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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This game badly needs mods and macros.


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I'm interested to hear about all these mods that play the game for people. I am an add-on freak in WOW and can't think of one add-on I use that comes any where near to that functionality.


The add ons I can't live without in WOW are...


Bartender - Customized Hot Bars.

Pitbull - Customized Unit Frames.

Grid - Customized Raid Frames.

Clique - Allows for Click Casting with my mouse to save key binds.


Funny but all of those are UI tweaks that don't so anything but make my interaction with the game client more comfortable for me. What a noob cheater I am. :rolleyes:


Nope the last two are automation and should not be allowed.


Simple macros yes


Mods NO no NO No nO

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those who have more experience have just that.....more experience. how can you berate people who have actually USED these addons when you yourself probably dont even know exactly what they do, and only read a vague description of them?....


i guess direspect and half informed ideas are to be expected at times from people with vague ideas of what they are talking about.


I don't need them. And I'm a "nuubz".


What does that tell you about veterans?


Spoiled children...

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I'd just like to move the chat box to the bottom so I don't keep clicking on it while I'm trying to target someone in PvP.


I hate to try to click on a buddy mid-combat to heal him when all of a sudden my chatlog goes "wwwwwwwaaaa11111ddddsssss222222"

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I don't need combat mods, but some non-combat mods would be nice. Mods that take the mundane out of some tasks like mail and auction house. But I'd be happy with the ability to rearrange/scale the UI. In WoW I had over 100 mods (including mod bundles) going, 90% of them were non-combat mods.


And whatever you do please, PLEASE do not introduce a gearscore type mod. That mod single-handedly killed most of the fun in WoW! :mad:


Mods are useful and fun...in moderation!

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Your opinion. In my opinion, the UI is fine. I can see my party health as raid frames and make them as big as I want. That's pretty much all I needed. The health at the bottom and chat at the top are also pretty good in my opinion. So I have to disagree that the game needs mods and macros.


However, I do agree that the UI should have more customizable options. We should be able to move stuff around, and resize. I would love to resize a few things I find a bit small :S




i agree to. i dont have any issue with the ui at all. people domt understand this aint wow lol.


for the chat box lol i understand its stupid to see it on top. i did not like it at first but i got use to it as i whent along with he game so i dont bug me at all. it just different witch most games never do.

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I vehemently disagree with the OP. Macro's and mods ruin games. Play the way it was intended, or find another game. That being said, it won't be long before the developers cave in, and then the game will be reduced to staring at some add-on, or meta-data processor. I actually LIKE that you have to know how to play, and understand the mechanics to get by. How original.


I disagree. Macros and mods do much to alleviate the tedium of many game tasks where the UI itself falls short. Most people complain about Recount and GearScore when talking about WoW, ignoring the really useful mods that make up for many things that the game doesn't manage by default.


Examples would include addons like Outfitter, which eliminates the irritating process of clicking over a dozen pieces of gear just to equip a different set, be it for riding, or a different role, or eve (dare I say it) role-playing. Chatter, which overcame UI shortcomings in the recent past like no mouse scrolling in the chat window. Gatherer, which keeps track of collection nodes that you have already found. AtlasLoot, to show you where you might find gear upgrades, or help you figure out crafting materials needed for an item you want, and you don't have that profession.


Macros are a godsend as well. Castrandom macros to pick a different mount every time you mount up. Assist macros (everybody needs one IMO). Macros so you don't have to type out which target you are pulling/healing/controlling.


If you did not play WoW in vanilla, you don't realize how many of the UI features in WoW today came from user-created addons, and they have made the game better, without a doubt. Old Republic will get the same benefit from addons, and macros look like they will be necessary, given how many skills seem to be in the game (I am playing a Juggernaut, if that makes any difference).


If somebody creates an addon that you don't like, well then don't use it. However, to say that addons ruin the game is a very myopic view.

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I'd just like to move the chat box to the bottom so I don't keep clicking on it while I'm trying to target someone in PvP.


I hate to try to click on a buddy mid-combat to heal him when all of a sudden my chatlog goes "wwwwwwwaaaa11111ddddsssss222222"


Have you tried moving it? i moved mine without any problems to bottom left.

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Nope the last two are automation and should not be allowed.


Simple macros yes


Mods NO no NO No nO


This is your contingent of people that think these things ruin the game Bioware. People that believe different raid frames and mouseover automates the game.


I mean, it really just speaks for itself. You guys have played these sorts of games - you should know these people are full of "nonsense."

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I don't need them. And I'm a "nuubz".


What does that tell you about veterans?


Spoiled children...


i never called you a "nuubz". my point is dont call other people names when you only have a vague idea of what they are talking about. you dont want addons, dont use them....but dont condemn those that do because of your lack of experience.....nuf said you've taken up too much of my time already....gl in your gaming adventures.

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UI is fine, go back to WoW.




Chanign around, cosmetic stuff, resize, sure. Beyond that?





All the people saying "Don't like 'em, then don't use them rofl" get real.


If they introduce this then they have to balance the game around it and that will change how the combat is designed, and it will alter it from what it is today.




No offence, but I like this games combat. I have to think ;)


and still a noob. :D

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Nope the last two are automation and should not be allowed.


Simple macros yes


Mods NO no NO No nO


Grid & Clique aren't automation.


Grid is a unit frame mod. It lets you display raid members' health bars and buffs/debuffs in a compact format with plenty of customization of said display.


Clique lets you push combo keys (shift/alt/ctrl) with your keyboard hand while simultaneously clicking a mouse button with the other hand (while hovering over a party member). The exact combination of keys held and mouse button pushed determines which heal is cast on that member, all set up in advance. The net effect is saving you the step of clicking first to select a party member, then pushing a heal. With that mod, you perform both simultaneously and it additionally helps to free up keyboard combinations (which I'm already running out of) by utilizing the mouse buttons.


Misinformation isn't necessary to make a point.

Edited by EwokLuvr
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I disagree. Macros and mods do much to alleviate the tedium of many game tasks where the UI itself falls short. Most people complain about Recount and GearScore when talking about WoW, ignoring the really useful mods that make up for many things that the game doesn't manage by default.


Examples would include addons like Outfitter, which eliminates the irritating process of clicking over a dozen pieces of gear just to equip a different set, be it for riding, or a different role, or eve (dare I say it) role-playing. Chatter, which overcame UI shortcomings in the recent past like no mouse scrolling in the chat window. Gatherer, which keeps track of collection nodes that you have already found. AtlasLoot, to show you where you might find gear upgrades, or help you figure out crafting materials needed for an item you want, and you don't have that profession.


Macros are a godsend as well. Castrandom macros to pick a different mount every time you mount up. Assist macros (everybody needs one IMO). Macros so you don't have to type out which target you are pulling/healing/controlling.


If you did not play WoW in vanilla, you don't realize how many of the UI features in WoW today came from user-created addons, and they have made the game better, without a doubt. Old Republic will get the same benefit from addons, and macros look like they will be necessary, given how many skills seem to be in the game (I am playing a Juggernaut, if that makes any difference).


If somebody creates an addon that you don't like, well then don't use it. However, to say that addons ruin the game is a very myopic view.


The only real reason you guys want mods and macros so bad is to hide your outside programs common thats why your crying for them so bad.

Edited by Fallensouls
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I must have missed the meeting where you were elected to speak on behalf of all of us end game raiders.


Anyone that's actually done hard endgame content agrees with me.


As an end game raider I could not disagree more with you opinions.


That's because you'd rather lash out at WoW then form an actual opinion.


This is not a cookie cutter re-invention of your previously favorite flavored MMO, it is a new one.


Actually it is. This games' mechanics are so close to WoW that if you matched the raiding difficulty of that game, everyone would be held back by a substandard UI.


Try playing at max level raiding end game content before you come here dictating your opinions as facts.


Yeah, thanks. I do. See how many progression guilds have players that use the stock UI on WoW.


Many, many successful MMOs that have been here since before wow and still thriving lived a very long time without anything close to what you are requiring.


Which game would that be?

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Personally, I don't want add-ons. A lot of what they do is reduce the impact of player skill. And, as a result, encounters have to be designed with the assumption that players use the add-ons, as most serious about the game will.


That said, the UI needs to be more customizable. I dislike where the chat window is and how it means, if I make it bigger, I cannot click on things on part of the left bar. I dislike the inability to move the various other things where I want them. Cannot even move the chat window a bit to the right to avoid that overlap issue, for example, though I really want to move it to the bottom left and have 3 or 4 hotkey bars on the bottom right. I dislike how, if I have the extra bottom bar up, I cannot cycle the top bottom bar, meaning my choices are viewing one of 3 possible bars or only having 2. Basically, this isn't a console game, let me move crap where I want it.


Could also use a bit more basic functionality. I'd like the ability to toggle on something that lets me use abilities on my target's target, as appropriate. By that, I mean that, if I'm targeting the tank, I can hit an attack and it'll shoot the tank's target, while my own target never changes off the tank. Obviously, there's a risk there if the tank swaps targets quickly for some reason, so not something a DPS should use, but as a healer who occasionally does a few shots when you've got a spare second, it is a nice thing to have.


And, yeah, combat log would be good. Parsing helps improve play and identify powers that are over and under performing. Besides, there's always some crazy mo'fo that will use a high HP mob and a stopwatch. Since it doesn't try to play the game for the player, just provides feedback, well, something that should exist.

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Anyone that's actually done hard endgame content agrees with me.




That's because you'd rather lash out at WoW then form an actual opinion.




Actually it is. This games' mechanics are so close to WoW that if you matched the raiding difficulty of that game, everyone would be held back by a substandard UI.




Yeah, thanks. I do. See how many progression guilds have players that use the stock UI on WoW.




Which game would that be?


Just fyi... this is not WoW.

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i never called you a "nuubz". my point is dont call other people names when you only have a vague idea of what they are talking about. you dont want addons, dont use them....but dont condemn those that do because of your lack of experience.....nuf said you've taken up too much of my time already....gl in your gaming adventures.


Good luck you too man, didn't mean to sound rude, but I am tired of this argument. Especially after having played the game and loved every inch of it (so far).


I'm just unsure if people really "need" this as they claim so whiningly, or if they just want it because they are lazy. I suspect it is the latter.


I wish you well, and years of fun, but I also hope you never get this :p.


Addons and mods that affect performance (I may not have used them, but I know of such a thing as research) forces the devs to change how the game is designed. And since I like the design of this game, no thank you.


Having said that, cosmetic stuff is fine.

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You mean..they need to cater to ex WoW kiddies that can't play without their crutch and NEED help.


They need to cater to raiders. The people that are going to keep this game running and keep Bioware's lights on. People like you won't be around down the road, as you'll hit max level and crash and burn just like you did in WoW. Enjoy your stay.

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No offense intended toward anyone, but SWTOR doesn't need addons, or macros.


True, the UI isn't the greatest (as is), but it is definitely playable. Remember, the game is just hitting the scene full bore today, so we can all count on tweaks to come in updates in the future.


There's only 1 thing I can think of that is needed (although not badly). Every zone that I have visited thus far has been freakin' HUGE. Would be nice to have the ability to "bookmark" specific spots in some sort of "address book".

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How in the world did all of you crying about mods play other MMO’s that do not have them? SWG (pre CE) FFXI, LOTRO are (and were) outstanding games and they had no mods.


You really need to try to understand why there are no mods(yet this could change). A good example is the GT or AH by forcing the player to travel to the hubs to access the terminals you are exposed to the social aspect of traveling to those hub and interacting with the players there. Like popping to the fleet to use the GT and you read in chat that there is a group looking for more for say an Athiss run. It is kind of a pain but it does foster more of a social atmosphere.


Now some things like a good combat log would be helpful for studying your combat effectiveness but a outside mod is not needed for that.


Now as far as the UI the player do need the option of resizing and moving it around.

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This is your contingent of people that think these things ruin the game Bioware. People that believe different raid frames and mouseover automates the game.


I mean, it really just speaks for itself. You guys have played these sorts of games - you should know these people are full of "nonsense."


I agree with you on grid.


I disagree with mouseover and clique. Fact of the matter is you select and heal your target in one button press. That is automation. It's not exactly an autoshot macro hooked to your mousewheel mind you, but it's a slippery slope.

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