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The end of the arguement. Is SWTOR in decline? Can it be saved?


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Indeed. Plus, does GW2 have anything to do with Star Wars? If the answer is no, then you can take that game and shove it where the sun don't shine.


GW2 in my store = 3 Pre orders

SWTOR = 88 pre orders.


There is no comparison, GW1 was a piece of junk.

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I've canceled my subscription, but that means I still have 3, (now four months with the free month) for them to convince me to reactivate it.


I think it's a good game. I've enjoyed my time with it. That being said, I believe it can be a great game and it's not living up to that potential due to poor choices by Bioware. There's so much about the game that is shocking... It took us a patch to get a /roll... We still don't have /readycheck. Travel to a planet usually still involves going through an annoying space station, the list goes on. Is a lot of the stuff on my list personal issues? Of course. It should be, it's my list for my subscription.


I beleive in Bioware... at least somewhat. Not as strongly as I use to after the horrible things they've done with titles recently (See all of DA 2 and the ME 3 ending) I am fairly certain they can make this game into a great game, and when they do, I'll come back. Until then, I'm more than willing to let my subscription expire.


So, you'd cancel over a macro? Whats wrong with just asking people if they are ready?


This is the thing, the game is still very new and people expect the world from it. People want all the features that exist in a game like wow that has been out for the better part of a decade. The stuff you are complaining about is of little or no importance. 'Cancel everything, seriously, stop the 1.2 patch, we cannot move forward until we get readycheck!'

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So, you'd cancel over a macro? Whats wrong with just asking people if they are ready?


This is the thing, the game is still very new and people expect the world from it. People want all the features that exist in a game like wow that has been out for the better part of a decade. The stuff you are complaining about is of little or no importance. 'Cancel everything, seriously, stop the 1.2 patch, we cannot move forward until we get readycheck!'


launching an mmo without /roll and /readycheck is like making an mp3 player without a shuffle feature.

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*sound of a body crumpling to the floor*


Best article I've seen. And you know its a legit source, because its on the internet. I supposedly saw it, so you should all take it as fact.


Well, I just saw Luke Skywalker making a run at Bioware's Death Star, so I need to get onto the Imperial Intranet, cancel my subscription, and take an escape pod outta here.





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Indeed. Plus, does GW2 have anything to do with Star Wars? If the answer is no, then you can take that game and shove it where the sun don't shine.


Starwars isnt even that good of a universe anymore anyway, the Starcraft universe is much more interesting. Honestly for it time back when videos were the thing starwars was good idea but now it old hat and need be shelved.

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I find it unfair as a consumer that people whom did longer month subscriptions are not automatically given back remaining time as refund if cancel. For who wants to play a game for 1month and have payed for 6months but want to quit game so dont even login in those 6months it almost like theft. A refund needs to be offered to be fair to consumers. Infact I say class action lawsuit for those whom want the money back from subs which they canceled which are longer than the 2 months.
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Starwars isnt even that good of a universe anymore anyway, the Starcraft universe is much more interesting. Honestly for it time back when videos were the thing starwars was good idea but now it old hat and need be shelved.


Yes, because 2 million subscribers are just out of touch.


Starcraft is more interesting, yet you are here. Posting.


Can't be THAT much more interesting, if you'd rather be hanging out here.

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I find it unfair as a consumer that people whom did longer month subscriptions are not automatically given back remaining time as refund if cancel. For who wants to play a game for 1month and have payed for 6months but want to quit game so dont even login in those 6months it almost like theft. A refund needs to be offered to be fair to consumers. Infact I say class action lawsuit for those whom want the money back from subs which they canceled which are longer than the 2 months.


Lots of folks who enlisted for six years instead of two think it's unfair they have to stick it out for an extra four years if they're unhappy with their situation after two. Unfortunately, they also signed a binding contract, so there it is.

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Do I care.


I log pretty much every day. I have fun....for pennies. Do I care what gaming magazines are predicting, especially if the facts are not scrutinized by those of an opposing contention, but just promulgated into fact? Stand back and allow two diametrically opposed viewpoints voice their contention and I'll be interested in hearing that.


Until then I'm going to continue to enjoy the game, its potential. and not worry about it. ;p

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Yes, because 2 million subscribers are just out of touch.


Starcraft is more interesting, yet you are here. Posting.


Can't be THAT much more interesting, if you'd rather be hanging out here.


Quite right.

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BW is trying to save a sinking ship which they should since its there ship and without it they are out a lot of money. the realm of MMO gaming is changed if not gone from what it once was. yes WoW did it right, and made bank off it. there were many players though who left after each expansion saying that its just not the same. we have reached a point in gaming that everyone is a gamer. its not just us pencil paper d&d nerds or old nes atari players gaming now and because of this the developers must try to appeal to more interests. this spreads games thin in a design stand point and is making it hard to hold the attraction for any specific group. the biggest issue of this I feel is the hardcore and the casual player demands. when WoW released it took a long time for world firsts, but now its world first the same day as release. this puts pressure on the developer because they just worked hard to put out content and already a group has sacrificed real life to beat it. mean while the casual player is upset that the end game is to hard because they do not get to invest the time the hardcore players do but wants to experience the entire game and not just instances and what not. we as a community are to demanding of the developers and the games we play to truly be satisfied.


I agree with this to some extent. You are entirely right about the crowd who calls themselves gamers now versus the crowd even 5 or 6 years ago. Suddenly we find an entire crowd of people who want to 'play casually' and literally have everything handed to them rather than invest the time and effort us old-schoolers enjoy. (Thank you so much for that Blizz.)


So where is that point where we meet half way? The truth of the matter is: there isn't one. The instant gratification crowd that has flocked into the gaming world is NEVER going to shut up until everything offered in the game is so easy to get it isn't even worth attaining. For those of us who take our gaming serious, we see this tendency for big business to side with the larger crowd. Of course they do. In the end it's all about the money, not making an amazing game.


Personally I have been gaming since Atari. I'm pushing 40 now and I really don't enjoy playing with kids all the damn time. But I don't think we will see an adult themed MMO this decade, if ever. I don't enjoy grouping with people who can barely walk their character straight, much less be productive in a raid. But what do you do? We are a dying breed, and capitalism has no sympathy for people like us. The name Star Wars will keep enough subscribers to keep this alive for years, but the Vanilla days of WOW are probably permanently a thing of the past. Immersion isn't appealing to a populace who can't even finish a 2 hour movie in one sitting. Working with 4 people seems to be too much for most folks to handle now, so why would they want to work with 16?


So yeah, I cancelled mine as well. Won't even bother using the remaining time or the 30 days. Think I'll pull out my 2nd edition and grab all my friends who cancelled theirs as well and run a game tonight.

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Yes, because 2 million subscribers are just out of touch.


Starcraft is more interesting, yet you are here. Posting.


Can't be THAT much more interesting, if you'd rather be hanging out here.


Not two million subscribers, at 1.7 million at the last investor meeting in march and now firms are saying its declining and at 1.25 million. What this means if true is that the game is headed downhill because they were are resoinsive to players as they should have been.

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Not two million subscribers, at 1.7 million at the last investor meeting in march and now firms are saying its declining and at 1.25 million. What this means if true is that the game is headed downhill because they were are resoinsive to players as they should have been.


So... people that aren't EA and don't have the numbers are speculating about numbers and we're supposed to think it means something? If we're just making up numbers, I think it has 2.3 million people now. I have no proof either, but I have a feeling. 2.3 million just feels right.

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EA gets worst company of the year award. LMAO!


Called the SWTOR thing for a while. Only so many times you can say "Leave we don't care!!!" before you actually have to care....


Should have listened to the community BioFail.


They have been listening to the community, and that's the problem. The community wanted more servers, so they put more up. There were people whining about content, so they shovel out content. UI complaints? They shove out UI things. Legacy changes are supposedly in the works. Guild banks? Yep. Ranked warzones? Coming soon.


What have they been ignoring the community about?

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WoW is in decline, rift is in decline, the US in decline. If you don't like the game stop posting and and leave. No one will miss you.


Also here is a little bit of tidbit. Rift which was the "apparent" WoW killer is sitting at around 250k subs. In less than a year closed 75% of their NA servers so SWTOR is not in anyway shape or form dying.

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Not two million subscribers, at 1.7 million at the last investor meeting in march and now firms are saying its declining and at 1.25 million. What this means if true is that the game is headed downhill because they were are resoinsive to players as they should have been.


EA also said that it would only take 1 million subscribers to turn a profit.


I would answer to the last sentence if it made any sense. ;)

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Gotta love rumor and innuendo posted as fact. "Supposedly already seen" =! already seen.


But keep believing what you want.


"StartupGrind claims to have confirmation of the claims and says that lower-than-expected sales of Star Wars: The Old Republic and Battlefield 3."


EA may not be laying off 500-1000 employees (although a company would want that to remain secret to avoid production loss), but they confirmed the information about SWTOR losing subscribers and not meeting expectations as true.


We all wanted this game to succeed but it is time to face the facts man. The game is not good and its downfall is proving it.

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Simply this.


I can laugh myself to sleep with all these forum trolls stating the game is dying.


Simply put this game is nowhere near dying, it has a very healthy population, they just need to consolidate it, Every Friday night in the EU you will have standard replace the light status on 50% of those 'light' servers, meaning a minimum of 350 people are playing on that server.


Dying, lol go try Warhammer Online and get back to me.


Why don't you read the confirmed information from EA. They confirmed the game is declining and subscriptions are not meeting expectations.


Why does no one touch on this? Lol, every one calls people trolls and don't read the actual articles.

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Why don't you read the confirmed information from EA. They confirmed the game is declining and subscriptions are not meeting expectations.


Why does no one touch on this? Lol, every one calls people trolls and don't read the actual articles.


umm where you reading that......i got this from that


EA has denied the news, however, offering the following comment to MCV: "There are no lay-offs as such, we always have projects growing and morphing. At any given time there are new people coming in and others leaving. EA is growing and hiring and building teams to support the growing demand for digital games and services."

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WoW is in decline, rift is in decline, the US in decline. If you don't like the game stop posting and and leave. No one will miss you.


Also here is a little bit of tidbit. Rift which was the "apparent" WoW killer is sitting at around 250k subs. In less than a year closed 75% of their NA servers so SWTOR is not in anyway shape or form dying.


About that whole "no one will miss you" thing. Next time you notice your server is a ghost town, don't complain about it.


About less than a year later for Rift, SWTOR has been up for 5 months. How many Heavy or Very Heavy servers do you see during prime time? I'm counting like 5, out of how many? After 5 months?

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Oh! don't worry... let's give GW2 a couple of months, it'll be full of this posts.


And the game will be "dead" with "no one playing", "all the customer base pissed", "so many missed opportunities", "we were lied to", "too many glitches", "my computer doesn't run it" and "zero communication from the devs" in 2 weeks flat...


3 weeks before "everyone" has blown through the entire content with at least 2 alts and the game is stale.... and let's not forget the ever entertaining "wait until (insert game here) comes out, that one will teach you!"..


You can't "blow through" WvWvW.. that alone is worth the purchase cost of GW2.


There are 8 class storylines in SWTOR, and they largely are unaffected by any decisions you make. Yes, you can save someone or let them die but even if you save them, they'll likely never show up again anyway, maybe you'll get an Email. The effect of that decision is minimal. I can think of only a few key decisions that had any effect whatsoever aside from companion affection or morality points.


GW2 has 3 main storylines per race (5 races, that's 15 main stories, potentially more if the other choices alter them to a large extent), that are altered by a few other decisions in your character Bio (haven't figured out to what extent yet), along with branching choices that are NOT based on a morality system, IE my Ash Legion Charr Thief had a story somewhat like the Imperial Agent line, I infiltrated a base in disguise discovered the enemy's plans, and freed a prisoner from the Blood Legion. I questioned him and he said his entire warband was wiped out. So I had a chance to recruit him or let him go become a Gladium (a Charr without a Warband, which is shameful in their culture), to recruit him I had to pass a speech check, charm, ferocity or dignity, which you can fail. Now you don't recruit him as a companion (those don't exist, thankfully), but every time you go back to your home instance, he is there, small change, but a person you saved is permanently there, rather than just a mail. Then I told of the enemy's plans to my superiors, and had to make a choice.. which assassination target would I protect? The other would be protected by a Rookie with no field experience. I didn't finish this one yet but I'm predicting that I will succeed and he will fail, and it will branch my story.


There's also the fact that for at least up to level 30 (we haven't seen higher level zones yet) there are multiple areas to level up in. This is compared to SWTOR's linear level progression.


Explorable mode dungeons as well, 8 base story mode dungeons, which you go through once, after that, when you go through them there are say, a way you can knock a hole through a wall and discover a new catacombs system with different bosses (and much much harder than the story mode), there are multiple explorable versions of each dungeon.


So I see GW2 taking longer than a few weeks.

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I still don't understand why alot of people are raving about GW2 like its already the only game in the world left to play... Yes videos, press releases content leaks can all hint to what the game will be like but that doesn't mean you've played it and it doesn't mean it's exactly what you're expecting.


Now this is the same for SWTOR I was expecting something totally different and new and whilst there was certainly different aspects of the game that made it "new" such as the storyline in the long run it hasn't turned out exactly how I expected it to. Thats not to say i'm not enjoying it.


We will see when GW2 is released if it is the "game to end all games" but as with just about anything released these days I personally don't think it will live up to the expectations some people have for it.


Oh and yeah, Star Wars is the main reason I play this game

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