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Shiny and tidy, very nice.


One minor niggle though.....please stop setting focus on the search input box on every page load. :mad:


If I click on a forum post and then try to scroll with the arrow keys nothing happens because your search box has stolen focus.


If I want to search the forums, which I do very rarely, I'll click on the input box myself thanks.

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Shiny and tidy, very nice.


One minor niggle though.....please stop setting focus on the search input box on every page load. :mad:


If I click on a forum post and then try to scroll with the arrow keys nothing happens because your search box has stolen focus.


If I want to search the forums, which I do very rarely, I'll click on the input box myself thanks.


With your post I realized that they replaced the flag option with report post. Thnx for bringing that to my attention.


Keep up your quest in defining and using the English language so expertly. If only we had another Shakespeare who would be able to give us a word that fits the use without relating to other historic words that have played an influence for negative meanings.


English was a language of trolls. Notice the word Mongoloid has a not nice meaning. There are other words, but just because its in the dictionary does not mean its not a troll word.


Or else why would they censor the word *****, or female dog. I can talk about female dogs, but i cant call them *****. Why not?

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Just a short bugreport:


On first page of community, you can see news. At the moment the words in the end of the line are split up in a very wrong way: like - apri on first line, and the l on the next line. This is unprofessional and hurts the eye.


I like the new design, but it will take a bit time to get used to. There is something with the colours, or maybe its the font, that make the eye rest less than when reading the old forum.


Edit: Also there is no vertical scrollbar when you minimize the window.


Tested with ie 8.


Tested in firefox as well, and there the issues do not occur, so its a browser thing.

Edited by Sifka
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Original Server: Nadd's Sarcophagus

Character Name: Uzoshir

Destination Server: Master Dar'Nala


Original Server: Nadd's Sarcophagus

Character Name: Orteega

Destination Server: Master Dar'Nala


Original Server: The Fatman

Character Name: Arven

Destination Server: Master Dar'Nala


Issue: None of my characters are appearing on the form that we are supposed to be filling out in order to transfer our characters. The same problem as described by what seems to be the majority of posters here.

Edited by Darth-Reapus
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Why is the visit the community button hidden to the bottom right of the website?


Please BW mods/devs, make your website user friendly.


Make all menus and submenus laid out. Meaning, no popups, and it all is clearly shown at the top center of the page.


The same with something as important as 'visit the community' which is also a vital source of information to improve gameplay for those seeking answers.

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Nice, you colour-coded the server population again :cool:


Please try to use the collapse/expand function more all across the website, as well as windowed menus.


For example: collapse/expand server list and patch notes; also, categorize the patch notes in relation to the month ( January 2012, Febraury 2012 and so on).


More horizontal, tabbed and categorized navigation, less vertical one (don't want to destroy my mouse wheel :p)

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Lets make it even more unreadable than before.


Hire someone who has actual former experience in layout, readability, and web site design. This new design (apart from the forms you actually type in) is the worst thing I've seen since myspace pages.


Great example of how terrible it is to read something important: http://www.swtor.com/test-center/patchnotes/313976

1) Jambed boxes of varying colored text, with no box definition.

2) -- nevermind you fixed the indents and navigation --


Then you have the actual forums. Each forum listing of topics is just this horrible string of tiny text on black background colors. Super serious ultra-dark gray is no better than black. Nothing has definition, it all looks like it is floating in a sea of text links and words. Margins are screwy, some things are so close together then some have double spacing. Who ever learned that black backgrounds were 'right'?


Eye burn is not what I wish to endure just to read the dev tracker. Oh, and lets look at that mess of jumbled up text shall we? http://www.swtor.com/community/devtracker.php

1) Ultra tiny quotes in gray.

2) Huge gaps between quotes and super bold burning gold text on black.

3) Lacking margins between postings, making things ram together.

4) Indents gone on walkabout.


Then we can jump over and take a look at this mess: http://www.swtor.com/blog/dev-tracker-summary-april-10th-2012-–-april-16th-2012

1) Simply enjoy how every page appears to have its own spacing definitions.

2) Learn to add margins.

3) What ever happened to readability being #1 goal for a website?


I have to say. This 'new design' is the worst thing I've seen in a long time. Thank you for making me never return to the forums!




PS: Well, at least you didnt use #00F for text links. I'll give you that.

Edited by Frigidman
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Then you are as ignorant as the person who designed this site, this matters very much so to any real company and a half decent web developer. It also seems to matter enough to Google and their own Google Ads to affect your page rankings so it should matter to a web developer. http://insidesearch.blogspot.com/2012/01/page-layout-algorithm-improvement.html from Jan 2012.


So again thank you for pointing out your ignorance in this area of discussion.


LOL. Completely different contexts. As a web designer I can guarantee you that the fold is no where near as important as you are led to believe. On this site, and especially on a forum, it is pointless. Everyone knows how to scroll and forums don't have a CTA.


Maybe you don't realize that "the fold" is a pass-over from printed news papers. The need to put the most riveting headlines above the fold of the paper to get sales from people walking by.

Edited by Deathbypixels
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