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Attention Citizens: The Rakghoul Plague Outbreak


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Due to a time zone mix up on my part I log in today to find the vendor gone and me in possesion of 160 useless samples xD Any sign the vendor might pop back any time soon? xD


*edit* found previous posts...

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yea... im having a big problem with this as well... *** are the event vendors gone???????:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: i got nothing from the event but a buncha USELESS DNA samples... spent the whole event uptill i got kicked because of maintenence grind'n the DNA samples to find out after that i waisted the whole time doin so... :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
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Considering this was put smack dab straight into my exam week, i think this event was far too short. I logged on today, finally having free time to try the Rakghoul event to find that it had ended about 2 hours before. Couldn't you extend this event a bit more?


A bit unfair on those of us with just a little less time to spare at this exact week.


Please tell me this is sarcasm.


Unfair to those who didn't have time during the event? Perhaps they should check with all of their subscribers to make sure our collective schedules are open before they run their next event. You know, so as not to be "unfair." :rolleyes:



yea... im having a big problem with this as well... *** are the event vendors gone???????:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: i got nothing from the event but a buncha USELESS DNA samples... spent the whole event uptill i got kicked because of maintenence grind'n the DNA samples to find out after that i waisted the whole time doin so... :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


On my server, and I doubt this was an isolated occurence, all day there was talk over general about the event ending. As the scheduled maintenance approached the chatter grew in volume. General was full of "event ending soon" and "use your DNA while you can" chat. There were even cats complaining about the end of event and the removal of the Jawa vendor prior to it all occuring with the maintenance.


I'm sorry, but if you spent the enitre event right up to server shutdown trying to grind out DNA, but not spending any time before the scheduled maintenance to go and spend it, then the fault lies with you. You may very well be mad to the degree of seven mad faces, but it ain't no ones fault but your own.

Edited by OnlyNameLeft
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I'd sure like if I could spend my earned DNA samples. I was gone for 3 days, but grinded the event before that. I was wrong to assume that the vendors would stick around after the event to earn DNA samples ended.


It would probably be best that since the precedent has been set, and the clarification made, that the vendors be put back in temporarily to make everyone happy. In the future, we will have this event to cite as to when event vendors will disappear.


This would be a great time for an exception to be made.


Seems like the right thing to do, and I trust BW sees that.

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Please tell me this is sarcasm.


Unfair to those who didn't have time during the event? Perhaps they should check with all of their subscribers to make sure our collective schedules are open before they run their next event. You know, so as not to be "unfair." :rolleyes:





On my server, and I doubt this was an isolated occurence, all day there was talk over general about the event ending. As the scheduled maintenance approached the chatter grew in volume. General was full of "event ending soon" and "use your DNA while you can" chat. There were even cats complaining about the end of event and the removal of the Jawa vendor prior to it all occuring with the maintenance.


I'm sorry, but if you spent the enitre event right up to server shutdown trying to grind out DNA, but not spending any time before the scheduled maintenance to go and spend it, then the fault lies with you. You may very well be mad to the degree of seven mad faces, but it ain't no ones fault but your own.


see if i'd seen stuff like that i'd been fine... on my lame server there's only at max 7 people on at a time:mad:

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see if i'd seen stuff like that i'd been fine... on my lame server there's only at max 7 people on at a time:mad:


Ok, but what about my server that lacks balance (way more imps)? Last night when I went to turn in my DNA (about 5hrs before the event was to end), there were 40-50 imps camping at the vendor and killing everyone who tried to access it. There was no way for us to take back control of the vendor, 'cause we were way out-numbered. I am all for world pvp, but this was toally a crap move. I don't blame the Imps, I blame bioware...they should have let the vendor stick around for a week or so after the event and given an approximate time that he was to leave, or had some alternative way to access rewards/awards. Anyhow, after all of that grinding, I just mailed my DNA samples to my low level Imp alt and sold the samples 'cause there was no way that I was going to be able to spend them...oh well :mad:

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Ok, but what about my server that lacks balance (way more imps)? Last night when I went to turn in my DNA (about 5hrs before the event was to end), there were 40-50 imps camping at the vendor and killing everyone who tried to access it. There was no way for us to take back control of the vendor, 'cause we were way out-numbered. I am all for world pvp, but this was toally a crap move. I don't blame the Imps, I blame bioware...they should have let the vendor stick around for a week or so after the event and given an approximate time that he was to leave, or had some alternative way to access rewards/awards. Anyhow, after all of that grinding, I just mailed my DNA samples to my low level Imp alt and sold the samples 'cause there was no way that I was going to be able to spend them...oh well :mad:


You didn't mention it, but judging by this you were on a pvp server. Which means you chose to be on a server where you can be killed by other players whenever they want. If you were on a pve server you could have just walked up to the vendor and bought your stuff regardless of how many imps were standing around trying to stop you.


i.e. it was your choice, you chose the server, you wanted to be griefed by others.

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I didn't real the whole thread. Did anyone see an in-game announcement regarding the ending of the event or would you have to come to the forums, blog, twitter to find out?

There was no in-game announcement.


They posted only on the forums, the night before, that the vendor would disappear with the event.

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Please tell me this is sarcasm.


Unfair to those who didn't have time during the event? Perhaps they should check with all of their subscribers to make sure our collective schedules are open before they run their next event. You know, so as not to be "unfair." :rolleyes:





On my server, and I doubt this was an isolated occurence, all day there was talk over general about the event ending. As the scheduled maintenance approached the chatter grew in volume. General was full of "event ending soon" and "use your DNA while you can" chat. There were even cats complaining about the end of event and the removal of the Jawa vendor prior to it all occuring with the maintenance.


I'm sorry, but if you spent the enitre event right up to server shutdown trying to grind out DNA, but not spending any time before the scheduled maintenance to go and spend it, then the fault lies with you. You may very well be mad to the degree of seven mad faces, but it ain't no ones fault but your own.


Ref. The first point. Instead of checking with everyone's schedules they could also have let it run longer to get a wider sigma of their playerbase.

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We have quit differenr view what is MANDATORY ;)

Yes, the difference being that I'm right and you're wrong.


I'm sorry, I don't like having to be the blunt instrument or resort to absolutes but that's the cold, hard truth of it.


Paying a monthly fee gets you access to the game, anything else requires participation.


There's lot of stuff in the game that I will never see, or get access to, because my priorities prevent from participating in the content that would let me.


It's not going to kill me, or even make me unable to in any way play the game.


You choose not to participate in the event and I'm willing to bet you had a good reason for doing so, namely that some RL event required you attendance. Deal with it.


Finally I have to ask you to stop putting words in my mouth by choosing to grossly misinterpret what I'm writing.

Too bad I couldn't get all the customizations. I wanted one for Khemmy :mad:

You're in luck then, as there isn't one for Khem Val. :(

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I didn't participate in the event and have no idea how it works. I got infected on the last night and I'm still infected.


Is there a free method of getting rid of it? I don't like the changes they made to Inquisitor and am not spending any money on this character if I can help it.


Is there a way to grief players with it?


And yes, Bioware, you should ALWAYS use the launcher as the offical way of notifying your customers about in-game events, activities, changes, etc.

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I'm sure some people assumed the vendor would be there forever, but it's really not reasonable for anyone to have thought that a special event vendor would exist beyond the special event.

As long as you aim to be as good as other AAA MMO out there you should at least what they are doing well.


There's a reason others games (ex Rift) keep their special events vendors up.


Also, if you're a level 5, I hate to break it to you but this event was not geared towards characters that low based on the planet location and since you have no way to travel off your starter planet at level 5.

That's why I played the quests with my main character to mail the DNA to my newly made alt.


If you have higher level alts, you could have used them to get the crystal or pet and mail it to your JK. Otherwise, you could have posted in the forums or in chat to try to find someone who would have been able to help you out and redeem them for you.

Maybe I was that much tired when I checked the vendor but the Rakghoul and the crystal looked BoP not BoE to me.


Yeah, it kinda sucks for you but don't see that being a BW screw-up and the DNA already has an impact on the economy beyond the event as many people bought items to sell after the event is over and so there will be a market for those items that people can't get anymore.

I'm going to try to be more positive so, yes the even was fun still here what would have made it better:


1) The setting was a bit too much WoW/Horror movie and not that much SW.

  • For a first event they should have more focused on Star Warsy features and less on the rest.
  • IMHO the Rakghoul event was a waste of opportunity as it should have been published around Halloween.


2) Too short notification and did not last long enough

  • It's fine to "surprise" players... as long as there is plenty time to do the quest and not everyone lurks on the forums either.
  • The in game notification made it so some players thought they had to actually avoid Tatooine... and missed the event.
  • => Next event
    • At least send an in game (better +RL) email to all players explaining what's going on. (I know players who missed it because they never went to a space port nor the fleet nor even the forums during the event)
    • If the event has a short duration, do not make it so you have to start the day 1 or grind like a mad the last day to get the rewards, especially if there are indeed specific rewards.
    • IMHO either you do a one week or less event without unique rewards, or with a one+ month before announcement or you make it last much longer


3) Rewards & loot

  • It's fine to make the "token" quests ends but you need to keep the specific vendors up afterwards.
  • The random companion kits only works if the duration of the event is long enough. In that case with such lack of notification and short duration you should have allowed players to choose the kits or, less evil, do not get a kit they already purchased.
  • Maybe I'm wrong but I saw the crystal and pet BoP: as such if you make the vendor disappear, make sure players with all level characters can safely go to the vendor to trade the tokens. Think players will grind for their alts, especially knowing their alts can't even go to the zone.
  • Say what you want but the the green crystal was a slap in the face to the Razers products owners (And no I don't own any). You should have used at least another core color or even better both different colors. Well at least until you guys have depleted most of the possible good combinations.


All in all the event proved you guys are able to deliver good scenario and interesting quests, but still have a hard time understanding how MMO works and what setting makes a SW game.


In short:

Rakghoul Pandemic: A wonderful idea, poorly implemented.
Edited by Deewe
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I didn't participate in the event and have no idea how it works. I got infected on the last night and I'm still infected.


Is there a free method of getting rid of it? I don't like the changes they made to Inquisitor and am not spending any money on this character if I can help it.


Is there a way to grief players with it?


And yes, Bioware, you should ALWAYS use the launcher as the offical way of notifying your customers about in-game events, activities, changes, etc.


^ THIS happened to me too! I "thought" the event was over. I did not want to participate so I stayed away. My Bad was going to the Fleet to put some stuff on the GTN and now my toon is D E A D!


Because the official top post says something about "lingering effects" I THINK there must be some griefing possible. I put in support ticket for help but haven't had any response. I am not into griefing anyone and if I have to I will delete my toon and maybe my sub too. Who needs this....


PVPers get a flag so I can avoid them, how about a Opt Out flag so I can play without being greifed by players 20+ levels higher than me.


My Bad was that I thought I was in a Safe Zone on the Fleet and that the event was on Tatooine....now I'm stuck with a dead toon who's about to be deleted and having to re-roll.... THANKS BW NOT.


QQQQ for sure....

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The in game notification made it so some players thought they had to actually avoid Tatooine... and missed the event.


The VERY FIRST DAY of this announcement, we rushed to Tat. As many as we were online, then spread to the Guild and we started doing the dailies and share info. Also, Tat general, as troll-ish as it was these days, had some good parts about the event. The Fleet, as troll-ish as it was... had good bits of info.


EVERYONE with half a brain rushed to Tat the very second she/he saw the special crews and ship scanners.


We were guilty of being curious though.. others might not...have been...


Please, just.... don`t claim the ridiculous...

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you had a whole week to complete the event. Yet people *****. People should be happy Bioware did this.

Sorry bro but not everyone plays every week.


Do you realize some people that also pays the monthly fee can:

  • Be stuck at work or get too tired to even log in game?
  • Be sick and unable to play?
  • Be travelling around, maybe for work, and don't even have a computer/internet connection to play?


So far you are saying they don't deserve it, because whatever RL reason they where unable to turn in the DNA, with a such short notice.


Guess you did not think about the above. You can't be that selfish nor lacking empathy/compassion.

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I haven't read the thread, but I just wanted to state ("for the record") that I'd be happy to see Jeelvic return at some point.

I'd rather see the plague return in some other event so I could get at least one of the crystals, but whatcha gonna do? :shrug:

(I've been kickin myself all day for not paying better attention to the time it ended. yarg.)


Jeelvic, come back to us baby... we won't do you no harm. :hug:

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Lot of whiners on the past few pages, surprise surprise...

The event is over, deal with it.


My character's still infected. Clearly infected characters of others are running around.


So, do I just not vaccinate and let the character die? Is that all I have to do? Or is there some other total BS I have to deal with?

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