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What is required to start daily quests ?


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My Commando is 49 and has just been sent to Belsavis. Obviously, he has not completed his class story, nor is he 50. What exactly is required to start daily quests on Belsavis? Do I have to complete my entire class quest and/or be 50, or do I just have to complete my class quest on Belsavis? I have heard that I have to complete the Belsavis bonus series...if this is true, what do I have to do to get the bonus series there, just complete my class quest there, or do I have to complete all non-Heroic quests on the planet ?


I have not yet been sent to Ilum. Do I go to Ilum after Belsavis, and what do I have to do to begin the daily quests there?


Lastly, what is required for me to start the new daily quest series on Corelia ?



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Belsalvis unlocks after you complete Corellia I do believe. You pick it up in the shuttle bay. Pretty sure, because on a character I didn't finish their story, and just finished Corellia, and went back to see if I could maybe do the dailies, because I couldn't do Ilum yet.


Corellia is where you will finish off your class story btw, and after Belsalvis.


Ilum unlocks only after you finish class story. The dailies unlock as you complete the stages of the story in Ilum.


As far as the new dailies, I'm not sure. You pick up the quest in the fleet, so I assume it might be after you finish Corellia. It's on a monitor beside the fat twilek guy, that gives you the Illum quest "Crystal Ball."

Edited by Katreyn
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Oops, I was mistaken....I just got sent to Corelia, not Belsavis. So I guess I have to finish class story on Corelia, and will still have to go to Belsavis after that. Looks like I am a pretty long way from starting dailys of any kind, even though I am 49.8 now and will surely ding 50 on Corelia....


Thanks for your reply...:D

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xD I got 50 on Belsalvis I think. Heroic quests give you almost way too much experience.


But I saw your other thread on fearing of hurting your dailies.


Just try to do the main quest on Corellia, the guy in the middle of the Spaceport before going outside starts it. You can skip the sidequests if you want.


So you can just do the main quest for Corellia and your story quest and be fine for unlocking the dailies.


Hope all goes well. :)

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You actually don't need to be 50 to start the dailies, you can start doing them at 47 if you have finished your class story by then. Also, you don't need the breadcrumb quest for the Belsavis chain, you can do it at 47 whether or not you've finished your class story, if you know where the camp is.
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The Belsavis bonus series missions are the Belsavis dailies. You can get them as soon as you hit 47.

The Ilum dailies unlock only after you complete your class quest and do the Ilum quest chain. I'm not sure of the minimum level required, but you should be 50 by that point.

I believe the Corella dailies only need you to be 50.

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Just try to do the main quest on Corellia, the guy in the middle of the Spaceport before going outside starts it. You can skip the sidequests if you want.

So you can just do the main quest for Corellia and your story quest and be fine for unlocking the dailies.


The Belsavis bonus series missions are the Belsavis dailies. You can get them as soon as you hit 47.


Ok, so if I'm reading it right, the main Corellia quest is given by the guy just inside the exit to the spaceport. I remember doing this one on my Sage....it is loooooong and involved and I wind up saving Corelia. I don't really wanna do that again, but it looks like Katreyn is saying I have to, either to get the daily quests or the bonus series (XavinNydek says they are one and the same).


Can someone clarify? Do I *really* have to do that long involved Corelia non-class quest chain to get the daily quests there ?


Thanks for the replies !!!!

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I'd just go to Belsalvis and look then at the questing area for the dailies (Republic Wilderness Outpost). I can't say I am exactly sure if Belsalvis dailies start earlier or not. I usually waited until I got the breadcrumb starting quest in the shuttle bay.


And if the Corellia ones open at just 50, ding 50 and go check it out on the fleet.


Only thing I recall for certain is the Ilum dailies won't start until you finish your class quest.


So, all in all, finish your story, get 50, and then look around for the dailies. If you can't start them, then you should probably do the Corellia story.

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