talking down to them
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Im running on a Macbook Pro with bootcamp and it runs pretty good. I would prefer to play it on a PC though . Makes my laptop get mad hott. :(


Try downloading and installing Input Remapper. It allows you full control over the fans in the MacBook Pro and for me, is an essential utility. The default for most MacBook Pro's is running the fans at the lowest speed. For CPU/GPU intensive applications, they tend to heat up way too fast. With my fans turned up, I have virtually no heating issues at all.



As to the initial post, I'm running on an older 17" MacBook Pro. Given the performance I get, which is quite good, you should have little issue playing it on a current iMac.


You might want to peruse through the main thread on the topic though:

The Unofficial TOR and Boot Camp Discussion Thread

Edited by Onyx
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I am planning on getting an Imac (no flame wars please) because im getting into developing ipad/iphone apps and I was wondering if anyone has been running this game using boot camp


Here are the specs of the machine

Radeon 6970m (2GB version)

4gb ram

2tb hard drive


Can anyone tell me how well it performs? Again please no flame wars.


Many thanks in advance


I run it on an older iMac (April 2010 iirc) - its got the AMD 4850M GPU and the intel i7 850 CPU. Apple likes to say its the AMD 4850 (not mobile) but the device ID clearly indicates that its a mobile chip lol.


Anyways, with 8 gigs of ram and an SSD replacing the DVD drive, I think its playable - not great but not bad. On my iMac you have to turn the settings down a bit - textures set to low, shadows off. Shaders are the middle option. I do keep character detail high and texture anisotropy high. No AA, and the visible character limit to medium.


With these settings it is pretty smooth outside of very crowded situations. I would say when I'm out questing, 99% of the time I'm above 30 fps, usually in the 50-60 range. On the fleet I will get around 20-30 if there it's a busy time. On ilum I would get maybe 10-15 during the heavy fights. PvP it varies, a lot of the time I stay above 30 fps, but occasionally I will dip below. It's all very playable.


The 6970M is a major step up from my GPU, so I think you'll be able to turn many of the settings I have lower on. In particular, I bet you will be able to have at least medium textures and shadows, but I am not sure. At least I can give you a baseline for an older iMac.


I also put in two graphics cards (custom from the apple website)

Lol what? No iMac has a 2 graphics card option - do you mean that you upgraded to the 2 GB version of the 6970? Because that would make way more sense - and given SWTOR's heavy textures, help with your performance a nontrivial amount.

Edited by QuickBunnie
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I run the game on the smaller iMac, but the higher end model of that screen size. The theory was this, the smaller monitor would allow me to run the game with higher quality resolution. I have been extremely happy with this configuration. I am also an iOS developer and this form factor works well for development.


Good luck with the game and the coding. :)

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you will need 4x the ram and an SSD to even begin to run this crappy game at any decent fps. i have a pc with those near settings and i have to run the game on low and i still have tons of lags.


SSD don't affect FPS, only load times (assuming read/write speeds are your bottleneck). You don't need 16GB ram for the game, 4GB is likely just fine. The most you'd need is 8GB.

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and yes, Macs have never had fans (for a reason) so it can run hot (not like you should be touching it anyway), but will not create ANY issues in my experience (6+ yrs)


Actually while Mac Minis use convection cooling due to their design, as far as I am aware all other current Mac models (and a number of past models) do have fans:)

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SSD don't affect FPS, only load times (assuming read/write speeds are your bottleneck). You don't need 16GB ram for the game, 4GB is likely just fine. The most you'd need is 8GB.


you are only right for a properly programed game. this game is not one, for htis game you are wrong though you shouldn't be. ive tested this. ive tested 4 gib, 12gb and 32gb on this game of ram and only the 32gb doesnt have ram lag. ive tested regular 7200rpm and ssd and only the ssd doesnt slow down in crowded areas. all using the same super powerful vid card. trust me when i say these things as ive tested this game with them whereas when i run any other game 4gb and 7200rpm harddrive dont slow me down at all. i can run tera at max settings using this setup without any lag at all!


keep in mind, the lag only occurs because of the 27" monitor as that alone causes more lag than low med or high settings... but this stupid game loads from the harddrive all the time in crowded areas, it's ridiculous programming at it's worst!


funny thing is. my 4.3ghz processor is now my only bottleneck, i didnt think that was possible, but everything else is so much faster that it is the only thing slowing me down.

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I have the highest end 21.5" iMac, bought in December 2011. I upgraded all the insides to max. I am running 2.8 GHz quad core i7, 16GB of RAM, and an AMD Radeon HD 6770M with 512MB video memory. If you buy the 27" you have the option of upgrading to a AMD Radeon 6970M with 1 or 2GB video memory.


I am running boot camp with a 150GB partition. Unfortunately I can only run the game on medium or low graphics. Medium is fine for questing, but for flashpoints and operations I get better performance from running on low. Also the internet is not stable when running on an N network. It's fine on Mac OS but I think there's something wrong with the bootcamp windows driver for the network card. I have to play the game on my G network, which gives me no problems.


I only bought my iMac because of a home media business I have. If you just want to game I would suggest building a computer or buying a gaming computer. I have a Dell XPS hooked up to my TV that I play on when my wife is on the Mac, and it runs way better and smoother at higher settings, and it's over 3 years old!


Hope this helps!

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