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Everything posted by Charoite

  1. Just got in . I registered 4 days prior to the start of the pre-orders. My fiancé was able to play early this morning and he registered his code the first day of pre-orders. I'm still glad the early access was extended to 7 days.
  2. SWTOR Crew Skills Chart Above is a crew skill chart depicting graphically the recommended parings for each crew skill. This is one has been updated to reflect the information in this guide.
  3. I will have some. I love those from the tri flavor bins: butter, caramel, cheese. Reading the forums is like watching a hockey game. Some are trying to goal by being constructive on the forums, others smashing the community against the glass, the defenders defending by trying to stop trolls, goalies trying to block bad threads and the referee Bioware trying to keep the chaos under control.
  4. Has anyone watched the Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Episodes I-VI) [blu-ray]? If so what did you think about the set? I have the old VHS tapes of IV-VI and am looking to get the complete saga mainly for I-III and the blu-ray format.
  5. Wrap presents, Walk the park in the snow, Have a cup of cocoa, Just enjoy my time off at this time of year.
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