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Hi I just felt like chiming in to say that...


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Having played Sentinels/Mards exclusively through( 4 of each to 30+) Beta I wanted to try out the Tank as during the last beta I played a Jugg to 18ish and really like tanking..


now my Tank is ~24 and I feel like a Jedi. I've tanked and done fine.. had a blast in PvP -wasn't on top but thats not my concern-. .I just started dipping into Vigilance tree now.. I'm 14 into defense so I'm hoping my dps will get a slight boost moving forward.

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How is anyone having problems with single gold mobs? Multiple gold mobs I can sometimes understand, but those are group pulls.


I can even take champion mobs (the gold/silver mix ones) with my companion and companion cooldown.


If you really want to feel like a Jedi, go run Hammer when you're 25+. All you see is "deflect" and "parry." It's super impowering.





But I still wish I had rolled a shadow... my damage just feels so pathetic compared to Kira. And her gear isn't even up to date.

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Pre-30 Guardian is the worst experience I've ever had in an RPG, it is the most poorly balanced class I've ever played and it makes me sick to my stomache that I'm going to be paying for a game and playing a class that is released in this state.


I just wanted to get this out there, Bioware, **** you for as long as this post stays up. Never before have I nerdraged and punched a wall because of a quest, and never again.


This is hilarious xD all i can do is laugh and laugh at this guy

"Bioware!! You ruined my life forever and ever you bastards!!"

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I can almost guarantee that I am better than you though, purely based on statistics.


obviously not...since I've been wrecking face with my JG.....which is an ALT....not even my main. You need to pick a class that suits your "talents" better. Being too stubborn to switch from a class that you obviously don't get along with is YOUR OWN damn fault. Not Bioware's. Keep up the great work BW! LOVE the game so far.

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This is hilarious xD all i can do is laugh and laugh at this guy

"Bioware!! You ruined my life forever and ever you bastards!!"

I'm glad you enjoyed the post.

obviously not...since I've been wrecking face with my JG.....which is an ALT....not even my main. You need to pick a class that suits your "talents" better. Being too stubborn to switch from a class that you obviously don't get along with is YOUR OWN damn fault. Not Bioware's. Keep up the great work BW! LOVE the game so far.

"Wrecking face" is hardly that descriptive, if you want to disprove whatever point you think I was making you may wish to try harder.


JK suits my talents fine, I can play any class though, but I'm liking this one.

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I've got a 31 Trooper, and a 20 Guardian, I've never been so bored with my abilities before. My Trooper has tons of abilities to use, plenty of different attacks from ranged, to grenades, to melee and AoE. I have 4 AoE abilities on my Trooper. On my Guardian so far I find myself more or less just spamming the same crappy abilities you get on Tython. There's a severe lack of a proper resource dump. I just end up using the ability you have at level 1 as a dump, charge, aoe, slap auto attack over and over until I have enough resources to use the level 1 dump.



There is not enough attack abilities on the Guardian at all. Sadly I'm stuck playing it as I'm leveling it with my partner, and my Trooper by myself as my main. i'm basically hoping it'll get better, and I wish someone could tell me it gets more interactive then using the same abilities over and over.

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I've got a 31 Trooper, and a 20 Guardian, I've never been so bored with my abilities before. My Trooper has tons of abilities to use, plenty of different attacks from ranged, to grenades, to melee and AoE. I have 4 AoE abilities on my Trooper. On my Guardian so far I find myself more or less just spamming the same crappy abilities you get on Tython. There's a severe lack of a proper resource dump. I just end up using the ability you have at level 1 as a dump, charge, aoe, slap auto attack over and over until I have enough resources to use the level 1 dump.



There is not enough attack abilities on the Guardian at all. Sadly I'm stuck playing it as I'm leveling it with my partner, and my Trooper by myself as my main. i'm basically hoping it'll get better, and I wish someone could tell me it gets more interactive then using the same abilities over and over.


That's my beef with the class. Your full combat system unfolds only in mid-thirties to forties.


Bioware really needs to move key abilities to earlier levels, and give Push within the first few Guardian levels.

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That's my beef with the class. Your full combat system unfolds only in mid-thirties to forties.


Bioware really needs to move key abilities to earlier levels, and give Push within the first few Guardian levels.


So does it get more fun? That's all I need to know, I'm tired of using the same Tython abilities.

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So does it get more fun? That's all I need to know, I'm tired of using the same Tython abilities.


Indeed it does - at least as Defense (can't really comment on DPS specs - haven't tried them extensively), when you reach Tier 5 talents. As you progress, you'll be using Slash and Strike less and less. You'll get more sources of Focus gain and economy. Push and Stasis are also fun abilities - key to dealing with incoming damage from single powerful targets. You get them in mid-20s.


I also noticed a damage increase at around 30. Not sure how or why that happened - probably ability scaling kicks in or something.

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Indeed it does - at least as Defense (can't really comment on DPS specs - haven't tried them extensively), when you reach Tier 5 talents. As you progress, you'll be using Slash and Strike less and less. You'll get more sources of Focus gain and economy. Push and Stasis are also fun abilities - key to dealing with incoming damage from single powerful targets. You get them in mid-20s.


I also noticed a damage increase at around 30. Not sure how or why that happened - probably ability scaling kicks in or something.


Well as I said, I'm level 20 atm, and I only noticed hilt strike and the top ability that adds a new attack. Anyway I'll take your word for it and I should get to those levels either today or tomorrow, keeping my hopes up. And yes I'm in the tank tree as my gf who I level with is a healing smuggler and we use 2 dps companions.

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i agree witih OP. the JG is hard as hell to tank with! im 23 and man... if you have more then 2 mobs. its a pain. running around. only have 1 effin taunt. your shield skill doesnt really work well since they out dps your threat. and thers no way to measure threat in this game which makes it even harder. BUT im still pushing through the levels. i just think the JG is wayyyy wayyyy wayyyyy underpowered. I dont want it to be faceroll easy, but at least make it fun to play? how can you seriously tank with only 1 taunt? haha *** is that?
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Well as I said, I'm level 20 atm, and I only noticed hilt strike and the top ability that adds a new attack. Anyway I'll take your word for it and I should get to those levels either today or tomorrow, keeping my hopes up. And yes I'm in the tank tree as my gf who I level with is a healing smuggler and we use 2 dps companions.


Yeah, I know how it is. In my 20s I was wondering why the hell did I roll this class in the first place. Then I got Stasis. It went from "duh" to "meh". Then I got Push. It went from "meh" to "ok". Then I got Pommel Strike. It went from "ok" to "yay". Then cyclonic slash, hilt strike, etc, etc, and it went from "yay" to "Yaaaaaay!". My prognosis for level 50 is going from "Yaaaay!" to "AWESOME!"


Plus, Knight story is great.


P.S. a word of advice - you might want to invest 3 points into Vengeance for Swelling Winds. It will slow your Defense progression, but it makes Sweep do more damage than Slash, and lowers its cooldown. Your rotations will also be smoother for it - even at low levels.

Edited by Helig
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i agree witih OP. the JG is hard as hell to tank with! im 23 and man... if you have more then 2 mobs. its a pain. running around. only have 1 effin taunt. your shield skill doesnt really work well since they out dps your threat. and thers no way to measure threat in this game which makes it even harder. BUT im still pushing through the levels. i just think the JG is wayyyy wayyyy wayyyyy underpowered. I dont want it to be faceroll easy, but at least make it fun to play? how can you seriously tank with only 1 taunt? haha *** is that?


Problem with tanking atm is, they isn't any ability that "deals increased threat on hit", so the tank stance we have that increases our threat only increases it so much, we do about the same % less damage as the dps classes which equals itself out threatwise. Tank classes need abilities that themselves cause more threat then a normal damage ability. Tanking isn't about Taunts, taunts are only supposed to be necessary to use when a enemy target swaps target, not a measure of holding their attention.


The tank tree needs to unlock offensive attacks that cause extra threat, the tank stance threat % gain is not high enough, as I said above it only just equals itself out with the lack of dps we have compared to the dpsers wacking the same target and as a tank you're not supposed to hit just 1 mob, you're supposed to tab target through them all so the healer doesn't grab aggro either.

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Yeah, I know how it is. In my 20s I was wondering why the hell did I roll this class in the first place. Then I got Stasis. It went from "duh" to "meh". Then I got Push. It went from "meh" to "ok". Then I got Pommel Strike. It went from "ok" to "yay". Then cyclonic slash, hilt strike, etc, etc, and it went from "yay" to "Yaaaaaay!". My prognosis for level 50 is going from "Yaaaay!" to "AWESOME!"


Plus, Knight story is great.


P.S. a word of advice - you might want to invest 3 points into Vengeance for Swelling Winds. It will slow your Defense progression, but it makes Sweep do more damage than Slash, and lowers its cooldown. Your rotations will also be smoother for it - even at low levels.


Does the story get better then? Because atm it feels so obvious and bland. I enjoy my trooper story far more. The story doesn't go at all with my Dark Side alignment, it makes it look rather stupid actually, most quests are as if my character has a schizophrenic disorder. One minute I'm a evil red eyed heartless woman of vengence, the next conversation option I'm a innocent sweet little girl with ponytails.


I'm really, really holding out and hoping that combatwise, I will feel the same as you, and I hope the story gets better because I want it to be good :/

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Does the story get better then? Because atm it feels so obvious and bland. I enjoy my trooper story far more. The story doesn't go at all with my Dark Side alignment, it makes it look rather stupid actually, most quests are as if my character has a schizophrenic disorder. One minute I'm a evil red eyed heartless woman of vengence, the next conversation option I'm a innocent sweet little girl with ponytails.


I'm really, really holding out and hoping that combatwise, I will feel the same as you, and I hope the story gets better because I want it to be good :/


Can't comment on the Dark Side story, since I'm playing Light Side, with a few Dark Side "burden" points (came from when someone needed to die badly, or when a morally ambiguous compromise needed to be made).


But I imagine that Dark Side story is no less colourful and breathtaking as it unfolds. Prologue and the beginning of Act 1 are kind of boring, but it only gets better.

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I'm only lvl 19 so can't really comment and have had very little tanking experience so far just 1 four man heroic quest. I find the difficulty to be very sporadic, ranging from very easy to quit difficult but then again i havn't really settled on a rotation. I am rather worried about the upcoming story bosses ive been hearing about. But i've figured if i've rolled the hardest class first then the game can only get easier.


I do recomend maxing the trait "swelling winds" though (tier 1 vigilance) my force sweep is almost 1 shotting trash now leaving me to concentrate on any silver mobs in the group.

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One minute I'm a evil red eyed heartless woman of vengence, the next conversation option I'm a innocent sweet little girl with ponytails.


You don't really get to be a Sith. You should aim for a character that still supports what he's doing somewhat (saving the Galaxy and what not), even by dubious means, otherwise it will probably feel a bit awkward.


Gameplay wise I really had a blast in Hammer Station and Athiss. I think tanking isn't really supposed to be quite as clean as it was in WoW, were you build up aggro for two seconds on the whole instance until everyone just starts spamming their rotations. Things do get messy sometimes, people get hurt, but that's what makes it interesting to me. Forces DPS to think on their feet instead of letting the tank do all the hard work.

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Master Strike = Garbage = Channeled melee spell really and its are hardest hitter...***?


Force Statsis = Garbage = Cool i CC'd them and it does a DoT that is terrible dmg meanwhile i root myself and can't do anything else because it will break the cc...***?


Opportune Strike = Garbage = so situational it almost becomes irrelvant.


Im 39 right now I would quit Guardian if it weren't for the fact i alwys ride it out just to reach cap but I knew when i was lvl 32 I was gonna reroll soon as i hit 50 this class is just total garbage and whichever Dev thought up the idea to make Master Strike are hardest hitting nuke a channeled spell should be fired to be honest.


I would trade every ability a guardian has for Wow's Charge, intercept, Mortal strike or Heroic strike to be honest.

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Master Strike = Garbage = Channeled melee spell really and its are hardest hitter...***?


Force Statsis = Garbage = Cool i CC'd them and it does a DoT that is terrible dmg meanwhile i root myself and can't do anything else because it will break the cc...***?


Opportune Strike = Garbage = so situational it almost becomes irrelvant.


Im 39 right now I would quit Guardian if it weren't for the fact i alwys ride it out just to reach cap but I knew when i was lvl 32 I was gonna reroll soon as i hit 50 this class is just total garbage and whichever Dev thought up the idea to make Master Strike are hardest hitting nuke a channeled spell should be fired to be honest.


I would trade every ability a guardian has for Wow's Charge, intercept, Mortal strike or Heroic strike to be honest.


Get that out of your system? The class is fine, just because it isn't your standard face-roll WoW class does not make it broken. You won't be missed.

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Get that out of your system? The class is fine, just because it isn't your standard face-roll WoW class does not make it broken. You won't be missed.


Faceroll is one thing but your biggest dmg ability is a 3 second cast on a melee toon is retarded its like hey bro stand still stop kiting me so i can land this 3 second cast on you from melee range....

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I am thinking this is a learning curve issue. My Guard is consistently on top of Warzone charts, and I never have any difficulty with quests. Admittedly, this class has a lot of depth, and if you attempt to choose your favorite button to press every time your global cool down comes up you simply will never succeed. Instead, you need to utilize all of the tools at your disposal.


Also, Master Strike is pimp. Admittedly, it isn't easy to use. No, in fact, it takes some skill. But if you land a full Master Strike utilizing your Leap root and Force Freeze, then they are going to feel it.

Edited by KeitMacheen
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First off, extremes never help guys, the whole "class is horribly broke" and "class is fine, your the issue" don't work.


I think if you started with the JG and that's all you play, you probably wont care one bit. If you play other classes though, you'll noticed the difference. My initial class was a shadow consular. Then I played my JG.


The biggest thing I noticed was that my SC had more tools earlier in the game to deal with complex situations. I struggle for keys on my JG that aren't there in tight situations when my SC has the tools within reach.


I also notice that my JG has more downtime...when I play him in a similar pace to my SC, he dies. I son't realize that his health is so low until hes down, when in similar sitiuations my SC could just keep going. On the flip side, there's something addicting to leap...I just want to leap into everything :) perhaps thats my issue. but still...my SC can go full steam often with little downtime, and my JG has more.


Of course, my experience is in the 20's...If I trust what the later level guards are telling me, it smooths out later on when you get the talents to fill in. perhaps this class is a late bloomer. Which is OK...But I can empathize with those who are frustrated...in this day and age, with the financial backing that this company has, and the time they took in development, they could have balanced this class out better. the level ranges that are having the issues are critical levels.


People aren't going to play a class that's hard to level for the first 30 levels, only to finally smooth out and be EQUAL to other classes post 30. If the guard was an amazing class post 30 compared to others, that would be different. but from what I'm hearing from most forums, the catch up with the other classes at that point, and thats the big issue. You shouldn't have to wait till 30 to be equal to everyone else.


Some simple changes are all that's needed. move some of those CC options lower in the trees so their accessible, or make them baseline skills. remove that stupid cast time from the defensive tree. Make blade storm a real cone AOE...spending that much focus on a single target attack? but a cone that stunned a few non-tough mobs would work very well, and give early JG's the edge they need. Stuff like that. The stun types are acceptable...very few classes have stuns that affect anything past a strong mob. but some defensive backup could help.


we really need our tanking stance at 10, not 14....I know its a small thing, but it's just weird things like that that make the class seem unbalanced. I take a tanking class, and I don't get to tank right away? I had companions pulling threat off of me in my first Heroic. Yet my SC was tanking and holding AoE threat from level 10 up.


Yeah, I know, level 14? small fry. but yet, its these small things that are all adding up to the bigger issue for early level JG's. If my SC can tank end game as well as a JG can, then

why is the JG so unbalance early on?

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You know, Guardian tanking and DPS in this game are definitely a niche of their own. It's been said before, but it's really not your average easy button tanking, but it's definitely possible. I have been main tanking since Hammer station, and in all honesty, when the party works like a party I can tank like a champ. It's my job to manage the group, and the mobs, and I like that.


I haven't felt underpowered but I haven't leveled any other classes to this point, level 25. I haven't tested DPS, and thus never expected to top the charts on DPS - but I do pretty decent DPS, and am not surprised when i'm getting bursted by an assassin or operative, because by comparison, they're squishy as hell.


Utilizing Guard in PVP and understanding my support role makes it engaging and fun, and in the end people value that as much as DPS, even more so. At 25 fighting lower level mobs, though, I can definitely see what you're talking about. Strong mobs are this point are actually taking a decent chunk of my health in most cases, not dangerously low, but so much that it'd probably be a good idea to heal before the next pull.


Keep in mind this solo play i'm talking about.

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