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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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There are a couple of things to consider with this:


- Yes, there is a quest to infect 10 other people. Why? Because that encourages players to spread the plague, making this a true epidemic. From an RP standpoint, this is very well thought out by the devs. You want to create a temporary epidemic in the game world, get your players to spread it around as much as possible.


- Griefing: Sure, it's rude to infect players on the Fleet or on a Starter World. These are supposed to be "safe zones". But what better way to shake up the galaxy than for payers to suddenly not feel safe in these safe zones. Again, this is actually pretty ingenius. A galaxy-wrenching epidemic of this sort should make everyone feel out of their element and unsafe. It adds a much-needed element of unpredictability and genuineness to the game.


I was on when this spawned. There was no info here on the forums about it (first place I checked). No one knew what was going on, how being infected would affect you or what would happen to you if you "transformed". And you know what? It was great! For one of the few times since I've been playing (December last year), there were no answers; I just had to figure it out for myself as I went along (with the help of some of the first to hop over to Tatooine last night). I had a blast! And the anticipation and fear of the unknown was 90% of what was fun about it.


For those QQing over this: I understand your frustration; but it is a game, and an MMO to boot. World events like this should disrupt your normal gameplay, at least to some extent. If it left you debilitated permanently or something like that, then you'd have reason to complain. But it didn't, and won't. So either run from heavily populated areas if you don't want to participate, or stay and face the (not in any way damaging) consequences, and enjoy this for what it is: and unpredictable, interesting, and much-welcome change from the normal grind of the game.


My 0.02 Creds...


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I personally was going to unsubscribe SW: TOR because at some point I heard that BioWare was not going to do world events.


This has changed my decision immensely.


I haven't seen world PvP of this caliber since the days of vanilla WoW and I sorely missed it.

Edited by Beerburgers
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Oh? And how am I supposed to avoid participating?


How am I, for example, supposed to avoid hearing the annoying announcement every 5 minutes on the fleet?


How am I, for example, supposed to avoid spending money on vaccines when I die (which happens in every warzone, of course).


How am I, for example, supposed to avoid feeling slightly nauseous seeing people reeking with green fumes everywhere?


How am I supposed to sell any of my newly craftable items - which were bringing in a very nice income since the patch - when nobody even pays attention to the GTN anymore?


Tell me, how do I do these things?

oh no! 2k creds for 6 HOURS of immunity. you can make 2k creds in less than five minutes. weak.

you feel nauseous because of the green infection fumes graphics? please....tell me another one:rolleyes:

the announcements i can agree get old fast.


this is a dynamic event. it gives everyone something new and exciting to do and see. this is bioware's way of saying "hey we're bringing you new stuff all the time, here's new things to participate in " more content is always good. this is neat. if you can't handle it, fine, opt out with the vaccine. it costs a pittance. stop crying.

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oh no! 2k creds for 6 HOURS of immunity. you can make 2k creds in less than five minutes. weak.

you feel nauseous because of the green infection fumes graphics? please....tell me another one:rolleyes:

the announcements i can agree get old fast.


this is a dynamic event. it gives everyone something new and exciting to do and see. this is bioware's way of saying "hey we're bringing you new stuff all the time, here's new things to participate in " more content is always good. this is neat. if you can't handle it, fine, opt out with the vaccine. it costs a pittance. stop crying.


Again, the vaccine is NOT an opt out if you do ANYTHING that has any chance of getting you killed. In other words, if you do anything other than stand on fleet all day.

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By quitting the game, carebear.


Yes, because Bioware certainly instituted this event to get people to quit because they find it irritating, when really just doing everything EXCEPT the plague would have been all the good without any of the bad.

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Yes, because Bioware certainly instituted this event to get people to quit because they find it irritating, when really just doing everything EXCEPT the plague would have been all the good without any of the bad.


some people will find anything out of their percieved norm to complain about :rolleyes:

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Oh? And how am I supposed to avoid participating?


How am I, for example, supposed to avoid hearing the annoying announcement every 5 minutes on the fleet?


How am I, for example, supposed to avoid spending money on vaccines when I die (which happens in every warzone, of course).


How am I, for example, supposed to avoid feeling slightly nauseous seeing people reeking with green fumes everywhere?


How am I supposed to sell any of my newly craftable items - which were bringing in a very nice income since the patch - when nobody even pays attention to the GTN anymore?


Tell me, how do I do these things?


You're not entitled to do any of that. What a spoiled little child. Invoking a real life ailment? Really? Pathetic.

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So Bioware finally puts in a fun & dynamic world event (which it badly needed lets be honest) and you actually cry about it?...




As I - and I think everyone who doesnt like the plague - has said, the event as a whole is fun and a nice addition. Some of the implementation of it is off in ways that take away from the whole experience of the game itself, and if done a bit better would make the whole thing simply overall much better.


The event as a whole is a good idea, it was just not thought out well enough and has a number of, I am quite sure, unintended and, I think, negative results.

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I love the event. Finally something just funny and interesting. Not to mention I've been wanting some of the exclusives for while now. It's not nearly the inconvenience the complainers are trying to make it out to be. Props to you BW, I look forward to other events. Almost makes up for the ugly War Hero Armor. ;)
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What's the problem with having something be doable, if you like, but avoidable, if you like?


I think that the fact that it unavoidable is exciting and dynamic and an example of what should be done to a game that you pay a subscription for.

Do you also hate when the story line of a game gets intense or difficult?


You dont stop playing Mass Effect 3 at the start when the reapers invade because "The galaxy was a safer and happier place when people were'nt being killed by aliens!! This game sucks and I want a refund!!"



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People who are complaining about this need to take a deep breath and maybe take a break from MMOs for a couple days. This is the best thing that's happened on the game since release, and 99.999 percent of the players are having a blast with it.


Bioware could mail every subscriber $100 in cash, and there would be people coming on the forums complaining that they had to open an envelope.

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The event as a whole is a good idea, it was just not thought out well enough and has a number of, I am quite sure, unintended and, I think, negative results.


I personally think the fact that it is not 100% avoidable is actually very much intended. How else would a plague be truly scary in an MMO sense if it is simply avoidable by not being a part of it?


People complain constantly there is no reason to go back to other planets, so they put a galaxy wide event in that gives you a reason to revisit Tatooine in a fun way for new content. And the first thing you think about is how it ruins your playtime?


Sorry, but people who only see how it hurts them and not how it helps the community and increases fun in general are the kind of people who (to use a meme) are the reason we can't have nice things anymore.

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Who's Brilliant idea was it to bring a PVE event into PVP?(mainly WZ's). Doesn't make any sense. You cant play in WZ's right now unless you wanna get infected. And obviously vaccines are worthless when playing in wz's because when you die there gone...
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You're not entitled to do any of that. What a spoiled little child. Invoking a real life ailment? Really? Pathetic.


The other poster claimed that the effects of the event were entirely avoidable. I was demonstrating that they are not.


Whether anyone is owed any of these things is another matter for a different debate. I would say that it is quite reasonable to expect that subscribers to the game ought to be able to have the game function as they expected when they signed up for their subscriptions.


In fact I would bet a considerable amount of money that BW did not intend and is not happy with all of the effects that the event has brought about. I believe they are thrilled with the overall results of the event, of course. It has been a tremendous success and I am largely happy with it as well. However, there are some things I think it's fair to say they didn't anticipate (but should have), and I think people farming the plague, ignoring more core aspects of the game, and harassing lowbies are some of them. I think BW believes subscribers have a right to avoid these things (as it is simply good business), and I do as well.

Edited by Skolops
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I think that the fact that it unavoidable is exciting and dynamic and an example of what should be done to a game that you pay a subscription for.

Do you also hate when the story line of a game gets intense or difficult?


You dont stop playing Mass Effect 3 at the start when the reapers invade because "The galaxy was a safer and happier place when people were'nt being killed by aliens!! This game sucks and I want a refund!!"




No, I hate it when I am paying for one thing, something which I had agreed to pay for, and then that is taken away and replaced by something different which I did not agree to pay for.

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