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Has anyone else never even seen a Star wars movie...?


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lol non-nerd? That's so subjective. I could also claim you're a nerd for playing the game. You haven't seen the movies? That's fine. It may be confusing if you have little concept of Jedi vs Sith (light side vs dark side choices) and Republic vs Empire, but it shouldn't be too hard to pick up. Beyond the basic theme, the movies wouldn't be of any use to you since there's no story taken from them.
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Has anyone watched the Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Episodes I-VI) [blu-ray]? If so what did you think about the set?


I have the old VHS tapes of IV-VI and am looking to get the complete saga mainly for I-III and the blu-ray format.


I just finished watching it. It is worth the money I'd say. I never knew how rough of shape Threepio was in until we popped in a New Hope.

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I smell a troll.....


But if you never see any of the other ones, at LEAST see The Empire Strikes Back. Classic masterpiece, and inarguably the best of the saga.


It's the reason a lot of film-makers decide to become film-makers in the 1st place.

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good movies?


Shawshank redemption, Green mile, curse of the golden flower, lord of the rings, Big, drop dead fred, labrynth, shutter island etc


I have wide range of taste, but just never seen star wars, and no desire to..


Maybe if I fall in love with the game I will want to watch them.. heres to hoping that happens :)

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I never wanted to watch Harry Potter because I thought the hype about a kids book that was IMO terribly cliched, was so over the top.

I caved and whilst I didn't love it, it wasn't bad, and I could see why somepeople raved about it. I realised what a prat I'd been to make an assumption about something just because of the cult that had built up around it.


So ask yourself a question.

Have you ever met anyone who says they don't like the ORIGINAL starwars film?


If yes, then fine.

But if no, then why not come across to the dark side.


Star wars was one of the first epic sci-fi films. Almost everyone seems to agree that Mr Lucas made it worse when he added extra special effects and dabbled with a masterpiece.

There is an awful lot of love in the world for this film, and whilst it might not be your cup of tea, I can guarentee that unless you sit in a cupboard with a bucket over your head, you've spent your time watching a lot more terrible quality tv/films in tha last month.


Spoil yourself. :)

Edited by Crumblin
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My girlfriend and I, we look all the movie in order I to VI so for her who never see it before. she think the saga just get better in IV, V, VI with a more mystical vision of the Force compare to the I II III where the Force is just some mediclorian.... totaly agreed with her... i like movie who explain the mystical in it but take the Force and resume it at a simple microbian life FAIL
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I haven't, and have no intentions to.


I love MMO's of all types, so i will probably love this too.. am I the only non-nerd who's going to be playing? I really don't like the star wars franchise as a whole tbh ;-)




You don't have to like Star Wars to enjoy the game but i'd say being on a forum posting about a computer game is all the nerd cred you need.

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Well, the movies are kind of a must see, it should be on your list of movies to watch before you die, but saying your a communist or that you must want the terrorist to win because you didn't see the movie is just plain bad taste. But seeing the movie gives you a good view of the universe of star wars and you'll probably want to explore this universe more and more. With the all books, comics, tv series, movies and games, you have a lot of material.
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good movies?


Shawshank redemption, Green mile, curse of the golden flower, lord of the rings, Big, drop dead fred, labrynth, shutter island etc


I have wide range of taste, but just never seen star wars, and no desire to..

Personally I'd disagree with that list. I can understand why most of these are loved films but minus Labyrinth I couldn't agree with the others.


Objectively well made sure, award winning even. Subjectively I just didn't like many of these.

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So I am alone in this?


I watch good movies but star wars is so dated i most likely won't enjoy it.


Too much talking aswell from what i can tell from clips. It looks so dull


Ignore all the fanboys here... the books, extended universe and such are where you should begin if anything! Obvious I'm going to get flamed but the original trilogy was utter crap, horrid character development, dull dramatization... and ****... THE PLOTHOLES!!! Ignore the people still living in the past, star wars might a been good for its time (Which isn't saying much lmao) but it transitions horribly today.


They are popcorn flicks plain and simple, you have to turn your brain off when watching them (and that aspect just doesn't hold up today). There's alot better star wars stuff out there, check that out, its such a huge gap in creativity! The original trilogy annoys me as much as any time travel movie (none of that in there just comparing) , with absurb plots and gaping holes. (Acting is horrid, but was ok for it's time... which again doesnt mean squat lol)


Wiki the original ... or even the full set (feel free to watch the awesome lightsaber battles though in 1-3, at least SOMETHING good came from the movies lol Game has just as good ones imo though!) and then spend the time you have freed yourself of by reading into the extended universe or playing swtor! So much better xD


I'm out though... dare not to see the whining that goes on after my post *rollseyes* ... WoW fanboys still worse I suppose lmao

Edited by Garandil
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If your really have got to this stage without watching the films then play the game and see if it suits you... if it does start by watching the first (episodes IV/VI) films.. they are certainly worth the time it will take..


Still cant accept anyone posting on here has not seen them though... or thinks they are somehow not a nerd!

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Well, at the risk of being labeled a 'fanboy', I think putting Star Wars into perspective helps you understand some of the more dodgy bits about it. The movie was Lucas's love letter to the serials (like the original runs of Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon). Serials were highly stylized, cheaply produced, very action packed short films that preceded the features in movie theaters back from the silent era into the mid-50s or so.


It wasn't intended to be high art. It was a crazy, B-movie mash-up of Flash Gordon and Samurai movies. The fact that it was a huge success seemed to floor everybody involved and Lucas had to pull the sequels out of his rump and pretend he had a grand vision all along.


Basically, you have to put your brain on autopilot and just enjoy them for what they are. (And that helps make the prequels a lot more palatable, too. Well, that and skipping any Jar Jar scene and any scene where 'Ani' emotes.) But still worth watching even by 'modern' standards, in my opinion.


(As are the serials and for that matter, the Kurosawa movies they borrowed some structure from.)

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Ignore all the fanboys here... the books, extended universe and such are where you should begin if anything! Obvious I'm going to get flamed but the original trilogy was utter crap, horrid character development, dull dramatization... and ****... THE PLOTHOLES!!! Ignore the people still living in the past, star wars might a been good for its time (Which isn't saying much lmao) but it transitions horribly today.


They are popcorn flicks plain and simple, you have to turn your brain off when watching them (and that aspect just doesn't hold up today). There's alot better star wars stuff out there, check that out, its such a huge gap in creativity! The original trilogy annoys me as much as any time travel movie (none of that in there just comparing) , with absurb plots and gaping holes. (Acting is horrid, but was ok for it's time... which again doesnt mean squat lol)


Wiki the original ... or even the full set (feel free to watch the awesome lightsaber battles though in 1-3, at least SOMETHING good came from the movies lol Game has just as good ones imo though!) and then spend the time you have freed yourself of by reading into the extended universe or playing swtor! So much better xD


I'm out though... dare not to see the whining that goes on after my post *rollseyes* ... WoW fanboys still worse I suppose lmao


Considering you ranted for 4 paragraphs about how horrible the trilogy was, but not once provided any examples to reinforce your position, I have to kindly say that you're full of it.


Don't get me wrong, people are allowed to like or dislike whatever they wish. But if you're going to make sweeping generalizations like, "plot holes" and "bad acting," you should probably consider extrapolating a bit. Unless you don't actually want a discussion, and just want a springboard for your blind, seething hatred... in which case, seeth away, but don't expect anybody to actually take you seriously.



I only ask because 50% of the posts I see seem to be people roleplaying in star wars speech as if it's their only passion in life.. :p I Know people like this exist out there but i am a little shocked at the amount of them here.... will everyone be roleplaying in the game with weird chat, or will it be like any other mmo?


Probably not, unless you play on an RP server. But I don't see why it should bother you, even if there were. Roleplaying is a blast, and can really enhance a gaming experience.

Edited by Greyfeld
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