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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

now that all the small stuff...


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has been handled, when do we start seeing the features of a modern mmo?




cross server dungeon finder



flying mounts


etc., etc.


or will there be more "biggest patches in mmo history" that don't fix the game's REAL problems first?

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has been handled, when do we start seeing the features of a modern mmo?




cross server dungeon finder



flying mounts


etc., etc.


or will there be more "biggest patches in mmo history" that don't fix the game's REAL problems first?


These are hardly necessary. I'd rather they focus on content, bug fixing, and important things.

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funny, everything i've searched says BW is not even considering implementing any of the modern mmo features that i mentioned.


Really? It's been stated that macros aren't coming, flying mounts aren't coming, there's multiple BW responses about LFG tools...like I said, you need to learn how to search.

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cross server stuff is coming they have said that more than once might search through the dev tracker.


addons I hope to never see them, they become cheatons

macros my g15 works fine and does what I need

flying mounts, nah in fact the dev team has said no animal mounts, they may change thier mind but at this time they have said no, and I could careless about a flying mount, not everyone wants the same thing..it's all opinion... /shrug


Not all games are for everyone, not happy here there are plenty of old and tired mmo's that offer those features and I sure there will be one you like, or you will just find more to complain about in those games as well../facepalm

Edited by kevlarto
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These are hardly necessary. I'd rather they focus on content, bug fixing, and important things.


THIS is telling me there's something they're doing wrong.


enjoy your "vintage" style mmo. you probably won't even have to pay for it much longer.

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Really? It's been stated that macros aren't coming, flying mounts aren't coming, there's multiple BW responses about LFG tools...like I said, you need to learn how to search.


did you even read my response to your response?



in case you didn't, it stated in a nutshell that i'm fully aware none of this is coming lol. because i used a search engine and low and behold, there it was. it's funny your response to people is essentially "l2searchengine".


as if there is anyone playing an mmo who doesn't know how. it's almost like you are incapable of producing any other response.

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did you even read my response to your response?



in case you didn't, it stated in a nutshell that i'm fully aware none of this is coming lol. because i used a search engine and low and behold, there it was. it's funny your response to people is essentially "l2searchengine".


as if there is anyone playing an mmo who doesn't know how. it's almost like you are incapable of producing any other response.


So...you said the stuff isn't coming yet you want the stuff to come? What's your point then??

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The guild meeting actually mentioned beast mounts coming along.


As for flying ones, it's like old world WoW. The zone geometry can't handle it, short of literally redoing the entire game like Blizzard did.


Most of the rest, like addons? Meh, if I want things that people will use to robo-play raids and such, I'll go back to WoW where such things belong.

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has been handled, when do we start seeing the features of a modern mmo?




cross server dungeon finder



flying mounts


etc., etc.


or will there be more "biggest patches in mmo history" that don't fix the game's REAL problems first?


Excellent. We needed another thread about this.


Thank you.

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has been handled, when do we start seeing the features of a modern mmo?




cross server dungeon finder



flying mounts


etc., etc.


or will there be more "biggest patches in mmo history" that don't fix the game's REAL problems first?


Cross Server DFs lead to "Need" on every roll. No Thanks!

Add Ons. The world of MMO games was doing just fine prior to WoW. Would be doing just fine without WoW. --------------------------------- No Thanks!

Macros - Leads to recursive macros. ----------- No Thanks!

Flying Mounts - All Mounts in this game seem to fly.

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So, you say you want to know when this stuff is coming despite having done a search where you could clearly see the answer that it isn't coming? Do you really not see the problem with this? Could a person really be so dense?


None of it is needed. Cross server LFG tools only split communities. Warzones, that is a different story from FPs and Ops.


Addons easily become cheats and should never be allowed. If they are allowed, I say I should be allowed to use programs to hack your account, steal your stuff, and not be banned. But, we both know that is not going to happen.


Macros become ways to just go AFK. Suddenly, everyone starts going AFK during Ops and putting everything on easy mode. No, stay at your damn computer and pay attention to what is going on.


Flying mounts.... I'll say that again just because I can't believe it. FLYING MOUNTS?!!!! Why would we need flying mounts?


None of this stuff is necessary. In fact, just because it is modern or new doesn't mean it should be in every game. Flying mounts, addons, and macros are some of the worst things to come to MMOs.


This thread does not have any point. You have confirmed it by saying you know this stuff was already put to rest and you still made this thread. It's just spam, so I'll go ahead and flag it as spam.

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has been handled, when do we start seeing the features of a modern mmo?




cross server dungeon finder



flying mounts


etc., etc.


or will there be more "biggest patches in mmo history" that don't fix the game's REAL problems first?


i take it you want to make this game like wow or its clone which you just left.


these features dont define modern mmo's but rather some of them define what are problems with them. these in particular are lfd, addons and macros which are tools for those lacking mmo skills. sadly too many people having learned to play with them are lost without these. people dont know how to make a group, use in game features or set up a hotbar. they learned to press one button to find a group, look at a addon to tell them to move out of the red cricle they are in or have all abilities on one button to mash mindlessly. these same people then brag about how good thier guild ranking is. it is a joke.


in time i am sure some of these will be implemented but for now learn how to play without them and welcome to the real world of mmos and not one button mashing.

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has been handled, when do we start seeing the features of a modern mmo?




cross server dungeon finder



flying mounts


etc., etc.


or will there be more "biggest patches in mmo history" that don't fix the game's REAL problems first?


can honestly say dont want a single one of those things and the Flying mounts would severly hurt the game as designed, as would macros and add ons

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Greetings everyone!


We are always hard at work to bring you more for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. Since we have some active threads on each of these topics and in the interest of keeping feedback more easily found, we are going to close this thread and ask that you please continue your discussion in the following:


We would like to give you the following information from our Developer Tracker regarding the Looking For Group Feature:


Improving our LFG system is high on the list of features that Systems Design wants to add to the game. We want this to be good not just for helping people find Flashpoints and Operations to run, but also other multiplayer content like heroic missions. A key emphasis will be on advertising for specific role needs (healer, tank, DPS). This feature is currently in the design stage, and once this feature has moved beyond this to a development stage and has a firm ETA, I'll be coming back to you guys to give more details.


We've known we would need to revisit this feature for a while. In the level-up game, finding players isn't too rough because, with few exceptions, everyone in that level band is either on your planet or on the fleet. Once more and more players hit endgame, and are spending their time in more places, the need for this feature is going to increase. Note that right now, high level players have the opposite problem - there aren't enough other players up there to group with. This problem will dissipate as the game ages, and more players reach the later levels.


That being said, our design team doesn't philosophically believe that cross-server Flashpoints are good for the game at this stage in the game's lifespan. There is huge social pressure to not be a jerk that goes away when the odds that you will never see these people again is high. I'm not saying never - there may come a time in the future where we reevaluate this - but at least in the short term, we believe this will cause more damage to the community than good.


I am disappointed to see the cross realm LFG tool being talked about as a future addition to the game. I was really hoping to keep that out of TOR just because of it's ability to destroy community in a game. I would be all for LFG server wide but cross realm is a no go for me.

The Group Finder feature we've discussed for the near future is definitely single-server only.


From our Community Blog February 24th, 2012:


deusBAAL: Will you be providing a LFG tool? What will be its features? How will it be intended to work and when can we expect it to go live?


Daniel Erickson (Lead Writer): We are hard at work on a much more robust LFG functionality that will quickly help put groups together while still offering the flexibility to decide how you group and what sort of people you want to be grouped with. We’ll release more details as we get closer to release.



If you would like to continue this discussion, please feel free to do so here:


Dungeon Finder Needed Badly


We would like to give you the following information from our Developer Tracker regarding adding on Macros:


It was pretty much said that there will be no macros anytime soon if ever at the guild summit. It seems part of the Dev team hates macros and does not want them in game.


But, they did say there will be some things in game that will help healers and such. What that means who knows they did not explain it very well.

Which i think this is a good thing.

If you're invoking the Guild Summit, let's be a bit more precise about what we've said:


A) Macros are a possibility in the future. We don't hate them.


B) I am opposed to macros that automate combat (shouldn't be a surprise). I'd rather take tedious things (such as sprint turning off after death) and modify the design than to rely on people to create macros to deal with these things - which creates unnecessary barriers of entry in my opinion.


C) We don't consider interface improvements and quality of life features (e.g. mouse over healing) to be macros (so 2 does not apply)


D) Macros for social behaviors, etc are definitely a possibility too.


If you would like to discuss this feature, we ask that you please do so in the following thread:


This game badly needs mods and macros.


If you have a suggestion for any features you would like to see, we ask that you please make a constructive thread in our Suggestion Box.


Finally, we always encourage you to watch the latest Guild Summit videos which you can find on our official youtube channel.


Thank you and we look forward to your suggestions and feedback!

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