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Ironic, 1.2 actually made things HARDER for fresh 50s to PvP, not easier...


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Granted, the Recruit PvP gear, good idea, use credits to start yourself off and when you play enough warzones, get better battlemaster-warhero.


Only, here is the thing: More often than not, Recruit-geared PvPers (Sadly, gear does have a part in PvP) will lose out against their battlemaster opponents, and what do they show for it?


Low or NO rewards for time invested when new PvPers lose.


Let me clarify the logic here, you give new PvPers a set of gear they can spend with credits on, ONLY to make them lose game after game to veteran players, and FURTHER the disparity for weeks to come?


Wasn't the point of 1.2 changes to PROMOTE Fresh 50 PvP, not gimp it?


There are threads upon threads querying the Warzone Rewards for winning versus losing, this is a very serious matter that probably made several PvPers quit already, and others frustrated.


Better consolation rewards for the losers please Bioware.

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I completely agree. 10-20 commendations to get your *** kicked by BM's / War Hero geared players is a major design flaw on biowares end. I will not and shall not suffer through weeks upon weeks of losses so I can buy my imaginary set of gear.


Free 30 days or not, when my alt hits 50 I'll see how PvP turns out. If it displeases me, I'll hit that unsubscribe button, I'll hit it good and hard.

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I completely agree. 10-20 commendations to get your *** kicked by BM's / War Hero geared players is a major design flaw on biowares end. I will not and shall not suffer through weeks upon weeks of losses so I can buy my imaginary set of gear.


Free 30 days or not, when my alt hits 50 I'll see how PvP turns out. If it displeases me, I'll hit that unsubscribe button, I'll hit it good and hard.


If the current patch for PvP is still around when you hit 50, you'll be hitting that unsub button in a heartbeat.

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I must be doing something wrong because I get gear pretty easily. I hit 50 on wednesday, had 1k warzone and merc comms saved. After patch hit I bought recuit set and BM weapon and started solo queueing.


Now I have added BM chest, gloves and legs. And I have actually lost more games than I have winned. But the thing is I have never quitted warzone so I actually get those rewards in every warzone I participate.


I can top damage/objectives on warzones and I feel that I can compete perfectly well. Gearing so much faster and easier after 1.2. I really like that I don't have to spent time to grind some ranks and bags for new chars and instead I can buy new set and start pvping in full pvp gear.

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I must be doing something wrong because I get gear pretty easily. I hit 50 on wednesday, had 1k warzone and merc comms saved. After patch hit I bought recuit set and BM weapon and started solo queueing.


Now I have added BM chest, gloves and legs. And I have actually lost more games than I have winned. But the thing is I have never quitted warzone so I actually get those rewards in every warzone I participate.


I can top damage/objectives on warzones and I feel that I can compete perfectly well. Gearing so much faster and easier after 1.2. I really like that I don't have to spent time to grind some ranks and bags for new chars and instead I can buy new set and start pvping in full pvp gear.


Your experience might be a touch different than what I have experienced thus far, while saving up the warzone comms does help when going straight into BM, it doesn't help the fact that you still have to lose far more than you win to get as geared as your opponents are when they thrashed you.


All of us are still going to play as hard as we can, it just sucks that we have to stick through a HUGE grind before getting to a point where you start coming out positive. But by then....it may be too late.

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If the current patch for PvP is still around when you hit 50, you'll be hitting that unsub button in a heartbeat.


Werd. It's REALLY disgusting. 10-49 is better, but it still suffers from the 'you lose twice' mechanic of rewards now.

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And before this change, when it took a couple months to go Centi-Champ-BM, wasn't a grind?


I was missing 3 pieces of BM when 1.2 dropped, and by Saturday I was fully geared. It's almost too easy now.


The real grind is War Hero gear, with only the 99 from dailies and the weekly + swapping WZ coms at 3:1, it's gonna take a while.


I do agree losing WZs need better rewards, but not because of gear, just for the time spent. More credts/etc would be nice.

Edited by RGMetal
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Old cost of BM mainhand = 3 BM commendations = 12000 WZ commendations.


New cost of BM mainhand = 1550 commendations.


So unless you're getting comms at about 1/8 the rate before, it's stlil a better deal.


Note that guarding defensive objectives (applicable in 2 out of 4 maps) can easily get you the 3 medals assuming you were able to held that objective for any amount of time, and if not your whole team probably isn't going to get anything anyway. It's also usually a good idea to put the weaker players on defense duty anyway, since there's a pretty good chance they won't even get attacked so might as well put the weakest guy there.

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I agree.


PVP is way worse now for under geared players than before 1.2.


In several maps, e.g., Huttball, premades or well geared teams, can steam roll the other side and end the match before anybody on the other side gets 3 medals !!!! In fact, they are encouraged to do it as they get more medals the faster they win.


As a result, more players than EVER before are quitting matches early, making it harder for those who remain to get 3 medals, let alone win the match. And if you are under geared, getting 3 medals against a good team is not that easy at all.


In trying to fix an AFK in pvp, unfortunately, they have made it much worse.


I've played probably 30 matches since 1.2 and it is very common now for people to leave every match (even the ones we go on to win). Since more people are leaving part way, more people are joining part way thru matches, and then realizing this is a good chance they can't make their 3 medals so they leave right away as well.


Frankly, even though it is just a few days in, this really looks like a classic case of unintended consequences. They really need to look at this situation fast or I suspect as others have posted PVP will tank quickly as new players will just give up fast.

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Whats ironic here is the majority of people want good, close games. Of course there are those who think because they spend hrs upon hrs doing PVP in a mmporg they deserve something with better stats again and again and again. Till it comes to a point where the only people left are the so called PVP veterans have been fighting each other for months if not years on end to which end they get bored and move on to destroy another game with there PVP whims.


By all means give them new gear which is mainly for looks and the prestige of being the biggest knob on the server. But everyone starts with the same set of armour that gives the same defensive bonus to level the playing field and let the players battle it out in close game.


I want my PVP going to the last 30 seconds for the extra kill, CAP or whatever the objective is not some whitewash because i have better armour stats and been doing PVP for 5 months.


Anyways i have unsubbed and while i have never played WOW (thankfully) it seems the majority want WOW in space.


Why dont they just scrap Anarchy online and make Anarchy online 2 without the shadowlands stuff :)

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Old cost of BM mainhand = 3 BM commendations = 12000 WZ commendations.


New cost of BM mainhand = 1550 commendations.


So unless you're getting comms at about 1/8 the rate before, it's stlil a better deal.


Note that guarding defensive objectives (applicable in 2 out of 4 maps) can easily get you the 3 medals assuming you were able to held that objective for any amount of time, and if not your whole team probably isn't going to get anything anyway. It's also usually a good idea to put the weaker players on defense duty anyway, since there's a pretty good chance they won't even get attacked so might as well put the weakest guy there.


I agree with your point on that on 3 maps you can get defensive medals, but excluding Voidstar, what I am seeing is fairly quickly 3-5 people start defending one node (cause they are losing at that time) meaning once you get down, you really have a hard time bouncing back (people don't want to risk not getting three by fruitless counter attacks)

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If you can't hang with a battle master with full recruit gear i'm not sure what to say. The difference is less than 5%.


dr=damage reduction.


Recruit is 15.41% dr Dmg bonus - 18.2%

Battlemaster is 18.18% dr Dmg Bonus -22.23%

War Hero is 19.32% dr , Dmg Bonus 23.95%


Do you want them to hand you kills on a plate, If you can't play within 5% not sure what to tell ya. It's all about the interupts, 4k hp diff is nothing.


Go read the stats



Edited by Khrell
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Old cost of BM mainhand = 3 BM commendations = 12000 WZ commendations.


New cost of BM mainhand = 1550 commendations.


So unless you're getting comms at about 1/8 the rate before, it's stlil a better deal.


Note that guarding defensive objectives (applicable in 2 out of 4 maps) can easily get you the 3 medals assuming you were able to held that objective for any amount of time, and if not your whole team probably isn't going to get anything anyway. It's also usually a good idea to put the weaker players on defense duty anyway, since there's a pretty good chance they won't even get attacked so might as well put the weakest guy there.


Averaging 25 comms a match, including all the time you get zero comms as a new player- that's about 65 matches- or around 30 hours- for one piece of gear. For a casual, that's at least two weeks.


For a casual to get a full set of BM gear, it's going to be around half a year.



So yes, it is a big deal.

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Old cost of BM mainhand = 3 BM commendations = 12000 WZ commendations.


New cost of BM mainhand = 1550 commendations.


So unless you're getting comms at about 1/8 the rate before, it's stlil a better deal.


Note that guarding defensive objectives (applicable in 2 out of 4 maps) can easily get you the 3 medals assuming you were able to held that objective for any amount of time, and if not your whole team probably isn't going to get anything anyway. It's also usually a good idea to put the weaker players on defense duty anyway, since there's a pretty good chance they won't even get attacked so might as well put the weakest guy there.



Right and this is the problem, If your whole team gets slaughtered. It should drop the requirments for what you need.


You get punished for staying and at least trying to fight a hard team, But get showered with reward for slughtering a easy team.


Thats just bad.

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BM gear is so cheap right now heh. I can see it being frustrating like...the first couple days, but really.


If you pvp regularly in 1.2, you're going to get a full suit of BM Gear quite quickly. It isn't as though it is expensive.


Unless you are on a server with an unbalanced population, and all the decent to good pvp'ers are on one side. On my server, the only time when Sith have any sort of challenge vs Republic is 7pm when a PVP guild logs on with pre-mades, until 11pm when they log off. All other times, we faceroll Republic side, to the point where most of them don't even qeue anymore, because they will have 3 medals at the most, while the lowest person Sith side has at least 12 medals.

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If you can't hang with a battle master with full recruit gear i'm not sure what to say. The difference is less than 5%.


dr=damage reduction.


Recruit is 15.41% dr Dmg bonus - 18.2%

Battlemaster is 18.18% dr Dmg Bonus -22.23%

War Hero is 19.32% dr , Dmg Bonus 23.95%


Do you want them to hand you kills on a plate, If you can't play within 5% not sure what to tell ya. It's all about the interupts, 4k hp diff is nothing.


Go read the stats




Let's take a look at that then.



Recruit to BM- BM does 4% more damage and takes 3% less damage, not a big deal right?


Let's look at BM Force Mystic.

BM also has 1079 end, 970 willpower, 376 power, 204 alacrity, 265 crit, 337 surge, 1224 forcepower.


Recruit has 811 end, 758 WP, 180 power, 294 ala, 309 crit, 126 surge, 1136 forcepower.


So, 268 less end, 212 less WP, 196 less power, 90 more alacrity (the useful stat), 44 more crit, 211 less surge, 88 less forcepower



That's 2680 less health, about 1.4% less crit, about 100 less spell damage, about 18% less crit damage bonus.


Add to that expertise- and you're looking at closer to a 20% drop in ability from a BM to a recruit damage wise and survivability wise.


Not such a small difference after all.

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If you can't hang with a battle master with full recruit gear i'm not sure what to say. The difference is less than 5%.


dr=damage reduction.


Recruit is 15.41% dr Dmg bonus - 18.2%

Battlemaster is 18.18% dr Dmg Bonus -22.23%

War Hero is 19.32% dr , Dmg Bonus 23.95%


Do you want them to hand you kills on a plate, If you can't play within 5% not sure what to tell ya. It's all about the interupts, 4k hp diff is nothing.


Go read the stats




Think you're missing my point. I don't care that the difference is small or big. I'm happy to grind away as long as I am having fun (btw I have a BH with full BM gear already, I'm describing my experience with my alt that just made 50 yesterday).


My point is I see a difference from Wed (before 1.2) and the last few days (after 1.2). More people are dropping at the beginning or thru the matches. Less people are staying when they join mid match. And, for the first time on a consistent basis, I see groups of people just giving up in matches and sitting as a group around one control point so they can try and make sure they get at least 3 medals.


I submit that is not fun game play for most people. No problem grinding away to get the gear (already did it once and had fun doing it), but hey, get rid of this 3 medals or nothing approach.


In between writing this post I've been in 2 WZs and got zero out of both. The first, Civil War, my pug group was uncoordinated and instead of me sitting around our 1 turret, I kept trying to get an successful attack going, but the 2 of us who left the turret always died so fast we got nothing. In the second one, I joined part way thru and with 3-4 minutes, I couldn't do enough (even defending) to get more that 2 medals. I guess I could have just joined, saw they were losing and immediately dropped. Again, real fun times.

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If you think about it, when they designed this idea (ie:recruit gear), rated WZ was going to be included. So, most of the total geared ppl would be fighting against each other. That leaves the unrated WZ's to new 50's and ppl grinding for BM gear.


Since rated WZ's weren't included...well, you're see newbies in recruit gear fighting ppl already wearing War Hero gear. Good times :p

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