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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Attention Citizens: The Rakghoul Plague Outbreak


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If you're talking about the notification of the event ending..we were originally notified two days after the event started...plenty of notice.


That may be the case, but unfortunately, not eveyrone has time to scour the forums every day. I kept watching patch notes and media around the event, and never saw them mention when it would be ending. If it was only in the forums, then thats not the best way to get the message to everyone. Just sayin'.

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Truly a fun event. I liked it.


My only regret is ahber could kill all Bosses of Event (only kills 1) and not having completed the Codex, I thought it would last a little longer.


I hope we have different events and cut often lasted achieved objects that are unique players get regular and consistent.


Congratulations on this Event.

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Hi everyone, we just wanted to remind people to turn in your Rakghoul DNA before maintenance tomorrow morning at 2AM CDT (12AM PDT/3AM EDT/8AM BST/9AM CEST/5PM AEST). Jeelvic the Jawa will be disappearing after tonight, but he may possibly return by himself at some point in the future.


When you put the jawa back in, please put in TWO, in areas that cannot be camped by opposing factions. I had to log out tonight with 24 DNA in my bags since the Imperials on my pvp server with a 2 to one Imperial to Republic ratio felt it necessary to spend the last two hours before the server went down killing any Republic player who attempted to purchase an item. This was not open world pvp, it was outright griefing since it was down to such a deadline and you give us no indication of when the vendor will be back ingame. Please think it through a little more carefully and don't set up such an obvious griefing possibility for the people who think it's a fun time to prevent others from getting something they know is disappearing in a short, very short time. I know I signed up for a pvp server but you don't have to make it open season on shorthanded factions during live events simply to get rewards off a vendor, when we had to team up in groups just to get the quests done. And did. Fortunately, I had purchased all the really important items and was only going for another companion lockbox. Since I was gifted with a Malavai Quinn that I will never use, as I have all character slots filled and the sith warrior is the ONE class I have chosen not to play. I would also love it if I could exchange my useless Malavai Quinn for ANY other companion customization. Perhaps make a way to purchase the individual customizations with one of the customizations as the purchase price or 20 DNA when the vendor is next up? It would go a long way to make me forget the Imperials laughing as they killed me repeatedly while I begged for mercy and the chance to just USE THE FRIGGING VENDOR BEFORE THE SERVER WENT DOWN!

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I'm sorry I can't source my info, I forget if it was a Q&A or a dev interview, but I remember BW mentioning they are working on a system that would make Social Armor "Auto-Adjust" to the highest armor type you can equip. Meaning the Containment Suit while worn by a Sage/Inquisitor would be light, the same suit put on a Sentinel would be Medium, or on a Guardian, Heavy.


In other words, Coding 101.....I don't normally whine about dev work, but that....it is not rocket science. It was mentioned before 1.2, I thought it WAS indeed going in with 1.2, why it's still not in is beyond me. It's an if / then statement. If pc is light/medium/heavy armor wearer then armor is light/medium/heavy......


On another note, I think I'll cry if they don't patch companion earslot/implant bug this morning.

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Hi everyone, we just wanted to remind people to turn in your Rakghoul DNA before maintenance tomorrow morning at 2AM CDT (12AM PDT/3AM EDT/8AM BST/9AM CEST/5PM AEST). Jeelvic the Jawa will be disappearing after tonight, but he may possibly return by himself at some point in the future.


Please oh please do bring him back. I know I am not the only one who had saved up DNA samples and didn't manage to get back to him by the time the server kicked me off, and with you guys leaving the effects to continue for a bit, it sounds like more samples are going to be collected.


Just blowing steam, but I'm a bit miffed that this event happened to fall during the busiest week I have had in a very long time. I'm inclined to agree with a previous poster that events should last at least two weeks, instead of just one, especially if you intend to repeat the locked-daily system. At the very least, with the way this event worked, the dailies should have all been unlocked for the last day or two of the event, but honestly, I don't believe they should be restricted to updating from when you first pick up the quests. It'd be better to have them unlocked universally as they are released, so say if someone were to start on day three, they would be able to do the dailies from day one to day three, without having to wait two days to catch up and risk not just falling behind, but also being unable to complete the event if they didn't get the chance to start until too late into the event.

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Well I lost all faith this game to ever have any well thought world events that are not meant only for players speding everyday on game and forums. Game with this heavy lore I find it huge insult on my face they mess it completely for majority of player base.


Seem only point of world events is make 24hour players another way to brag and get stuff to sell normal players who dont have decent change to get them themself.

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When you put the jawa back in, please put in TWO, in areas that cannot be camped by opposing factions. I had to log out tonight with 24 DNA in my bags since the Imperials on my pvp server with a 2 to one Imperial to Republic ratio felt it necessary to spend the last two hours before the server went down killing any Republic player who attempted to purchase an item. This was not open world pvp, it was outright griefing since it was down to such a deadline and you give us no indication of when the vendor will be back ingame. Please think it through a little more carefully and don't set up such an obvious griefing possibility for the people who think it's a fun time to prevent others from getting something they know is disappearing in a short, very short time. I know I signed up for a pvp server but you don't have to make it open season on shorthanded factions during live events simply to get rewards off a vendor, when we had to team up in groups just to get the quests done. And did. Fortunately, I had purchased all the really important items and was only going for another companion lockbox. Since I was gifted with a Malavai Quinn that I will never use, as I have all character slots filled and the sith warrior is the ONE class I have chosen not to play. I would also love it if I could exchange my useless Malavai Quinn for ANY other companion customization. Perhaps make a way to purchase the individual customizations with one of the customizations as the purchase price or 20 DNA when the vendor is next up? It would go a long way to make me forget the Imperials laughing as they killed me repeatedly while I begged for mercy and the chance to just USE THE FRIGGING VENDOR BEFORE THE SERVER WENT DOWN!


If you were on Hyperspace Cannon i do apologize but We were killing the Pubs that were ganking the low level guys and some got "overzealous",and were killing anyone there =/

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Yeah, Ignore the nay-sayers. I loved the event and hope you guys will make many more! I managed to collect everything but the Malavai Quinn customization for my Marauder. (So many smuggler repeats!) I had no real complaints and i logged in every day specifically to play the event and get the rewards. I even stocked up so that i could sell some extras on the GTN for players who didn't get a chance to participate.

I loved the new colored crystals! To be honest that was the first thing that i went after and what drew me into this event. I am also a huge Vehicle and Pet junkie, so the raklings kept me going. Once i realized that the items were BoE and not BoP i saw profit in the future! I couldn't think of a better way for this to go! Weeeell, other than the fact that i wound up feeling like i was wasting good DNA on repeat customizations that i already had. By the end i know i had 10 Corso Riggs! Still Great work and keep on making wonderful events! It's always nice to have a break from the monotony!

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We wanted to warn players that the effects of the plague may linger after the event is over. Vaccines will still be readily available.


I think it'd be neat if you left some rare source(s) of infection in the game. New high-level content on Taris would make a good candidate ;)

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If you were sneaky enough, you would've death stealth camped and opened and bought what you want.. took me a few tries, but got my crystals.


If it happens again, I'll make sure my Imperial is located close enough to get to a vendor in time for an event ending. She was literally less than a minute away with DNA when the server dropped. I won't sit there letting myself get fragged so I can purchase stuff from a vendor they should have put in a better locale so that the low level people, which I am not even amongst, but there were plenty of 20 somethings ****blocked by the ..... I can't say what I want on this forum. And as for what you suggest.....they sat there throwing aoe's on the vendor over and over for fun and games, which I think would prevent that? No time to click on the vendor when you're thrown into combat immediately upon reviving. No question, they knew their pvp tricks. We gathered close to their numbers at one point and they kicked our butts, but there simply weren't enough of us consistently to make it an even fight for long enough to deter them from camping.


At other times during the week, my guildmates and a few others prevented exactly that situation, but when the opposing faction gathered, at 1 AM EST, an op force to prevent Reps from using the vendor.....people have to log by that time to do things like work or go to school on an east coast server. Funny how that works out. They had two hours in which it was a free reign of terror essentially since they had plenty of people still up and we average something like 15 on the fleet at that time. I think we had less than 10-15 on Tat even questing and half of those were under 40. Again.....I know it's a pvp server, I just think the devs could have chosen to avoid that kind of situation entirely with vendors located by the dropboxes. Unless they WANTED to encourage such behavior on servers with faction number disparities. I even had Imperials apologizing in general chat and whispers to my little Imp when she didn't make it in time....I've found most intelligent people don't find that kind of behavior anything but immature griefing. And they used the excuse that of course, the vendor would be up tomorrow because what kind of game developers removed the vendor RIGHT with the end of a live event /sigh. We don't all read the forums.....surely the login message could have mentioned the removal of both the event and the vendor? What the heck is it for if not that kind of message? Even the post the link about maintenance leads you to didn't bother to mention it. That's just.....bad communication with your playerbase.

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If you were on Hyperspace Cannon i do apologize but We were killing the Pubs that were ganking the low level guys and some got "overzealous",and were killing anyone there =/


No apologies necessary, I was on Deathwind Corridor and I actually ran up a few times and literally died begging to use the vendor so hopefully your people would have taken pity if they were doing what we did and guarded the vendor for others to use. I agree totally with the killing of gankers of low levels.....what are you proving to kill someone twentysome levels lower....


Other times today after we did what you describe we sat there dancing with our companions and Imps came up and we had little impromptu parties.....I enjoy open world pvp but seriously.....this last few hours before the server came down most people realized it just wasn't the time or place.


Oh....we did have a real time keeping our companions from going gonzo on us. They need to fix the code where companions sometimes go banzai and attack random players of opposing faction. Think it's a known issue....at any rate, we all kept apologizing to each other half the time during questing as our companions would "go wild." Kind of funny, yet annoying! As the sith lord says to me, SO SORRY, when his Malavai Quinn begins to shoot me, or my Tharan Cedrax randomly mezzes someone with Holiday and I have to say BAD THARAN, NO COOKIE!

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So even if I have avoided blowing up for days, thus keeping people from infecting me and getting anything from me, I will still have to waste my credits to get rid of this darn thing? Horrible job devs!!!! Change the price to 0 please.


What do you think they get from you?

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If it happens again, I'll make sure my Imperial is located close enough to get to a vendor in time for an event ending. She was literally less than a minute away with DNA when the server dropped. I won't sit there letting myself get fragged so I can purchase stuff from a vendor they should have put in a better locale so that the low level people, which I am not even amongst, but there were plenty of 20 somethings ****blocked by the ..... I can't say what I want on this forum. And as for what you suggest.....they sat there throwing aoe's on the vendor over and over for fun and games, which I think would prevent that? No time to click on the vendor when you're thrown into combat immediately upon reviving. No question, they knew their pvp tricks. We gathered close to their numbers at one point and they kicked our butts, but there simply weren't enough of us consistently to make it an even fight for long enough to deter them from camping.


Didn't read the whole post, but I don't know.. I was on my lvl 36 commando.. my server, they set AOE's down, too, but I would revive where they kill me, as close as possible, then, walk up there under the death stealth, i talked to vendor with AOE's there, and had about 3 seconds.. you were saying they were camping for like 2 hours, so I figured this would've worked since it worked for me.. took me about 5 minutes of getting killed to realize maybe they can't see me under that death stealth mode.. which worked.. and if you died, and the time increased, just spawn at outpost, go back and it resets to 10 seconds first death, 30 second, minute next, and so on.. but then again, maybe on your server the campers paid more attention to someone popping up out of nowhere than on mine.

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I think this was a good event and I enjoyed it. Still, it now leaves me a bit frustrated. Not knowing anything about how the dailies were set up (+1 quest/day) and expecting the event to last longer, it took me several days before I ventured off to Tattooine to check out what the event was all about, leaving me with time enough to only get 4 of the 6 hazard gear set pieces. The completionist in me will cry for a long time over that. Granted, I only have myself to blame for not starting sooner, but that doesnt make me feel better though.


On this last day of the event it became a race againt the clock before server shutdown. (not everyone can sit all day every day and play) I had to skip one of the dailes to buy me time but I still didnt make it. I got logged out with 87 DNA and I would guess I was about 1-2 minutes away from reaching the vendor and buying another +41 crystal. :mad:


I hope there will be more opportunities to put the DNA samples to use ( I wouldn't mind at all a return of this same event), and that next event will last longer. And one thing is for sure. When/if there is another event, I will throw myself at it asap!

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Well I lost all faith this game to ever have any well thought world events that are not meant only for players speding everyday on game and forums

And I, for one, found it awesome.


And I've still got a job and family at that.


Point being, one-off events such as these makes me happy to play the game right now.


It doesn't give any rewards that makes players more powerful, which would arguably make participation mandatory, but rather 'cool stuff'.


This means that it doesn't matter if you miss it entirely, but you don't want to.


That's perfect execution IMO, keeps players logging in and encourages participation. On top of that it's been some of the best world PvP I've seen in this game, as opposed to the abortion that is 'PvP lakes', because there are actual resources to fight over.

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Please bring the dna vendor back for a while. I've a lot of dna to unload and I found the "reminder" that he would disappear about an hour after the servers went down for maintenance. I enjoyed the event but sitting with a couple of crystals worth of dna samples leaves a nasty taste to the ending.
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And I, for one, found it awesome.


And I've still got a job and family at that.


Point being, one-off events such as these makes me happy to play the game right now.


It doesn't give any rewards that makes players more powerful, which would arguably make participation mandatory, but rather 'cool stuff'.


This means that it doesn't matter if you miss it entirely, but you don't want to.


That's perfect execution IMO, keeps players logging in and encourages participation. On top of that it's been some of the best world PvP I've seen in this game, as opposed to the abortion that is 'PvP lakes', because there are actual resources to fight over.


Actually it gives far more than you realise it gave gear that will NEVER go old it gave pets that NEVER go old, it gives codex that NEVER go old it gave good crystals.


Thats the thing with cosmetic gear they will NEVER become obsolite they are what you can use years and years after expansions.


So dont tell me it doesnt give anything it gives exactly what is in long run the MOST impotart things that NEVER go old!


Your happy because you got all this great gear/items/pets that the one and reaon you are happy.


Now I dont mind if event is short but if it is this short I expect it to be well know and impossible to miss no matter where or what you do in game or if you dont read forums daily. Making world event that means huge event that should be for majority of players not only for tiny minority because it is so short that if you didnt immediatly start with it you miss it.


Allmoust every single yes post is made by player who has everything he wanted. It is easy to say that when you didnt miss anything and want to brag with those unique items because your so special by belonning to this minority who was able to complete who event and collect all rewards.

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Actually it gives far more than you realise it gave gear that will NEVER go old it gave pets that NEVER go old, it gives codex that NEVER go old it gave good crystals.[/Quote]

*sigh* No, I specifically mentioned that it doesn't provide anything you need - only things you want.


Don't use my post as a foundation to push your agenda here, because I didn't say what you wanted me to say.


And for the record I didn't get everything I wanted to get, because the ~25 customization boxes I bought weren't enough to get all of the 8 different companion customizations.


I get what you're saying, I really do, but it only comes across as entitlement on this end.


Personally I'm never going to get any Ops gear because I simply can't schedule my life after a game, and even if I could I wouldn't want to. Do you see me complaining about not being able to get Ops gear? No.


RL kept you from being able to get all the fluff stuff you wanted from the event, I get it. Luckily, it's not a big deal even in game terms - even less so in RL.


At the end of the day prolonging the event to please everyone will just make the people that did spend time with the event disgruntled instead, and deflating the value and relative rareness of the rewards.

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I didn't get everything I wanted.


I didn't get to complete the dailies for the only piece of the cosmetic gear I really wanted (the chest), I didn't get the crimson rakghoul pet, I didn't get to kill all the bosses, or get the title, or hoard a bunch of stuff to sell on the GTN later.


So when I say this was a good event, the nay-sayers can't drag out that old excuse and put it on me.


Events are *events*. They happen. The Rolling Stones are not more obligated to stay in your town and play 2 more shows because not everyone got tickets. This event doesn't have to be run longer because our RL schedules didn't give us the chance to get into it, or because we didn't log in for X days, or whatever. The event doesn't have to run longer to accommodate our playing styles, or becuase we play slow or whatever.


It's nice to have "events" that aren't plotted out on beta with all the answers and hyped for weeks until nothing they give us can match the hype. It's nice to just have an event.


Nothing stops them from putting in the event again later. The code is there. In fact, they'd be crazy not to run it again at some future date, and this event makes a nice precedent for events to come.


Nothing that isn't a challenge is worthwhile, in the end. If you're given everything up front, you don't appreciate it.

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