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Chat Bubbles: We need an option to enable them for say, yell and emote chat!


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This isn't an important issue. The game is littered with bugs and game breaking issues. Not to mention balancing issues. Stupid chat bubbles are not a priority.



why are you people such d**KS???


if they implement them , more power for the people that like em , but do you REALLY think putting an intern to code a chat bubble option is going to delay them bug fixing stuff?


do you even know how this process works?



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Please Bioware add these or even acknowledge that your player base wants em. As you said in your recent video, you guys will be listening to the players, but I guess that doesn't mean you will take our recommendations.


I wont last much longer w/o chat bubbles, which also means less RP or even casual socializing.


I really would like to know why there aren't chat bubbles

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Posting in support of this thread. People have been asking for this since beta and I think they said they plan on adding them, just no idea when.
They said they wanted to add them in time for launch or shortly thereafter. They haven't said anything about them since then, and obviously, there are still no chat bubbles.
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I agree with OP's first list of why and how it should be implemented, they are all valid points. However I disagree with nearly everything said in the second listing.


  • Chat bubbles promote face to face interactions with other players. -- Chat bubbles have 0 impact if someone is going to talk to you. If you're speaking in /s someone will either disregard or participate, regardless of chat bubbles.
  • They promote multiplay instead of solo-play - most desirable in a MMO. -- Multiplay? How? Chat bubbles (or lack thereof) don't dictate if you're going to chat/group/raid with others do they? It's never stopped me.
  • They allow people to focus on the world in front of them, and not a tiny chat window in a corner. -- The chat windows CAN be resized, moved, separated and it honestly is PART of the world in front of you. Now, where to put them is a whole different matter from lack of personal UI optimization.
  • The fast scrolling chat window is impossible to follow conversations while in an area with a large amount of people. -- Solution: Create a specific window in your chat for say/yell/emote (This is what I do for several chat panels and it's perfect for never missing anything.)
  • Chat bubbles greatly improve immersion into the game world (click here to read a post explaining how if you don't understand). -- I'm sorry but I fail to see how something as distracting as chat bubbles provides immersion. It doesn't take but a few seconds to read, no matter where you read it from; Via chat bubbles OR in the chat window, you're still reading it and must take the time to do so. Nothing THAT important can be going on to where you have to be able to say "MAN I have to stop EVERYTHING to read this and can't continue on with what I was doing". As you mentioned earlier, there are no chat animations, so what are you looking for? I truly don't understand this claim.
  • The game world seems to be less sterile and more alive when you can actually see player characters talking. -- I'm assuming you might have trade/general/PvP channels off? People are talking constantly here so the world don't seem sterile at all. As far as seeing them "physically" talk, you already covered that in an excellent idea in your previous listing about adding talking animations.
  • Chat bubbles have been a standard feature in almost every mainstream, premium priced MMO released during the past decade. Not having them in TOR is laughable and a step into the stone age of MMOs. -- One of the few things in list two I agree with... Although the comment of being in the stone ages is an unnecessary bash and sensationalized to try and get a point across.
  • Making new chat channels is not a useful alternative. -- Another thing I agree with from list two. Chat channels are really only successful if you have a lot of people who know about it and don't abuse it.
  • People with various visual impairments rely on chat bubbles in MMOs to be able to communicate and play with other players. -- This... This I'm not sure of. It makes sense when you think about it, but if they have problems reading text, there is an option to make the chat window text gargantuan. Aside from that, I don't have much else to add and will err on the side of caution and agree.
  • Without chat bubbles, roleplay and socializing is nearly impossible especially in crowded areas, it's tedious and simply is not fun - especially in areas where there are many people or during questing and other parts of the game. -- It's... Really not. Again being sensationalized. If you choose to socialize/RP in the open, you're going to HAVE to deal with people being around and cluttering up the window. It will ALWAYS be tedious to wade through masses of people talking in the same place, chat bubbles or not. If it's such a bother, then form a party/raid and do it there to make sure nothing is missed.
  • Chat bubbles benefit all kinds of players - be it socializers, roleplayers, Group/Flashpoint/Operations PVE players and PVP combatants (that don't rely on voice chat) among others. -- To say it benefits everyone is an overstatement. Last thing I want to see in groups/flashpoints/operations/pvp is a bunch of people spamming crap in /s to clutter up the window with bubbles even more when I'm trying to do something. It's a quality of life thing for some people who claim they can't live without it; It has no real benefit to the game.
  • A large amount of the player base want chat bubbles as an option. Bioware said they are implementing player's wishes - this is a top priority wish/issue for a large part of the player base. -- As long as it has the option to be turned OFF, I see no harm in it.
  • Having a client side option to freely turn chat bubbles on or off to each player's liking will allow every player to enjoy the game, whether they need chat bubbles or not. Everyone has fun, everyone is happy, everyone wins! -- <-- This.


For those of you claiming you simply can't play/can't RP/can't enjoy the game without chat bubbles -- Really? You really can't? It really sounds like you're being melodramatic about it to me.


I saw a post somewhere in this thread about how people don't RP in public because there is a lack of chat bubbles, and I have to say I find that hardly convincing. That seems extremely sensationalized to back up the claim of needing chat bubbles in regards to something they've noticed. Are they right? Possibly, although it might be more of a dead RP server that there's a lack of public RP - Or maybe people enjoy to RP with just friends/guildies because someone randomly interjecting themselves into the situation is awkward. Imagine yourself at a bar IRL, chatting with friends and someone you don't even know coming up and randomly trying to be apart of your conversation... Sounds a little awkward don't you think?




While I do agree that a chat bubble OPTION (complete with the ability to be turned on/off) should be in-game for those who would like it as fluff, I disagree with all the claims about how the game is miserable and can't be enjoyed without it.

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how can they release it without chat bubbles
Not sure, but they did manage it somehow for whatever reason.


Bioware, will you please muster up some courage and finally reply to this thread?


If you aren't planning on adding chat bubbles anytime soon and only focusing on PVP, then please let us know so we can cancel our subscriptions.


If you are planning to add them soon, however, please let us know as well, so we will keep subscribed and wait it out. While an approximate ETA would be nice, just breaking the silence and giving us an update on the chat bubble option would go a long way.


Being kept in the dark like that about a prmised basic feature that's vital to many of us just isn't right, especially since you claim you're listening to your player's wants and needs.

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Nice to see so much support for chat bubbles. It's one of the hottest threads here.


Yet for some reason, Bioware chooses to ignore it. I really don't get it.


Coming from SWG it's been rough getting used to a MMO with no chat bubbles. In most cases I generally ignore chat because it's too cluttered and near impossible to easily see who's talking to you in the area, without changing your chat colors of course.


I preach about industry standards quite often, this is one in which I'd say is a must in any MMO.

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I have tried to get the chat bubble code to work in the INI but I haven't got it to work yet; Has this hotfix been nuked, I mean did they really just take way our option to have chat bubbles?
The .ini variables floating around never worked on the live client. They haven't even worked in the build from the last month of beta, which the live build is based on (months before that, chat bubbles were even an official toggle option during the beta, by the way).


And yes, it would be great if they'd at least re-enable those .ini variables as an inofficial feature until they have enough time to re-enable chat bubbles as an official preferences option.

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Why hasn't there been any words from the devs on this? This is one of the biggest threads on the forum right now. I'm really getting frustrated without any chatbubbles.


Well over a month this thread has existed, and grown, and other threads of the same topic have cropped up in many locations across the entire forum site.


No word.


Developers respond to small issues, or people threatening to quit over such little things like drop rates on purple crystals.


I think its time that everyone who is serious about wanting chat bubbles, to start sending PM's, and poke them on twitter linking this thread. Don't spam them with repeated messages, just if everyone says "HAY WAKE UP AND LOOK AT THIS", then maybe they see how serious this is.

Edited by Frigidman
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Well over a month this thread has existed, and grown, and other threads of the same topic have cropped up in many locations across the entire forum site.


No word.


Developers respond to small issues, or people threatening to quit over such little things like drop rates on purple crystals.


I think its time that everyone who is serious about wanting chat bubbles, to start sending PM's, and poke them on twitter linking this thread. Don't spam them with repeated messages, just if everyone says "HAY WAKE UP AND LOOK AT THIS", then maybe they see how serious this is.

Yes. It's important to keep it civil and remain polite when asking for chat bubbles. They will see that we're a bunch of mature players that are being serious about the issue, not just some a couple of kids throwing a fit. Edited by Glzmo
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