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so now that sw tor is ruined


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I know a ton of people are going to flock to Hello Kitty Adventure Island.


I hear the PvP there is awesome.


Pet versus Pet?


We can animal fights of Michael Vick proportions.

Edited by JamesPat
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lets predict what mmo the communitys going to drive into the ground next


my guess is diablo 3.Tera is to grindy for your average casual and i doubt many people would enjoy gw2


LOL diablo 3 isnt an mmo. And it has an Auction house for real money, the community is ruined already.

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The community didn't do anything. Games sink or swim on their own merits and consumers vote with their money. If your games good you succeed if it not you fail, simple as that.


actually the community did


they wanted the game to be content level to world of warcraft.but forgot that world of warcrafts a 7 year old game.and sw tor is a couple month old game


doesnt take common sense to relize that,sadly.common sense is alot of what the angry people complaining lack

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If the OP is lucky, SWTOR will suck up the market of happy casuals like me and leave the rest of the industry free to cater to whatever playstyle they think should prosper. I think a market where there lots of options tailored to focused play preferences apart form one another is best for everyone. I like SWTOR, hopefully someone will make the OPs game so I can be spared his complaints.
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