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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove the rakghoul plague now

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QQ they don’t have a world event

QQ they do have a world event

QQ they don’t have enough content

QQ they have content that I don’t want to spend 3 seconds trying to avoid

QQ they took the servers down for maintenance

QQ they aren’t doing enough maintenance making things better

QQ Bioware is breaking my immersion

QQ other players are breaking my immersion

QQ my cat is breaking my immersion

QQ this game is too much like a different game

QQ this game does not have features that some different game has

QQ I am un-subbing if they don’t meet my demands


Have I about covered it?


You would have to ask those that are QQ; no plans currently.

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Doubt it; am likely to have close to the record is my better guess. Simply get enough practice as is by trying to avoid Death, let alone exploit it for loot.


"Exploit Death for Loot"? You're talking about the DNA samples? You're still hung up on that thought? Look, you don't have to die if you get infected, but that's on you. Dangers are presented, you react to them.. that really is it.

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Complete BS. There's NO WAY he had to use 25 shots in one day....


Either I'm in the wrong thread, the post was deleted or he misread this:


Heck if you PVP you can't even keep your immunity as it goes away the first time you die. I've spent over 20,000 credits on vaccinations in two days.


Still reading through...a second time...


Nope that's the only reference I saw. Perhaps someone else should have a look in case I'm just blind.

Edited by DieAlteHexe
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This is a bit contradictory... SW has always been "mainstream" and never reserved to an elite.



Even then, an MMO would die without mainstream appeal. SWG is an example of that attempt (though admittedly that mainstreaming was a horrible failure since it was an afterthought and not a design decision during development.)


No, sorry, Star Wars is a mainstream franchise, no matter what anyone thinks.


Re: 200k credits on vaccines


It's just the PvP guys complaining. They seemed to have forgotten they can queue from anywhere as far as I can tell.

Edited by Freyar
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"Exploit Death for Loot"? You're talking about the DNA samples? You're still hung up on that thought? Look, you don't have to die if you get infected, but that's on you. Dangers are presented, you react to them.. that really is it.


Seems to be profitable to die, and causes debts if remaining alive. Pass.

Edited by Elhanan
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Either I'm in the wrong thread, the post was deleted or he misread this:


Heck if you PVP you can't even keep your immunity as it goes away the first time you die. I've spent over 20,000 credits on vaccinations in two days.


Still reading through...a second time...


Nope that's the only reference I saw. Perhaps someone else should have a look in case I'm just blind.

I hate cross posting but

By exspensive. I play from 20 to 30 rounds of pvp a day. Times that by 2k credit to cure myself at the end of each match if I was sick. Just yesterday that was 50k credits for the 33 rounds of pvp I played.
Sure, he can go inconvenience himself by pvping off of fleet... evidential his personal list of inconveniencing things, from most inconvenient to least is

  1. getting the plague while pvping
  2. avoiding the plague while pvping by staying off of fleet and possibly spending less than 50k (since he'll get infected in the matches on a regular basis)
  3. avoiding the plague while pvping by spending 50k

Personally i think that instead of suggesting that he inconvenience himself in a different way, we should suggest to bioware that they should give him the option to not be inconvenienced. so, add a 4th option: avoid the plague while pvping by spending 0 credits would be idea.

Edited by ferroz
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I hate cross posting but


Thanks. I will go have another look as, apparently, I am blind.


Yup, found it. Thank you.


Boy, that's SOME dedication to PvP, 20 to 30 rounds a day. :eek:


Well, just goes to support the opt-out vaccine/NPC/whatever-mechanic for future reference.

Edited by DieAlteHexe
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Unless he's totally bent..


The extreme people will go to, to try and twist a good thing into a bad thing to somehow vindicate their feelings is hilarious


This thread should be required reading for college psyche classes

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i'm going to delete my char, this stupid plague is pointless!


Over reaction much? You can cure it you know. And there is no penalty from dying by it. Or, you can just wait until the 24th if it's such a pain.


By some people's reactions you'd think this was a permanent change that gave the player cancer if their avatar got infected.

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Even then, an MMO would die without mainstream appeal. SWG is an example of that attempt (though admittedly that mainstreaming was a horrible failure since it was an afterthought and not a design decision during development.)


No, sorry, Star Wars is a mainstream franchise, no matter what anyone thinks.




It's just the PvP guys complaining. They seemed to have forgotten they can queue from anywhere as far as I can tell.


PvP people know that. Their problem is that you are guaranteed two things in a warzone: to die, and to be infected.


Those who don't want the plague or think it interfered with their warzone play are, I would say, justly displeased.

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Over reaction much? You can cure it you know. And there is no penalty from dying by it. Or, you can just wait until the 24th if it's such a pain.


By some people's reactions you'd think this was a permanent change that gave the player cancer if their avatar got infected.


And i want compensation for the wasted time.

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This thread is like a broken record.. :eek:


Basically... I'm more or less done with it. There isn't much more to say at this point. Those who want to be stubborn or unreasonable on each side will continue to be so, and those who have respect or an understanding of the other position will continue to have these.

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This thread is like a broken record.. :eek:


So it is. :)


I just can't get over the passion, the ire, the rage over a game. I thought I took my gaming kinda seriously but by comparison I am one hell of a slacker.


Ah well, time to go explode or quest or do both.


Enjoy the evening, folks.

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PvP people know that. Their problem is that you are guaranteed two things in a warzone: to die, and to be infected.


Those who don't want the plague or think it interfered with their warzone play are, I would say, justly displeased.


LOL, I blew up in huttball a few times...it was hilarious!

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The extreme people will go to, to try and twist a good thing into a bad thing to somehow vindicate their feelings is hilarious


This thread should be required reading for college psyche classes


The event is neither good nor bad, it's our perception of it that attaches values to it. The event just is. And soon it will just not be. I don't like the story line and don't like the available rewards so i don't participate and instead I'm leveling an alt and having fun doing that. It's unfortunate that some people on both sides of the issue have twisted an inconsequential part of their lives into a life altering event. It's just a story line in a game. But that's what humans do. It will pass and the folks that were infecting you or berating you for infecting them will all be back to their normal play patterns soon.


As for the thread being required reading for psyche class, I agree. Maybe a chapter called "The Psychology of Trolling" because I still believe that this has been one very large and long troll thread. They're having a great laugh over it too.

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Wow. 80 pages and another thread since I checked in on this thread and I still see the same two chief dissidents to the plague.


A question for the haters of the plague:


If dealing with the plague (as easy as it is to avoid) is costing you so much time, then how is it that you guys have so much time to post about how the plague is costing you so much time?


You guys do realize that you have spent more time posting in this thread than the majority of players spend playing TOR for an entire week, right?

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