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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Chat Bubbles: We need an option to enable them for say, yell and emote chat!


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I just thought I'd toss my 2p in and say I approve of the OP's message.


I don't RP all that often. I like RP, and I like MMO's, but for some reason for me they're not two great tastes that taste great together.


That said, I do play on an RP server because I prefer the atmosphere and community that's usually fostered by RP servers.


That in mind, I have occasionally tried RP in SW:TOR because, hey, we seem to have a robust casual RP community so why not. I was definitely turned off by the combination of "no chat bubbles" and "no /say animations". It makes the whole player interaction thing feel sterile and lifeless, like I was RPing over a chat client and my on-screen graphics were a purely incidental visual accompaniment. I think the addition of bubbles and animations to /say and bubbles to /party would be a huge improvement for immersion and interaction.

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Well, I understand chat bubbles in CoH, for example, as that has a more "comic" theme.

I'm not sure I understand their use here.


Fair enough, if you want the option to see the bubbles on your own UI then no problems, but I don't think they fit the theme of the game.

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Well, I understand chat bubbles in CoH, for example, as that has a more "comic" theme.

I'm not sure I understand their use here.

Perhaps the post at this link will help you understand our point of view a bit better.


Fair enough, if you want the option to see the bubbles on your own UI then no problems, but I don't think they fit the theme of the game.
Yes. We understand not everybody will like chat bubbles. That's why we are simply asking for an option to toggle them on or off on your own client. People could just decide themselves whether they wish to see chat bubbles or not. Everyone would be happy, including a large part of the player base who's enjoyment of a MMO(RPG) depends on chat bubbles that currently isn't.
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chat bubbles, or at least a "local chat" would be great and not just for roleplaying. i can't count the number of times i've had to whisper someone with some simple advice or just a request for help, when i could have just "said" it.....like in every other MMO i've played.


maybe it is a limitation in the hero engine TOR uses that doesn't allow chat to be restricted locally, or to a determined radius to the player character.

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Well, I understand chat bubbles in CoH, for example, as that has a more "comic" theme.

I'm not sure I understand their use here.


Fair enough, if you want the option to see the bubbles on your own UI then no problems, but I don't think they fit the theme of the game.


If you wish the turn them off in your UI, thats what options are for.


The pure n simple issue is: THIS IS AN MMO. It is a game.


Considering the graphics are very 'drawn' and follow more closely the cartoon network series, then the real live action movies... I say chat bubbles fit more here then SWG. Yet SWG had them and they were so key to communication. I'm positive the game wouldn't have lasted after the NGE if it didn't have chat bubbles to create the solid social community it had.


People need ways to communicate better since there is a vast lacking technology out there to support 'everyone everywhere voice chat'. The only viable and proven useful solution is chat bubbles.


This also isn't about RP. This is about total quality of life communication in an M M O. Every great MMO has em.

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This also isn't about RP. This is about total quality of life communication in an M M O. Every great MMO has em.
Exactly. And it's clearly one of the standard things that's missing and thus holding TOR back from being a great MMOG at the moment. Edited by Glzmo
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Another week passed. More silence. Yet they continue to respond to junk like:


  • AOE Flagging of PvP
  • PvP cry about some skill
  • PvP cry about some weapon
  • Accidental Looting
  • Romancing Companions
  • Manual Patching
  • No Founder Title
  • Network Latency (ok, so this one is important... but a no brainer)

Seriously Bioware? You spend time on long winded posts to that stuff... yet you will not write ONE %#$@&*# SENTENCE to a big issue that has been brought up time and time again?





Edited by Frigidman
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Chat bubbles. The most useless thing to put in any game.
No. Chat bubbles are incredibly useful in MMOGs. They improve communication and interaction between players greatly.


Fact is, chat bubbles are needed for many players to be able to enjoy Star Wars: The Old Republic. In this game, communication between players is way too tedious and chat bubbles would be the best way to help with that.

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I'm an RP player and I have to say - WE NEED CHAT BUBBLES!


There's an incredible lack of immersion when the only way we can roleplay with others is by scrolling through a tiny chat box in the corner of the screen, and sometimes we miss what some people say!


Yes we might get the odd people going "ROFLCOPTER" whilst jumping around, but we can always ignore these people. Basically, we need this function desperately! Maybe not so much in PvE and PvP but definately in RP. We can already see when the enemy says anyway so there is NO EXCUSE for this function not to be implemented.



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