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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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Your definition of griefing is not the correct one,

  • People standing around the pvp terminal and joking about how they're going to infect people whether they want it or not are griefing others
  • people who divebomb others from the vip lounge to infect people whether they want it or not are griefing others
  • people who follow around newbies on starter planets to infect people whether they want it or not are griefing others
  • people who congregate in high traffic areas to infect people whether they want it or not are griefing others


If you're doing this, and pretending that it's not griefing helps you sleep at night, by all means, keep deluding yourself.


Edit: interesting, list styles no longer work.

Edited by ferroz
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I never implied that was your text, what I did imply was that because you don't like something it should be changed for everyone else.


He has never implied it should be changed for everyone. But only a change which would "only" affect those who wish not to get infected.

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Is it now? Then perhaps you could be garacious enough to change your playstyle a bit for a few days to accomodate those who are having fun.
Or I could continue to ask for changes to the event that in no way impact the people who are "having fun" unless such fun is due to being able to infect someone does not want to be infected... which is clearly griefing.


I'm going to go with that one.

Edited by ferroz
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then none of my suggestions would impact any part of your enjoyment of the game.

It's a good thing that I've not advocated that, eh?


What would your solution be, then? I know what my solution is - have droids floating around the Fleets curing the infection - ONLY on the Fleet, and ONLY curing, not vaccinating against. Keeps the immersion up for roleplayers, keeps people from being freely vaccinated against the plague, keeps the event's nature of "spreading to other planets" alive, and keeps it fun for everyone. If you want a large quantity of people to infect, then head to Tatooine, it was practically overflowing with people on Sunday.

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The only downside to the whole thing I have with this event is when you're flagged for PvP, or someone else is flagged for PvP, and they explode and infect you. Not that it infects you, but that it flags you for PvP at that point unwillingly, which kinda sucks. It wouldn't be as big a problem if you would unflag just while playing, but if you're actively fighting even NPCs, you won't unflag. It sucks at times, because I got flagged by someone blowing up on mer on Tatooine and as a result of being flagged for PvP while doing the daily missions on my 27 Sage yesterday, I had three level 50 Imp players kill me.


After having a bad day and managing to somehow aggro every single sand person in a three-mile radius multiple times, it was extremely annoying to wait ten minutes to respawn.


If they take anything into consideration for future "infection events" like this, keep that in mind and please change it. Don't flag me for PvP because someone infected me. I caught their virus, not their lust for PvP combat. Thanks.



Edit: Idea for how to prevent popping on the Fleet - make it so that when you enter the Fleet, you're "scanned and placed into quarantine" or something, like at the planetside spaceports - the infection is purged from you and you're plague-free while there. Don't vaccinate against it, however - JUST remove the plague. Vaccination would be too much, considering there's a 2k stim for that.


You bring up some good points and also ones which point to how the way the plague is spread is flawed. Your suggestion about being placed into quarantine when being infected and arriving at the Fleet is actually a excellent one and is more realistic also.

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What would your solution be, then?
Anything that gives people a real way to opt out. Say: stims that persist through death; it's best if they're reusable and free from any medical droid.


I know what my solution is - have droids floating around the Fleets curing the infection - ONLY on the Fleet, and ONLY curing, not vaccinating against. Keeps the immersion up for roleplayers, keeps people from being freely vaccinated against the plague, keeps the event's nature of "spreading to other planets" alive, and keeps it fun for everyone. If you want a large quantity of people to infect, then head to Tatooine, it was practically overflowing with people on Sunday.
Personally, I think that if you want to make it better for the roleplayers, there should be teams of high end security forces on fleet and capital planets that shoot to kill. They should be sufficiently powerful to stop most people from making into the station. It should require a coordinated effort to reach the inner ring of the station and even then you should be tracked down by the containment forces.


but I'm not advocating for that, because I know that would impact some people's fun.

Edited by ferroz
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Fortunately they are not ( and should not ) end the event over a very few individuals complaining when the vast majority of players are enjoying it very much.
It's a good thing that pretty much noone except the OP is actually calling for that
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He has never implied it should be changed for everyone. But only a change which would "only" affect those who wish not to get infected.


I guess what's really bothering me about him is his definition of griefers.

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I think this is my favorite thread ever on this forum. It's the purest example of the "I don't like this game! Change it until I like it!" attitude that a minority of people have. It's hilarious.


Imagine if you hated Celine Dion. Would you buy a ticket to her concert? Then after you had a bad time there, rebook to see her again? Then wait for her backstage and shout angrily at her for not being Lil Wayne? Cos it's the same thing.


This is the game. If you don't like it, play a different game. I'm not even trying to be mean, that honestly is just extremely good advice.


You must be reading another Plague thread then because I do not recall the demands for changing the game much at all; more like complaints on those mishandling the methods given in the event.


And who is little Wayne? That may be a source of the confusion right there....

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Personally, I think that if you want to make it better for the roleplayers, there should be teams of high end security forces on fleet and capital planets that shoot to kill. They should be sufficiently powerful to stop most people from making into the station. It should require a coordinated effort to reach the inner ring of the station and even then you should be tracked down by the containment forces.


but I'm not advocating for that, because I know that would impact some people's fun.


That's.... that's worse than just HAVING the plague to begin with, and WAY more primed for griefing opportunities! You'd get people infecting low-level players just so their level 50 friends can kill them.

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Speaking of infection,

I did get the thrill of detonation at a Republic held point in the new WZ. What made it so much more satisfying was there was gaggle of them around me. I killed a couple and infected the rest...at least it is my deepest hope I did.:wea_01:

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You bring up some good points and also ones which point to how the way the plague is spread is flawed. Your suggestion about being placed into quarantine when being infected and arriving at the Fleet is actually a excellent one and is more realistic also.


And once again you wish for a change just because you, a very small minority, doesn't like something that the majority seem to love/like and don't want changed. As for realism, your character is supposed to be one the major figures in the galaxy, a really heavy hitter, so realistically, unless you actually want to, how are they going to you into quarantine? Besides, I don't think we should look for far too much realism as that would make the game a bit boring.

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That's.... that's worse than just HAVING the plague to begin with, and WAY more primed for griefing opportunities! You'd get people infecting low-level players just so their level 50 friends can kill them.
isn't it good that
I'm not advocating for that, because I know that would impact some people's fun.


Edit: I'm just pointing out that the lack of containment teams on the fleet and capital planets is pretty immersion breaking, and if they wanted to get it right for the roleplayers, there should probably be effective npc containment teams in those places.


There are a few now, but

  1. They're way to weak to impact level 50s
  2. there aren't any other than the hangers.


That doesn't open up any pvp exploits like you're talking about, but could potentially add a griefing element, not unlike the current one, which is why I'm not advocating for it.

Edited by ferroz
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I guess what's really bothering me about him is his definition of griefers.


Yup. Having been at the receiving end of real griefers, this doesn't even come close. No loss (except mere seconds of time), no abuse, no repair bills...


Seems so...overly-dramatic.

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What do you lose from dying? Your armor doesn't take damage, literally all you are complaining about is a few seconds of wait time.


I lose 2k, and the ability to travel quickly from A to B by trying not to die; not so much desire to exploit the death mechanics for rewards.

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Yup. Having been at the receiving end of real griefers, this doesn't even come close. No loss (except mere seconds of time), no abuse, no repair bills...


Seems so...overly-dramatic.


And if you sell the dna samples, if you acutally wait to explode, you even gain something from it. Griefing must sure have changed since last I was subjected to it.

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And once again you wish for a change just because you, a very small minority, doesn't like something that the majority seem to love/like and don't want changed. As for realism, your character is supposed to be one the major figures in the galaxy, a really heavy hitter, so realistically, unless you actually want to, how are they going to you into quarantine? Besides, I don't think we should look for far too much realism as that would make the game a bit boring.


You donot want it changed so you can run up to anyone and infect them even if they donot want to be? And as far as our chars being all powerful heros and we could never be contained by guards...then why not remove all the Champion guards around the outposts?

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And once again you wish for a change just because you, a very small minority, doesn't like something that the majority seem to love/like and don't want changed.
So, you don't want the game to be changed so that people to have a way to actually opt out? Really?
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I lose 2k, and the ability to travel quickly from A to B by trying not to die; not so much desire to exploit the death mechanics for rewards.


So wait til you're at the feverish stage then jump of a ledge or something, solved.

Edited by Runeshard
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Yup. Having been at the receiving end of real griefers, this doesn't even come close. No loss (except mere seconds of time), no abuse, no repair bills...
... and no "instant infect" or "instant kill" button.

Yeah, those people, if confronted to real griefing, would end in a psychiatric hospital most likely ;)

What would those people have done if they had played Ultima Online pre-Trammel???

Edited by Korrigan
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Ok is it really that big of a deal? If you don't want to get infected don't go to the fleet or tatooine (tatooine isn't that bad). What do you need there? PVP gear is the only thing and the minute you blow up it goes away. Hey if you reach stage 2 just challange someone to a fight and type /stuck. Your armor doesn't get damaged, you get the samples, and you lose the plauge. Stop whining about it. It's in the game and going to stay till the events done.


Being able to travel from Origin worlds to Capitol worlds involves the Fleet shuttles; kinda important for those not having ships. And having been there many times w/o purchasing any PvP gear at all, there are plenty of other shops, trainers, and Mission givers to warrant a desire to be there.


Or are we supposed to play the same way as another?

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