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PVP is now more dead than ever


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I worked 3pm to 11pm yesterday. Not a single match popped before i went to work. When I got home I logged in at 11:20pm EST. Not s single match popped from 11:20pm to 1:30am. This is unacceptable, stop implementing terrible patches and merge the servers or all is lost.
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Which server are you on? Which faction do you play?


I can pretty much tell you, on Anchorhead (a medium/lowish pop server) I have WZ pop up until 6am EST daily.


Have you ever considered taking responsibility for your own enjoyment and... I don't know releveling?


BioWare has stated Cross Server Warzones will be implemented. If you cannot wait, I suggest you reread line three of my post.

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I managed to get in roughly 5 matches last night from around 9PM to 2AM... lost 3 (thanks 4v8!), won 2... it's getting pretty bad, the day of patch my server perked up, lots of people on, now, a few days later it's a complete and utter graveyard. The patch that was supposed to rejuvenate the game seems to have actually destroyed it...


Since I started playing this game I've been fighting the same people in WZ's. Except that now, instead of my gear catching up to them, they are continually getting better and better gear while mine stays roughly the same... 0-40 comms per loss depending on the situation while they are getting 60-100 (or more) just for starting with more people is a little ridiculous...


I'm starting to think that my only real chance to enjoy PvP in this game is to reroll on a heavy population server and leave everything on my server behind, just drop it, forget about it and just deal with it... which really sucks, considering all of the time I've invested in my characters on that server. 5 WZ's a night that start 4v8 is not a PvP experience...

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I think part of that might be due to the Rakghoul event and people working on those quests instead of PvPing.


Lol no. Unless we have a decent premade there's no point in queueing. You'll take a medpack or two and end up in negative commendations, or you won't even make enough credits in 15 minutes to send a single companion to a gathering mission.

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Lol no. Unless we have a decent premade there's no point in queueing. You'll take a medpack or two and end up in negative commendations, or you won't even make enough credits in 15 minutes to send a single companion to a gathering mission.


Exactly, with the rewards being so messed up there is no point in pvp unless my guild mates, or few pvp guys that are still around are on. PVP in this game is really not as much fun as it was

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I worked 3pm to 11pm yesterday. Not a single match popped before i went to work. When I got home I logged in at 11:20pm EST. Not s single match popped from 11:20pm to 1:30am. This is unacceptable, stop implementing terrible patches and merge the servers or all is lost.


I am pretty sure the time you work 3-11pm EST is the time everyone is on playing. I mean who doesn't work or go to school on normal hours? And most people go to bed between 10-11. You need to either change your hours at work or just deal with it.

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I've lost a lot of interest in PVP in 1.2. I'm not a fan of the grind that is the new PVP gear system. I know I'll never be able to grind to war hero, so now that I know I'm not as competitive as I want/wish to be, Ive moved on to other game aspects in the mean time.
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Exactly, with the rewards being so messed up there is no point in pvp unless my guild mates, or few pvp guys that are still around are on. PVP in this game is really not as much fun as it was


Because winning and getting things is the only way to have fun in PvP? I am disgusted.


Let me break down PvP for you...


Player versus Player...




Player vs. Player for tokens or items or rewards.


The fun of PvP is in playing AGAINST other PLAYERS who are supposed to be more challenging than NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS.


If you are so into the mentality that I MUST BE REWARDED FOR LOSING/WINNING/COMPETING you are NOT a PvPer.


If you are not old enough to remember life before World of Trashcraft, you missed out on the golden age of PvP.

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I've lost a lot of interest in PVP in 1.2. I'm not a fan of the grind that is the new PVP gear system. I know I'll never be able to grind to war hero, so now that I know I'm not as competitive as I want/wish to be, Ive moved on to other game aspects in the mean time.


Were you not here pre 1.2? BM gear is now much easier to get. And WH is about the same as BM used to be with those terrible RNG bags.

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And most people go to bed between 10-11.


Can you give me a link to a study that will confirm your findings?


Perhaps you were asking children when they go to bed, most of my friends go to bed around midnight and some even go at 1-2am (and waking hours are 7-8)


You need to either change your hours at work or just deal with it.


Change your work hours because you can't play? Seriously?

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Being dead is only a slight problem for myself. The ques last night were actually fast, yet it was the same bad group of players over and over... On both teams, every match had the same players with 1 or 2 different faces. Last night, our group just kept getting rolled over and over... When we only have one opponent, we have less diversity and creates problems for the new grind.
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Can you give me a link to a study that will confirm your findings?


Perhaps you were asking children when they go to bed, most of my friends go to bed around midnight and some even go at 1-2am (and waking hours are 7-8)




Change your work hours because you can't play? Seriously?


No link required. When is your server most active? And when does it drop off? I bet you around 10-11...


Also, it is common knowledge that the average american goes to sleep between 9-11.

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Because winning and getting things is the only way to have fun in PvP? I am disgusted.


Let me break down PvP for you...


Player versus Player...




Player vs. Player for tokens or items or rewards.


The fun of PvP is in playing AGAINST other PLAYERS who are supposed to be more challenging than NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS.


If you are so into the mentality that I MUST BE REWARDED FOR LOSING/WINNING/COMPETING you are NOT a PvPer.


If you are not old enough to remember life before World of Trashcraft, you missed out on the golden age of PvP.


The thing you are ignoring that in a gear based PvP environment if one "team" is constantly getting better while the other is staying relatively the same it's not going to be much fun for "anyone" involved. Steamrolling people is boring, getting steamrolled isn't fun, but having a well balanced and close game is fun...


I realized all too quickly that the old school "I PvP to have fun!" motto just doesn't apply to this game... in this game you are essentially compensated for your time put into it... that compensation comes in the form of comms, etc... to get better gear. It's not my fault that Bioware chose this method... I'm just trying to roll with it here...

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I would pvp even if there were no rewards (as was the case in most games until the last few years). Even now you don't get any "credits" in Wow BGs.


But I have had no trouble getting comms even from bad/losing pugs.


I agree. The game is going to constantly change. Regardless whether people cry about it or not, the game is going to be different next month. I just play for the PvP anyways, so if they change the system then I must adapt and change my playing style... simple.

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Because winning and getting things is the only way to have fun in PvP? I am disgusted.


Let me break down PvP for you...


Player versus Player...




Player vs. Player for tokens or items or rewards.


The fun of PvP is in playing AGAINST other PLAYERS who are supposed to be more challenging than NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS.


If you are so into the mentality that I MUST BE REWARDED FOR LOSING/WINNING/COMPETING you are NOT a PvPer.


If you are not old enough to remember life before World of Trashcraft, you missed out on the golden age of PvP.



The McGeneration laughs at your golden age of pvp


sad but true

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I realized all too quickly that the old school "I PvP to have fun!" motto just doesn't apply to this game... in this game you are essentially compensated for your time put into it... that compensation comes in the form of comms, etc... to get better gear. It's not my fault that Bioware chose this method... I'm just trying to roll with it here...


I would propose that it's not just that "I PvP to have fun" doesn't apply to this game - it doesn't apply to most games now. You'd need to change that to "I PvP to win, because winning is fun."


MMO Players (and society in general, actually), has changed from Process-focused to Outcome-focused.

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The thing you are ignoring that in a gear based PvP environment if one "team" is constantly getting better while the other is staying relatively the same it's not going to be much fun for "anyone" involved. Steamrolling people is boring, getting steamrolled isn't fun, but having a well balanced and close game is fun...


I realized all too quickly that the old school "I PvP to have fun!" motto just doesn't apply to this game... in this game you are essentially compensated for your time put into it... that compensation comes in the form of comms, etc... to get better gear. It's not my fault that Bioware chose this method... I'm just trying to roll with it here...


If you can't grind full BM gear in 5 months, you have zero excuses. I have done it once on an Assassin and once on a Shadow, only playing weekends due to RL commitments.


If you are not BM geared by now, you don't deserve to be.


The most expensive piece of gear is 1600 comms, with the cheaper ones being 500-600. If you cannot manage 600 Commendation is one sitting solo Q, lasting a couple of hours... PvP is not for you.

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If you can't grind full BM gear in 5 months, you have zero excuses. I have done it once on an Assassin and once on a Shadow, only playing weekends due to RL commitments.


If you are not BM geared by now, you don't deserve to be.


The most expensive piece of gear is 1600 comms, with the cheaper ones being 500-600. If you cannot manage 600 Commendation is one sitting solo Q, lasting a couple of hours... PvP is not for you.


AHH! The old elitist counter... "your point is invalid because I'm better than you!"


Good comeback bud! Thanks for that well thought out post!

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I agree that PVP is way too slow now. I am happy with the game but not happy with the population. My server went from 140 people on the fleet down to ~80 during prime time. I play at weird hours on and off throughout the day, solo queue. Now I can't get a queue pop when I need one unless it's prime time Edited by HBninjaX
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Hey Dozer,


We saw you and all the guys out there on the new quests last night...

Not sure I'm PVP'ing till they merge our server because our pop is so low on our side.



Always good fighting you guys out there but 10-12 against 3 are not the best of odds if you know what i mean?


Hope they fix PVP!


Take care,


Oddy Doddy

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