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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove the rakghoul plague now

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The vast majority of players experiencing this event truly enjoy it. Do have future galaxy wide events. I honestly do not understand why anyone could not like this event. I could wager that after this event is over the same people who wanted it removed will be complaining that they didn't get the title or the full containment officer gear set.


People will complain about anything and for any reason. Keep up the good work! I am sure that if there was a poll for every player in-game for how they liked/disliked this event the results would show an overwhelmingly positive: "It was awesome! Make more events in the future!"


Thank you.

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I don't appreciate being killed out of nowhere because it gives someone else a counter in a quest. Count me in those that are infuriated at having to literally die because of an event we want no part of.


You can't get killed out of nowhere. If you're referring to by an opposing faction player, you have to be flagged. It's possible to get unflagged. If you're referring to death by the plague, you can take the vaccine and subsequently avoid known infectious areas. If you're annoyed at the cost of the vaccine, you have a point. But you can't just get killed without some warning.


FWIW: I've managed to avoid infection on 4 of my 5 characters since the event started without impacting game play. the 4th got unlucky and got infected a single time and none since -- and he's been on the Republic Fleet most of the event.

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I know...right? I get so tired of people who don't want to actually PLAY the game. They're the collecters, who are just worried about getting their missions complete




Game is advertised as "play your way". This event impinges upon how I want to play. Asking for OPT OUT mechanics which is ON PAR with people who want to make sure that PVE servers remain PVE and can not be forced into PVP by griefer AOE and KSer technigues.


Not asking that they don't do these events. Just askin that they are smarter about how they implement them. I hope they are reading these forums to see that ALL are not pleased.


You also jumped to conclusions about "collecters". I have posted at length about how I want to avoid events to NOT be a collector because I have a problem with having to collect everthing once I start.


I just want to level my toons and enjoy the stories (first time thru that is). Don't want to join in on any events unless someone I know needs help (stated this before also that I play only with people I know from other MMOs or IRL that are playing this game otherwise I am content to solo and be left alone. Not interested in epeen PVP, or Raiding or gear etc, just want to level toons and explore).

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I don't appreciate being killed out of nowhere because it gives someone else a counter in a quest. Count me in those that are infuriated at having to literally die because of an event we want no part of.


Every part of this post is incorrect. First getting killed does nothing for the counter. Getting infected does. LITERALLY die? No to really die would be to delete your character. In game its more like unconscious. And who says you have to die anyway. Get a vaccine. Fact of the matter is the event is a plague that threatens the galaxy. You SHOULD be at risk. Heck they should make it so there is no easy cure however BW considered people like you and made vaccines that last for 6 hours very cheap. Only thing I will agree with is it should persist through death. To quote a line in Stripes: Lighten up Francis.

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The vast majority of players experiencing this event truly enjoy it. Do have future galaxy wide events. I honestly do not understand why anyone could not like this event. I could wager that after this event is over the same people who wanted it removed will be complaining that they didn't get the title or the full containment officer gear set.


People will complain about anything and for any reason. Keep up the good work! I am sure that if there was a poll for every player in-game for how they liked/disliked this event the results would show an overwhelmingly positive: "It was awesome! Make more events in the future!"


Thank you.


Agreed! This event is a huge success. Those few who hate on it will never be pleased with anything.

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You can't get killed out of nowhere. If you're referring to by an opposing faction player, you have to be flagged. It's possible to get unflagged. If you're referring to death by the plague, you can take the vaccine and subsequently avoid known infectious areas. If you're annoyed at the cost of the vaccine, you have a point. But you can't just get killed without some warning.


FWIW: I've managed to avoid infection on 4 of my 5 characters since the event started without impacting game play. the 4th got unlucky and got infected a single time and none since -- and he's been on the Republic Fleet most of the event.



You can get killed out of nowhere. I had never heard of this event when people on the fleet started swarming around the auction house and my character was infected. I had no idea of what was going on and when my character died out of nowhere I was shocked. No world event should take place that kills your character without any action on your part especially when it is in a safe area. Suggesting people go spend hard earned money to avoid for a few hours the rampant amount of griefers is not helpful. I shouldn't have to go out of my to avoid griefers or have to spend credits just to avoid a world event.

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Those few who hate on it will never be pleased with anything.
No, a number of the folks who "hate on it" would be please with an event that wasn't rakghouls centric... and an even larger number would be pleased with it as long as they had a reusable stim that persisted through death, preferably either cheap or free. Edited by ferroz
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The vast majority of players experiencing this event truly enjoy it. Do have future galaxy wide events. I honestly do not understand why anyone could not like this event. I could wager that after this event is over the same people who wanted it removed will be complaining that they didn't get the title or the full containment officer gear set.


People will complain about anything and for any reason. Keep up the good work! I am sure that if there was a poll for every player in-game for how they liked/disliked this event the results would show an overwhelmingly positive: "It was awesome! Make more events in the future!"


Thank you.






While it is true that the vast majority of the posters on these forums seem to be in favor of the event, ALL are not. Not because of the event in and of itself but, because of how it was implemented.


Most who are not in favor of the event simply wish that there was an OPT OUT available that was neither time consuming and was free. No matter how much those that are in favor of this event say that the time and cost are minimal, it is still a cost that is incured by those that do not want to participate.


We who are not in favor of the event are not asking you to make people pay to join nor take special time out to trigger the ability to enter into the event. Unlike our counterparts who favor the event and relsih rubbing it in our faces that we have to pay in time or treasure to OPT OUT.


We who are not in favor of the event are not seeking to SHOUT DOWN oposition to our views. We just hope that you will take them into consideration the next time you design an event.


Thank you for your time.

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Said it before, may as well say it again. The desease portion of the event is all kinds of bad design. Events that negatively affect gameplay, (constantly getting kicked off speeder, not to mention DIEING) should be opt in, not pay 2k to opt out for 6 hours. And seriously, rewarding players for griefing other players by infecting them?


Who's paying 2K for the vaccine? Not me I have 13 vaccines and haven't spent a credit on them. You get them for completing some of the event quest. WOW you can opt out for the dieing part for free. Who would have thunk BW knew what they were doing?

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You can get killed out of nowhere. I had never heard of this event when people on the fleet started swarming around the auction house and my character was infected. I had no idea of what was going on and when my character died out of nowhere I was shocked. No world event should take place that kills your character without any action on your part especially when it is in a safe area. Suggesting people go spend hard earned money to avoid for a few hours the rampant amount of griefers is not helpful. I shouldn't have to go out of my to avoid griefers or have to spend credits just to avoid a world event.


Aside from the initial shock and the respawn timer, how exactly were you affected by your character's death. It incurred no costs or downsides for you. If 2k to avoid the huge hassle of having to respawn about once an hour (20 minutes if you stand in the ball of infected) is just far too much for you you can ask people for vaccines in chat.

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Game is advertised as "play your way". This event impinges upon how I want to play. Asking for OPT OUT mechanics which is ON PAR with people who want to make sure that PVE servers remain PVE and can not be forced into PVP by griefer AOE and KSer technigues.


Not asking that they don't do these events. Just askin that they are smarter about how they implement them. I hope they are reading these forums to see that ALL are not pleased.


You also jumped to conclusions about "collecters". I have posted at length about how I want to avoid events to NOT be a collector because I have a problem with having to collect everthing once I start.


I just want to level my toons and enjoy the stories (first time thru that is). Don't want to join in on any events unless someone I know needs help (stated this before also that I play only with people I know from other MMOs or IRL that are playing this game otherwise I am content to solo and be left alone. Not interested in epeen PVP, or Raiding or gear etc, just want to level toons and explore).


You mentioned exploring. If anything this event was the best instance of exploring this game has had for a while. Oh what's that announcement all about? Let's go check the holo terminal in fleet. Hmm tatooine huh. Let's go explore what that's all about. A crashed ship? Hmmm let's explore that.


Just sayin. Class quests aren't going anywhere. EXPLORE this event. You might like it.

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Who's paying 2K for the vaccine? Not me I have 13 vaccines and haven't spent a credit on them. You get them for completing some of the event quest. WOW you can opt out for the dieing part for free. Who would have thunk BW knew what they were doing?
.... you're saying that you can opt out .... by participating?


how does that make any sense?

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.... you're saying that you can opt out .... by participating?


how does that make any sense?


If its that much of a burden you could always not log in during the plague. Seriously people get up in arms over the slightest inconvenice.

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You mentioned exploring. If anything this event was the best instance of exploring this game has had for a while. Oh what's that announcement all about? Let's go check the holo terminal in fleet. Hmm tatooine huh. Let's go explore what that's all about. A crashed ship? Hmmm let's explore that.


Just sayin. Class quests aren't going anywhere. EXPLORE this event. You might like it.


I see your point.


It is a valid view.


I am past tatooine and have fully explored it from both a republic and imperial perspective. I go back to level toons thru there to see the new class stories.


When I hit a new planet. I usually pick up the first hubs worth of quests and then go exploring a planet to see what I can see, especially if its the first time thru a planet. After that I have a set path for leveling that I try to optimise as I level a toon. This helps me to beable to help my friends if they have questions.



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Aside from the initial shock and the respawn timer, how exactly were you affected by your character's death. It incurred no costs or downsides for you. If 2k to avoid the huge hassle of having to respawn about once an hour (20 minutes if you stand in the ball of infected) is just far too much for you you can ask people for vaccines in chat.


I do not like having my character die for any reason. I play on a role play server for a reason. As for downsides outside of completely destroying the immersion factor the fact I had to respawn and had to literally die for no action on my part in an area designated by the game as a safe place is patently absurd. And again as I said before: why should I have to waste my credits for only a partial fix to being griefed by other players?


Note this next is not directed specifically at you but at a large number of people in this thread. The level of selfishness to assume other players don't mind watching their characters die or have nothing better to do than die or waste credits for other players amusement and quests is staggering.

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I do not like having my character die for any reason. I play on a role play server for a reason. As for downsides outside of completely destroying the immersion factor the fact I had to respawn and had to literally die for no action on my part in an area designated by the game as a safe place is patently absurd. And again as I said before: why should I have to waste my credits for only a partial fix to being griefed by other players?


Note this next is not directed specifically at you but at a large number of people in this thread. The level of selfishness to assume other players don't mind watching their characters die or have nothing better to do than die or waste credits for other players amusement and quests is staggering.


I try not to get so attached to my toons that I actually grieve for them when they die for a whole 10 seconds.

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I try not to get so attached to my toons that I actually grieve for them when they die for a whole 10 seconds.


Yes, I shed copious amounts of tears for a graphical representation of a MUD. :rolleyes:


I note that since you can't actually dispute what I said you resort to a passive personal attack. Bravo!

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I see your point.


It is a valid view.


I am past tatooine and have fully explored it from both a republic and imperial perspective. I go back to level toons thru there to see the new class stories.


When I hit a new planet. I usually pick up the first hubs worth of quests and then go exploring a planet to see what I can see, especially if its the first time thru a planet. After that I have a set path for leveling that I try to optimise as I level a toon. This helps me to beable to help my friends if they have questions.




A lot of people do the same thing. The class quests are different but I am so over the side quests in Taris, Tat, etc... This is a refreshing change and makes a planet a lot of people skim through get some new life.

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I do not like having my character die for any reason. I play on a role play server for a reason. As for downsides outside of completely destroying the immersion factor the fact I had to respawn and had to literally die for no action on my part in an area designated by the game as a safe place is patently absurd. And again as I said before: why should I have to waste my credits for only a partial fix to being griefed by other players?


Note this next is not directed specifically at you but at a large number of people in this thread. The level of selfishness to assume other players don't mind watching their characters die or have nothing better to do than die or waste credits for other players amusement and quests is staggering.


It's interesting, there is this weird phenomena where people die all the time from viruses and diseases they didn't even know they had. Quite an odd concept, yes? It's really unfortunate that those griefer jerks were just standing there waiting for you to come by to get you infected. They were totally doing that just to ruin your day and cost you your life and money. Just like all those griefers who spread colds around in common areas. This is completely unrealistic and cannot be used for RP purposes at all.

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If its that much of a burden you could always not log in during the plague.
I don't think that's reasonable.


I mean, it's what I'm doing... it's just not a reasonable to expect people to not log in for a week because the developer can't be bothered to add in a valid opt out mechanic (ie, stims that persist through death so that people doing warzones can actually avoid it without forking over ~20k or more a day).


Note, your original suggestion to opt out by participating in the event still makes 0 sense; this followup suggestion doesn't really make any more sense.

Edited by ferroz
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I do not like having my character die for any reason. I play on a role play server for a reason.


So you didn't HEAR the fleet notifications? You didn't see the new NPCs patrolling the station, nor did you see the New floating announcement droids in the 4 corners of fleet? I call shenanigans Mr. Roleplayer. Shenanigans I say.

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It's really unfortunate that those griefer jerks were just standing there waiting for you to come by to get you infected. They were totally doing that just to ruin your day and cost you your life and money.
indeed, those people are really irritating. Laughing in general chat and all the insults when people complain about what they're doing.


So you didn't HEAR the fleet notifications?
No, I zoned in and was infected before I had finished loading in. Edited by ferroz
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I try not to get so attached to my toons that I actually grieve for them when they die for a whole 10 seconds.


I actually try to minimize the amount of times I die. I try really hard not to die. I don't play an encounter with the attitude of oh well I can always respawn and try again. I try to win the first time out. I especially don't like to die if its NOT MY FAULT (e.g. lag, *cougheventscough*, etc. ;) ).


Perhaps from an RP perspective some actually keep track of how many times they are sent to the kolto tanks. I was in a guild in SWG that when you DIED in an player made event, for instance, you actually didn't play that character for a specified period of time (so you played an alt).


Some people just don't like to die. ;)

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