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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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So you didn't HEAR the fleet notifications? You didn't see the new NPCs patrolling the station, nor did you see the New floating announcement droids in the 4 corners of fleet? I call shenanigans Mr. Roleplayer. Shenanigans I say.


I didn't receive a notice that standing in an area designed safe by the game itself would in fact be the opposite. Nor did I receive a notice that an optional world event is exactly the opposite because players can grief you and even be rewarded by the game for spreading the plague to other players.

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indeed, those people are really irritating. Laughing in general chat and all the insults when people complain about what they're doing.


Yeah, if only there was some way to tell that they might explode soon. Bioware should put that in. Like some kind of fumes coming off of them that make them look diseased.

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Yeah, if only there was some way to tell that they might explode soon. Bioware should put that in. Like some kind of fumes coming off of them that make them look diseased.
THat doesn't help when they're sitting on the zone in from the fleet pass. Or when they're standing on the pvp terminals. Or when they dive bomb you from the vip lounge.
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I didn't receive a notice that standing in an area designed safe by the game itself would in fact be the opposite. Nor did I receive a notice that an optional world event is exactly the opposite because players can grief you and even be rewarded by the game for spreading the plague to other players.


Did you miss the part that it's a PLAGUE? That they tell you to watch out for the infected?

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indeed, those people are really irritating. Laughing in general chat and all the insults when people complain about what they're doing.


No, I zoned in and was infected before I had finished loading in.

If that is actually the case then report them, for the insults if nothing else. But continually calling people here on the forums griefers because they don't see the need for an opt out isn't earning you any points. Sadly that's seems to be what the opposing side's arguments have degenerated to.

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Yes, I shed copious amounts of tears for a graphical representation of a MUD. :rolleyes:


I note that since you can't actually dispute what I said you resort to a passive personal attack. Bravo!


You have your opinion I have mine. We're not going to change each others mind. You are full of righteous rage over to what many consider a minor inconvenice at most and if you would get over your over inflated sense of justice you may actually enjoy this event for the refreshing break from the grind that it is. I thought t was great first time I logged in for this event. I like the mystery however short lived of *** is going on here and actually talk to people(MMO after all) and figuring out where stuff is and grouping up to kill world bosses. Met a lot of great people. Sure some were tools but that is the case in all things.


The fact that BW made a vaccine that is very cheap and widely available should have been enough for the whiners and if you actually talked to people you would have gotten the whole explaination instead of just blowing up without knowing why. Here is how that convo would have gone.


You: Hey why am I infected and puking?

Me : world event you'll blow up soon and get DNA you can use for xxxxxxxx

You: meh. Not my thing is there a way to avoid it?

Me: yeah they had a vaccine. Costs 2k lasts for 6 hours

You: got any I can have? Don't have a lot of cash

Me: sure <opens trade window>

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I didn't receive a notice that standing in an area designed safe by the game itself would in fact be the opposite. Nor did I receive a notice that an optional world event is exactly the opposite because players can grief you and even be rewarded by the game for spreading the plague to other players.

Since it's working as intended, and since there is even a quest for it, they aren't griefing you. The only griefers in this event are the ones that Ferroz mentioned, the ones that stand around the PvP terminals and taunt and insult people in general chat, a reportable offence btw. The rest probably don't have any intention beyond finishing the quest and/or farming dna samples.

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I didn't receive a notice that standing in an area designed safe by the game itself would in fact be the opposite. Nor did I receive a notice that an optional world event is exactly the opposite because players can grief you and even be rewarded by the game for spreading the plague to other players.

I believe the nice man on the loud speaker clearly states that if you don't want to be infected, Hide in you ship. he never said you are safe here on the fleet.

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I don't think that's reasonable.


I mean, it's what I'm doing... it's just not a reasonable to expect people to not log in for a week because the developer can't be bothered to add in a valid opt out mechanic (ie, stims that persist through death so that people doing warzones can actually avoid it without forking over ~20k or more a day).


Note, your original suggestion to opt out by participating in the event still makes 0 sense; this followup suggestion doesn't really make any more sense.


Ummmmmm. If your doing wz's why are you getting vaccines? You're dying alot anyway and the plague lasts for 20 min and WZ last for 15 tops.

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If that is actually the case then report them, for the insults if nothing else. But continually calling people here on the forums griefers because they don't see the need for an opt out isn't earning you any points. Sadly that's seems to be what the opposing side's arguments have degenerated to.
My suggestions do not impact your fun in any way unless you're a griefer. If you claim that my suggestions will inhibit your fun (and several people have, even if you personally haven't), then you are indeed a griefer. Seems pretty cut and dry.


the event itself encourages this behavior. People asking for bioware to not add future events that encourage griefing, and for a way to opt out of the griefing.

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I didn't receive a notice that standing in an area designed safe by the game itself would in fact be the opposite. Nor did I receive a notice that an optional world event is exactly the opposite because players can grief you and even be rewarded by the game for spreading the plague to other players.


I'm kinda confuzzled at the on and off RP capability. Immersion capabilities are there, but they are only chosen to be seen or ignored if beneficial to said RP. That isn't how it works is it? What were you RP'n in fleet that you didn't notive your initial infection, (10min duration) your escalated infection (10 more minute duration) and then your death? With included stuns that are being hotly debated in this thread.


During that time in fleet we can assume the notifications were blared CONSTANTLY correct?


How do RP's define AFK?


I do think you are inflating facts to make you more of a victim than you are.

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Did you miss the part that it's a PLAGUE? That they tell you to watch out for the infected?


How was I to watch out for infected when my screen is taken up by the Auction House window and the next thing I know I'm surrounded by a bunch of level 50 characters intentionally spreading the plague to those of us standing there? Once I closed out the window I saw I had some sickly green glow around me and when I had taken about five steps I blew up and died. I'm a little confused as to how I'm supposed to magically know why a mob of players intentionally hang out at the heavy public access points to grief others.

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I actually try to minimize the amount of times I die. I try really hard not to die. I don't play an encounter with the attitude of oh well I can always respawn and try again. I try to win the first time out. I especially don't like to die if its NOT MY FAULT (e.g. lag, *cougheventscough*, etc. ;) ).


Perhaps from an RP perspective some actually keep track of how many times they are sent to the kolto tanks. I was in a guild in SWG that when you DIED in an player made event, for instance, you actually didn't play that character for a specified period of time (so you played an alt).


Some people just don't like to die. ;)


I PvP alot so I'm used to dying lol. I hate dying in PvE though repair costs and all but it happens and usually it not my fault a bug, comp decides to agrro some more guys, team wipe whatever. I dont rage out over that( unless its like the 10th wipe lol) If only this plague didn't damage my gear. Oh wait......

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Since it's working as intended, and since there is even a quest for it, they aren't griefing you. The only griefers in this event are the ones that Ferroz mentioned, the ones that stand around the PvP terminals and taunt and insult people in general chat, a reportable offence btw. The rest probably don't have any intention beyond finishing the quest and/or farming dna samples.


If what you say is true that people are expoding near people just for the SOLE purpose of finishing the a quest. Would it not be good baseball to perhaps WARN people that they are going to explode so they can get away? I mean just so they don't appear to be griefing? Those that don't mind will stay, those that do will move away. Is that too hard to do? I mean as you say people are ONLY doing this to finish quests and not to secretly cackle behind their keyboards about how many people they infected. They ONLY do it to finish THEIR quest and move on right? :rolleyes:

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I'm kinda confuzzled at the on and off RP capability. Immersion capabilities are there, but they are only chosen to be seen or ignored if beneficial to said RP. That isn't how it works is it? What were you RP'n in fleet that you didn't notive your initial infection, (10min duration) your escalated infection (10 more minute duration) and then your death? With included stuns that are being hotly debated in this thread.


During that time in fleet we can assume the notifications were blared CONSTANTLY correct?


How do RP's define AFK?


I do think you are inflating facts to make you more of a victim than you are.


What was I doing? Innocently using the AH and dying not too long after I closed out the windows and noticed I had some kind of sickly green glow around me and a mob of level 50 players had gathered around myself and others intentionally spreading the plague at a public area. Roleplaying had nothing to do with it so please try another less disparaging argument.

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I PvP alot so I'm used to dying lol. I hate dying in PvE though repair costs and all but it happens and usually it not my fault a bug, comp decides to agrro some more guys, team wipe whatever. I dont rage out over that( unless its like the 10th wipe lol) If only this plague didn't damage my gear. Oh wait......


I see what you did there. :p


Yeah I mainly PvE.


If I PvP its usually only in organized settings like warzones and in that case I count the number of times I actually stayed alive (which is usually a very small number). :D

Edited by Urael
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Since it's working as intended, and since there is even a quest for it, they aren't griefing you. The only griefers in this event are the ones that Ferroz mentioned, the ones that stand around the PvP terminals and taunt and insult people in general chat, a reportable offence btw. The rest probably don't have any intention beyond finishing the quest and/or farming dna samples.

There's also the ones that run over to the GTN terminals to explode, to catch people who have their screen taken up by UI windows.

And the ones standing at the fleet pass entry point, to catch the people as they zone in.

And the ones divebombing from the lounge

And the ones going to Tyhon to infect the little n00blets



the even encourages griefing. I'm not sure why you continue to advocate for the griefers.


Ummmmmm. If your doing wz's why are you getting vaccines?
To prevent myself from being impacted by the plague in the warzone.

You're dying alot anyway and the plague lasts for 20 min and WZ last for 15 tops.
This might come as a shock to you... but I've done warzones with a single death. Nor am I going to get a warzone queue pop immediately after being infected; it will take X minutes. Nor is the death at 20 minutes the only thing about the plague that can impact my performance in a warzone.


So I need to use one for every warzone that I run, since I'll be stunned at (10-X) minutes and die at (20-X) minutes.

Edited by ferroz
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How was I to watch out for infected when my screen is taken up by the Auction House window and the next thing I know I'm surrounded by a bunch of level 50 characters intentionally spreading the plague to those of us standing there? Once I closed out the window I saw I had some sickly green glow around me and when I had taken about five steps I blew up and died. I'm a little confused as to how I'm supposed to magically know why a mob of players intentionally hang out at the heavy public access points to grief others.


Yes, they are spreading the plague on purpose. There is a quest to do so.

They are not misusing or abusing in game mechanics, they are doing exactly what is intended by the developers of the game, in the manner it is supposed to be done.

Your cries of "Victim" are entirely unfounded.

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My suggestions do not impact your fun in any way unless you're a griefer. If you claim that my suggestions will inhibit your fun (and several people have, even if you personally haven't), then you are indeed a griefer. Seems pretty cut and dry.


the event itself encourages this behavior. People asking for bioware to not add future events that encourage griefing, and for a way to opt out of the griefing.


That's right, I haven't said it would infringe on my fun, been waiting for you to catch on to that. Before you leap on this, my reasons are that it's unnecessary and as such will be a waste of time and resources, and also that it will simply open up the floodgates for more demands from small groups who are upset over equally or more insignificant issues.


You calling others here griefers based on that piece of flim flam is still not earning you any points, quite the contrary.


People may as well ask BW never to add anything to the game ever and to remove a ton of stuff while they're at it.

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There's also the ones that run over to the GTN terminals to explode, to catch people who have their screen taken up by UI windows.

And the ones standing at the fleet pass entry point, to catch the people as they zone in.

And the ones divebombing from the lounge

And the ones going to Tyhon to infect the little n00blets



You can't run while exploding. You are rooted in place for at least 5-10 seconds before the actual explosion and are unable to move during the explosion. No one knows exactly when they are going to blow up, unless they are sitting there with a stop watch.

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