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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove the rakghoul plague now

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Nope. Not at all what I am saying.

I am saying by attaching a cost to the vaccine, it makes people consider if they want to participate or not.

A free vaccine on every corner, and a "world event" that is limited to one zone, makes it seem like the devs don't want people to participate. Throwing free cures around in everyone's face makes them believe that the event isn't worth participating in, if they are so eager for everyone to get an unlimited free cure that lasts the entire duration of the event.


It's like advertising a free meal.....and 4 people hand you tums and immodium before you get to the table. What would your impression be?


I love that analogy. I think that is spot on.

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Honestly, I think some of the nay-sayers here just enjoy playing the devil's advocate.


No, they're trolling. We're now approaching 3000 posts in a troll thread.

Edited by Keta
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are welcome to their opinion, but I wonder why things are taken so seriously. It's an event that ends in a few days. "If I wanted to be attacked by my own side, I'd have chosen PvP servers" doesn't really make sense. The whole thing regarding events is that they are SUPPOSED to be out of the ordinary and at least bend the normal rules or guidelines of play. Edited by Freyar
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a repost of my earlier post:


04.16.2012 , 09:55 PM | #635

"Its not like WoW's pre wrath launch. If it was, they crying would be even more ferocious. You take no durability hit for dying. You retain your abilities until you infection-pop and you are rewarded with each death with 5 items that can be sold for credits. And not to a vendor, to OTHER PLAYERS for a substantial amount since the rewards are very desirable.


WoWs event made you take a durability loss, changed you into a ghoul until you died, effected NPC characters: including quest givers-flight path npcs and vendors and had no 6 hour immunity, and also infected you by a single attack. You also had your abilities replaced with ghoul like abilities. The similarities are only an infection spread upon death.


I LOVED THAT EVENT and dominated shattrath. I shambled my zombie over to the token vendors and battlemasters in lower city. It was such a blast. Seeing it spread to the other city hubs was pretty damn immersive. YOU COULD NOT AVOID IT. A great way to launch an expansion, imho."


Once again assuming every player's idea of a fun event is the same as your own. Here's something to think about: not everyone wants forced participation events shoved down their throats and having to completely stop their usual play patterns to adjust to it.

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Once again assuming every player's idea of a fun event is the same as your own. Here's something to think about: not everyone wants forced participation events shoved down their throats and having to completely stop their usual play patterns to adjust to it.


Then perhaps you ought not play an MMO?

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Or the devs could come up with a world event that does not require forced participation like, I dunno, almost every other MMO I can think of? :eek:


Pfft.. Rift's events required participation. (I still remember the Death assaults on Meridian), WoW's events were disruptive in one way or another, and so is TOR's. The whole POINT of an event is to upset the status quo.

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Pfft.. Rift's events required participation. (I still remember the Death assaults on Meridian), WoW's events were disruptive in one way or another, and so is TOR's. The whole POINT of an event is to upset the status quo.


Simply incorrect. I can think of almost every WoW event that was around when I played and only one was forced down your throat. Rift's whole concept is NPCs churning out and disrupting daily life so that's a wash. The whole point of world events is (or should be in this face) a chance for those who CHOOSE to participate the chance to change their normal play patterns. I don't think it is much to ask to have it not disrupt the play patterns of those of us who choose not to participate. Or at least attempt to do so.

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The question I'd put to you is "how restricted" should it be? Only on Tatooine? Then it wouldn't really be a large event would it?


To quote a saying.. " you build it, they will come" if it was as much as fun as many seem to say it is..it would'nt matter if it was retricted to Tatoonie. Most...if not all of those who "want " to do the event would go there I beleave.:)

Esp if it was still super easy credits to be made.

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Simply incorrect. I can think of almost every WoW event that was around when I played and only one was forced down your throat. Rift's whole concept is NPCs churning out and disrupting daily life so that's a wash. The whole point of world events is (or should be in this face) a chance for those who CHOOSE to participate the chance to change their normal play patterns. I don't think it is much to ask to have it not disrupt the play patterns of those of us who choose not to participate. Or at least attempt to do so.


By the time you finish crying and wipe your nose the event should be over.

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Simply incorrect. I can think of almost every WoW event that was around when I played and only one was forced down your throat. Rift's whole concept is NPCs churning out and disrupting daily life so that's a wash. The whole point of world events is (or should be in this face) a chance for those who CHOOSE to participate the chance to change their normal play patterns. I don't think it is much to ask to have it not disrupt the play patterns of those of us who choose not to participate. Or at least attempt to do so.


I completely disagree. Events are there to shake things up. the attacks on major cities prior to each expansion, the zombie events, so on and so forth. They were all disruptive (even if they weren't DISRUPTIVE TO YOU just like this event isn't disruptive to people playing on planets other than Tatooine and hanging about the Fleets.)


You can't simply dismiss Rift's events either. It is a disruption on a different scale that made it a radically different scenario. Dismissing it like you did says you're willing to pick and choose supporting evidence rather than looking at the whole.


To quote a saying.. " you build it, they will come" if it was as much as fun as many seem to say it is..it would'nt matter if it was retricted to Tatoonie. Most...if not all of those who "want " to do the event would go there I beleave.:)

Esp if it was still super easy credits to be made.


But then it isn't exactly an event for the galaxy is it?

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Wait... so in one post you say that immersion is very important to you.... then in the next post you want the developers to limit what the players can do so that the virulent plague wont spread to the fleet?


To be honest, the idea that some people could be allowed to opt out of the event breaks immersion for me.


If it was restricted to Tatoonie , which even from a immersion point of view ( mine atleast ) is more realistic anyway, there would be no need to worry about it on the Fleet....which any well organized security system would not allow a bunch of people standing around blowing people up on the Fleet. Makes perfect sense to me. :)

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By the time you finish crying and wipe your nose the event should be over.


It shows the level of intelligence and degree of selfish absorption the opposing side has with its arguments when posts like this are the norm. Keep on being internet tough guy there.

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Once again assuming every player's idea of a fun event is the same as your own. Here's something to think about: not everyone wants forced participation events shoved down their throats and having to completely stop their usual play patterns to adjust to it.


Forced? Hardly, lol. I was questing with my 19 Consular today. Got infected 2 times (1 time intentional), I continued questing, I died, revived and continued questing. OMG IT WAS HORRIBLE! Not really.


Most of the people who have issues with this event are people who are ignorant to the events dynamics.

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This is nothing like WoW zombie event. You can't get camped and killed in your own city. You have protection for 2000 credits, which is like, a penny. I'm guessing you've never actually experienced the WoW zombie event, to say that. Now if we could turn into rakghouls, and PK our own faction, even on pve servers. Then it would be a WoW zombie event.
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I completely disagree. Events are there to shake things up. the attacks on major cities prior to each expansion, the zombie events, so on and so forth. They were all disruptive (even if they weren't DISRUPTIVE TO YOU just like this event isn't disruptive to people playing on planets other than Tatooine and hanging about the Fleets.)


You can't simply dismiss Rift's events either. It is a disruption on a different scale that made it a radically different scenario. Dismissing it like you did says you're willing to pick and choose supporting evidence rather than looking at the whole.




But then it isn't exactly an event for the galaxy is it?


I played Rift and the special world events didn't really change anything from normal daily life. You could go and fight the new mobs and rifts or ignore them. You can probably guess which I opted to do. So your Rift analogy doesn't really hold water to me. The same with WoW. I remember the insect thingies in the desert and you had some insect invasions in other zones and you could participate in them or not. It didn't force you to change your play style to have to put up with it.


My beef with any world event is when you force people to participate that do not choose to do so. It is hardly much to ask to have an option not to participate. I'm not sure why people like yourself seem so insistent to force others to adjust to whatever you feel is a fun or interesting experience. Why not force players to PVP on pve servers as well? Better yet why not go all Shadowbane and have guild cities that can be wiped out and have all the world zones be open to pvp except the starting city and let people loot all the items off your corpse? That would really change things up!

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But then it isn't exactly an event for the galaxy is it?


Sure it is. Tatoonie is part of the galaxy. But you mean galaxy wide I assume. How would you leave Tatoonie if you did not use the space port? Ahh..the Fleet pass...now the security set up on Tatoonie would surely think of this and not only lock down the space port from infected people from leaving, but would alert the Fleet and don'nt you think the Fleet security would not also try hard to contain it if any visitors come to the Fleet infected? Or just allow them to stand around in large groups blowing up and infecting anyone who is near them? From a story line perpective I found that concept totally silly.


But hey...I am fine if they want to have it on the fleet if most players want it there....just give me the option to opt out of a event which I feel is not designed well. But not by staying away from the Fleet. I can stay away from the zone in Tatoonie..np at all with that idea. Or even the entire planet for that matter.

Edited by Valkirus
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I played Rift and the special world events didn't really change anything from normal daily life. You could go and fight the new mobs and rifts or ignore them. You can probably guess which I opted to do. So your Rift analogy doesn't really hold water to me. The same with WoW. I remember the insect thingies in the desert and you had some insect invasions in other zones and you could participate in them or not. It didn't force you to change your play style to have to put up with it.


So because it suited your preference (or you were able to just ignore it as you can with this event as well), it was just "fine" for you in Rift.


Seriously, there's no point in even discussing this with you. Your "My way or the Highway" approach leaves no room for consideration that MMORPGs involve more people than yourself. If we actually had a massive outcry about this event, we'd be seeing a significant amount of posts (granted, I'm aware they pruned the old thread) in more than one forum with nothing but rage in general on the Fleet.


People are actively participating here. You're one of the few that isn't. Sorry, you'll just have to bear through it.

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Wait... so in one post you say that immersion is very important to you.... then in the next post you want the developers to limit what the players can do so that the virulent plague wont spread to the fleet?


To be honest, the idea that some people could be allowed to opt out of the event breaks immersion for me.


As opposed to those repeadly killing themselves for Death exploited loot, driving cars in populated areas, etc... :rolleyes:

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This is nothing like WoW zombie event. You can't get camped and killed in your own city. You have protection for 2000 credits, which is like, a penny. I'm guessing you've never actually experienced the WoW zombie event, to say that. Now if we could turn into rakghouls, and PK our own faction, even on pve servers. Then it would be a WoW zombie event.


You are right. The Rakghoul infection event is no way near as intrusive as the Zombie invasion was. But the Zombie invasion atleast made a lot more sense. Not approving of that event by the way, and I think Blizz understood how too intrusive it was and the Elemental invasion just before Cata was toned down a lot from it. But even that one was done well and made sense. But also keep in mind the Fleet is used a aweful lot by players...where as Tatoonie is not. And you can get killed on the Fleet . Sure...no death penalty I know..that has been mentioned a lot..but it is still a death. In WoW there is absolutely no death penalty from PVP. But it can still be anoying if you donot want to do it.

Edited by Valkirus
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Show me all zero's, and perhaps I could be convinced....


Eliminating Intentional Infections 10-8=2

Eliminating Infections By Rakghoul Quests: 2-2=0


0 Infections were contracted unless I wanted to, or I was participating in one of the "risky" quests on Tatooine. If it were truly hard to avoid these infections, should I have a much higher chance of being infected when I'm not fighting infected NPCs?

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Eliminating Intentional Infections 10-8=2

Eliminating Infections By Rakghoul Quests: 2-2=0


0 Infections were contracted unless I wanted to, or I was participating in one of the "risky" quests on Tatooine. If it were truly hard to avoid these infections, should I have a much higher chance of being infected when I'm not fighting infected NPCs?


I had zero infections and zero Plague related Deaths. All it takes is staying away from the Fleet, crowds, and other Players. However, I doubt this is the solution others are seeking.


Events are worth having; Griefing is not.

Edited by Elhanan
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I had zero infections and zero Plague related Deaths. All it takes is staying away from the Fleet, crowds, and other Players. However, I doubt this is the solution others are seeking.


Events are worth having; Griefing is not.


When I return to the fleet for business, I pay attention and stay away from crowds. I keep what I want to do in mind and leave when I've got my business done. Should be that anyway for people since they should be out DOING THINGS as opposed to just idling on the station.

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