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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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You do realize the plague goes away when you die, right?


The point is....we should'nt be dying on the Fleet. This whole thing of there is a galactic concern of a widespread epicedmic from Tatoonie and then have tons of players coming to the Fleet to infect others is totally unrealistic in a RPG way when any civilized society would have the Fleet locked down super secure to keep the spread of the infection isolated to Tatoonie.

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Thing is, people are not forced to help others, and they should not be. I usually answer questions if they are not extremely dumb, but some people rely to much on hand holding.


LE: And, by the way, I generally care more for a disrespectful smart person than for a respectful dumb one. Not insinuating that this is the case, but you seem to value form to much over content. Smart ideas are more valuable than empty respectful words.

Edited by CheshCat
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Wow, so I, who was supposedly singlehandedly keeping this topic alive, go out for the night and now we're on an addition 80 or so pages entirely without me? I guess the opposition to this thing is more widespread than even I thought...


nope, the thread is long because of so many people commenting on how ridiculous the thread is

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Yea I know but the problem is there are some people that have no idea of what is going on with this event and have no idea of what to do about a cure or what to do with the dna samples. It is only announced on the fleet and even though it may be hard to believe, lol, not everyone goes to the fleet unless they have to.


It's not really that hard tho. If something strange is happenin ask in general. Most times someone will answer sooner or later. Trying to excuse not askin in the first place because you might not be answered is a fail pure and simple. However if you dont find the answer a quick perusal of the forums will usually turn not one but several up.

Getting info on whats happening is not hard at all really. You just have to make the minimal effort to do so.

Edited by Revenaught
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The point is....we should'nt be dying on the Fleet. This whole thing of there is a galactic concern of a widespread epicedmic from Tatoonie and then have tons of players coming to the Fleet to infect others is totally unrealistic in a RPG way when any civilized society would have the Fleet locked down super secure to keep the spread of the infection isolated to Tatoonie.


They do try to stop you from entering and leaving if you're infected you know >.>

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The point is....we should'nt be dying on the Fleet. This whole thing of there is a galactic concern of a widespread epicedmic from Tatoonie and then have tons of players coming to the Fleet to infect others is totally unrealistic in a RPG way when any civilized society would have the Fleet locked down super secure to keep the spread of the infection isolated to Tatoonie.


Very good point so I'm guessing that this society is not civilized lol.

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I am a bit surprised by the amount of complaint. I was playing World of Warcraft during the infamous Zombie plague that was part of the event before the launch of Wrath of the Lich King. Compared to that this event is tame. The WoW zombie plague could effect NPCs as well as players so it truly could shut down a city by killing the Auctioneers and Bankers plus potentially killing quest givers.


This plague only effects players and once you explode you are back to normal. The only real issue I have seen with it is it can spread the PvP flag which can allow for an unusual type of ganking out in the world on PVE servers.


My personal opinion is it is a better event than the similar Zombie plague one since it does have associated missions and nice rewards from participating in the event at least for players that like pets, companion customization items, or unusual color light saber crystals.

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The point is....we should'nt be dying on the Fleet. This whole thing of there is a galactic concern of a widespread epicedmic from Tatoonie and then have tons of players coming to the Fleet to infect others is totally unrealistic in a RPG way when any civilized society would have the Fleet locked down super secure to keep the spread of the infection isolated to Tatoonie.


I fell off the elevator to the VIP lounge, I died.

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Acually I was thinking about the other players who don't have the credits for this and do not know what is going on. Unless you pay attention to everything that is said there are times you may not know what is going on. The only announcement for this is on the flleet and if you haven't been there how would you know about it? Please don't tell me everyone knows because not everyone does. You can look at the forum to see people asking about what is going on.


So there needs to be a better option for them.


There is a better option. Ask about it in general chat. That's what most everyone is doing. Or just wait five minutes for someone else to ask.


If your friend was in tears over this, she should not be playing an MMO. I can only imagine what would have happened if she'd actually died on a quest or seriously been griefed. Does she burst into tears when someone steals a node from her or ninja's a mob? Seriously, general chat is there for a reason. Using it is not some horrible chore.

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It's not really that hard tho. If something strange is happenin ask in general. Most times someone will answer sooner or later. Trying to excuse not askin in the first place because you might not be answered is a fail pure and simple. However if you dont find the answer a quick perusal of the forums will usually turn not one but several up.

Getting info on whats happening is not hard at all really. You just have to make the minimal effort to do so.


True but I wouldn't have known until I came to the fleet and heard the announcement. I just think the announcement should be done in more places than just on the fleet to inform players as to what is going on. It is really common coutesy if your going to do a world event you make every effort to let people know what is going on and what to do.


And the forums well that is a different story. Most will avoid the forums to the pain of death. Though I can understand why.

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The point is....we should'nt be dying on the Fleet. This whole thing of there is a galactic concern of a widespread epicedmic from Tatoonie and then have tons of players coming to the Fleet to infect others is totally unrealistic in a RPG way when any civilized society would have the Fleet locked down super secure to keep the spread of the infection isolated to Tatoonie.


A truly civilized society would never develop a weaponized strain of the plague in the first place, your point is invalid :)

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I fell off the elevator to the VIP lounge, I died.


First 5 minutes on the Fleet: jumped over the bars into the void. Died also.

My problem is, I seem to not be able to infect enough people. I have that quest since day one of the plague and it is only 5/10, and that ones only by mistake on Tatooine. What am I doing wrong? :confused:

Uninfected people should stay still so I can finish my quest. Their refusal to let themselves be infected by me can not be considered griefing? After all, they are negatively influencing my gameplay.

Edited by CheshCat
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Yep, only cares for his own agenda and is not going to listen to anyone. He has been enlightened by the true meaning of griefing but he can't accept this knowledge. We are all out to get him and really just want to grief rather than enjoy the event.


Hah, :D

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I am a bit surprised by the amount of complaint. I was playing World of Warcraft during the infamous Zombie plague that was part of the event before the launch of Wrath of the Lich King. Compared to that this event is tame. The WoW zombie plague could effect NPCs as well as players so it truly could shut down a city by killing the Auctioneers and Bankers plus potentially killing quest givers.


This plague only effects players and once you explode you are back to normal. The only real issue I have seen with it is it can spread the PvP flag which can allow for an unusual type of ganking out in the world on PVE servers.


My personal opinion is it is a better event than the similar Zombie plague one since it does have associated missions and nice rewards from participating in the event at least for players that like pets, companion customization items, or unusual color light saber crystals.


I agree. I am not against the event as such. ToR needs such type of events for those who enjoy them. But I happen to feel they should not be intrusive on those who wish to not do them. They could have designed the event so the spread of the infection was done in such a way not to infect those who donot want to be. Why not have the event restricted to a zone on Tatoonie and all those who want to go there to do it...can? Those who wish to avoid it can by not going to that zone. Afterall..on the Fleet they do warn travelers of the hazards of going to Tatoonie with the rakghoul plague. :cool:

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Or they could simply not let you get pass the hangar or use your quick travel if you are infected. Simple solution.


And if they intended for players to never leave Tattooine while infected they would have put in measures to make sure they couldn't.

Obviously they did intend for people to leave and spread the infection.

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Yes, the game is not zoned/instanced enough. Let us have an instace for a World Event. Smart.....


Then you have the choice not do the event if you feel that is such a burden. Ateast my char who is not infected can go there without worry of others infecting him. You want make all those silly easy credits, but not have to work for it or have any downsides of it?

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I think what we can agree on is that despite the apparent popularity that this event has there are some who, while they may have enjoyed the quest aspect of it, did not enjoy the idea that their gameplay could be hindered in some way by other players and not just simply in one area or the other but in every area where they may find them. While I can understand the idea that this is an event that is supposed to have an effect on everyone I do think that what Bioware should have done was make the vaccines at least persist through death. People would still be participating in the event in a way by having to purchase cheap vaccines so as to avoid the plague part of it.


Since I doubt most people play for 12 hours a day (heck there probably are not too many that play for 6 hours on weekdays) they would essentially be paying 2k to 4k credits a day to "sit out" if you will. If they do the event dailies they would basically be getting enough vaccines to protect them for a day for free.


I know some people have kneejerk reactions to negative and positive feelings about things in this game but for those who are pro-plague ask yourself this question that I asked myself which made me change my mind a bit. Considering the sheer number of people who are spreading the plague like herpes in a college dorm is it really going to ruin anything for you if the minority of the players wish not to be infected and are given a way to avoid it? You won't even notice the difference. Who will notice the difference? The people who didn't want it but are forced to deal with it. Most of them are not asking for it to be removed completely from the event. That's just a couple of negative nancies who don't like any kind of change however temporary it may be. Most just want a way to effectively avoid it that doesn't include becoming a hermit on their ship or constantly having to repurchase an item every time they die and not just from the plague.

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