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Bioware this is pretty lame and UNFAIR!


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Regarding the free month that Bioware is giving away to lvl 50 players or players who reached legacy lvl 6 until 22 april, I think its still pretty unfair, I don't have a lvl 50 yet, my main char is 46 with legacy lvl to 4.


I think the requirments for getting the free month from Bioware are still pretty tough, I don't have time to play all day I come home from work , I have other stuff to do and I barely have time to play swtor sometimes.


Ive been playing swtor since the start with a 2 month break from feb to april . Why can't you just award everybody with a free month?


Its unfair , I don't think I can reach 50 until 22 april, or reach legacy lvl 6 .


BTW do you have to be unsubbed to receive the 30 days or doesnt matter?

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The idea is that they are giving these free days to active players, as a "thank you for playing regularly" thing. As a result, less active players will be unable to enjoy it, what do you suggest they lower it to? Because then, I guarantee the people right or way below that would be complaining about it.
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Ive been playing swtor since the start with a 2 month break from feb to april . Why can't you just award everybody with a free month?


I think the idea was to reward the loyal players that are helping keep some servers alive. Had you not taken a 2 month break, you could easily have had one of the requirements met if not both.

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Because they want to award the people that actually play the game and try to make the community great. After 4 months if you don't have a 50, you're not even casual, you are a sporadic player (My GF's wording, not mine - she's not 50 yet and is not getting a free month either)


This game has the easiest leveling progression out of all the other MMO's I've played, I have 3 50s and a 46 along with various other alts. Even a casual player that plays more than sporadically will have a 50 by now.

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Dude I play maybe 4 hours a week (which is really not a lot in MMO standards)


I have a Level 50 (battlemaster)

and other chars near L50...



come on... make an effort. Don't expect BW to give you a free month, especially after taking a 2 months break?


An MMO is like a Marathon, go at it at your own pace but if you decided to sit out, you're out!

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Because they want to award the people that actually play the game and try to make the community great. After 4 months if you don't have a 50, you're not even casual, you are a sporadic player (My GF's wording, not mine - she's not 50 yet and is not getting a free month either)


This game has the easiest leveling progression out of all the other MMO's I've played, I have 3 50s and a 46 along with various other alts. Even a casual player that plays more than sporadically will have a 50 by now.


I dont have time to play all day like you I have work

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Dude I play maybe 4 hours a week (which is really not a lot in MMO standards)


I have a Level 50 (battlemaster)

and other chars near L50...



come on... make an effort. Don't expect BW to give you a free month, especially after taking a 2 months break?


An MMO is like a Marathon, go at it at your own pace but if you decided to sit out, you're out!


I like to play OTHER GAMES ASWELL MAYBE. And I AM A LOYAL FAN OF SWTOR, I have the Founder medal and been playing since launch.


I had to take a break for 2 months , it happens but now Im back and I want to play and enjoy a free month

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. After 4 months if you don't have a 50, you're not even casual, you are a sporadic player (My GF's wording, not mine - she's not 50 yet and is not getting a free month either)




IDK about that. I've been playing since early access and play at least a couple of hours 4 out 5 week nights and more on the weekends. My main is only level 48, but I'm an alt-aholic. I didn't concentrate on getting to 50 as I'm not really an end game player. However, Even though I don't have a level 50 I'd hardly say I'm a sporadic player LOL

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It is unfair OP. Don't listen to everyone telling you otherwise. The truth in it all is that it doesn't have to be fair. Life isn't fair, and this is just one of those things that's a part of life.


I have a schedule that simply doesn’t let me play as often as others, so even though I've been playing since shortly after launch, I also don't have a level 50 yet. I could complain that it's not fair I only get maybe 20 minutes or less to play some days, and not at all on others, but it won't do any good.


The people that are getting the free month have earned it, so let's not take that away from them. Grats to those with the free month, and to my fellows still paying, buckup. We were going to pay anyway, so it's not like we lost out on anything. Just the luck of the draw I'm afraid.

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IDK about that. I've been playing since early access and play at least a couple of hours 4 out 5 week nights and more on the weekends. My main is only level 48, but I'm an alt-aholic. I didn't concentrate on getting to 50 as I'm not really an end game player. However, Even though I don't have a level 50 I'd hardly say I'm a sporadic player LOL


Yes this exactly, im an altoholic but I CANT gain legacy exp because my alts are on more populated servers than my main.


I love swtor and I would love a free month to lvl my alts.

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Ive been playing swtor since the start with a 2 month break from feb to april .


Really? you took a break and saved $30.00 we been playing since it came out so your still 15.00 ahead of most. play an hour a day and you will get your legacy.

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The idea is that they are giving these free days to active players, as a "thank you for playing regularly" thing. As a result, less active players will be unable to enjoy it, what do you suggest they lower it to? Because then, I guarantee the people right or way below that would be complaining about it.


THIS! They aren't rewarding people who play so casually that they are non-factors. In MMOs, PLAYERS are important. If you play so little that you can't reach 50 or Legacy 6 by now, do you honestly feel you've had any sort of impact on the community you play with? I don't.


I'm not knocking you, I don't care how often you play or don't play, but I can see WHY Bioware is limiting it to those who help improve the feel of the game on a more regular basis...and the criteria they set are quite reasonable.

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IDK about that. I've been playing since early access and play at least a couple of hours 4 out 5 week nights and more on the weekends. My main is only level 48, but I'm an alt-aholic. I didn't concentrate on getting to 50 as I'm not really an end game player. However, Even though I don't have a level 50 I'd hardly say I'm a sporadic player LOL


True enough, but having several alts I'm betting you have legacy 6?


And @ the OP: I'm not asking you to play like me, not everybody can be laid off for January and February, I just got lucky. My point is that if you don't have legacy 6 or a 50 by now, that your a sporadic player, and the free month is meant as a reward to those players that are keeping the community alive.

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I have a full time job. I also have a girlfriend. 1 week a month I'm on call so no playing 1 month a week. I probably play 2-3 sessions of 3-4 hours on a normal week.


I have two level 50's and another on the way. I'm legacy level 18.


As someone else has posted, most people would even class you as casual.

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I dont have time to play all day like you I have work


Yo don't have to play all day everyday to get to 50. And even with that, legacy level 6 is not hard to do either. Hell I don't get to play everyday all day either, I've got full time work, school one night a week, a side business with my old man, and two kids and I still have 3 50's and am at legacy level 30 (just dinged that last night). Granted I did take a weeks vacation a few months back and really got to hammer some out then but A level 50 or legacy level 6..... That's too easy.

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I dont have time to play all day like you I have work


Its unfair , I don't think I can reach 50 until 22 april, or reach legacy lvl 6 .










Its 15 dollars. Your griping about 15 dollars. Or the principle. I don't really care actually.


Life isn't fair. Being a member of the workforce, I would hope you already knew that.

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I dont have time to play all day like you I have work


I do not have time to play all day ether.


I have responsibilities in life. Such as a full time job, a family, a g/f, and social life on weekends, etc.


I still play a couple of days a week for a few hours, I have a lvl 50, 47, 2 30s I have deleted, and bunch in the 15 - 20 lvl range.


Leveling is fun and easy in this game, you have no excuse to not have reached lvl 50 or legacy level 6 at this point except to say you do not play often.


And you took 2 months off, which is fine... but seriously you think you deserve a free promotion when you have barely done anything to support the game?

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TBH i was expecting this kind of bullcrap like : lololol ur bad cuz you dont have a 50, you no take 30 days because you don't play everyday in every month.


This is coming from players who received thr 30 days free reward and rub it in my face and into those that don't also meet the stupid requirment Bioware has put up.

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I have a full time job. I also have a girlfriend. 1 week a month I'm on call so no playing 1 month a week. I probably play 2-3 sessions of 3-4 hours on a normal week.


I have two level 50's and another on the way. I'm legacy level 18.


As someone else has posted, most people would even class you as casual.


No playing 1 month a week??? I'm thinking you've taken a few too many faster then light hyperdrive trips across the galaxy.

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