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This game badly needs mods and macros.


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Anyone who thinks the UI is fine needs to go level a Sith Warrior Juggernaut right now. Even with all the quickslot bars enabled I can't fit all my abilities. I swear Juggernauts get a new ability every level, you need them all, and I'm not even max level yet. Edited by rylixav
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Right now we can't even objectively log combat.


I prefer to play with information instead of in a haze designed to appease people that failed Algebra I.



They can put a combat log into the game without allowing addons. They can give a more customizable UI. I am speaking of things like gearscore, DBM, Healbot, Skada, Recount, etc.


Again, they could put in a practice dummy system that allows practice on rotations with feedback. that would also not require an addon. I think there is a difference between carefully considered additions to the game by Bioware and third-party addons.

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This game is not brutal, unforgiving, or primitive. You're just having a temper tantrum because you can't have a hello kitty styled UI. Seriously, there is absolutely nothing missing from this UI that is required for game play. You can't rate someone based on what armor they have at level 10? Cry me a *********** river. As I said before, grow a pair and learn to play like a grown up. This isn't dance dance revolution. Adults don't need to be told what keys to push in what sequence so you don't have to think.


I agree 100% with you, there is a reason why all the WoW players are here and not playing WoW. The game obviously lacks some thing you want for a challenge. So why in the world would you try to make a game you love into the game you quit? It defies common sense why 2% of you are crying out for additions that made you lose interest in playing WoW. All the UI needs is manuverability and couple more bar options like on right and left sides. And definitely dont want outside UI providers allowed. So my two cents if you wanted to play a game just like WoW why did you spend $60 - $150 to play the same game , you already got WoW?

Edited by Fallensouls
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Not gonna read this huge thread, so maybe this has been said:


WHY can't I bind my mouse keys to the buttons on my bar?? Please add this in!


Also, customizable unit frames would be nice. And an alert system for proc-based abilities like Retaliation - I want to be able to watch the fight, not stare at my bar for a button to light up :(

You can do that in key binding interface. When you go to modify a key, use a mouse button instead of a key press.

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lol you havn't even maxxed a toon in any MMo and you're talking to those that have like that? plz name and server so i know to avoid your pompuos attitude


Right, becuase those that have more experience are always superior. :rolleyes:


It's not like people are spoiled at all.


I'm on Lord Calypho, and yes do stay away. All you "Addons must be in or this game sux" crowd.


I'm ok with cosmetic stuff, but ability macros? Addons to view the games code? Gearscore? **** that.

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This game needs neither Mods nor Macros.


Swtor is the virtual synthesis of what Beaudrillard referred to as simulacrum and simulation, in this case in game form.


Adding Mods and Macros would make this game more like what you are already either a) used to or b) indentured to. In either case, this 'need' of which you speak looks a bit amorphous to an autochthonus population such as this one.


may the force be with you... always.

Edited by catherder
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I am sure they will fix it! A lot of games start out with terrible UI and then dress it up later.


I just hope this does not turn into wow with all the DPS meters and gear score and all that! I hated giving a damn resume whenever I wanted to group.


You're going to have to go through that anyway. Do you really think a raiding guild isn't going to inspect you and look at your gear before they invite you?


"Oh look this guy wants to raid in all greens, but he seems nice. Let's take him!"


Not gonna happen.

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I vehemently disagree with the OP. Macro's and mods ruin games. Play the way it was intended, or find another game. That being said, it won't be long before the developers cave in, and then the game will be reduced to staring at some add-on, or meta-data processor. I actually LIKE that you have to know how to play, and understand the mechanics to get by. How original.
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Theres an amazing game called World of Warcraft out that you can have ALL that on without having to complain to the star wars old republic forums about what YOU think is REQUIRED for the game to WORK.


Listen, raiding isn't going to be something you guys complaining about addons are going to be serious about. That's the endgame, that's what a lot of us got into this game for. The casual types will level a few alts and burn out. They'll be off this game in a year.


If they don't want this game to be a stagnant backwater like SWG or any other MMO, they need to cater to endgame types. We require a decent UI, so combat logs and functional frames. This isn't really a request, these are needs. There is no arguing on this topic.

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You can do that in key binding interface. When you go to modify a key, use a mouse button instead of a key press.


Thanks for the reply. That's what I tried, but I couldn't get it to recognize any of my mouse buttons. I bind my mouse buttons to different things in pretty much any game I play, but it just doesn't seem to work in ToR.


I'll try it again when the servers come back up.

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This game is not brutal, unforgiving, or primitive. You're just having a temper tantrum because you can't have a hello kitty styled UI. Seriously, there is absolutely nothing missing from this UI that is required for game play. You can't rate someone based on what armor they have at level 10? Cry me a *********** river. As I said before, grow a pair and learn to play like a grown up. This isn't dance dance revolution. Adults don't need to be told what keys to push in what sequence so you don't have to think.

Some of us are quite grown up. My Jedi Sage is only level 20 and the number of abilities available is maddening. Having macros or a re-sizable/customizable UI is a huge quality of life issue for me.

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Anyone who thinks the UI is fine needs to go level a Sith Warrior Juggernaut right now. Even with all the quickslot bars enabled I can't fit all my abilities. I swear Juggernauts get a new ability every level, you need them all, and I'm not even max level yet.


I'm a lvl 32 jugg. I have no issue. I just bind abilities different bars and scroll (rapidly) between them. I only always have one bar visible. I have done all content so far. It is not too hard for me, and above all else, it's fun.



I seriously don't understand the issue. Maybe it gets worse at later lvls but I doubt it. As soon as a get the AOE taunt I will be unstobbable. I know that.

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Need to be able to at least scale the interface (the buttons and gfx are huge on my screen) but IMO the layout is great. I actually had it set up like that in WOW.


Macros I would love to be able to do this in a macro at the very least.


/target focus target

/pet attack

/cast (first offensive spell)


Basically a rotation starter. Your going to hit the keys anyway and it helps you stay focused on the tanks target when things get crazy and you cant find your mouse curser to click. I've done it that way for years in WOW and Rift maybe I'm just used to it but it made playing (for me) a lot more enjoyable.


Maybe have it as a tier pull down system instead of having it like others that way you can limit what can go into a macro (1. target / 2. pet attack / 3. offensive / defensive spell) ect...


I would also like to see some sort of dmg meter... For me personally I like to see how I stack up against others. It's very helpful in evaluating your gear / rotation / enhancments.


For people that don't like addons I can see your point (in some cases) but if WOW didn't allow addons the interface you see in that game now (and this game for that matter) wouldn't be as they are. WOW kept implimenting 3rd party addons into theor own programming for years.

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Bioware has already stated addons will not be coming. They will allow minor customization to UIs, yes. They've already stated as much. Honestly, if add-ons came to this game I'd sell my account. Add-ons are one of the major reasons that WoW is the crapfest it is today.


“What we’ve said is, regarding the question ‘Will there be addons at launch’ is “no, not at launch”.


This statement indicates nothing more than that there will not be addons at launch. Nothing more, nothing less.”




So kindly stop spreading misinformation.


Unless you care to back up your assertion with a quote from Bioware.

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lol you havn't even maxxed a toon in any MMo and you're talking to those that have like that? plz name and server so i know to avoid your pompuos attitude


Uh, can we just try and contribute to the thread, and not flame people that are saying "There is no problem"?


By the way, if this is his first MMO, and after a week he is: level 32, tanking, and doing well with it, you should be ecstatic. Bioware has hit their mark. This is not a game for elitists, or hardcore players. (If we all had a nickel for every time we read that on the forums!) Its for the casual player.


Sure, I miss Bartender. Yes, I like seeing the target of my target. But this is a game. Past that little bit of uncomfortableness, I am having a blast.


On a side note, all this talk about not being able to max damage or tank properly without addons is totally laughable once you actually get into the game. There are times as an undergeared Vanguard where I let the boss or the elite in an FP beat on a DPS for a few seconds, just to give my healer time to catch up. It's a fast-paced game, but you have time to adjust tactics and such mid-fight. All in all, great fun.

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I agree that the game needs UI mods and UI changes. I don't think BW will keep the UI locked... BW is known for allowing EXTENSIVE modding of their games


But with this being an MMO and EA having its hooks into it vs single player games that BW makes, will probably be a bit different.... but I'm sure, eventually, we will be able to mod the UI... and ya.. I NEEDS it... I HATE that static bar at the bottom.. reminds me of Rift, Wow, AoC, etc... anything and EVERYTHING on an MMO UI should at least be able to be:





Fixed UIs are bad, but they are less buggy.


Hmmm I'm gonna go poke around the game files and see if I can find the UI files.

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Thanks for the reply. That's what I tried, but I couldn't get it to recognize any of my mouse buttons. I bind my mouse buttons to different things in pretty much any game I play, but it just doesn't seem to work in ToR.


I'll try it again when the servers come back up.


Hey Slack, it wasn't working for me either. I went to my actual mouse software and mapped my extra buttons to F8, F9, F10, F11. Once I did that, the game recognized my mouse buttons. Maybe that will work for you.



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Right, becuase those that have more experience are always superior. :rolleyes:


It's not like people are spoiled at all.


I'm on Lord Calypho, and yes do stay away. All you "Addons must be in or this game sux" crowd.


I'm ok with cosmetic stuff, but ability macros? Addons to view the games code? Gearscore? **** that.


those who have more experience have just that.....more experience. how can you berate people who have actually USED these addons when you yourself probably dont even know exactly what they do, and only read a vague description of them?....


i guess direspect and half informed ideas are to be expected at times from people with vague ideas of what they are talking about.

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I vehemently disagree with the OP. Macro's and mods ruin games. Play the way it was intended, or find another game. That being said, it won't be long before the developers cave in, and then the game will be reduced to staring at some add-on, or meta-data processor. I actually LIKE that you have to know how to play, and understand the mechanics to get by. How original.


Yes ive seen macros and mods ruin MMO's as well, like SWG and AoC etc etc. last thing we need is macros or addons that dumb the game down. Where is the challenge in using one button to do everything. Pretty lame if you ask me and lazy. Definitlely not some one I want in my group doin raids. I only like players with real skill in my groups.


Thats what separates the players with real skill and those who need a easy button for playing the game.

Edited by Fallensouls
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Thanks for the reply. That's what I tried, but I couldn't get it to recognize any of my mouse buttons. I bind my mouse buttons to different things in pretty much any game I play, but it just doesn't seem to work in ToR.


I'll try it again when the servers come back up.

I had to hold my mouse button down longer than normal. It seems to want a longer press of the button to recognize the command.

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Listen, raiding isn't going to be something you guys complaining about addons are going to be serious about. That's the endgame, that's what a lot of us got into this game for. The casual types will level a few alts and burn out. They'll be off this game in a year.


If they don't want this game to be a stagnant backwater like SWG or any other MMO, they need to cater to endgame types. We require a decent UI, so combat logs and functional frames. This isn't really a request, these are needs. There is no arguing on this topic.


I must have missed the meeting where you were elected to speak on behalf of all of us end game raiders. As an end game raider I could not disagree more with you opinions. This is not a cookie cutter re-invention of your previously favorite flavored MMO, it is a new one. Try playing at max level raiding end game content before you come here dictating your opinions as facts. Many, many successful MMOs that have been here since before wow and still thriving lived a very long time without anything close to what you are requiring.

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Listen, raiding isn't going to be something you guys complaining about addons are going to be serious about. That's the endgame, that's what a lot of us got into this game for. The casual types will level a few alts and burn out. They'll be off this game in a year.


If they don't want this game to be a stagnant backwater like SWG or any other MMO, they need to cater to endgame types. We require a decent UI, so combat logs and functional frames. This isn't really a request, these are needs. There is no arguing on this topic.


You mean..they need to cater to ex WoW kiddies that can't play without their crutch and NEED help.

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