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RELAX UPDATE 16.4.12 on warzone rewards etc issues.


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I've also had some games with a draw on Voidstar, where (if this has not been changed since) the winning team gets decided by pure chance (this was officially stated by BW). Why are we getting half the rewards for a draw?

Draw is virtually impossible, when last "door" was opened should determine the winner.

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I only disliked PvP pre 1.2, now I absolutely detest it. I don't even know what gear to buy now, and with the added bonus of earning 0 commendations for my WZ time, I can see maybe getting 1 piece of gear a month. Completing the daily on my server is now impossible. Now in 1.2 I can take about 5 hits and then i'm down, and my cast times have gone up, so my opponent looks like they weren't even in a fight. This is definitely sub canceling worthy. Legacy system? Who cares when the end game isn't worth reaching.




You must be a healer like myself....who un-sub for the same reasons

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My main character has been pvping only since I hit 50, I am almost war hero now.


I like how more wz's are same faction, playing against friends is always fun.


I am a healer, I get medals and kills, that doesn't bother me. I've gotten up to 11 medals in a wz and over 25 kills. Occasionally I might get a killing blow or similar but I really don't do dps, and rarely run the ball so I'm not concerned


What I am not liking is it seems to me that the Republic is tougher then they used to be and their ability to constantly stun lock is driving me insane. Granted I am targetted, it didn't seem this bad before the patch. Also they seem harder to take down. Even in premade groups with mostly battlemaster gear against equivilant republic groups it just seems really unbalanced.


I also don't really like the credits being decreased, us pvpers do need to make some credits when we aren't doing pve stuff.


The new gear is fugly, but I pretty much think most of the gear is fugly, should hire on a new clothing designer.


I really don't want cross server anything and I don't know one person that does. It ruins the server community. That is one of the big things that killed wow. Once its cross server you end up pugging everything and the community dies. Friends become fewer and alliances less. Sure que times can be faster for pvp and fps but on the other hand if you get to know the people on your server, you will have much better runs and gain friends. The only people that want cross server LFG's are anti social bums just trying to get gear, there's no skill involved and people don't want them in their group or they wouldn't be asking for it.


Please don't do cross servers. Just make a better server only LFG.


I play every night, I run with several different groups that I've met and I have a lot of fun usually. Reminds me of vanilla wow, its not designed for little kids and everything being given to them. :D

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Does this address the gibfest that is PVP now ?




Does this address the classes that was OP prior to 1.2 being buffed even more ?




Does this address the stats between a BM and recruit gear (if he can afford 300k)





Does this address the poor choices made for actaully healing in PVP for certain classes.






Sorry but PVP is dead in this game now, 5 second CC locked fights are not fun, never have been never will be.




I wont even mention the blatent cheating going on.




Ooo look i just did.

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Draw is virtually impossible, when last "door" was opened should determine the winner.


he means when nobody get's past the first door at all.....who's wins?! no-one draw....but its a random winning both teams defended perfectly....but 1 team get's a bad side of the stick by random.... both should win...period....make 2 winners....why not?

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I'd be fine with the current system if there was cross-server queuing. It really is frustrating as a Rep on my server because, for better or for worse, I'm stuck with the same teammates all night. That means I'll have chain losses when there are terrible/undergeared Reps game after game. Not to mention our games often start with 5-6 and the Imps have a huge lead if the team ever fills.


If you're on a heavy pop server with and consistently losing, you're likely part of the problem. One or two bad people on the team make a huge difference in the outcome.

Edited by Antipodes
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Even thou these were really bad changes i'm pretty sure they have

learned their lesson.


Now they just need to make sure we actually also get a few credits to live for as well.

And not to mention the TTK issue were people are dying way to fast in warzones.


You've learned nothing over the last few months, have you?


When it comes BioWare Austin, don't believe it until you actually see it.

Their words of promise are cheap.

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I believe that other than rewards for wz's, expertise is the biggest issue now. The change in expertise is what ruined PvP imo. Damage in general is out of control right now and was much better before 1.2. Yes they fixed and added in stuff that was needed but the expertise change was not well thought out. People are dying way too fast and battles are so much more fun when you don't die in 3 seconds. If you are a healer and aren't being guarded you're going to be rofl stomped as soon as that marauder/Sentinel realizes you are a healer.


Personally I like the changes to expertise. IMHO, yes you can die faster, but you also kill quicker, and little mistakes are amplified. The games are faster, more intense, and require more teamwork and concentration.


Prior to 1.2 games were slower, you could get away with making numerous mistakes and some tank/healer combos could take 3 or 4 people to take down and slowly at that. To me it could be very boring.


If you are dying in 3 seconds you either don't have even the Recruit gear or you are being double/triple teamed with no help from your team mates. Healers are no longer able to stand there and free cast heals without support from their team. On the other hand a few well timed cleanses/heals can totally tip the balance in favor of your team. Hence the extra attention being paid to healers now versus prior to 1.2.

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Too little too late. Anyone that cares about PvP have written that aspect of the game off after the horrendous changes in 1.2


Wrong classes nerfed, a class with the best dmg mitigation in the game killing peeps in one stun, complete gibfest atm with every aspect of player skill taken out of the equation. I keep thinking I'm playing Unreal Tournament Instagib when I set foot in a wz.


No credits, no valor, next to no comms if you solo queue in 10-49 and get lumped with a bunch of 10-15 terribads running around screaming, "BANZAI!!!!!1111" at their monitors, as they mindlessly hump the first enemy player they see while the opposing team scores objectives unchallenged.


Want to lvl via PvP? That's what it said on the tin right? Wrong. Foggetaboutit. Time to grind the same tedious missions and planets you've already done on your x amount of alts.


Peeps have stopped queuing for warzones on my server. You get screwed if you solo queue, because you're risking zoning into a scrub team, you get screwed if you make a premade, because peeps stop queuing after the first time you roflstomp a random.


What are peeps supposed to do? Run new flashpoints for new gear they can, erm, do more flashpoints with? Boring.

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Draw is virtually impossible, when last "door" was opened should determine the winner.


not true, just came out of one where us nor our opponents blew the door past the first bridge, we did get a bomb planted they did not.


Medal wise the board was pretty evenly split no true domination, yet we lost. 12 medals I received 38 commendations.


Yep 38 commendations for a draw

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Personally I like the changes to expertise. IMHO, yes you can die faster, but you also kill quicker, and little mistakes are amplified. The games are faster, more intense, and require more teamwork and concentration.


Prior to 1.2 games were slower, you could get away with making numerous mistakes and some tank/healer combos could take 3 or 4 people to take down and slowly at that. To me it could be very boring.


If you are dying in 3 seconds you either don't have even the Recruit gear or you are being double/triple teamed with no help from your team mates. Healers are no longer able to stand there and free cast heals without support from their team. On the other hand a few well timed cleanses/heals can totally tip the balance in favor of your team. Hence the extra attention being paid to healers now versus prior to 1.2.


You obviously play a DPS class. In full Battlemaster gear I don't feel like I should be dying that quickly especially when I have hots on me and even pop a medpac. Assassins can stunlock me until I'm dead because of the crazy increase in damage. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that why operatives/scoundrels got nerfed because they killed people before they could get out of the stun or off the ground. Just because most DPS players like the increase in damage doesn't mean it was needed. All the "good" players had no problem killing healers prior to 1.2, only the sub-par ones did.

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Honestly the new PvP system is much less forgiving and favors good teamwork.



I actually enjoy it as when I've played with the 2-3 people I often queue with we can really do some good stuff. Fights that would have been impossible before are now possible because we can actually kill healers.


I do think there is less room for tank specs in PvP now (well tanksin being the exception...) because as long as you have a couple taunts and some CC, guard is less important than being able to just kill the enemies before they kill you.



I think the problem people are having is you have to play the game much differently now. You can no longer stand still with someone healing you and expect to survive. You have to kite and move and CC and everything else to keep from dying horribly. I welcome the challenge.



Also the new WZ is awesome. By far my favorite.

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Well my server pop is really high, i've actually had to wait a few times this week to log on. And when I do i STILL have a long wait for PVP matches that start with less than a full side.


I think their medals change is nothing more than a band aid.


I can get at least 4 medals doing nothing but standing in front of a node and dying quickly when anybody attacks. I throw gaurd on someone and there's a few more medals.


In fact, I get a larger reward if I do that and my team wins, than i do if I play my a** off in a losing battle because i'm up against a pre-made and still lose big.


That's messed up. Add to that the ridiculous amount of time it takes to get anything above Recruit Gear and the casual PVPer, who may not be a great player but was still the guy who filled out your side, just sticks with PVE.


I'd have a lot more respect for BW if they just came out and said "we screwed up big since most of these changes were dependent on rated WZ's, so we're going back to pre-1.2 PVP until we can get it all working"

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This daniel erikson guy must be a complete retard.


People do not stop tyring when a warzone is going bad they simply leave it.No one is going to play a losing warzone for 15 mins get nothing out of it no matter who they are.


This patch has made pvp worse in every possible way and I suggest the best thing Bioware can do with Mr Erikson is to show him the door pronto.


In the words of very own lovable rogue Lord Sugar 'You're Fired'

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The changes suggested in the OP change nothing.

They do not address the run-away gear disparity that is self perpetuating.

Steam roll grops continue to steam roll, getting their gear faster, therefore steamrolling more often.


Minimum rewards is one thing, but you are dictating how people play, this is not open/free/evolving pvp this is a rigid system that demands criteria be met or you get 0.

If I join a game (take voidstar for example) I enter the game in the final room locked behind the gate. The other team has already steam rolled us in about 1 minute, and I cant even get out of the gate before round 1 is over.


Now why would I stay for round 2?

Its obvious its a losing match. I'm just going to be farmed by overgeared players, what incentive do I have to stay? What a max of maybe 3 medals I could earn in 1.5mins if I could manage to kill anyone which isn't likely because its obvious the other team outgear (and/or outskill) my team.


Nah, its just stupid.


BW will be punished for this patch by losing all their pvp'ers especially the causal ones who don't have 8hour stretches to dedicate to pvp, which you will find is a great majority of players. You hard cores can go do what you like, bring in Ranked WZ's it gets these elitist pigs out fighting in their own dung against like mindeds. Let casuals play in acasual environment and everyone wins. The elitists dont whine and get frustrated cos noobs make them lose, and the noobs enjoy not being 2 shot by 3 piece warmasters all night long.


That would be a start.


When the loss:win ratio is up around 9:1 (as it is on swiftsure, republic lose 80-90% of games) the gear disparity has gotten noticably worse as the week progresses and the empire buy up more warmaster while we get farmed earning 0-30 comms a match, and they are getting 80-120. How can you not see this will cause a gear gap in a gear based game?

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Hey folks,


There's been a lot of discussion about the changes to the Warzone rewards system in Game Update 1.2 and the type of play style that it encourages. I wanted to help out a bit and point out a major change not all players may have noticed and share some of our plans.


First of all, rest assured we are keeping a close watch on the results of our reward changes to Warzones in 1.2 and we will continue to pull constant metrics to make sure they are going in the right direction as players get used to the new rules.


To refresh everyone's memories, one of the most important aspects of the new changes is that your team's performance inside the Warzone has a direct impact on a portion of the rewards you are given at the end of the Warzone. Even if your team is losing, the closer you can make the game the better your rewards will be - so don't give up hope! Giving up and letting the other team 'win faster' is now the worst possible route you can take to rewards.


Secondly, one of the things we have already identified to fix is to reduce the minimum amount of medals a player must receive to gain any reward at all. Currently that value is three (3), and we are going to reduce that to only needing one (1) medal to gain rewards. This should make sure we cover that all important backfill player while still protecting against the freeloaders.


As we move forward, we will continue to meet and discuss other possible changes based on the feedback here on the Forums as well as the data coming in from the live servers. As always, we appreciate your comments and want to hear from you.

I lol'd at the italicized part. With 1.2, they're right, letting the other team "win fast" was the worst possible solution to rewards. And I agree. It's been much faster to just quit the WZ and try again.

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The changes suggested in the OP change nothing.

They do not address the run-away gear disparity that is self perpetuating.

Steam roll grops continue to steam roll, getting their gear faster, therefore steamrolling more often.


Minimum rewards is one thing, but you are dictating how people play, this is not open/free/evolving pvp this is a rigid system that demands criteria be met or you get 0.

If I join a game (take voidstar for example) I enter the game in the final room locked behind the gate. The other team has already steam rolled us in about 1 minute, and I cant even get out of the gate before round 1 is over.


Now why would I stay for round 2?

Its obvious its a losing match. I'm just going to be farmed by overgeared players, what incentive do I have to stay? What a max of maybe 3 medals I could earn in 1.5mins if I could manage to kill anyone which isn't likely because its obvious the other team outgear (and/or outskill) my team.


Nah, its just stupid.


BW will be punished for this patch by losing all their pvp'ers especially the causal ones who don't have 8hour stretches to dedicate to pvp, which you will find is a great majority of players. You hard cores can go do what you like, bring in Ranked WZ's it gets these elitist pigs out fighting in their own dung against like mindeds. Let casuals play in acasual environment and everyone wins. The elitists dont whine and get frustrated cos noobs make them lose, and the noobs enjoy not being 2 shot by 3 piece warmasters all night long.


That would be a start.


When the loss:win ratio is up around 9:1 (as it is on swiftsure, republic lose 80-90% of games) the gear disparity has gotten noticably worse as the week progresses and the empire buy up more warmaster while we get farmed earning 0-30 comms a match, and they are getting 80-120. How can you not see this will cause a gear gap in a gear based game?


Very well said

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Honestly the new PvP system is much less forgiving and favors good teamwork.



I actually enjoy it as when I've played with the 2-3 people I often queue with we can really do some good stuff. Fights that would have been impossible before are now possible because we can actually kill healers.


I do think there is less room for tank specs in PvP now (well tanksin being the exception...) because as long as you have a couple taunts and some CC, guard is less important than being able to just kill the enemies before they kill you.



I think the problem people are having is you have to play the game much differently now. You can no longer stand still with someone healing you and expect to survive. You have to kite and move and CC and everything else to keep from dying horribly. I welcome the challenge.



Also the new WZ is awesome. By far my favorite.


The new system has made Tanks and especially Healers obsolete. Teams perform better with a full dps arsenal headcount rather than a mix and match. Preventive Healing so they call it. I dont call that PvP. I call that a dps farkfest.


Yes you welcome the challenge, except that its no longer a challenge but just "another round of WZ" for you dps players. For tank and healers, switching to dps is the only way to go in PvP.

Edited by ImariKurumi
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The only thing mentioned here is warzone rewards and the fact that 8-man que's are being pushed even further away. I see nothing about class balance, which is a much bigger problem than the reward system. How are you going to deal with the overpowered marauders/sentinels or DPS sorcs? What about tanks that get two shotted? Healers that get their asses handed to them? The base stat problems? What about all of the hackers? Considering they have had 4 days since the patch was released I expected more. This is what I expect when you release and realize the next day "Crap, we screwed up Big!" Lacking at best for a response from such a completely screwed up balance patch.
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...we have some observations that were undoubtedly made on the PTS, but we neglected them prior to pushing the patch to the live servers. As it turns out our live servers seem far better suited for real time testing, sorry for the trouble...




In other news. thanks for listening to the community.


^ this, they basically ignored the complaints about it on PTS which 1.2 was on for nearly a month, reasons why we need character copy for the public and not just invite guilds. This is just poor testing.

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