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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

3 Legitimate Classes Left


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Sorry Finding Assassin by far from effective with ability delay in post 1.2.

I do not pvp anymore, it's based on LUCK on ability delay animations and just causes 100 times more frustration. I can cope dieing to my own mistakes or the skill of another player or circumstance, but to stupid ability delay its destroying.

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I'm not here to start a flame war but I have to state I played a Marauder since beta and there was a time where I bought into the "we are Underpower" QQing ,until, I actually did some research and found out what I was doing wrong... I fixed my spec by switching to a pvp spec I fixed my mods and got proper equipment then I was fine. I do think there is alot of people who think they should win always and if they do not its because lag/cheats/OP that has been around any mmo/fps made. Point being I've played all 4 classes on both side of the fence and if you play to the strengths of your class you will do fine but don't play a healer and expect to be on top charts for DPS. I have alot of level 50's some are the "OP classes" some are not but I do fine even with my level 18 operative I usually get 3 or 4 on dps during hutball.
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The ones who don't complain are the ones who choose the class that fits their playstyle and preference and they make it work for them. For example, I like to play heavy armor melee tanks. I would suck at playing DPS because I'm completely uninterested in playing DPS. I wouldn't utilise him nearly as effectively as someone who fits that playstyle more.


In every PVP game (and swtor is not a pvp game - it just has pvp), you ALWAYS see the most fotm classes get trashed by classes deemed too gimpy.


It's about learning your class and utilising it to its strengths rather than looking at its weakness and dwelling on it. That is why the Ducati 916 was always winning the superbike races even though every other bike was faster, more powerful, more technically advanced. The riders of the Ducati took it's one advantage (agility) and maximised on it.


Will you beat a highly skilled player playing a FOTM class head on? Probably not but you'll beat the vast majority of the rabble playing those classes if you're playing your class to your advantage over someone who is trying to button mash/face roll.


*This to Doomsdaycomes post and this one..Which is why good players become good in the first place they stick with it..

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You know. Only once in 10+ years of gaming have I seen a class broken beyond repair for an extended period, and that was Bounty Hunters in SWG when tracking droids didn't work for over 3 months.


Saying the above just shows you have no real experience in gaming if you think a 3 month bug was the only "broken beyond repair for and extended period," class in 10 years...


BM hunters would like to have a word with you sir... its been 4 years and 2 full expacs since they have been viable in PVP or PVE... the great Bm nerf in BC is probably the all time biggest nerf and most pathetic thing done to any class/spec in gaming history... and you have no idea about it in your "10+ years of gaming"... lol, I guess those 10 years were on Atari 6400 and Sega Genesis...


Do us a favor... please continue to state your opinion... as we all have a right to do... but dont try to get some kind of over the top gaming cred with the crap you posted about your long and storied experience in gaming and then fall on your face with a 3 month droid bug...



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Ok i can see why alot of ppl think there are only 3viable classes, it might have something to do with 80% of the player base rolling these classes, but considering i play a merc,commando,operative,assassin and a sorc i honestly don't think anyone of these classes is op! Everyone of them has there strengths and weaknesses and most times its pretty close if its 1v1 depending on gear/playerskill and so on. What pvp comes down to in the end is team work and team composition aswell as an individuals skill and knowledge of there class (eg sorc running solo into a grp of 3 enemies) and after getting stomped complaining that sorcs are weak in pvp....***! Don't laugh either its happened more than once. I've even seen a grp of 5dps attack a mara with 2 healers healing him and after he kills all 5 crys of op going out instead of focusing on the healers. I know your talking about the best verse the best and i agree but how do u determine who they are when so many roll the same toons. Personaly i love my operative and like the smuggler they pwn everything when played right. Hopefully when they allow full premades things will be nicer for all and then will truly see if there is an overall op class
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Last time i checked the game came with 4 classes per side, each with 2 Advanced classes, and each AC with multiple specs.

That seems like a lot more than 3.

There is nothing illegitimate about my Marksman Sniper, in PvE or PvP.

Sure a Pyro PT can easily out DPS me with half the effort, but I dedicate all my time to improving my skill with my sniper anyway because I enjoy sniper more than other classes. Balance will literally change every decent sized patch, so get used to the fact that your list won't last long.

Just because I'm not the FOTM doesn't make me useless! Some situations benefit from a sniper. I find the whole concept of only 3 real classes insulting.

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i can name 2 right off the bat.. the warzones are filled with assassin/shadows and maurader/sents...


tahts 2... the other is just a mix of old classes of people trying to stick to them. I think as more sides continue to level up these 2 classes you will see less of the other classes. i brought back my gunslinger... i wanted to play healer... but that is pointless as i spend more time healing myself then teammates.


sad thing is some of us are trying or were playing those classes prior to 1.2... i know i started my assassin BUT am purposely not playing darkness just because are so many of them. But i believe darkness will get hybrid aspect and its damage nerfed for tank spec... question is how badly will deception and maddness suffor for it...

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I love my Sage Healer... but I find i am having a very hard time adjusting in PVP after the last nerfs. Even our dps specs took a hit, though those weren't too bad. Maybe it's just that people finally figured out how to interrupt, I'm not sure.


So if anyone has some good advice for how to heal in a match without getting your face stomped in, I'd love to hear it.

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learn your class. anything can be effective


Posts like this make me think people think games are real life, and operate on the assumption that anything is possible if you just put your mind to it.


MMORPG's are actually a pre defined system of background mathematics that operate against a pre determined maximum effectiveness.


A nerf is when that maximum effectiveness is reduced. A nerf hurts good players more than bad players, because people that where playing the game close to or at that optimal line will feel it's shift alot more than those who where sucking it up way below it.


The real bads will tell you "It's not that bad" or "We're fine learn to play" because they barely notice the limitations placed on maximum effectiveness. They where nowhere near it to begin with.


In short, no, it's not a given that any class or every class can be effective. Once you reach that optimal line you have nowhere else to go, and when that line is pulled down the chart you have no way to rise above it.


Because it's math. The statement 2>3=2=3<2 will never be true. Because it's nonsense. Even though it looks balanced.


Back on topic, I agree, but it's probably down to 2 faceroll melee classes. This stuff happens in every mmorpg, only difference is this market is hugely competitive, and often games don't survive such mistakes. Especially when the company decides it would be better off just letting subs fall and trying to pick them back up through new players on free weekends.


Then you have nothing left by "loyal" players and people who don't know there was ever a change to begin with.


Unfortunately, that isn't going to work in this case. Everyone who cared about this game bought it on release day.


In order to pick up subs you have to find a reason to make people who didn't care care. In other words, have a damn good game.


With the current state of "class balance" in this game and the "kill it with fire" overkill problem solving methods used by the developers apparent in their handling of the server que issue, the armor set graphics issue, and the class balance issues, I really don't see how that's going to happen.


Every problem they have tried to solve short of the interface thusfar, the solution's have just created more problems.


Edit: I found an "errant apparent" PUN!!

Edited by Slipfeed
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3 Legitimate Classes Left by op is an interesting myth, but the truth is, I still see more Sorcs and sages around than anything in any WZ, including both low level and high level ones.


Sorcs still outnumber any other classes by a lot despite everything. Everytime I pvp, everywhere I quest, everywhere I go, I still see sorcs running around most often.

Edited by aRtFuL
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3 Legitimate Classes Left by op is an interesting myth, but the truth is, I still see more Sorcs and sages around than anything in any WZ, including both low level and high level ones.


Sorcs still outnumber any other classes by a lot despite everything. Everytime I pvp, everywhere I quest, everywhere I go, I still see sorcs running around most often.


Interesting reality you've constructed there. Got room for more?

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All classes are viable. It just takes competency to make them effective. This game I much more balanced in Pvp than Woe was during BC, Wrath, and the beginning of Cata. Games will have imbalances but moat of those imbalances will and can be changed by someone who understands their class and knows the thought process of the opponent. The same can be said about my friend and I who were a warlock/hunter 2's team in arena. People said wed never make it past 1800 rating because no healer. We made it to 2100 the last season he played its just a matter if finding your niche ans running with it and the same can be said for warzones here. . Edited by Ellvaan
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All classes are viable. It just takes competency to make them effective. This game I much more balanced in Pvp than Woe was during BC, Wrath, and the beginning of Cata. Games will have imbalances but moat of those imbalances will and can be changed by someone who understands their class and knows the thought process of the opponent. The same can be said about my friend and I who were a warlock/hunter 2's team in arena. People said wed never make it past 1800 rating because no healer. We made it to 2100 the last season he played its just a matter if finding your niche ans running with it and the same can be said for warzones here. .


Ya... wow also had alot more skills per class to balance.


And true hybrid classes that could literally tank / heal / or dps just by changing forms / stances / seals...




I cant even imagine the nightmare that game would be to balance.

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Well I myself have noticed a lot of new sentinel/mauraders, powertechs/vanguards and shadows/sins. But sents/maurs seem to be the new FOTM. I enjoy killing them more then any other class. rolling the FOTM tells me the only thing I need to know about the other player, that their crap at pvp and they need a crutch. It does get boring when your up against the same 3 classes over and over again.
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Interesting reality you've constructed there. Got room for more?


I think ur anger and hate towards the "3" classes might be blinding u from seeing any other classes in pvp?


Yeah the stress of getting killed repeatedly tends to do that to ppl, lol

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And gunslingers! Dont forget about gunslingers!! :d_frown:


Slingers got somewhat improved. I will say that the build I play was improved with an aoe healer your guarding You have literally zero energy problems anymore. I mean I can just spam and target through mobs picking them apart.


It still is so squishy. I way prefer my new assassin that I rolled on Fatman. Just way more fun.

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well as someone who spends 15ish hours a day in pvp warzones let me tell you






thats 90% of classes at the moment. especially in the pre 50's bracket. in the 50's bracket its still a mix but as those 3 get up there that becomes what everyone plays.


least seen classes






i'd say troopers/bh and ops/scoundrels need buffs. commando might have ok sustained as does vanguard but the burst is not there to make them viable plus all 3 are squishy. ops/scoun doesnt need more burst they need the burst reduced somewhat and higher sustained to really be viable.


sadly i'm not helping i'm telling every sent and guardian who i pvp with who specs for dps to go focus right now it gets up to 8k crits on a 12 second reusable cooldown that hits 5 targets has the best defensive cooldowns of any class and decent cc ability. everyone says wow my damage has quadrupled over watchman or combat and i live 4x longer. I'm like yeah its pretty bad right now.

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When you watch a competitive pvp match at the pro lvl, they always will choose the classes that are the most versatile and effective in w/e game the match is in. How many times have you seen the same comp go against the same comp? Then the announcer says the next team is doing something "totaly different than the rest" and they switch out one class LOL? The fact is as long as balance isnt completely perfect, there is going to be a "best current class/spec", otherwise it would be balanced.....so again, when something is not balanced, that means one has more than the other..unbalanced. Kinda simple when you sit down and analyze the words you are using in an argument, and the key focus word here is "balanced". It's the same stupid cycle we all have been tormented by in every game, it's a co's trick to keep its player base making new characters and continue paying...you all should have figured that out by now really..
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All classes are viable. It just takes competency to make them effective. This game I much more balanced in Pvp than Woe was during BC, Wrath, and the beginning of Cata. Games will have imbalances but moat of those imbalances will and can be changed by someone who understands their class and knows the thought process of the opponent. The same can be said about my friend and I who were a warlock/hunter 2's team in arena. People said wed never make it past 1800 rating because no healer. We made it to 2100 the last season he played its just a matter if finding your niche ans running with it and the same can be said for warzones here. .


You just proved my point 100%. You ran a non-optimal comp, and only go tto 2100. 2100 is not competitive at all; no where near what high quality players play at.


When you have the top players in the world playing aginst each other, skill is pretty even across the board. What it comes down to is spec, class, and comp.


Yes people still need to play well and execute properly, but when one person needs to roll a 1-15 to win a match, and the olther person needs to roll a 16-20 to win, it clearly becomes lopsided. As much as YOU would like to think both these players are viable, they are in fact not. When competeing for top spots you use the class, spec, comp most to your advantage. Top players don't gimp themselves by playing the weakest classes and comps.


Well I myself have noticed a lot of new sentinel/mauraders, powertechs/vanguards and shadows/sins. But sents/maurs seem to be the new FOTM. I enjoy killing them more then any other class. rolling the FOTM tells me the only thing I need to know about the other player, that their crap at pvp and they need a crutch. It does get boring when your up against the same 3 classes over and over again.


And this is why so many great players and top rated players in the world play these FOTM classes? Just because you can kill someone playing a class doesn't mean it isn't op'd. Just because someone is playing a class, doesn't mean it is FOTM to THEM.

Edited by Humankeg
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Sorry, anything can be very good if you play it right.


On my Juggernaut (14/25/2) I can get 80-120K damage and about 45-60K protection per match. I make a great Huttball carrier and defender as well


I dont want to be rude, but as pure numbers go, those are poor. 80-120k is a solid 100k behind the minimum i put out as pure tank spec (31/6/4) and your protection is below what i put out as full Vig (4/33/4) -and i wont claim to be the best at my class, just decent).


Anyway, back on topic, the OP has a valid point when we speak of lvl 50 PvP. Most warzones on my (heavily) populated server comprise of:



Assassin (tank)/Shadow (tank)





The Imp side seems to favour the FOTM setups more than Rep, which likely accounts for the fact alot of reps constantly cry in general they dont win matches enough. My own personal belief is there are about 50% of the current specs (not classes, since thats a slightly different argument) in the game that are viable in high level PvP.

Edited by AKfourtyseven
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