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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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Well, I'd dispute that it's attacking another player.... I also dispute the statement that the fleet is a safe zone. Has that been stated anywhere? Even if so, clearly BW intended people to be infected and intended them to spread that infection. Therefore, it can hardly be construed as griefing. Griefing(A), is against the TOS(B).... doing what the developers intended© cannot reasonably be considered against the TOS(B). So logically if A=B and C<>B then A<> C


The Fleet itself may or may not be a Safe Zone, but the Med Station is within the confines of the Cantina perimeter, I believe.


If folks wish to play the Plague Event, there are plenty of other places to go besides Safe Zones. Griefing others in them is rather lame, IMO.

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This event will end on the 24th of April. 6 more days.


Is there a quote on this? I've heard it ends tomorrow. :( Which kind of sucks for us having a fulltime job and an inability to make it online most evenings of the week.

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Is there a quote on this? I've heard it ends tomorrow. :( Which kind of sucks for us having a fulltime job and an inability to make it online most evenings of the week.


From the Dev Tracker:


General Discussion -> Attention Citizens: The Rakghoul Plague Outbreak


Attention citizens:


We are happy to announce that we are starting to make progress in the neutralization of the Rakghoul Plague Outbreak. It is our hope that the outbreak will be completely contained by April 24th at 2AM CDT (12AM PDT/3AM EDT/8AM BST/9AM CEST/5PM AEST). Citizens have until this time to completely avoid Tatooine and to not engage in investigations of suspicious wreckage on its surface.


Thank you.


Hope this helps!

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Well, for one small thing, this is a Forum; not the game. And one has the option to Ignore me if they wish, as I have also used that preference several times now.


But I would call a Player attacking another Player (ie; PvP) in a Safe Zone of a PvE server a decent way to gain the Griefer tag.


Well... for a safe zone on a PVE server... there is an opt out, the vaccine, sure it might be expensive for a low level character (if you are a 50 go do a couple of daily missions and you get enough dough to buy 10 of them), but at least in my server if you ask for one someone will hand it over free of charge.


The safe zone in a PVE server renders the "when I die the vaccine runs out" argument moot.... IMO.


And if you are "out there" leveling, the chances of encountering an infected player that happens to explode right beside you are really slim.

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I offered a compromise and possible solution for both sides that is entirely devoid of emotion and born out of completely cold detachment to either side of the argument. Simply let people who don't want to take part a permanent opt out. No vaccines. No running around getting infected by others. No money spent. None of it.


Both sides get what they want.


It's not about both sides getting what they want. There are a number of other situations in this game in which another player impacts my play. Are the devs suppose to account for every whiney overreaction by a hysterical minority? I can likely name half a dozen instances of another player's action impacting my play. Just because this newest group happens to bray the loudest doesn't make their issue special, nor even warrant a response by the developers. And it hardly demands a compromise.


This is an MMO. You WILL be impacted by other people whilst playing. Deal with that reality, or don't play. Period.

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I have plenty of content to keep me entertained, and the bubble is relatively warm and toasty. Thanks!


But if people wish to smoke in a non-smoking area, then get testy when I complain about it to Mgt, that would seem to be on them. I can live with the stigma of being rigid in my stance; sure beats being a Griefer, IMO.


Except management hasn't labeled it a non-smoking area. They have specifically allowed it to take place in those areas.


You are the guy making coughing noises and acting like others are rude when all they are doing is smoking in the smoking area.

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It's not about both sides getting what they want. There are a number of other situations in this game in which another player impacts my play. Are the devs suppose to account for every whiney overreaction by a hysterical minority? I can likely name half a dozen instances of another player's action impacting my play. Just because this newest group happens to bray the loudest doesn't make their issue special, nor even warrant a response by the developers. And it hardly demands a compromise.


This is an MMO. You WILL be impacted by other people whilst playing. Deal with that reality, or don't play. Period.


That's simply not true. There are even rules in the EULA to regulate the ways other players can impact your play.


More on point, however, is the fact that BW has consistently made it clear that they want to take as much feedback as they can to help tailor the game as best they can to suit the desires of their customer base. Now a company is not obligated to do this (though it's certainly a good idea if they want to stay in business!), but they have taken this track. Given this , it's entirely reasonable for players to voice their opinions on the ways they are willing to have other players impact their play.


Moreover, there are even entire chunks of the population who do not have to accept that other players can impact their play - those people on PvE servers. They too, however, are finding themselves stuck bearing the effects of other players with this plague. It's close to a violation of the PvE server "terms."

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Moreover, there are even entire chunks of the population who do not have to accept that other players can impact their play - those people on PvE servers. They too, however, are finding themselves stuck bearing the effects of other players with this plague. It's close to a violation of the PvE server "terms."


This is completely false. I play on a PVE server and there is no possible way I can avoid other players impacting my play. Participating in the economy guarantees others will impact my play. Even questing I have to deal with other players who might be after the same nodes or mobs that I am. It is totally unavoidable.


This is an MMO. You cannot avoid the fact that others will impact your playing experience. That's why it's on the box.

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That's simply not true. There are even rules in the EULA to regulate the ways other players can impact your play.


More on point, however, is the fact that BW has consistently made it clear that they want to take as much feedback as they can to help tailor the game as best they can to suit the desires of their customer base. Now a company is not obligated to do this (though it's certainly a good idea if they want to stay in business!), but they have taken this track. Given this , it's entirely reasonable for players to voice their opinions on the ways they are willing to have other players impact their play.


Moreover, there are even entire chunks of the population who do not have to accept that other players can impact their play - those people on PvE servers. They too, however, are finding themselves stuck bearing the effects of other players with this plague. It's close to a violation of the PvE server "terms."


Wow, that's just so much wrongness right there, I'm gonna stick to one thing because I don't care enough to type a lot.


Just because you are on a PvE server does NOT mean that other players will have no impact on you. There are still others there, and they will impact you, they just will not PvP you unless you want them to. Even if it is as simply as joining you to do a heroic quest, or something dastardly like stealing your kills or ninjaing a chest while you fight the mobs guarding it other player will have an impact on you.

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It's not about both sides getting what they want. There are a number of other situations in this game in which another player impacts my play. Are the devs suppose to account for every whiney overreaction by a hysterical minority? I can likely name half a dozen instances of another player's action impacting my play. Just because this newest group happens to bray the loudest doesn't make their issue special, nor even warrant a response by the developers. And it hardly demands a compromise.


This is an MMO. You WILL be impacted by other people whilst playing. Deal with that reality, or don't play. Period.


Thank you.


My god, from the way some people are carrying on about this, I can only imagine what would happen if someone takes out the final boss in a bonus quest. "That player forced me to wait five whole minutes! Stop this now, Bioware."

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This is completely false. I play on a PVE server and there is no possible way I can avoid other players impacting my play. Participating in the economy guarantees others will impact my play. Even questing I have to deal with other players who might be after the same nodes or mobs that I am. It is totally unavoidable.


This is an MMO. You cannot avoid the fact that others will impact your playing experience. That's why it's on the box.


You may have beat me to it, but I got the better post number :D

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This is completely false. I play on a PVE server and there is no possible way I can avoid other players impacting my play. Participating in the economy guarantees others will impact my play. Even questing I have to deal with other players who might be after the same nodes or mobs that I am. It is totally unavoidable.


This is an MMO. You cannot avoid the fact that others will impact your playing experience. That's why it's on the box.


That's true, but it's quite different from the way that other players effect you in PvP.


Another player can buy an item from you, or sell one to you on a PvE server, but really the very worst he can possibly do is steal your spawns. He can't ever cause you to debuff, or to die, or to participate in a quest you don't want to. That's what people can do with the plague, and it's entirely inconsistent with the PvE server concept.

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This is completely false. I play on a PVE server and there is no possible way I can avoid other players impacting my play. Participating in the economy guarantees others will impact my play. Even questing I have to deal with other players who might be after the same nodes or mobs that I am. It is totally unavoidable.


This is an MMO. You cannot avoid the fact that others will impact your playing experience. That's why it's on the box.


100% THIS.

Major props for being able to so eloquently refute one of the most ridiculous posts I've seen.

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It's close to a violation of the PvE server "terms."


Look, you've been very reasonable throughout this whole discussion, so I apologize for what I'm about to say.... comparing this to PvP is absurd. I play on a PvE server because I abhor non-consensual PvP. I enjoy the occasional WZ but when I'm questing I want to be left alone. So I get where you're coming from when you say you don't want other players affecting you. However, there is a huge difference between this and PvP.


When playing an MMO, people are going to affect you... whether it's by killing a target you were just about to kill, grabbing a resource node you were headed to, undercutting you on the GTN, or splashing you with a virulent disease during a world event it's going to happen... you will be affected by someone else. For some (probably many) that is the appeal of an MMO. BW is most likely not going to change this... nor should they, in my opinion.

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That's true, but it's quite different from the way that other players effect you in PvP.


Another player can buy an item from you, or sell one to you on a PvE server, but really the very worst he can possibly do is steal your spawns. He can't ever cause you to debuff, or to die, or to participate in a quest you don't want to. That's what people can do with the plague, and it's entirely inconsistent with the PvE server concept.


Infecting someone with the plague is very different from the way players effect me in pvp too. I have played on pvp servers in other games and if you think getting ganked as a low level is anything at all like getting infected by the plague in this event then I just really question your judgment.


Frankly, it is FAR more frustrating to have someone ninja a node from me or steal a tag on a mob than to have them put a buff on me that will kill me 20 minutes later (and give me tradeable currency that I can either use for in game rewards or sell for money). Especially when I can take a vaccine to inoculate myself against this unwanted buff if I so choose.


Equating this with pvp is simply dishonest. They are nothing alike.

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Since were all about "removing" things to make the game "better" lets remove all respawn timers on World Bosses because its not fair that I have to wait because another group already killed it. These timers on getting these new pets also need to be removed, I cant be expected to actually work for it. Also please remove any sort of inconvenience I may encounter during my travels. :)


Listen, its very simple. If you don't want to participate in the word event, don't go to Tatooine. If your afraid of getting infected, by the vaccine. If you have to go to Tatooine for your story quest, avoid the area where everyone's fighting.

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Infecting someone with the plague is very different from the way players effect me in pvp too. I have played on pvp servers in other games and if you think getting ganked as a low level is anything at all like getting infected by the plague in this event then I just really question your judgment.


Frankly, it is FAR more frustrating to have someone ninja a node from me or steal a tag on a mob than to have them put a buff on me that will kill me 20 minutes later (and give me tradeable currency that I can either use for in game rewards or sell for money). Especially when I can take a vaccine to inoculate myself against this unwanted buff if I so choose.


Equating this with pvp is simply dishonest. They are nothing alike.


I never equated it with PvP, and if you want to talk about dishonesty, that claim is a good place to start. :)


The truth of the matter that you and some others are consistently ignoring is that each what is fun or annoying for each player is going to be a matter of his personal preference, and he has a right to that.


When I and others have said that people standing in groups for hours on the fleet exploding is not playing the game, we were asked, "Who are you to try to tell people how they should play the game? Just because the way they like to play it is different from how you do, it doesn't mean they're wrong or are not playing it." However, when people on the other side of the argument try to say that the way they like to play makes the plague very irritating for them, and that despite the objectively minor effects of it, it still disrupts their own personal play style a lot, you and your side refuse play the opposite tune, claiming that this is just how the game is supposed to be played and we're wrong to think otherwise.


Thus, if a player on PvE doesn't want to be infected and he is at risk of it by other players, then this certainly is inconsistent with the idea of the PvE server. PvE servers are about interacting with other players, but not suffering on their behalf. Indeed, BW even has policies against negatively impacting other players. If someone consistently steals your spawns, for example, you can report that player and it is a violation of the BW policies. Someone doing it once by accident is obviously not against any kinds of rules.


It's important to understand that I'm not trying to say that players unintentionally infecting someone is the same as a person intentionally stealing someone's spawns, chests, or doing something similar. Rather, I bring this up only to demonstrate the fact that negatively impacting other players in very direct ways is not something that PvE is supposed to have, and this plague does just that, intentionally or not.

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I never equated it with PvP, and if you want to talk about dishonesty, that claim is a good place to start. :)


That's true, but it's quite different from the way that other players effect you in PvP.


Another player can buy an item from you, or sell one to you on a PvE server, but really the very worst he can possibly do is steal your spawns. He can't ever cause you to debuff, or to die, or to participate in a quest you don't want to. That's what people can do with the plague, and it's entirely inconsistent with the PvE server concept.


That second quote is you equating the plague with PVP.


Who is being dishonest here?

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