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Why do fresh 50's have the same gear as me


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what i read:


omg i'm so bad, that i want to have better gear because i play more,

because that's the only way i can win easily.

competition isn't for me.

waaaaa waaaaaa ='(


That's what I'm reading too.


This thread is so full of fail it makes my eyes bleed.

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what i read:


omg i'm so bad, that i want to have better gear because i play more,

because that's the only way i can win easily.

competition isn't for me.

waaaaa waaaaaa ='(


what i read:


omg i dont have enough time to gear and im getting face-rolled

so now i have to QQ on the forums

gear =/= competition cause i dont have gear!

waaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaa ='(





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Full BM gear requires ~12,000 comms.


In order to gear up in one week would require:


7 dailies+1 weekly = 792 regular comms


leaving ~11,200


Prior to today's patch, a win was around 100 and a loss around 40, the average is 70 comms per match


11,200/70=160 games


160 games/7 days=~23 matches


At 15 minutes per full match and assuming instant queues that would be:


23 matchesx15 minutes=345 minutes


345 minutes/60=5.75 hours per day.


So nearly 6 hours of impossibly instant queuing per day would get you BM in a week.


That is not going to be the norm AT ALL.


Damn, im almost double that amount in my total wz comms since 1.2 launch (not including today) >.< Yay for no-lifing it



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Sorry, i didnt feel the need to have to do all the research for you. If you want to make your point, provide your own research. BM =/= Champ in pre-1.2. Totally different system of obtaining too.


I love everyone over-analyzing everything in this game. Its simple. You guys are just beating it to death trying to find answers for everything instead of just playing, gearing up and getting better. More time available = more WZs played = more WZ comms = better gear.


I bet you guys are the same people in COD who crouch in corners thinking youre safe because its "tactically" correct in the real world. But then i come flying around the corner prefiring you through the wall killing you before you even see me. Just play the game and everything will take care of itself




I already know the numbers, I want you to demonstrate you are even willing to look at them rather than just insisting you know what is what.


Also, I see you have returned to merely hurling insulting imagery at others who disagree with you. You've readily admitted you prefer just hunting for the weak target, after all, so this must be a frustrating experience being challenged at every turn.

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what i read:


omg i dont have enough time to gear and im getting face-rolled

so now i have to QQ on the forums

gear =/= competition cause i dont have gear!

waaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaa ='(






I don't have to work because I still live with my mom, so I'm leet with all of the best gear. Anyone with a job or a family or a life shouldn't be playing MMO's anyways.

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I'd love to see all these gear dependent baddies try and do guild wars 2 pvp. They'd be crying and rage quitting with in a week......


Don't worry, people will be quitting GW2 because they are bored to tears without any character advancement once the initial fun factor of a new game wears off. Why do you think people buy new games each time one is released? They are looking for the mythical end all be all game that will never happen.

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it dont takes 3 days to get full bm ffs get r3al. I was capped in mercenary and warzones comms before 1.2 so i could get gear fast. And i've played about 7 hours each day since 1.2 and i mostly pvp and so far i got the Bm mainhand , bm bracers, bm gloves , bm boots and bm chest.
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Full BM gear requires ~12,000 comms.


In order to gear up in one week would require:


7 dailies+1 weekly = 792 regular comms


leaving ~11,200


Prior to today's patch, a win was around 100 and a loss around 40, the average is 70 comms per match


11,200/70=160 games


160 games/7 days=~23 matches


At 15 minutes per full match and assuming instant queues that would be:


23 matchesx15 minutes=345 minutes


345 minutes/60=5.75 hours per day.


So nearly 6 hours of impossibly instant queuing per day would get you BM in a week.


That is not going to be the norm AT ALL.


Since the patch I been able to get two pieces of BM gear and I started with 1000/1000 merc/wz for 1 on the patch day >.>....

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I already know the numbers, I want you to demonstrate you are even willing to look at them rather than just insisting you know what is what.


Also, I see you have returned to merely hurling insulting imagery at others who disagree with you. You've readily admitted you prefer just hunting for the weak target, after all, so this must be a frustrating experience being challenged at every turn.


Not really, and its pathetic that you think that what im telling you is "insulting". Why are so many people on here cup-cakers? Im simply saying i dont need to know the #s to know how to play my class and be good.


Again, youre just over-analyzing everything thinking that everything i this game needs a strategy. Play the damn game and stop being that guy in the corner who ends up spectating



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Don't worry, people will be quitting GW2 because they are bored to tears without any character advancement once the initial fun factor of a new game wears off. Why do you think people buy new games each time one is released? They are looking for the mythical end all be all game that will never happen.


Good. The games don't need people like that. The whiny baddies will be whittled out and the people left are the ones who actually want a dramatic change in the MMo genre.


MMo's have simply become grind to max level as quick as possible, then grind gear for pointless reasons to people these days. Those type of people are chocking and dumbing down the entire genre.

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I already know the numbers, I want you to demonstrate you are even willing to look at them rather than just insisting you know what is what.


Also, I see you have returned to merely hurling insulting imagery at others who disagree with you. You've readily admitted you prefer just hunting for the weak target, after all, so this must be a frustrating experience being challenged at every turn.


Not that I am defending Fuzz's insults, but hunting the weak to exploit weak links in a team is purposeful and contributes to the greater good. Realizing a target is weak and repeatedly killing them raises the overall chance that your team will win.


Personally I will kill targets that I perceive as weak and easy kills because it gets them out of the fight so my team can focus on the real challenge.


That is just smart team gameplay. Especially if you are playing a class/spec designed to punish bad players... aka deception sin, concealment ops or MM sniper.

Edited by DarkDruidSS
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I'd love to see all these gear dependent baddies try and do guild wars 2 pvp. They'd be crying and rage quitting with in a week......


If you don't even pvp enough to gear yourself up in SWTOR, your going to suck at pretty much any PvP, whether it be GW2, COD, SC2 or whatever game you play competitively. That is a fact, even if you are the most talented gamer of all time, without practice/time spent, you are going to get your *** handed to you.

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what i read:


omg i dont have enough time to gear and im getting face-rolled

so now i have to QQ on the forums

gear =/= competition cause i dont have gear!

waaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaa ='(







What I read is:


"***? So called PvP'rs expect me to quit my job, quit my social life, eat, sleep, and sh*t at my computer for the next 5 months just to be competitive and have fun in PvP??"


Let your skill determine the outcome not the gear disparity. I am good to go if I have BM and you have war hero because the gap isn't that huge. What many fail to realize is the gear gap grows to even more unreachable heights as the game progresses for a fresh level capped player. For example, how many full BM/war hero players did you face upon reaching level 50?? I am guessing 0....

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Not really, and its pathetic that you think that what im telling you is "insulting". Why are so many people on here cup-cakers? Im simply saying i dont need to know the #s to know how to play my class and be good.


Again, youre just over-analyzing everything thinking that everything i this game needs a strategy. Play the damn game and stop being that guy in the corner who ends up spectating




I'll take actually calculating the amount of time it takes to get the gear together vs. your randomly picking a number that makes it seem trivial because it suits your narrative.


That's not "over-analyzing" that's actually being honest about it.


Yes, comparing someone who dares to challenge your fictitious, made-up-on-the-spot exaggerations to " a corner camper in COD" is just hurling demeaning insults at the other person. It is devoid of substance and reveals you have no actual basis for your position.

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Not that I am defending Fuzz's insults, but hunting the weak to exploit weak links in a team is purposeful and contributes to the greater good. Realizing a target is weak and repeatedly killing them raises the overall chance that your team will win.


Personally I will kill targets that I perceive as weak and easy kills because it gets them out of the fight so my team can focus on the real challenge.


That is just smart team gameplay. Especially if you are playing a class/spec designed to punish bad players... aka deception sin or concealment ops.


Exactly. My role is to hunt the ops, snipers and healers. If theres a squishy fresh 50, ill take him out too. I dont see the point in trying to fight a tank when thats clearly the role for my ranged dps teammates. What do i have to prove in my WZ? Im not 1v1'ing anyone in open world PvP. If i wanted to do that id just go to Tat. Im in the WZ to win and to help my team win. How do i do that? By focusing down the classes that i meant to focus down. Taking these players out of the game will increase our chances of winning. WZ =/= 1v1. Go to tat if you want that.



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Not that I am defending Fuzz's insults, but hunting the weak to exploit weak links in a team is purposeful and contributes to the greater good. Realizing a target is weak and repeatedly killing them raises the overall chance that your team will win.


Personally I will kill targets that I perceive as weak and easy kills because it gets them out of the fight so my team can focus on the real challenge.


That is just smart team gameplay. Especially if you are playing a class/spec designed to punish bad players... aka deception sin, concealment ops or MM sniper.


I do this every game. Keeping just one player out of the battle is huge imo. If that means I have to kill the same player over and over so be it.

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I'll take actually calculating the amount of time it takes to get the gear together vs. your randomly picking a number that makes it seem trivial because it suits your narrative.


That's not "over-analyzing" that's actually being honest about it.


Yes, comparing someone who dares to challenge your fictitious, made-up-on-the-spot exaggerations to " a corner camper in COD" is just hurling demeaning insults at the other person. It is devoid of substance and reveals you have no actual basis for your position.


But at the end of the day. I still have better gear than you. A) because i play a lot more and B) because i understand my role in my team composition. Crunch all the numbers you want.


If you dont see my COD analogy then thats fine. You still think im insulting you? My gosh man. Grow a spine please. Welcome to the internet.



Edited by fuzzDONTEVENTRIP
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Not that I am defending Fuzz's insults, but hunting the weak to exploit weak links in a team is purposeful and contributes to the greater good. Realizing a target is weak and repeatedly killing them raises the overall chance that your team will win.


Personally I will kill targets that I perceive as weak and easy kills because it gets them out of the fight so my team can focus on the real challenge.


That is just smart team gameplay. Especially if you are playing a class/spec designed to punish bad players... aka deception sin, concealment ops or MM sniper.


Like I said earlier, good luck with this mentality once rated WZs hit.


I prefer to tie up the stronger opponents so that they will be taken out of commission, killing a weak player doesn't inflict as much damage on the enemy team as killing a strong one. Over the long-term, I will be a better player for it and that helps my team in a larger, more strategic sense.

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This is how I look at it.


Your putting the hours into PvP to have the better gear BEFORE the other players, in other words "renting the advantage".


You cant remove the rewards system in pvp(ie gear), and expect the hardcore players to continue playing, and you cant expect the more casual people to pvp against players whose victory is predetermined due to just gear stats.


the only sensible argument is to have the sytem in place, that they have now. Let people "gear up" quickly and have the advantage for a little while , and slowly make changes to the requirements to have that gear go down, so that the rest of the population can get it.


I havent played a lot of MMOs but Ive seen this same ideology placed in several others, to a varrying degree. I hope this answers the OPs topic question

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prefiring you through the wall killing you before you even see me


I don't get it. This could be funny the first time or two you did it, but it takes away all sense of competition in the game, so why would you continue to do it? You are not proving you are the better player, just that you know an exploit or two.


It is much the same with PvP in TOR. You have the top gear, but that doesn't make you the better PvP'er. It just means your stats are better suited to PvP, so you have a better chance of winning.


Could someone please explain how having better gear/exploits than your opponent makes for good PvP? I don't see good PvP as PvP you always win at. I see good PvP as a fun time for everyone, where everyone has a chance of winning.

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