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free 30 days applied after next billing cycle. very misleading bw


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I think bioware should have made it clear that the extra 30 days was to be added after this billing cycle. This is very misleding and clearly a grab for money


I'll take your free 30 days if you don't want it... and heck, I don't even care when it comes!

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I think bioware should have made it clear that the extra 30 days was to be added after this billing cycle. This is very misleding and clearly a grab for money


It also wouldn't be accurate to say that it would be added after the billing cycle. What about people who get billed on the 1st? They get the 30 credit before they have to pay.


They gave a date that it would be credited and that is t he most clear and consice way to do it.

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Read other pages, before painting things in black & white. :)


I did read your post. It does not change the fact that people are complaining about getting something for free. Just because Bioware stands to gain from doing it in the long term does not change the fact that we are benefiting if we choose to.

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I think bioware should have made it clear that the extra 30 days was to be added after this billing cycle. This is very misleding and clearly a grab for money


Hey Joe, here's a million dollars.


Joe: Oh, mannnn, I always thought that if I got a million dollars it would be delivered in a brown bag, this one is black one.... *sigh*.

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What? If you don't have an active subscription when they go to do the credit, you get nothing. So either you renew on the 21st and get 60 days for the price of 30 or you get nothing.


Actually, then they would have lied because they specifically stated you only had to have an active account on the day patch 1.2 went live meaning they have to credit your account for 30 days by the 24th regardless of whether you do or don't re-sub before then but after being told you were getting 30 free days.

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I think bioware should have made it clear that the extra 30 days was to be added after this billing cycle. This is very misleding and clearly a grab for money


Look at it this way buy 1 get 1 free


Always 1 person moaning we are lucky to even get 30 days for free

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This is my problem with it.

series of events


1.2 is released , a month late with a main feature cut with 6 hours notice (ranked wz and 8 man queue)

1 day later : Free 30 days for people with lvl 50 char


so I assumed, like many of my friends, that was there compensation for those of us that have been loyal from the beginning we saw it as a "we stuffed up, give us 30 days to show you we can fix this"


but that's not what happen instead it's a

oh most loyal customers , we want you pay for and extra month, and then get one free. aka we want you to pay while we try to fix it. Just so happens that this free month will happen when GW2 comes out, so most pvpers won't be here for it, they will be trying GW2.


I also never received an email about this, and had to raise 2 tickets about the issue was told to just keep waiting, the emails are going out in waves. in realitiy it was because emails are marked aadvertising and I had opted out of advertising from bioware

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This is my problem with it.

series of events


1.2 is released , a month late with a main feature cut with 6 hours notice (ranked wz and 8 man queue)

1 day later : Free 30 days for people with lvl 50 char


so I assumed, like many of my friends, that was there compensation for those of us that have been loyal from the beginning we saw it as a "we stuffed up, give us 30 days to show you we can fix this"


but that's not what happen instead it's a

oh most loyal customers , we want you pay for and extra month, and then get one free. aka we want you to pay while we try to fix it. Just so happens that this free month will happen when GW2 comes out, so most pvpers won't be here for it, they will be trying GW2.


I also never received an email about this, and had to raise 2 tickets about the issue was told to just keep waiting, the emails are going out in waves. in realitiy it was because emails are marked aadvertising and I had opted out of advertising from bioware




1.2 wasn't supposed to release until early April, and Bioware release patch 1.2 in early April. How is a patch releasing when it's supposed to release a month late being released? :confused:

Edited by terminova
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This is my problem with it.

series of events


1.2 is released , a month late with a main feature cut with 6 hours notice (ranked wz and 8 man queue)

1 day later : Free 30 days for people with lvl 50 char


so I assumed, like many of my friends, that was there compensation for those of us that have been loyal from the beginning we saw it as a "we stuffed up, give us 30 days to show you we can fix this"


but that's not what happen instead it's a

oh most loyal customers , we want you pay for and extra month, and then get one free. aka we want you to pay while we try to fix it. Just so happens that this free month will happen when GW2 comes out, so most pvpers won't be here for it, they will be trying GW2.


I also never received an email about this, and had to raise 2 tickets about the issue was told to just keep waiting, the emails are going out in waves. in realitiy it was because emails are marked aadvertising and I had opted out of advertising from bioware


Except that the "we stuffed up, give us 30 days to show you we can fix this" is exactly what happened. If you had an active sub on the 12th you will get 30 days of playtime on the 24th regardless of whether you have paid for a new month or not.


You may have to go 3-4 days without playing if you dont want to pay for that month but thats a choice you make.

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It's funny, I'll be credited my 30 days late night 24th of april i think the email said, but my billing period ends on the 21st /22ndof april. (As do many of the people who started playing from december 21st and 22nd in 2011 with an active subscription (which was when the game launched publicly)


So i will be billed for 30 days, only to receive an additional free 30 days two-three days later. So its a choice between not playing for 2 days, or paying for 30 days, and getting 60 days, when i'd prefer to have my 30 free days THEN continue paying my subscription.


They want our money now, not later, because there's more money to come later from all those people who didn't get free 30 days.


Your right bro it was misleading but there people whom can see a plane hit building and believe the story the media tells them so no different here, some are yesmen mindless robots consumers that dont think for themselves so your right this was a ploy to money grab as was suspected when trying to keep subs up for finanical records, good to see some people have a IQ over 30

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This is my problem with it.

series of events


1.2 is released , a month late with a main feature cut with 6 hours notice (ranked wz and 8 man queue)

1 day later : Free 30 days for people with lvl 50 char


so I assumed, like many of my friends, that was there compensation for those of us that have been loyal from the beginning we saw it as a "we stuffed up, give us 30 days to show you we can fix this"


but that's not what happen instead it's a

oh most loyal customers , we want you pay for and extra month, and then get one free. aka we want you to pay while we try to fix it. Just so happens that this free month will happen when GW2 comes out, so most pvpers won't be here for it, they will be trying GW2.


I also never received an email about this, and had to raise 2 tickets about the issue was told to just keep waiting, the emails are going out in waves. in realitiy it was because emails are marked aadvertising and I had opted out of advertising from bioware


Hate to be the one to break this to you, but the problem that you are having with this is you. I suspect no one has every told you that before so you may have some trouble with it....but none the less, it is you.


A month of playtime on this game cost about as much as a pizza and a beer. Someone just bought you a pizza and a beer and your are whining like I dunno what because it was not given to you free, in exactly the manner you would have liked. Think about that for a second. LOL

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... this is the only forum that can complain this much about getting free time- a month at that.


It's not a surprise why SWTOR forum posters are the joke of the internet.


Can't speak for others, but all I'm pointing out is that it's not as plain as "Here's a free month".


The SWTOR scenario appears to be "Here's a free month, but we're going to be charging your credit card on the regular schedule as if the free month doesn't exist when your free month starts".


Which is significantly different to standard MMO free month/free game time credit practise of "Here is a free month/day/week of game time added to your account and you'll be billed when your account runs out of game time on it".


Could be wrong on this account, but until the 30 days are credited to accounts to see how the billing schedule reacts, all there is to go on is the fact that the billing schedule didn't reflect the extra free day given recently. (That or the website redesign incorrectly displays billing/gametime information)


Either way, doesn't really impact me as I have since switched to game time codes so am not on a renewal scheme tied to my bank account... but highlighting the difference is still important to ensure people actually are aware of the situation their money is being put in. ;)

Edited by Tikigit
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If Bioware sent out emails today, informing all of us that we would be getting a $16.00 check in the mail on the 24th, I'm sure the same people would be complaining about it. Why? Because today's gamers are not gamers. They're self-entitled whiners who have forgotten what gaming is about ...


I happen to enjoy the game very much.


I remember the same "boring linear grind" back when I played Zelda on the NES. I remember the "boring linear grind" back when I played Zaxxon at the local arcade back in the early 80's. I remember the same "boring linear grind" back when me and my sons played baseball on our Sears Entertainment System (later called the Atari 2600).


Each and every one of these "boring linear grind" games I still play today at a very young 86 years of age. You see, these games are forms of entertainment. If they're not your cup of tea, so be it. But at the end of the day, it's just entertainment. That's the point though, isn't it? If you're not entertained, then don't play (which I see you're not doing). However, why is it that you're still here posting on forums for a game that you wouldn't play even if someone payed you "serious money" to play it? It just doesn't make sense.


If gaming stresses you out so much, might I suggest doing something else to fill your entertainment needs? Also, the vocal opinions seen on the forums is a very, very small portion of the overall population. Your server died. Sorry. Mine is flourishing. Why? Probably because it has less self-entitled wanna-be gamers populating it.


You sir, have won the internet!

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You've ended your subscription for a reason, yet you are here complaining about getting a free month? A free month in a game you're obviously not interested in playing.


Wait ... what?



If Bioware sent out emails today, informing all of us that we would be getting a $16.00 check in the mail on the 24th, I'm sure the same people would be complaining about it. Why? Because today's gamers are not gamers. They're self-entitled whiners who have forgotten what gaming is about ...


There is a difference between not wanting to play a mmo and quitting, versus cancelling your sub while waiting for things to be fixed etc. I would guess most people that have cancelled their subscriptions really enjoy the game but were waiting for 1.2 to release before deciding to resub.


So for anyone that has cancelled but still has time on their subscription for all intensive purposes that is still considered a active subscription, the 30 day free etc promo should (ihmo) not require a player to pay for another month to qualify if all other conditions have been met.

Unless you just have a few days you can't play from the time your account expires to the time the free 30 kick in? If that's the case then (OP stop whining!) ;)


That being said this was very nice of Bioware/EA to do in the first place, I honestly hope it helps the game get more players.

Edited by Aria
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Quote: Originally Posted by Alkiii View Post

If Bioware sent out emails today, informing all of us that we would be getting a $16.00 check in the mail on the 24th, I'm sure the same people would be complaining about it. Why? Because today's gamers are not gamers. They're self-entitled whiners who have forgotten what gaming is about ...

Quote: Originally Posted by Alkiii View Post

I happen to enjoy the game very much.


I remember the same "boring linear grind" back when I played Zelda on the NES. I remember the "boring linear grind" back when I played Zaxxon at the local arcade back in the early 80's. I remember the same "boring linear grind" back when me and my sons played baseball on our Sears Entertainment System (later called the Atari 2600).


Each and every one of these "boring linear grind" games I still play today at a very young 86 years of age. You see, these games are forms of entertainment. If they're not your cup of tea, so be it. But at the end of the day, it's just entertainment. That's the point though, isn't it? If you're not entertained, then don't play (which I see you're not doing). However, why is it that you're still here posting on forums for a game that you wouldn't play even if someone payed you "serious money" to play it? It just doesn't make sense.


If gaming stresses you out so much, might I suggest doing something else to fill your entertainment needs? Also, the vocal opinions seen on the forums is a very, very small portion of the overall population. Your server died. Sorry. Mine is flourishing. Why? Probably because it has less self-entitled wanna-be gamers populating it.


Yep. My hero.

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My sub runs out the day AFTER I would get the free 30 days. So its perfect for me.


I wouldn't be so sure of that, the email I got from my ticket , said that new 30 days would happen on the 25th of april which is a day later then was stated officially

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It has to be billed NEXT CYCLE. You've already paid your current cycle.


How is this confusing?


He saying this for people whom run out before it comes, to get the free month they have to resub even if it was a day before it. So what he pointing out is that it a ploy to make people resub to get the free month, you dont get the free month if your not currently subscribed when the 25th comes around cant you read between the lines?

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