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Copying Keybinds/Settings Between Characters


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The storage of keybind to the server-side is critical to my play. I always use the keypad on the right side of the keyboard to cast ability/spell and I keybind them all.


Most of my game play are done out of a notebook computer. As it is, there is no in-built keypad on a notebook keyboard so I has to attach a detachable keypad to my notebook to play SWTOR. However, for some reason, I cannot keybind the key on my detachable keypad on my notebook. It just seems to fail to detect the keypad key when trying to keybind. So, I have to go to a normal PC (with a full keyboard) to bind all my key on the keypad. Thereafter, I can revert back to my notebook to play.


If the keybind is not stored on the server, there is no way I can play on my notebook since it does not allow me to bind keypad keys on it. So, please don't remove this feature of storing keybind on server. Perhaps what can be done is to offer both options to player - (1) option to store keybind on local PC storage and/or (2) option to store keybind on server (which is existing). Let each player decides based on their needs.

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2 things here...

- BW has to enable copying or saving as we have Interface save options.

- It has to be usable for all characters after saved (this mean I could save my keys and Interface as Tank1, DPS2, Heal3) and use them (let say Tank / DPS on VG) after respec without loosing places of abilities due to respec.

This would solve most issues with filed respecs we have now (Item sets swap with button will be another goodie but it is not related to current issue when we have to rearrange many abilities due to their predefined order of placing on KB).

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The storage of keybind to the server-side is critical to my play. I always use the keypad on the right side of the keyboard to cast ability/spell and I keybind them all.


Most of my game play are done out of a notebook computer. As it is, there is no in-built keypad on a notebook keyboard so I has to attach a detachable keypad to my notebook to play SWTOR. However, for some reason, I cannot keybind the key on my detachable keypad on my notebook. It just seems to fail to detect the keypad key when trying to keybind. So, I have to go to a normal PC (with a full keyboard) to bind all my key on the keypad. Thereafter, I can revert back to my notebook to play.


If the keybind is not stored on the server, there is no way I can play on my notebook since it does not allow me to bind keypad keys on it. So, please don't remove this feature of storing keybind on server. Perhaps what can be done is to offer both options to player - (1) option to store keybind on local PC storage and/or (2) option to store keybind on server (which is existing). Let each player decides based on their needs.


If it is local file - you can simply copy/paste it from desktop to laptop - no issue.

Issue is not with KB location, issue is with missing option to save/load on different characters and having it remember even possitions of still not available abilities.

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  • 4 months later...

I brought this up at the Chicago Cantina Crawl a while back. The EA team members there agreed it was something needed (they brought up characters used for in house testing that they have to do binds for every time) but that was the last I've heard about it.


I imagine that it wouldn't be horribly difficult since we can already share a UI across characters, they'd just have to add in the key binds.


Not sure if it is a lot harder than that, or just not on the radar for the near future.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really want this feature as well. I use pretty heavily remapped keys, both for a Naga mouse and for easier to reach keys. Also many more with doubled and tripled actions with Shift and Ctrl modifiers.


Starting a new character takes ages having to back and forth to check exactly where and what I have remapped.

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  • 2 months later...
I really want this feature as well. I use pretty heavily remapped keys, both for a Naga mouse and for easier to reach keys. Also many more with doubled and tripled actions with Shift and Ctrl modifiers.


Starting a new character takes ages having to back and forth to check exactly where and what I have remapped.


This might be the only time I don't complain of an ancient necro. It's annoying to have to re-map the keybindings every time I roll a new character. A copy feature would be most welcome.

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  • 3 months later...

Very necro'd, but since it has been mentioned and requested for so long...


I would love this. I use the same keys for the same slots and then arrange my abilities to a unique way for the role they play, but it can be a real hassle.


And some people have really complex keybinding systems, so it can take longer than just a couple minutes. Mine's not super complex, but I use my number pad for every ability, leaving my left hand free to just hit directions or Ctrl for some keybindings.


Now, who wouldn't love this as an option?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I made this batch file to copy my GUI settings between all my alts. You must not be in-game for this to work properly. It copies Chat window settings, map settings, and more (but not key bindings)


First, pick a toon with the right settings, and copy their file (in \%LocalAppData%\SWTOR\swtor\settings) to template.ini in the same folder.


The file you're looking for has a name like "he2006_Hunee_PlayerGUIState.ini"


...then create a batch file (I called mine Unify.bat) with these lines.


cd \%LocalAppData%\SWTOR\swtor\settings
for %%a in ("*PlayerGUIState.ini") do type "template.ini" > "%%a"


Run the batch file to copy over all the settings.

Run it whenever you create a new toon (log out first).

This will also recover files if they get stomped on or corrupted later.

Of course, if Bio adds things to this file, you may need to capture a new template.ini in the future.



This works on Win 7.


Hope this helps.:cool:

Edited by SugarSugarplum
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I made this batch file to copy my GUI settings between all my alts. You must not be in-game for this to work properly. It copies Chat window settings, map settings, and more (but not key bindings)


First, pick a toon with the right settings, and copy their file (in \%LocalAppData%\SWTOR\swtor\settings) to template.ini in the same folder.


The file you're looking for has a name like "he2006_Hunee_PlayerGUIState.ini"


...then create a batch file (I called mine Unify.bat) with these lines.


cd \%LocalAppData%\SWTOR\swtor\settings
for %%a in ("*PlayerGUIState.ini") do type "template.ini" > "%%a"


Run the batch file to copy over all the settings.

Run it whenever you create a new toon (log out first).

This will also recover files if they get stomped on or corrupted later.

Of course, if Bio adds things to this file, you may need to capture a new template.ini in the future.



This works on Win 7.


Hope this helps.:cool:


*glomps* Hail SugarSugarplum!


Will try this when I get home.

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I made this batch file to copy my GUI settings between all my alts. You must not be in-game for this to work properly. It copies Chat window settings, map settings, and more (but not key bindings)


First, pick a toon with the right settings, and copy their file (in \%LocalAppData%\SWTOR\swtor\settings) to template.ini in the same folder.


The file you're looking for has a name like "he2006_Hunee_PlayerGUIState.ini"


...then create a batch file (I called mine Unify.bat) with these lines.


cd \%LocalAppData%\SWTOR\swtor\settings
for %%a in ("*PlayerGUIState.ini") do type "template.ini" > "%%a"


Run the batch file to copy over all the settings.

Run it whenever you create a new toon (log out first).

This will also recover files if they get stomped on or corrupted later.

Of course, if Bio adds things to this file, you may need to capture a new template.ini in the future.



This works on Win 7.


Hope this helps.:cool:

^ Full of win :)


Only thing though: now all my toons are tanks!

Edited by Deewe
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Rift added the ability to export keybind settings & import them on new characters a week after the forums asked for it back when they launched. No need to get over-excited & tell me to go play Rift; I already did that a time or two. I'm simply stating that it can be done rather easily if the Devs so choose. My guess is if they did it, they'd add it to the CM though.
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Rift added the ability to export keybind settings & import them on new characters a week after the forums asked for it back when they launched. No need to get over-excited & tell me to go play Rift; I already did that a time or two. I'm simply stating that it can be done rather easily if the Devs so choose. My guess is if they did it, they'd add it to the CM though.


I suspect it's one of those things that they need to do either at launch or very soon after, because of how the dev team gets restructured after the game goes live and priorities change. So it just sits on their' "Wall of Crazy" with all the other UI and QoL improvements they'd like to do but probably never will (like second specs, build presets etc).

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  • 4 months later...

Though I have this down to a science by now with my altoholic syndrome, and can re map a new character to what I want in about 15 seconds if that. It's tedious, it's mundane, and I just want to jump in running to a new character to clear them past the first planet.


If this is not going to be implemented, can we at least get a official response on this?

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...
You have this post that is not c. 5 years old and you just launched an event to "make a new character" (dark v light). You expect seasoned player to participate and force them to remake dozens of key bindings. Everything else BioWare does is quality, but not this choice.
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You have this post that is not c. 5 years old and you just launched an event to "make a new character" (dark v light). You expect seasoned player to participate and force them to remake dozens of key bindings. Everything else BioWare does is quality, but not this choice.


They added this feature a while ago. You can save/load keybinds.

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