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What would you add to the legacy system?


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1. Fix the current fleet pass perk. As is it's worthless. Even fully upgraded it's cooldown is so long it's *still* just once a day. Instead make each unlock add a "charge". Each charge would have it's own cooldown.


2. Legacy crafting bin. Each gathering/mission crewskill that is represented in the legacy would have it's own tab. Each mat for that crewskill would have it's own slot in that tab. That slot would be able to hold up to 65535 units. Any time a mat is obtained via mission or gathering it is automatically placed into it's bin. Mat's could still be manually removed/added.


3. Additional reductions to heroic moment.


4. Legacy of Heroism: Can use legacy abilities w/o needing to be under the effects of the heroic moment. (still need companion present though... or not. Hey, I'm fine with "breaking" WZ's and ops) Probably should require maybe half the legacy abilities? (Don't think it should require all)


5. Legacy of exp free space combat: Zero's out all EXP gained from space combat missions. (possibly enableable/disableable. Yeah, I'd like to do the space missions, as well as future space stuff, but the way it causes me to overlevel the actual level balanced content really sucks) I'd actually argue space exp should be it's OWN leveling system, and the spaceship equipment should require "piloting levels". or somesuch.

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Maybe... a unique crest of or emblem too to add to Armor?


Now THAT would be cool. Make a little emblem for your legacy and have it display on your chest, helmet, or ship? You could even have it display next to your name on WZ boards.

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Player Housing.


A legacy player house that you can actually furnish and decorate , ala EQ II , shared among all your charactars, on the capital world .


This would be a big change by itself since you'd have to adjust the crafting skills / crew skills to scatter schematics for furnature in them, and you'd have to put pieces of furnature in the random drop tables for everything.


and how does your imperial charactar get to your republic player house ?


Simple. There are two instance portals , one on each capital world, but only one actual legacy house.

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Legacy shared speeder...


I'd rather not pay for the 1.5mil speeder for every class I have, and since all toons in my legacy tree are more or less family, it's only natural that they share speeders as well... come on, you can't drive your sibling's car? 4real?

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Legacy of skill discount - Reduces the cost of training skills by 5/10/15%.


Legacy of crafting time - Reduces the amount of time it takes to complete an item.


Legacy of Reverse Engeering. Increase the chances of getting a recipie and more components returned.

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One thing that keeps popping into my head is a new buff graphic if you have all 4 classes unlocked to chapter 2 ( act 2) on one side.


Ya'know how they made sprint semi perm? Well it's kinda funny each time I buff in a WZ and since I have all 4 classes unlocked I cast all 4 on everyone and then people start rebuffing and rebuffing and rebuffing thinking they are doing something.


Just a simple change of graphics would stop people from doing unnecessary buffing after they recognize the new graphic means it's all done and everyone is set.

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How about the ability to purchase legacy gear that is bind on account, has predetermined states, and is only restricted by the type of armor, and automatically scales as you level. In this way you don't need to constantly change armor when leveling.
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woha, nice list OP, very nice! :rak_03:


- Unlock player-character re-customization (hair, skin, complexion etc)

- Unlock cybernetics (schematics) for all species to use

- Unlock armor/cloth dye

- Unlock the out of combat regeneration abilites and emotes

- Unlock selected mirrored abilites depending on light / dark side and or in general

- Unlock cross-faction armor/cloth visuals except PvP / Tionese / Columni / Rakata / Black Hole / Campaing etc

- Unlock armor grade (light / medium / heavy) to character class


- Legacy player-characters as companions (pre made functions: scoundrel = blaster and med-watch stance)

- Unlock send legacy player-character on missions

- Unlock legacy player-character crafting / gathering mission / bonuses

- Unlock show companion (on / off) on your ship

- Unlock show Legacy player-character on your ship


- Unlock spaceships for all legcay player-characters

- Unlock spaceship interior designs

- Unlock spaceship exterior designs

- Unlock single fighter spacships

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Im sorry it is good that some people enjoy the legacy system. But for me that play my character, and only that character it is more or less useless. There really arent anything of value in the legacy system for me as a player, have to say it just smells timesink.


I play on a pvp server, first to get good pvp outside warzones there need to be some "factionhate" in a competitive friendly manner ofc. Rolling alts in opposite faction should never be allowed on a pvp server! And here we have a system that encourage you to do just that.


So what would i like to add in the legacy system? Well either remove it! Or better use for us that only play our one character, and some rewards for those that stick to their faction, unavailable for those that chose to roll in both factions.

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Let's see..


-Use other character as companion.

At level 50, you could unlock this ability. Just for PVE so it wouldnt unbalance the game.

Would be kind of odd if your family cant ever actually meet each other after all.


-switch controll to this character without logging out.

This could further upgrade the above unlock, allowing you to switch constantly.

Great for roleplayers, and also great for anyone who wants to switch character without logging out.


-Special moddeable armor and weaponry unlocks.

Reaching level 50 with a class could unlock special moddeable armor that is bound to the legacy.


-Special vehicle unlocks.


-reduced cost for companion skill missions.


-Ship interiour and exterious skins.


-Skip introduction planet on second playthrough.

When you finished the game with a class, you could optionally skip to level 10 and with basic gear for your second playthrough with the same class.


Any character customisation options should just be made available to all through updates, and should never be put in legacy since it makes no sense.

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Family's Legacy(RP Stuff)[/b]

[*]Legacy Storys/Missions - (ex. Rival Mission - Quest to fight other characters in legacy)

[*]Character Heros - Summons alt character as a companion for 1 fight(maybe with a long cool down?)

[*]Summon All Companions and/or Characters to Pose At Once(not for combat)

[*]visible family trees on startship

[*]Inspect people's Legacy Tree

[*]More link options in family tree(master, apprentice, romance, married, adopted, sibling, slave, twin)

[*]Legacy Storyboard - Ability to add story's about your legacy family to a story board for others to see

[*]More companion RP abilities - (ex. /companion_hug /companion_high_five /companion_fist_bump)

[*]Use alts for 4 man heroics(cant imagine the programming on this one, sounds tough lol)

[*]Legacy Connections - Connect Family Tree to Other Characters family tree

[*]Textbox to change character relationships(I can say my characters have whatever relationship i want)



You said it all right here, I already suggested some of this stuff before.


1) Summon alt companion. Guild Wars had this and it is a great feature to have someday.

2) Legacy Story Missions. Sounds like the nemesis system from Champions Online, which is one othat MMO's best features.

3) Legacy alts for 4 man. Will hurt multiplayer, but this game has yet to be fully multiplayer like older MMOs.

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Im sorry it is good that some people enjoy the legacy system. But for me that play my character, and only that character it is more or less useless. There really arent anything of value in the legacy system for me as a player, have to say it just smells timesink.


I play on a pvp server, first to get good pvp outside warzones there need to be some "factionhate" in a competitive friendly manner ofc. Rolling alts in opposite faction should never be allowed on a pvp server! And here we have a system that encourage you to do just that.


So what would i like to add in the legacy system? Well either remove it! Or better use for us that only play our one character, and some rewards for those that stick to their faction, unavailable for those that chose to roll in both factions.


I understand your opinion but as a person who never purchases a game and sticks to only one character or one "playthrough"; that kind of defeats the concept of creating content to get you to max level. If you are just concerned about gameplay at max level then a game you purchase should not even have a level. You could just press start and start tlooking for weapons and gear. Who wants to pay monthly for that when there are multiple classes and stories in a game.

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Throwing support behind Legacy Bank


After you finish Chapter 3 on four Imperial Characters on the same server, you unlock an additional character slot for a Republic character. The same for four Republic unlocking an Imperial character slot. With the upcoming addition of a new companion that we must get two characters of opposing factions to 50, I think it would be a nice incentive, beyond an HK, to suffer through the other side for those that play only Imperial/Republic characters.


Every ten legacy levels should unlock a legacy quest with a legacy gear construction kit plus some other fluff as rewards.


All future legacy unlocks will be by level OR credits only... not both. Sure, it's all optional, but people pay real money to play and play long enough that they should be rewarded in a way that doesn't reflect how many dailies they do, how long they farm low level instances, or how many hours a week they raid/craft. There are plenty of money sinks in the game (now that certain exploits are plugged) that those who play through for the stories and not the crafting/group content should have access to cool stuff. With that said, I care little for most legacy "perks", but have seen SOOOO many complaints about the amount of credits needed, especially concerning PTS stuff.


$10 Legacy name change added... or make it 50 million in game credits. There's a money sink for ya!


Give companions skill trees so that their roles may be modified. Personally, I'd like to turn some of the more "useless" companions into something useful. Have the skill trees unlock at a certain legacy/companion class level/affection level.


Ship interiors change slightly due to legacy level. Every 10 levels (or whatever), your ships get a slight interior makeover to show the wealth/infamy/prestige your "family" has accrued throughout their adventures.


Unlockable character customization options at creation depending on level. The higher your legacy level, the more options you have to customize your character to show the mixing of so many different races.


Additional titles such as Patriarch and Matriarch... and various other familial designations to denote place within the legacy "family"


Additional quests that award titles, tied to Legacy. An idea would be a quest chain that all characters of sufficient level partake in on Alderaan. If I have 3 level 50's, one Rep and two Imp, each would undergo the rites (quests) and, at the end, instead of just "Amendrous Voidrender", I would be across all toons, if I so chose, "Amendrous, House Voidrender". Every following 50 could then do the same in order to snag the title. Make the rites (quests) vary by class so it shouldn't get too old too soon, put a few quests in that require ZERO combat.. maybe some actual brain skills... and BAM!! TITLE!!!!


Legacy Armor: Sets of moddable armor (chest, head, pants) that follows the soon-to-be rules of Social Gear. Legacy Level 40+, each character you have/create receives it, and it's all of a similar style/color scheme. Some people really enjoy the legacy system and the RP aura it should have, and some families just like to dress alike :p

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