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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What is wrong with Snipers?


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I'm not sure if you're just trying to summarize (badly) or if you're really not familiar with what it does here.


To clarify it's not mitigation so much as avoidance and only with 'ranged' specific attacks such as other snipers (or the occasional mercenary) use. Force/Tech stuff isn't affected by cover at all.


I'm "really not familiar with what it does here" because I've so far not tried to get hit with abilities while outside of cover just to see the difference in damage.


Besides, I thought the whole force/tech issue had been brought up so many times on tanking threads that I did not have to mention it, it's pretty much common knowledge that force and tech attacks are not dodgeable.


Either way you have a flat 30% damage mitigation for three attacks while in cover, refreshable when re-entering on a 6 sec CD.

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Let me ask you one thing:



Do you think, an Engineer or Lethality "Sniper" is a Sniper at all?



With Lethality it may be - but an Engineer skilled Sniper is no Sniper for me. If I wanted to play a jump-around-and-throw-things-like-bombs-or-grenades-or-probes I would have chosen an Operative or maybe a PowerTech - but no Sniper.


Hmm, but an engineer sniper maybe the way to go for leveling as you gain quite a bit of AoE dps.

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My full Rakata geared Sniper (820 Bonus Damage, 100% Acc, 35% Crit, 76% Surge) is doing less DPS then my Sorc with the same stats.


So yeah, we're not actually caring about Snipers in our Raids, as they don't have anything useful to offer like B-Rez, healing, etc.

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My raid actually wanted me to bring my sniper for the group shield...so that's somewhat useful :p


The question of the thread is asking between a sniper or operative, not another class. I also have a fully Rakata geared Operative, and I'm pretty much resigned to switching to my sniper unless I need to heal because I can do more damage with less gear, mostly because of the melee unfriendly boss mechanics more than anything. With Bounty Hunters now having Brezes, it's not something in demand. Half our op can do it.

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Sniper is a solid PVP class that is fun to play and can completely humiliate the typical FotM reroll Marauder, along with most other classes.


Sniper is also a VERY tricky class to play well in PVP and requires a degree of skill to cycle CCs and keep melee off you, while running and gunning between cover. Unfortunately, the typical Sniper's mentality tends to look something like this:


"I R A TURRET!!!1"

Edited by Squatdog_nz
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