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I'm pvping about 60% less. Is this really what you wanted?


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This gear imbalance bads keep whining about has never existed. It was always easy to gear. I know, because I did it. I didn't even killtrade my bm, I just played warzones in my evenings, back when BM was expensive. Then they made it really easy. Then they made it easier. And then, in 1.2, they made it SO DAMN EASY it's not even funny. Saying "oh i get 20 less comms than I used to" while ignoring the drastically reduced time to gear is just a hilarious habit of forum crybabies.


The people that think this only do so as an attempt to avoid having to provide any real contribution to the topic. Prior to Patch 1.2 my first ever post on these boards was about how my fully BM geared toon was all but immortal against anyone that wasn't fully BM geared as well. The key marker being 12.53% Expertise. Secondly, if you got BM gear easy that only means you got luck on the 25% drop rate the com had. My longest gap was 3 weeks, 3 weeks of dailies ever day and always doing the weeklies. 3 weeks and never seeing a com in a bag. The longest of anyone in my guild was 7 weeks never seeing a drop from the bags. If you had a better rate, then the 25% drop rate happened to luck out in your favor... and that's what the complaint was, when it boiled down to it players were not rewarded based on anything but a 25% roll of the dice. And that's insulting.


Now let's look at Patch 1.2; you say it's even easier to get gear. Ok, first let's look at all the players that busted their humps to get full BM sets that were forced to buy those sets all over again because they changed the mods in them and rendered them useless after the patch. So long hours and effort, slapped in the face, got it, moving on.


Top Tier PvP Gear Cost Prior Patch 1.2

4k WZ tokens = 1 top tier token

7 Pieces of gear that cost 1 token each

5 Pieces of gear that cost 2 tokens each

2 Pieces of gear that cost 3 tokens each

Two Dailies = 2 chances at 25% to get top tier tokens


Top Tier PvP Gear Cost Post Patch 1.2

3k WZ tokens = 1k top tier tokens

3200 top tier tokens + 1 equal BM piece = top Tier Chest

2225 top tier tokens + 1 equal BM piece = top Tier Legs

2425 top tier tokens + 1 equal BM piece = top Tier Head

2000 top tier tokens + 1 equal BM piece = top Tier Gloves

2000 top tier tokens + 1 equal BM piece = top Tier Boots

1425 top tier tokens + 1 equal BM piece = top Tier Belt

1250 top tier tokens + 1 equal BM piece = top Tier Bracer

3475 top tier tokens + 1 equal BM piece = top Tier Off Weapon

3475 top tier tokens + 1 equal BM piece = top Tier Main Weapon

1425 top tier tokens + 200 WZ tokens = top Tier Ear

1425 top tier tokens + 200 WZ tokens = top Tier Implant

1250 top tier tokens + 200 WZ tokens = top Tier Relic

One daily = 99 WZ tokens and 99 top tier tokens


*** is wrong with you to think that the new system is even easier to get top Tier Gear? I have no way to sugar coat it for you, but you may need a helmet when making choices in life if something this obvious has eluded you.

Edited by DarkHelsing
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In PvP victory is it's own reward. Kiilling, no slaughtering someones creation IS the reward of PvP. The theory behind PvP initially was that Players e.g. (for the most part) human beings are more challenging to beat than non-player characters.


The whole I MUST BE REWARDED FOR DOING EVERYTHING OR ELSE IT WAS NOT FUN + WASTE OF MY TIME is a direct hande-me-down from the brainwashed WoW generation.


You don't go to sports day, finish last in the 100m sprint and then ask why you didn't get a trophy. Or maybe you do?


If you need rewards in order to have fun PvPing, you are not a PvPer. Period.

That's fine, then they should remove all pvp gear and valor/commendations, since victory is it's own reward... I actually agree... it's the whole reward systems that taints the purity of battle imo

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so basically you are saying that taking 4 days to get a BM rifle, the most expensive BM piece, is too hard for you...

completing daily = 400 comms, gun = 1750 comms


and you would rather they return it to pre 1.2 where it could take you up to 2 weeks to get the same rifle...

12000 comms (10 matches a day for 12 days)


that getting a BM piece every 2 days on average is still not quick enough...

7 BM pieces cost 550-875 comms, 5 pieces cost 975-1750 comms



Umm, no. Maybe that formula works if you're winning, but if you're losing it's going to take a long time, longer than you're figuring to get those comms. That's part of the issue. I actually could get my BM gear faster pre 1.2.


Plus this isn't just about BM gear. It's also about being able to PvP on your alts and get a reasonable compensation. Right now, you can easily end up with zero xp for playing a wz, especially at the lowbie levels.


There are so many problems, I'm not going to rehash them all. If you don't agree, that's fine. If you're happy that's cool, too. I know I'm not and judging by most of the posts in the PvP forums and what people are saying in the game, a large majority of people don't like this patch.

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If you need rewards in order to have fun PvPing, you are not a PvPer. Period.


Comprehension 101 .... the act or capacity of understanding ... you fail.


The gear gap is ludicrous, facerolling folks in subpar recruit gear is complete and utter BOREDOM.


If YOU enjoy that, then YOU are NOT the PvPer you think you are.

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*** is wrong with you to think that the new system is even easier to get top Tier Gear? I have no way to sugar coat it for you, but you may need a helmet when making choices in life if something this obvious has eluded you.


WH gear is a whopping 1.7% better than BM... an improvement yes, but not that much of an improvement...


thus, BM is fully viable... and it is MUCH easier to obtain now...



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Umm, no. Maybe that formula works if you're winning, but if you're losing it's going to take a long time, longer than you're figuring to get those comms. That's part of the issue. I actually could get my BM gear faster pre 1.2.


Plus this isn't just about BM gear. It's also about being able to PvP on your alts and get a reasonable compensation. Right now, you can easily end up with zero xp for playing a wz, especially at the lowbie levels.


There are so many problems, I'm not going to rehash them all. If you don't agree, that's fine. If you're happy that's cool, too. I know I'm not and judging by most of the posts in the PvP forums and what people are saying in the game, a large majority of people don't like this patch.


the formula is dependent on you winning 3 games a day... that's it...


ya it may take longer on some days to get 3 wins than others... i am a victim of that just as much as you are... some days i go 3/3, some days it take 5 hours to get 3 wins...

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There's skill in everything. I could have a competition to shove a grapefruit up my butt and there would still be one guy out there who was better at it than anybody else. You're not very sharp, so I'll forgive you this once.


You should shove that grapefruit in your mouth never heard so much ****.e in all my life :D

Edited by skotish
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That's fine, then they should remove all pvp gear and valor/commendations, since victory is it's own reward... I actually agree... it's the whole reward systems that taints the purity of battle imo


I've suggested this a thousand times, but the people you're arguing with get really angry, start calling you names, and then ignore that point as much as they can. They are little children that can't stand getting called on what they're doing.


PVP gear should be entirely cosmetic. As I've said before, you set your mods from a pool of mods and when you enter a WZ you will be in that gear. The reward points you get simply unlock different cosmetic gear, that you can also mix and match any way you choose to give yourself customization and individuality. You will also have titles you can unlock just as in the current system.


No amount of PVP will actually give you an in-game advantage under my system. If the best player in the world starts a PVP game for the first time, he'll have crappy default clothing but he will faceroll you because he's more skilled than you are. You won't get to mitigate that with time played.


This should also free up solo queues and premade queues, I would unlock special premade outfits and titles for that queue when they queue together that solos can't unlock by themselves. You'd get a shared team title and team outfit.


Also maybe it's time to go back to the 12 man WZs we had in beta for awhile. Alderaan is much more fun with 12 people. The others might be better at 8, but it'd be nice to get a little variety. For rated I'd even suggest having 4v4 for something like huttball.

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/signed , since they replied i thought i might post since they actually replied -well needed patch tonight good job


on that, but balance is bad post 1.2 , healers got hit hard, ops are good still, lots of qq about sorc - i haven't


played my sorc yet so can't comment , my bh heals now has not much survival rate unless i los, run away it just


doesn't seem very bh like why can't this class get to use their jet pack ( just a jump from a-b not free flight) and


have an escape plan like ops -stealth/vanish, sorc's fast run and all 3 classes get shields so.... bh = no quick


getaway just death , sith/jedi assassin tanks are super op, as are jedi knights/marauders.


people leaving early is bad, my suggestion reward people who stay the whole game something like 2 medals,


maybe a daily for completing 10 games, and maybe slight punishment like a 5 min debuff for leaving early.


my bh -full bm, sorc 1/3 bm rest champ, op just got 50 in 2 days has 4 bm mains and gun already, i pvp lots prob


80%-90% since launch post 1.2 just slightly less .


ilum as bad as it was it was it was still something imo it just needed a little more creativity/ tweaks not taken out




more wz's even its just a few more hutball arenas it would still be be fine,

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WH gear is a whopping 1.7% better than BM... an improvement yes, but not that much of an improvement...


thus, BM is fully viable... and it is MUCH easier to obtain now...




From her article: you'll need 12475 commendations to get full BM. That's 125 wins at 100 commendations. But if you're winning every game, you probably don't need BM gear, and if you're losing then it will take significantly more games than that.

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If you need rewards in order to have fun PvPing, you are not a PvPer. Period.


In this system you DO NEED rewards to compete. You do need money if you want to level doing PvP to buy skills etc.


That is the problem.


In reply to those saying its easy to gain BM gear, easier than pre 1,2. Pre 1,2 it was very easy to gain cent/champ gear that put you on a very close footing with BM geared players. Recruit gear does not.

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WH gear is a whopping 1.7% better than BM... an improvement yes, but not that much of an improvement...


thus, BM is fully viable... and it is MUCH easier to obtain now...




You do know that link is from the PTS server weeks ago and is not even close to accurate now... right!?


Key quote from that link is;

Update: March 29


Yeah, totally void.

Edited by DarkHelsing
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We heard from many members of our community about the changes to warzones rewards in Game Update 1.2. As a result of player feedback, we have made some adjustments. Here is what Lead Game Designer Daniel Erickson had to say about the subject in his "On Warzones Scoring and Rewards" thread:





Daniel also gives a little more background in the OP. We hope this sheds some light on the matter. Thank you for your feedback!



Thats fine and all but there is now a HUGE seperation on certain servers that has been created from this patch that was not tested properly. There are a lot of servers that have a dominate side that will win and have win the majority of the pvp battles. That side was already in full BM gear with the other barely pushing full champion gear. This is so unbalanced now that some servers will never recover.


What is your plan to fix this issue and avoid it from happening again?

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If you need rewards in order to have fun PvPing, you are not a PvPer. Period.


If you are a PvPer, the real PvP doesn't start until everyone is equally geared.


The gear grind is there so BW can stretch their dollar. I understand that this is a business, but we need to stop giving Bioware a free pass by allowing them to make the gear grind 100% of the PvP content so far.


Seriously, we should be keeping the heat on Bioware about the real issue... to deliver the real PvP content: Rated, Tournaments, World PvP, etc.

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the formula is dependent on you winning 3 games a day... that's it...


ya it may take longer on some days to get 3 wins than others... i am a victim of that just as much as you are... some days i go 3/3, some days it take 5 hours to get 3 wins...


You're kinda missing the point of this post and others. If you can't win, you can't get the gear. I've been playing for almost a week, now, with two wins. On many of my alts, there are no wins. It's great if things are working out for you, but they're not for most of the people in the game, now.

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I too have stopped PVPing now cause this system is unfair and makes the strong stronger with no hope in becoming competitive.


People end up leaving or I come in at the end of the game and then get nothing, therefor I am unable to progress with my gear and become competitive which makes PVP not fun at all.

Edited by RicoFrost
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In PvP victory is it's own reward. Kiilling, no slaughtering someones creation IS the reward of PvP. The theory behind PvP initially was that Players e.g. (for the most part) human beings are more challenging to beat than non-player characters.


The whole I MUST BE REWARDED FOR DOING EVERYTHING OR ELSE IT WAS NOT FUN + WASTE OF MY TIME is a direct hande-me-down from the brainwashed WoW generation.


You don't go to sports day, finish last in the 100m sprint and then ask why you didn't get a trophy. Or maybe you do?


If you need rewards in order to have fun PvPing, you are not a PvPer. Period.


This, and needing rewards for losing... good lord, that is just sad.

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