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Space Mission Difficulties


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Setting off your EMP while in the middle of the first minefield will net you about 97 mine 'kills' at the very start of the [space mission that deals with minefields; can't recall the name].


I run Ascendancy Barrier pretty much daily (lvl 48; Republic version is the Impossible Sector). It's the most efficient reward-for-time I've found in game overall, actually. 20 fleet commendations, 2 daily commendations, and around 14k credits including bonuses, for an 8 minute mission is pretty damned good.


Oh, and you can take out 96 mines using the EMP in the first minefield. Then you can take out one of the final two minefields once the EMP has recharged. Using the EMP makes this mission a LOT easier.

Edited by Aloro
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Yeah, sorry but the Space Combat has to be bugged. I went out and bought half the purples and tried again. I rolled, I when side to side, I put on super shields the whole way, and no matter what I do I can't survive half way through a mission let alone be able to do any of the tasks. It happened overnight. I am no teenage game guru but I am not a sucky old man either. If this truly is how it suppose to be then it sucks a big one. Balance is key.
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Yeah, sorry but the Space Combat has to be bugged. I went out and bought half the purples and tried again. I rolled, I when side to side, I put on super shields the whole way, and no matter what I do I can't survive half way through a mission let alone be able to do any of the tasks. It happened overnight. I am no teenage game guru but I am not a sucky old man either. If this truly is how it suppose to be then it sucks a big one. Balance is key.


Which mission is it?


There's one each side that is very difficult, you've really got to learn it (otherwise it's hard to both survive or complete the misison - doing either is pretty easy, but not both). It's the L44 or 46 one I think (could be wrong) The 3 after it (including the L50 one) are much easier.

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Yeah, sorry but the Space Combat has to be bugged. I went out and bought half the purples and tried again. I rolled, I when side to side, I put on super shields the whole way, and no matter what I do I can't survive half way through a mission let alone be able to do any of the tasks. It happened overnight. I am no teenage game guru but I am not a sucky old man either. If this truly is how it suppose to be then it sucks a big one. Balance is key.


I do all the spaces missions daily once on each side and don't have any problems with them. I've never finished a mission with less then half health.

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Anyone having problems with the last couple of missions (ie the hardest) you need to get full purple ship parts as this increases your dmg/shots per second/shield regen/shield strength quite a bit more than the lolvendor lvl 5 ship parts. By level 50 you have access to the purples as well (lvl 49 I think is the last piece requirement).


Also as others have stated obtain the power module that lets you switch power between guns and shields, mine is set to more power to guns for the most part and I only switch it to shields when needed. The shield regen is quite fast when it's on this setting too. I often am switching between the 2 all through a fight. You do need to stop firing though for your shields to regenerate though. As a default these 2 keys are bound to numbers 1 & 2 so easy.


Another helpful bit of kit is the electronic warfare pad (obtainable at lvl 35 from the ship vendor) as this allows your ship not to be targeted for 10 secs so total immunity for that time. This is on a 3 minute or so timer from memory (I hardly use it anymore) so you can use it a couple times in a fight.


With full purple gear you should be running with the following stats -

Ship toughness 3350

Rate of fire 10

Blaster dmg 100

Shield regen 30

Shield absorb 600

Missiles 150


Use missiles all the time too, I'm always snapping off 2 missiles per against fighters whipping past me before they shoot their rounds off so that my shields regenerate (only blaster fire stops the regen process) then I switch back to power for guns.


With the above equipment I don't ever die in the space missions, I hardly even take dmg to the hull.

Good luck and watch ya six.

Edited by GweedoBane
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Step 1: buy Power conversion module

Step 2: toggle it on and off when needed

Step 3: profit......... then cry when you realize how easy is is




(oh and dont waste money on epic upgrades, they aren't even close to needed, Sorry Cybertechs...)

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I run Ascendancy Barrier pretty much daily (lvl 48; Republic version is the Impossible Sector). It's the most efficient reward-for-time I've found in game overall, actually. 20 fleet commendations, 2 daily commendations, and around 14k credits including bonuses, for an 8 minute mission is pretty damned good.


Oh, and you can take out 96 mines using the EMP in the first minefield. Then you can take out one of the final two minefields once the EMP has recharged. Using the EMP makes this mission a LOT easier.


I use mine on the 2nd field, the first field nothing is going on so i just blast the mines, use EMP on the 2nd one (still nothing going on) complete.

Go AFK with shield on till the end of the mission, Use EMP on the last field to clean up around the Minelayer and blow it up, go afk for another 2 mins with shield up.


Play for like 45 seconds of the 8 minute mission.

Edited by MaliceX
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Theres one mission on Rep side i find very hard, "Drexel Sweep". The others are all doable with ship upgrades.


The one thing you have to learn though is using the move keys to bobble your ship around like a kite flying in the wind (I hate it but you need to do it). This cuts down on the ammount of incoming damage you recieve greatly.


Move the crosshairs with the mouse while richocheting your ship off the invisible tunnel walls with the move keys. Job done.

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I used to really enjoy the space missions and they were good ways to make XP but the last 6 or so levels as I approached 50 they have went from easy to hard to impossible. I don't know if this is due to the patch making them harder but I am level 50 now with all level 5 upgrades and I can't even complete the Green missions.


Any thoughts ?





Heck yeah. I love the space missions, and know them backwards and forwards so when I see a post like this I always jump in.


First, have you upgraded everything, including the items from the droid that you buy with space commendations. You cannot do the final missions without them.


EMP Generator: Costs 150 fleet commendations and requires level 45 to use. Deals damage to all nearby allies and enemies.


Great tool for when you are getting pounded by alot of ships in close proximity, or if you get behind in the mind fields in places like Clouds of Vondoru, or Ascendancy Barrier. Makes all the difference in the world.


Power Conversion Module: Costs 30 fleet commendations and use level 25 to use. Allow you to switch between extra blaster damage or extra shield regen (keep in mind shield regeneration still requires you to not fire any blasters).


Absolute must have for the later missions. What it does is almost double your blaster power at a cost of slow shield regen. You control it with your number 1 and 2 keys. When attacking, turn it on to enhance your blasters. As soon as you get clear, switch to shields and quickly regen your shield to full.

Proto Torpedo Tube: Costs 50 fleet commendations and requires level 50 to use. These will instantly destroy a shielded target (targets that will take quite a few regular missiles to get through).


This will prevent a few gray hairs for sure, especially in places like Mugar Ice field when that nasty little bugger of a ship comes at you right in the begining. I think this one comes a little late for its use, but its a nice one shot.


Electronic Warfare Pod: Costs 90 fleet commendations and requires level 35 to use. This item will make you immune to all enemy fire for 10 seconds.


Get too close to the bombers going in on Skaross Fortification, or Aeten Defense? Rear gunners on the bombers lighting you up like a Christmas tree? Hit this little guy and blast them to dust in complete saftey. How about the big rush in Sullust Interception, where the shielded fighter beats you off the head while the oncoming fighters pound you to space junk? Proto up his backside, warefare pod shuts them right down and one of the toughest section in all the space missions becomes trivial.


In addition, remember to use your missiles, even on those fighters coming right at you. You have a ton of them. Grab all the bonuses like destroying shield generators, and engines on the missions that offer therm. Hit the base stem on Cartel Listening Station every time you go past it until you destroy it for a nice little bonus.


If you enjoy space missions, once you upgrade, run a few practice missions, you will be back in the happy seat once again.


Hope that helps.

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If you enjoy space missions, once you upgrade, run a few practice missions, you will be back in the happy seat once again.


The biggest problem is some of them tell you they can be done with a level of upgrades they effectively (and maybe absolutely) cannot be done with, certainly one of the mid-40's ones with just Grade 3 upgrades (and no commendations that you cannot have a L44 or whatever it is) is pretty much impossible for most people (I've still never seen a video of anyone doing it with that level of upgrades).


Grade 6 and full commendation upgrades? No problems, but that's 4-6 levels later.

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The biggest problem is some of them tell you they can be done with a level of upgrades they effectively (and maybe absolutely) cannot be done with, certainly one of the mid-40's ones with just Grade 3 upgrades (and no commendations that you cannot have a L44 or whatever it is) is pretty much impossible for most people (I've still never seen a video of anyone doing it with that level of upgrades).


Grade 6 and full commendation upgrades? No problems, but that's 4-6 levels later.


"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain" LOL


Honestly, I stopped paying attention to what they say is or is not doable after my first upgrades so I don't really know if they were accurate or not. Every time I hit a level that allowed it, I upgraded fully regardless of what was or was not suggested. Never had a problem completing any of them except the last one's when I had failed to get the upgrades from the droid.


Pay no attention to that, just upgrade whenever you can.

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I have all grade 5 from vendor (+purple missile clip rewarded from mission) with no EMP and no proton torpedo and blaze thru all missions including the mine field (I know EMP makes it easy mode but I've been collecting the 200 commendation a piece pilot outfit).


I am a pro in railed shooter however and played almost all similar titles. The only advise I can give is to use both of your WASD key and mouse to control movement this makes something like Barrel Roll to the right while aiming and shooting down stuff on the left possible. Also Barrel roll left or right (NOT barrel roll without positional movement) when you see on coming fighters coming at you, you will be surprised how easy the space missions in TOR are compare to most other similar titles/minigames.


I :( when I found out they nerfed space mission EXP tho and the 80% exp nerf to companion conversation missions. Makes my alt leveling process that much more time consuming.

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If they increased the accuracy of enemy frigates I could see why this would be a pain, especially since they continue to shoot you even after you destroy all turrets.


This part makes me laugh also. What are they doing, rolling down the windows? LOL


Again, for anyone having trouble with the end game missions, I posted a guide on the previous page that will help greatly.

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after looking over a friends shoulder who was having problems I found out what he was doing that was getting him hit so much.


He was using his mouse to move.


Most people bind over their move keys with the strafe keys. Those keys are used to steer the ship left/right , so set up some extra keys or use the arrows or anything, and use them to move left right/up down. (while it does lock into a "region" with the mouse, so some mouse movement will be needed but that occurs with aiming anyway). This along with spamming spacebar got him past the missions. (he already knew/used the ability swap methods for shields/gun power)


All space missions are doable when you get them

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All space missions are doable without a doubt, if someone is having serious problems with them it's either because they suck really hard at it or because they are not using ship upgrades properly.


They aren't really that difficult and it's somewhat embarrassing to complain about them, especially when you consider the fact that a lot a of people want full 3d space and increased difficulty in the future.

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I remember I kept dying too, even with all epic high end pieces (none from the comm vendor at that point and I was cybertech back then) and felt good whenever I won with only a smidge of HP left. Then I bought the thing that increases laser or shield power and it's faceroll now. Extra firepower most of the time, and extra shields to speed up regeneration during those small windows of no activity (or whenever shields are down).


I don't like how the photon torpedoes work. Where my missiles used to work they no longer do and I'd like the option to use missiles on that quest where you have to take out the shield generators, then use a photon torpedo on the command center.

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I was meaning to ask if they ever adjusted the way torpedo's worked, as people have voiced their issues with them for some time. Do they still overwrite missile use once you use them? I sold mine off and never bothered to get them ever again after I realized how they worked.
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Oh, past level 40 I don't even bother to do those anymore. It's this simple- the effort / work / misery ratio to reward is nonexistent. I'm not going to engage on a 6 minute mission where all my senses are strung up just to have it all destroyed at 5:90 minutes LOL. and for what?


I am quite sure they are very aware of this but regard it as super low priority ( after all "most people" hate space combat, right ?) I bet their space combat participation graphs take a 90 degree crash in participation past level 40.


This touches on something I was curious about. I'm sure their metrics show a high degree of participation in the space-on-rails game...but how do their metrics measure if these people are actually having fun?


I mean, after 4 months of abstaining from Space Combat, I broke down and began playing it so that I could earn enough comms for the rare crafting mats. I don't particularly enjoy the gameplay (no free flying) nor the maps since they are repeated.


But I've noticed the difficulty too, even at my lowly level. It all feels extremely gear dependent.

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I've also found this to be the case.


I hate Drexel Sweep, specifically and acutely. LOL


I've got like 3 purple high-level upgrades, almost the highest armor, and Prototype 4s for the rest, yet the text for the mission says you need "Grade 3 or higher", which obviously seems incorrect.


I figured I'd look for a strategy guide but since it is going to require me to spend 150 commendations on an EMP generator and I have no interest in farming lower missions for those commendations, I guess for now my space career has ended.

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Be sure to buy the ship upgrades from the fleet commendation vendor. In particular, the ECM and power converter are great (get used to switching your power from blaster to shield as needed, and remember that you can use missiles while charging shields without interrupting them like blaster fire does). The EMP blast is also great for minefields... you can clear 80+ mines with one button.


If you're level 50 then another option is buying the purple ship upgrades from the GTN. Personally, the last escort mission is the one that I find hardest... you have to be sure to take out all the capitol ship turrets or they'll kill your shuttle fast. The other missions are pretty much just a matter of using your power conversion module to recharge your shields during pauses and learn when to use your ECM (for instance, right before coming up on a big swarm of oncoming fighters or as you slot in behind a wing of bombers... those things can do a lot of damage with their tail guns). Oh, and don't forget you can dodge enemy fire by barrel rolling... it helps.


EDIT: One other tip... you can target enemy fighters at very long range. Just hover over them and as soon as your reticule goes red fire a burst and move to the next ship. Once you get good at it you'll take a lot less damage since the oncoming fighters are generally the hardest hitting threats, and you'll kill many of them before they can shoot you. You'll also want to kill turrets to cut down on incoming fire, and definitely take out heavy fighters (spam them with missiles if need be, once you get a tier 5 bay you aren't going to run out).

Edited by StrykerOne
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