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PVP is a joke now


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just venting, ranting whatever, i am done with PVP in this game since 1.2 its just one big steam rolling melee DPS train no match is close or even fair amount players per team now.



I love being down 3-0 in huttball before we even have 6 players... really thats why i play..so 8 Battlemasters can dominate 4 recruits in every match /sarcasim


my server used to have even matches where both sides won about 50/50. alot of matches went down to the wire, now its just a dominating one sided victory. All the normal PVPers on my server have seemingly stopped so its all fresh recruits give up free wins to the other side.


1.2 killed my desire to pvp. i know none of you care, i just needed to vent. so fustrated.

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just venting, ranting whatever, i am done with PVP in this game since 1.2 its just one big steam rolling melee DPS train no match is close or even fair amount players per team now.



I love being down 3-0 in huttball before we even have 6 players... really thats why i play..so 8 Battlemasters can dominate 4 recruits in every match /sarcasim


my server used to have even matches where both sides won about 50/50. alot of matches went down to the wire, now its just a dominating one sided victory. All the normal PVPers on my server have seemingly stopped so its all fresh recruits give up free wins to the other side.


1.2 killed my desire to pvp. i know none of you care, i just needed to vent. so fustrated.


We all care, truly and deeply, what can we do to help? Need a hug?

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just venting, ranting whatever, i am done with PVP in this game since 1.2 its just one big steam rolling melee DPS train no match is close or even fair amount players per team now.



I love being down 3-0 in huttball before we even have 6 players... really thats why i play..so 8 Battlemasters can dominate 4 recruits in every match /sarcasim


my server used to have even matches where both sides won about 50/50. alot of matches went down to the wire, now its just a dominating one sided victory. All the normal PVPers on my server have seemingly stopped so its all fresh recruits give up free wins to the other side.


1.2 killed my desire to pvp. i know none of you care, i just needed to vent. so fustrated.


Sounds like your on a dead server.

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If only there was a special bracket for well-geared individuals to fight eachother for better rewards...


If only this bracket was specially desinged to create a challenging environment that even attracted the "hardcore" crowd who are in it for competition and not drops...



If only there was some special way of recognizing good performances in this special bracket like a rating...



We could call them Rated War Zones. Bioware, clearly this is a great idea, you should get on it.

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If only there was a special bracket for well-geared individuals to fight eachother for better rewards...


If only this bracket was specially desinged to create a challenging environment that even attracted the "hardcore" crowd who are in it for competition and not drops...



If only there was some special way of recognizing good performances in this special bracket like a rating...



We could call them Rated War Zones. Bioware, clearly this is a great idea, you should get on it.



















































yeh, u mad.

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If only there was a special bracket for well-geared individuals to fight eachother for better rewards...


If only this bracket was specially desinged to create a challenging environment that even attracted the "hardcore" crowd who are in it for competition and not drops...



If only there was some special way of recognizing good performances in this special bracket like a rating...



We could call them Rated War Zones. Bioware, clearly this is a great idea, you should get on it.


If rated WZs weren't ready for 1.2 they shouldn't have rolled out the PVP changes. I did better in my centurion armor vs Battlemasters then i do in recruit armor now. And at least before the teams were even.


Ya my server can be dead, I just did 3 matches against the same exact 8 republic while we struggled to get 6 into the WZ and then i gave up.


Hadrcores can think i am whining all they want, but we all know hardcores won't get their gear of the casuals quit PVPing. I am not asking for free gear, i am asking for a fair fight. 8v4 is not fair even without the gear gap.

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If rated WZs weren't ready for 1.2 they shouldn't have rolled out the PVP changes. I did better in my centurion armor vs Battlemasters then i do in recruit armor now. And at least before the teams were even.


Ya my server can be dead, I just did 3 matches against the same exact 8 republic while we struggled to get 6 into the WZ and then i gave up.


Hadrcores can think i am whining all they want, but we all know hardcores won't get their gear of the casuals quit PVPing. I am not asking for free gear, i am asking for a fair fight. 8v4 is not fair even without the gear gap.


Are you joking me? I played from Early Access through to January full BM on one char. Rerolled Republic and (almost) full BM on that char too. I also don't play during the week due to being away from home.


Hardcore PvPers are geared, that IS the whole issue. You get getting scrub stomped by people who paid their dues before you finished chapter 2.


When rated comes out, guess how many geared players are going to be in normals for the majority of their time?


Couple that with cross server and the issue with resolve itself in no time.


In the mean time: butter up, buttercup.

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Are you joking me? I played from Early Access through to January full BM on one char. Rerolled Republic and (almost) full BM on that char too. I also don't play during the week due to being away from home.


Hardcore PvPers are geared, that IS the whole issue. You get getting scrub stomped by people who paid their dues before you finished chapter 2.


When rated comes out, guess how many geared players are going to be in normals for the majority of their time?


Couple that with cross server and the issue with resolve itself in no time.


In the mean time: butter up, buttercup.


See this really is the core of the matter when you cut through the "They did the grind before you!" bravado. The PROBLEM is that new players are NOT fairly being allowed to pay their dues. I don't mind get...how did you put it...oh ya "Scrub Stomped" as a player that is new to pvp. That is to be expected.


As a player who was mid PVP equipment grind when the patch hit I can whole heatedly say that this new system has brought further gain of equipment to a screeching halt.


Granted...I am a on small server that is terribly dominated by the other faction in numbers and equipment levels. Nearly every warzone starts 2-3 players short for my side. We face double presort teams, usually from the same guild 75-90% of our matches. I know of maybe a half a dozen total geared out PvPers on my server for my faction. To spell it out...I played nearly 20 Warzones yesterday. We won two (while undermanned). We had a full team 5 times. I did NOT face the same set of presorts twice (oddly enough those were the wins). It goes like this 24/7 on the server.


Before playing in this environment I was able to squeeze out some gear at an ok pace. I was paying my dues and gaining equipment. I was even starting to get caught up. I knew that as long as I put in my time I would get commendations and get geared up. I didn't mind playing my roll of road kill for the power players entertainment.


Well that has changed, commendations are coming in so slowly that I don't feel like I am paying dues. It isn't fun to serve as a whipping post for the established players and be subjected to a mechanic that makes sure to deny the "casual" pvp side vs. the "hardcore" pvp side. (oh, and before anyone gets smart and says re-roll or something stupid like that. Iif that is the mentality to take into this everyone one will eventually end up in the same faction, and all the same class. That historically has really worked out awesomely for mmos.)


Here is why I agree pvp is a joke right now to be specific...


Joke 1) Starting matches uneven. With that match ending painlessly, sometimes even with a cheap win to count on their dailies weaker side gets thrown a bone every now and then. With every match starting no matter what, the undermanned groups are getting curb stomped from the begging to the end....which leads to Joke 2.


Joke 2) If you can't scratch out 3 medals as fast as humanly possible the entire war zone is a wasted effort. Ya crack all the you suck if you can't get 3 medal jokes you want. I would like to see ANYONE do well against double guild presorts, 8v5 and where they are full geared for the majority of warzones.


Joke 3) The significant difference in commendations between winning and loosing teams. Winning team gets 100ish....loosing team gets...40ish...(rough numbers I know, and assuming you can squeak your 3 medals) but, if you think about it, that mechanic pours fuel on the flames. It allows an unbalanced side to gather equipment at a 2x the rate while. So we are going to toss more resources at the team that really doesn't need them? At the same time it isn't fair to toss extra resources at the loosing team. But this % difference between win/loss needs to be reexamined.


Lets use a pair of gloves currently at 875 commendations. On a unbalanced server...a "winning" side player would need about 9-10 War Zones for 1 piece of armor. Not including any dailys.


For a "loosing" side faction player, they are going to have to loose 20-22 warzones for the same piece of armor. That is assuming they get their 3 medals per warzone. Fact is many matches end so fast or are so one sided they aren't even getting 3 consistently.


The new system runs on a false assumption of a balanced PVP environment on servers. From what I have gleaned not many servers are even close to balanced. One side is pretty much set up railing the other side all the time.


In closing (jeez typed way more than I intended), I understand where folks that have been with the game since beta feel they are entitled to basically steam roll everyone in their path because they have been here longer, done more grinding, etc. Ya, you rock, your equipment is bigger than mine, you can kill me solo in pvp, I suck...there your egos have been assuaged.


You had better start realizing that this is new players game too. We have a right to advance, get equipment, etc., with ANY class that we choose, in ANY faction that we choose, in a fair and logical pace to reach the same equipment level as established players and NOT to be trapped as cannon fodder for already equipped players to abuse. Our money spent on this game is as valuable as yours. We have as much right to a positive experience regardless of if we started 4 months ago or 4 hours ago.


I am not paying dues anymore. I am road kill for the other faction, nothing much more. I don't like paying for a game that makes me feel that way about the play experience.


Butter up you say? Fine!! Re-roll on the weak side of an unbalanced server cupcake and see how tough you are then.

Edited by mindmaker
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yeh, u mad.


Unoriginal post is...











































VERY UNORIGINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If only there was a special bracket for well-geared individuals to fight eachother for better rewards...


If only this bracket was specially desinged to create a challenging environment that even attracted the "hardcore" crowd who are in it for competition and not drops...



If only there was some special way of recognizing good performances in this special bracket like a rating...



We could call them Rated War Zones. Bioware, clearly this is a great idea, you should get on it.


They realized they had to fix their dead server issue first, being they have like 60-70 of them.

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Bioware has publicly stated that they are fixing warzones not ending if there is a great imbalance between the number of players on each team.

Even 1 player is a significant imbalance - unless you are much better geared as a team, especially in Novare Coast and Civil War where you need to spread out and you need some other players to defend.

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If only there was a special bracket for well-geared individuals to fight eachother for better rewards...


If only this bracket was specially desinged to create a challenging environment that even attracted the "hardcore" crowd who are in it for competition and not drops...



If only there was some special way of recognizing good performances in this special bracket like a rating...



We could call them Rated War Zones. Bioware, clearly this is a great idea, you should get on it.



LOL..and yet so tru

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See this really is the core of the matter when you cut through the "They did the grind before you!" bravado. The PROBLEM is that new players are NOT fairly being allowed to pay their dues. I don't mind get...how did you put it...oh ya "Scrub Stomped" as a player that is new to pvp. That is to be expected.


As a player who was mid PVP equipment grind when the patch hit I can whole heatedly say that this new system has brought further gain of equipment to a screeching halt. I am a on small server that is terribly dominated by the other faction in numbers. Nearly every warzone starts 2-3 players short for my side. The only members that play the other faction are a couple of guilds made of fully geared War Heros who play 24/7. Even playing undermanned and getting curb stomped I was able to squeeze out some gear at an ok pace. I was paying my dues and gaining equipment and starting to get caught up. I am/was even starting to challenge a few of them. I knew that as long as I put in my time I would get commendations and get geared up and catch up. Well that has changed, commendations are coming in so slowly that I don't feel like I am paying dues. I am serving as a whipping post for the established players because they now have a mechanic to make sure that the "weaker" side (which I happen to be on) for the sever gets little to no commendations. (oh, and before anyone gets smart and says switch sides or something stupid like that...try to pvp if no one is on the other side and see how that works out for you.)



Barrier 1) Starting matches uneven. Previous players didn't have to deal this this. They paid their dues under a system that ended the match painlessly, sometimes even with a cheap win to count on their dailies. With every match starting no matter what, the undermanned groups are getting curb stomped from the begging to the end....which leads to barrier 2.


Barrier 2) If you can't scratch out 3 medals as fast as humanly possible the entire war zone is a wasted effort. That isn't paying dues, that is being denied access. aying your dues implies that there is a pay off in the end for time/effort in which you will have earned some form of gain to bring you equal to your peers over time.


Barrier 3) The significant difference is commendations between winning and loosing teams. Winning team gets 100ish....loosing team gets...40ish...(rough numbers I know) but if you think about that you are basically allowing the games elite/overpopulate side to gather equipment at a 2x the rate while at the same time providing a mechanic to deny the underpopulated side. Factor in that elites can then afford the consumables while the starved grinders can't afford consumables or armor. To put it in perspective...


Lets use a pair of gloves currently at 875 commendations. On a unbalanced server where one side is PVP elite compared to the other...a "winning" side player would need about 9-10 War Zones for 1 piece of armor. Not including any dailys. (Keep in mind they may be winning because their side can field 8 consistently vs the the undermanned faction.)


For a "weak" side faction player, they are going to have to loose 20-22 warzones for the same piece of armor. That is assuming they get their 3 medals per warzone. Fact is many matches end so fast or are so one sided they aren't even getting 3 consistently.


The new system runs on a false assumption of a balanced PVP environment on servers. While it may exist on some servers, other servers are not even closed to balanced.


In closing I understand where folks that have been with the game since beta feel they are entitled to basically steam roll everyone in their path because they have been here longer, done more grinding, etc. You had better start realizing that this is new players game too. We have a right to advance, get equipment, etc. in a fair and logical pace to reach the same equipment level as established players and be trapped as cannon fodder for already equipped players to abuse. Our money spent is the same as yours and we have as much right to a positive experience regardless of if we started 4 months ago or 4 hours ago.


As a player who was mid PVP equipment grind when the patch hit I can whole heatedly say that this new system has brought further gain of equipment to a screeching halt. I am a on small server that is terribly dominated by the other faction in numbers. Nearly every warzone starts 2-3 players short for my side. The only members that play the other faction are a couple of guilds made of fully geared War Heros who play 24/7. Even playing undermanned and getting curb stomped I was able to squeeze out some gear at an ok pace. I was paying my dues and gaining equipment and starting to get caught up. I am/was even starting to challenge a few of them. Now...well, commendations are coming in much slower now that the PvP heavy faction has been given a denying mechanic.


I am not paying dues anymore. I am road kill for the other faction, nothing much more. I don't like paying for a game that makes me feel that way about the play experience.


I would suggest to others in my situation they go do something more productive with their time, like hang out with their family, or read a book until they get this straightened out.


fantastic read. very well said.

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Simple fix: If at the start of the match 4 players run out the one door, only 4 players run out of the otherside. One for one entry once the match starts. Or if you bring the count down back to end matches that are lopsided, then bothside get nothing for that match. 8 players steamrolling 5 for two minutes is a cheap win. Honestly, even when 50's thru 15 where all in the same qeue, It didnt really bother me until it started to be 4 or more pretty consistantly. When they first moved 50 to a seperate bracket, I was fine with that. Now gear prices went up, you get nothing if you lose, and you lose most often because its 5 vs 8. I didnt know if you got three medals you at least got some token comms but really its not worth it for me. Its not fun and less vs more is garbage. Wonder how secret world is coming along...
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Had an epic Voidstar last night on Ajunta Pall.


We attacked first and downloaded the datacore with barely any time remaining.


On defense, Imps had a hard time getting through the first door but made it through the second one a lot quicker.


We held them on the third door til the bitter end but they blasted through with <30 secs.


Epic battle in the hallway to the datacore as everyone was blowing cooldowns and what not.


I force sped down the hallway and force waved two Imps back but one was just out of my range and capped with 1s on the clock... we lost due to objective tally at the end but that was one of the best VSs I've ever experienced!

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Had an epic Voidstar last night on Ajunta Pall.


We attacked first and downloaded the datacore with barely any time remaining.


On defense, Imps had a hard time getting through the first door but made it through the second one a lot quicker.


We held them on the third door til the bitter end but they blasted through with <30 secs.


Epic battle in the hallway to the datacore as everyone was blowing cooldowns and what not.


I force sped down the hallway and force waved two Imps back but one was just out of my range and capped with 1s on the clock... we lost due to objective tally at the end but that was one of the best VSs I've ever experienced!


That sounds like fun. I dont mind losing like that, but I havent seen that yet. I have been in an even win or lose since 1.2 came out.

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If the "hardcore" PvPers were as hardcore as they all seem to think they are, they'd be all for an even playing field.


I guarantee you that the people who are on these threads boasting about how they got to full BM and everybody should have to suffer the same fate would be singing a different tune if the level 50 bracket were normalized and everyone was on an even playing field.


The sole exception to these "scrub stompers" are the people who are interested in rated WZs and actually want a challenge. Everybody else is just worried the "scrubs" are going to get geared up and give them a run for their money.

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Bioware has publicly stated that they are fixing warzones not ending if there is a great imbalance between the number of players on each team.


Forget the class and gear imbalances. I'm sure this will have people flocking back to pvp!

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If the "hardcore" PvPers were as hardcore as they all seem to think they are, they'd be all for an even playing field.


I guarantee you that the people who are on these threads boasting about how they got to full BM and everybody should have to suffer the same fate would be singing a different tune if the level 50 bracket were normalized and everyone was on an even playing field.


The sole exception to these "scrub stompers" are the people who are interested in rated WZs and actually want a challenge. Everybody else is just worried the "scrubs" are going to get geared up and give them a run for their money.


"Scissors are fine, but nerf paper."-Rock.

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Bioware has publicly stated that they are fixing warzones not ending if there is a great imbalance between the number of players on each team.


It should be ANY numbers imbalance. Not 5 vs 6 is ok, or 4 vs 5 is ok. Everything else is kind of debateable: class and level desparities etc. The # vs # is easy. It should be even or over.

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If the "hardcore" PvPers were as hardcore as they all seem to think they are, they'd be all for an even playing field.


I guarantee you that the people who are on these threads boasting about how they got to full BM and everybody should have to suffer the same fate would be singing a different tune if the level 50 bracket were normalized and everyone was on an even playing field.


The sole exception to these "scrub stompers" are the people who are interested in rated WZs and actually want a challenge. Everybody else is just worried the "scrubs" are going to get geared up and give them a run for their money.



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