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Chat Bubbles: We need an option to enable them for say, yell and emote chat!


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Well it would help but so far as long as UI frames are killing the frame rate I don't think they are eager to bring more to the player screen.


That's an excellent point. I hope that will not become an issue.


And by the way, BUMP...

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Well it would help but so far as long as UI frames are killing the frame rate I don't think they are eager to bring more to the player screen.


Well they said they had sorted the performance issue. I just think they have a social patch coming and they are waiting to put it in that.

Edited by Shingara
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Some news about chat bubbles today, as Here is what The Old Republic's Lead Designer Daniel Erickson mentioned chat bubbles in an interview conducted by the fine people of swtor-rp.com:
Chat bubbles are on the short list, stuck behind must-have features like group finder and I expect you’ll see them arrive relatively soon.
Edited by Glzmo
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"Chat bubbles are on the short list, stuck behind must-have features like group finder and I expect you’ll see them arrive relatively soon."[/color]


This is EXCELLENT news!!! TY, BW! I'm more than willing to be patient...all I ask for is some hope...and this quote gives me that hope. YIPPEE!

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I doubt it's banable, but if you keep bumping it and nobody is adding to the discussion, it will be closed.


Hmmm, I didn't think of that. You're right.


Oh, this is NOT a BUMP comment, I'm just responding to PainOfDemise's statement.

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This is a very good thread / post. I support the drive to bring chat bubbles in the game!


I wonder though what is taking them so long to have it done? Perhaps other things have a higher priority and to be honest they should work on it as long as they can if only to make sure of a bug-free, smooth, working as intended chat bubble Patch.


(a bit worried at the chat bubbles dropping FPS)

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They say its down to tech problems with chat bubbles.... beta fine, launch for a few weeks fine, this long NO so now ive come to the conc that it snot a tech issue its that dumb lead dev who want the game made his way instead of how the community wants the game, shame on him.
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They say its down to tech problems with chat bubbles.... beta fine, launch for a few weeks fine, this long NO so now ive come to the conc that it snot a tech issue its that dumb lead dev who want the game made his way instead of how the community wants the game, shame on him.


Or how about it's near the bottom of the list of a long list of priorities. While chat bubbles would be a nice feature, it should never be high on the priority list. It will be added, they are just mainly focusing on bigger and better things, while chat bubbles are only getting what is left over.

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Hello everyone - while we appreciate your enthusiasm for this topic, please remember that "bumping" threads is not constructive. If you do not have any further discussion to add to a thread, please do not "bump" it to the top. Thank you!

After thousands of answers do you really thing something that new (i.e. constructive) can be said?


Bumping threads is the only way players have to voice their interest for a feature has not worn out.


We all know the more you leave the players in the dark the more it encourages bumping, arguing and well less politically correct posts. You can't really blame the players here, can you?

Now would you really want to change players behavior then just have the devs step down and explain the actual state of this feature along an ETA.

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Bumping threads is the only way players have to voice their interest for a feature has not worn out..


Then you have no way.. All bumping threads do is take away attention from other threads.. There is no reason to bump this thread.. None..


Bioware has already and repeatedly responded to this issue.. It has been posted in this thread countless times.. They know you want chat bubbles.. It will be added on their time line and not yours.. No matter how many times you bump this thread.. That will never change.. Chat bubbles will be added.. What else is there to say?? Why do you need to bump to show interest?? It will not make Bioware add them any faster..


Bumping is against the rules of the forum and always has been.. There are more issues that need to be discussed than just chat bubbles.. You all have got your response from Bioware.. All you can do now is wait.. So how about being a constructive member of the communtiy and let other issues get their well deserved attention and response from Bioware..


As for an ETA?? Sometime in the future is all you need to know.. Like I said.. They will add them on their time schedule not your's..

Edited by MajikMyst
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Or how about it's near the bottom of the list of a long list of priorities. While chat bubbles would be a nice feature, it should never be high on the priority list. It will be added, they are just mainly focusing on bigger and better things, while chat bubbles are only getting what is left over.


Chat bubbles are 100% important for RP and even on normal server in all my other games ive had them, not able to see where someone needs a heal or tactic from their point of char or having to read the chat box look at the name then search everyone around you for it is silly and frustrating, these should have taken priority of the events and mini pets they are making all the time.

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Then you have no way.. All bumping threads do is take away attention from other threads.. There is no reason to bump this thread.. None..


Bioware has already and repeatedly responded to this issue.. It has been posted in this thread countless times.. They know you want chat bubbles.. It will be added on their time line and not yours.. No matter how many times you bump this thread.. That will never change.. Chat bubbles will be added.. What else is there to say?? Why do you need to bump to show interest?? It will not make Bioware add them any faster..


Bumping is against the rules of the forum and always has been.. There are more issues that need to be discussed than just chat bubbles.. You all have got your response from Bioware.. All you can do now is wait.. So how about being a constructive member of the communtiy and let other issues get their well deserved attention and response from Bioware..


As for an ETA?? Sometime in the future is all you need to know.. Like I said.. They will add them on their time schedule not your's..

Well until chat bubbles are in voicing our opinions is not a bad thing.


BTW if there are more players keeping this topic up instead of other ones then guess it's because it's more looked after thus maybe a good thing to do it before other stuff.

Edited by Deewe
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Well until chat bubbles are in voicing our opinions is not a bad thing.


BTW if there are more players keeping this topic up instead of other ones then guess it's because it's more looked after thus maybe a good thing to do it before other stuff.

Agreed. We need to show them that this feature is really, really important to many people. And keeping the thread afloat with lots of replies is one way to get noticed.

Right now, the only feature I want implemented in this game next are chat bubbles as those would definitely keep me playing and paying once my subscription expires next month. Otherwise I'll just let it expire and return once chat bubbles are in the game.

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Agreed. We need to show them that this feature is really, really important to many people. And keeping the thread afloat with lots of replies is one way to get noticed.

Right now, the only feature I want implemented in this game next are chat bubbles as those would definitely keep me playing and paying once my subscription expires next month. Otherwise I'll just let it expire and return once chat bubbles are in the game.




Can I call you Stu? I can? Great!


Stu, it's like you've read my mind! I really really want to LOVE this game, but right now all I'm feeling is affection.


I have a cousin (Peter) who knows more about Star Wars lore than any "normal" human being should know, who keeps asking me "should I try this game?" And my response is always, "not yet, hold off for now. This is a good game, even a very good game, but it's not yet a GREAT game."


Come on, BW, I know you can do it. I know you WANT to do it. I know you have 100's of other priorities. But it's been my experience in life that the squeaky wheel gets the oil.





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Here is something SWTOR-RP got out of Daniel Erickson :).




Chat Bubbles may be coming soon??? :D


Quote from SWTOR-RP

"Roleplayers seem to suffer without simple content that could really add to the immersion of their gaming experience. Two features which arguably should have been in at launch, chat bubbles and hood toggles, are still non-existent. What are the reasons for this and can we expect them to be added in the near future?"


Quote of Daniel Erickson's Reply

"People can (and do) argue that almost anything could have been in at launch and game development is always a series of prioritization. If everything that has been released in the six months since SWTOR’s launch (and that’s a lot of stuff!) was there day 1 then either the game would have launched six months late or six months of development time would have been gone from somewhere else. Chat bubbles are on the short list, stuck behind must-have features like group finder and I expect you’ll see them arrive relatively soon. Hood toggle has turned out to be a remarkably complicated piece of tech since our hoods are not helmets (which is why you can have both), they are integrated parts of our chest pieces. Which means they don’t exist as a separate, trackable thing to our game’s engine. Without getting too complicated it’s a ton of work and we haven’t been willing yet to say something like "Let’s wait on new species integrations and being able to add companion characters and get hood toggle in.” That doesn’t mean we wouldn’t love to have it, we would. It’s just not the top of the priority list. "

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No problem! Didn't know it was you who interviewed him! Thanks for doing that. Really helped. Even just that little "May be in soon" was enough for me to hold out hope! Lol.
True. But I would have more hope if they gave us a patch number and/or general timeframe we could expect them in.
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Any ETA yet on chat bubbles? Only a week left on my subscription where I can post and ask about this. :(


Please, Bioware, give me something firm that I can hold on to, like a projected patch number or target date for chat bubbles to be added to the game to persuade me to renew my subscription. A commitment, just like I commited and trusted you to keep your promises to add chat bubbles to the game when I signed up for a long term subscription in the beginning of the year.


Is that really too much to ask?

Edited by Stubacca
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