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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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Seriously, I just can't understand how you fail to see how an unannounced world event is a GOOD thing for the game. Server pops go up as ppl feel they have to log in so they don't miss the fun, so there are more ppl to play with. Lots of groups form to kill off event bosses (I was in a group that killed all 3 bosses in a row on harbinger) so you might meet new ppl if you chat to your fellow adventurers.


And the fact that is was unannounced is the icing on the cake! What is just around the corner? A rakata one? Gladiatorial games on nar shaddaa? The D7 AI returning? Naga Sadows or Freedon Nadds spirit elevating a new sith lord? The possibilities are endless, and you will NEVER know for sure when it will happen.


An unannounced event can be good for the game! That doesn't mean I have to think this particular one is without flaws. Why is this so hard to understand?

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Someone had counted 22 against, and that was last night before many of the people posting now had even shown their heads! :o


22!!! I demand a recount...ah heck-- I will let you double, no triple, no wait, multilpy it by ten.


It's still an insignificant number.

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No. I have a problem with a change - temporary or permanent - which changes the core, fundamental way the game works. Things like making an ability 5% stronger or weaker don't do this. Things like changing the location of a vendor or a boss don't do this. Things like adding a new quest chain, or a new planet don't do this.


Eliminating Melee classes, for example, would be a fundamental change. The game would actually *work* differently. In the case of this plague, there's something just different about how the game works. Fleet, for example, used to be the sanctuary of sanctuaries, the safest, most protected place there was. Being around only your own faction could never, ever put you in any harm. It's not that way anymore. That's a change to something very core about the game - just as an example.


I...I...I'm sorry, I simply don't see the correlation. The comparison is just too wonky. I tried, I really did as I like to understand what others think but this one is too far out there for me. :(


Go well, I'm going to go get me a rakling.

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And by the way this event has brought ppl together across factions maybe moreso than ever. There were about 40 ppl from both factions on Tatooine all chillin by the new vendor in the Dune Sea and we were killing members of the opposite faction when they turned feverish (ready to explode) which would speed up the process and cycle of infection.


It's a demented twist on everybody working together but it was fun and coordinated!

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Having to pay to not die, having to avoid same faction players to avoid a debuff, these are fundamental changes.


You know you're not REALLY dying right? Just press respawn and you're good to go. Besides we all pay not to die. It's called gear. And what debuff? Puking a couple times?

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I feel like I can't play right now, that's how much I hate the stupid plague. This is the best I can do to satisfy my desire to play.


Yeah it's so crippling when you explode and objects you can easily sell to other people are placed in your inventory.


Screw you Bioware!

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If the event truly pisses you off

either by borderline free vaccine->problem solved


don't spend your day sitting in fleet->problem soved


just stop caring you occasionally get the plague->problem solved



Personally I don't truly mind one way or another about pathetic condition the forums are in. It is bit of a shame BW has gathered such useless community though. No dev in his right mind would ever spend one second reading BS forums like these->It gets difficult to interact with playerbase in remotely meaningful fashion-> It might get harder for them to impove the game.


A bit like a rich politician saying he does'nt care about the poor, afterall..they have thier means to get help.


And any developers who does not pay attention to the forums is not being smart. Not saying take every complaint is valid on the forums...but using complaints from the forums along with thier own internal data is very smart resource tools to use.

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An unannounced event can be good for the game! That doesn't mean I have to think this particular one is without flaws. Why is this so hard to understand?


We aren't saying you have to like it, but when you see that the vast majority is enjoying it, then there is no reason by trying to get it removed or prevent it from happening again by posting about it.

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It's not the event itself that people are complaining about, its the debuff thats forced onto people.



Another scenario where its a pain in the ***: Warzones, if you have enough enemy players huddled together at the start you could infect them and if the warzone lasts longer then 10 minutes you'll kill all of them in one go having a clear line to whatever goal the warzone has. Breaking a possible stalemate.


And if only people talking had any idea what they are talking about, maybe this thread wouldn't be full of such impossible made up stories.


Infection takes random amount of time to progress to second stage.

While there, victim will explode either on death or in 10 min. Either.

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An unannounced event can be good for the game! That doesn't mean I have to think this particular one is without flaws. Why is this so hard to understand?


Because people only want world events that don't actually affect game play. Those are lame, lame, lame.


The plague in Warcraft was hands down the best world event they implimented, but carebears like you only wanted beerfest and lame nonsense like that. Attitudes of complainers have restricted world events down to little amusement parks that people go to for 5-10 minutes and go "huh, that's kind of neat." instead of letting them actually affect the game.


If tomorrow a Republic invasion force attacked the imperial fleet and there was an epic battle to defend it, I would be there having a ball while the people who complain about these sort of events would probably complain so loudly that BW would never do anything like it again.


Change isn't bad. Embrace it. Enjoy yourself. Remember, it's a game and just because someone made you glow green, it isn't the end of the world or your gaming experience.

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We aren't saying you have to like it, but when you see that the vast majority is enjoying it, then there is no reason by trying to get it removed or prevent it from happening again by posting about it.


I've said about 5 times in the past 3 pages that I'm not trying to get it removed. I HATE this event. Others love it. Good for them! I'm glad they are having fun with it.


I hope BW will recognize that there are those of us who HATE this event and will design something in the future that WE can enjoy, that's all.

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Not true. Add a planet. Add two! Add more things like the egg or the tauntaun pet. Add operations, flashpoint, even timed world events like this one - but don't change some fundamental aspect about the way the game works, like forcing me to pay 2k as a guard against dying every 20 minutes.
If you are either unlucky or stupid enough to get re-infected just after you exploded after the 20 minutes expire, you deserve it, because that amazing achievement would require either a lack of luck (re-spawning just near someone who is about to blow up, something which must have less chances to happen that to win at the lottery) or utter stupidity (not learning from previous infections and still standing near people with glowy eyes emitting green smoke and running right to those people to get re-infected as fast as possible). And even then, I don't see anyone managing to get reinfected just after he died from infection unless he's on tatooine farming infected mobs.

Stop the nonsensical arguments, you're not helping your "cause".

Edited by Korrigan
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I have reusable stims and the best gear available. This is a part of the game which has been this way and continues to be that way.


Boy, are YOU going to be disappointed- since Bioware's already stated that they're phasing out reusable stims for future content.


Nothing is stable. Everything can change. This is inherent to all MMO's. You will live through a long series of such disappointments, I think if even such a short-term, temporary event is making your jimmies get this rustled.

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Seems to me that people are enjoying themselves, we have two instances on Fleet right now and maybe 50 people in a plague-huddle.. the rest are going about their buissness as usual. Very little or no complaining overall :) Edited by Lundli
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I find the plague hilarious. Sure, it's not as good as the WotLK plague- I wish you actually went FFA as a rakghoul when you exploded, THAT would be fun. Still- the entire thing is amusing.


Heaven forbid we have an infectious plague that acts like a plague in game, amirite?


It is quite a kick - We're having a grand ole party in Sith Med Sphere talking it up and judging everyone jumping from the VIP lounge to spread it on the group below faster.



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Do a space mission and get 24 hours of protection then and stop crying. Most people like this event.


Actually, this is what I did with my Main as I enjoy the Ship Combat, and then stopped in a port briefly to mail some proceeds to the Alt.


Thing is, I still dislike being pushed and coerced into gameplay, as I would have preferred to have continued regular play with the Alt. When choice is altered by the actions of other plyers, it may be considered Griefing.

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OK i now officially have no idea what you are talking about. I went to both the starter worlds and the fleet offering free vaccines to everyone...NO ONE responded. Over 150 people and quite the opposite was true. People started calling they wanted to get infected and laughed at the fact that people couldnt get rid of their vaccines.


So either this is different for America and Europe or there is no real problem.

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No, but I have never played an RPG where... hmmmm


In D&D, you use a D20 (20 sided dice) for most rolls. If one day that DM said all those rolls were now using a D12... well, that would be a problem. He'd be changing something so fundamental about the game it really wouldn't be the same game anymore. Similar idea.


Except it's not like that.


It would be like if you ran in a group in a campaign and the GM didn't allow PvP, but suddenly said you caught a disease from a PC.


That's it.


The GM is introducing new content and experiences for the player base via a the proliferation of the plague. I don't know too many people who would get up and storm off from the PnP session in a huff because of it.


But hey, it's the individuals right to do so. Have at it.

Edited by Scar
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