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10 Good
  1. /ginvite "name" ? Swore I tried that... must be burnt out from mass grinding haha Thank you
  2. I've been having a problem inviting people to guild in game... I know that you can invite people to party from anywhere but for guilds I can only seem to invite people if I'm right beside em :S I've tried slash commands , right clicking name for options, and on the guild pane there doesn't seem to be a button to add people like friends list... Can someone tell me how to invite guildies from anywhere rather than having to run up to them in person? xD
  3. 2cnd wave out and no invite for dec 9th... ***?! ... *sigh* this is pretty pathetic... hope they at least do another wave an hour from now...
  4. Figures... not only do I just miss out on yesterday but they aren't even doing hourly waves?! Why procrastinate with the final grouping of people? They're easily the most eager bunch and doing so just makes BW look lazy... here's to w8ing at LEAST 50 more minutes !!! *facepalm*
  5. They didnt even get in the dec 8ths in first wave?... Looks like we'll be lucky to finish up the 9ths today... >.<
  6. Have some dec 7th's to get too tomorrow... expect to be in by the second wave.
  7. All twitter accounts and devs are dodging the question here constantly... ALL of today? *** is with only 1 rp-pvp server per coast?! This is pathetic... there's simply no excuse for this huge minority *facepalm*
  8. Using one of the slowest game developers (Don't use polish excuse either, they are horrid when it comes to relasing bug free, balanced, smooth content) in the world isn't a good example xD Took them forever to open up the most basic stuff... and they are STILL missing huge chunks of mmo flavor >.< Doubt it'll take bioware this long
  9. There is a LFG tool... just cause your all too lazy and it doesn't automatically make the group for you doesn't mean it does not exist... pathetic. Put up your flags... list what instance you want to be in(Plus trinity role)... and either wait for invite or make a party of anyone else you see is looking. That really so hard? *facepalm* (Was hoping this lazy braindead issue wouldn't pop up for launch but guess it's too much to expect people to actually use theirs heads or for them to use a system that works better than shouting...) So much irony in this thread (and others like it) as well as plain ignorance... I don't know whether to laugh or not xD Anyways off I go ... see you in game, I'll be the guy with the flag up and making groups with those that aren't too lazy to check a box and/or list their instance... Just like for alot of beta, kinda glad though in a way... the tool separates out most of the awful players you probably dont wanna group with! (Lazy and stupid, incase you didn't know by now lmao)
  10. I'll keep this short... It's gamestop, what do you expect? LoL
  11. Ignore all the fanboys here... the books, extended universe and such are where you should begin if anything! Obvious I'm going to get flamed but the original trilogy was utter crap, horrid character development, dull dramatization... and ****... THE PLOTHOLES!!! Ignore the people still living in the past, star wars might a been good for its time (Which isn't saying much lmao) but it transitions horribly today. They are popcorn flicks plain and simple, you have to turn your brain off when watching them (and that aspect just doesn't hold up today). There's alot better star wars stuff out there, check that out, its such a huge gap in creativity! The original trilogy annoys me as much as any time travel movie (none of that in there just comparing) , with absurb plots and gaping holes. (Acting is horrid, but was ok for it's time... which again doesnt mean squat lol) Wiki the original ... or even the full set (feel free to watch the awesome lightsaber battles though in 1-3, at least SOMETHING good came from the movies lol Game has just as good ones imo though!) and then spend the time you have freed yourself of by reading into the extended universe or playing swtor! So much better xD I'm out though... dare not to see the whining that goes on after my post *rollseyes* ... WoW fanboys still worse I suppose lmao
  12. Agreed, it's amazing how many whiny brats there are with entitlement issues lol You were gonna buy game anyways and the cost wouldn't have been different with or without access. "Up to" and "may" are the keywords that these illiterates can't seem to wrap their head around, or the fact that theres still 1 more wave of invites today and 6 days to go after that LoL Even though doesn't look like I got in today thanks for the FREE game time I'm sure to get at some point during this early access xD /signed
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