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Jedi vs The Justice League


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Jedi mind trick. Lantern goes home and rethinks his life.


Jedi mind tricks only work on the weak-willed. Green Lanterns are the opposite of that, really. So no.


Having said that, the "real" answer was already given. Any comic fan knows there's only one way this story could really play out. Half the heroes would be mind-controlled and fight the other half. Given Superman's weakness to magic, he'd probably be susceptible to the Force as well... so that's the main threat for the other heroes to face.


While all of that is happening, Batman would win. He can mask his thoughts from telepaths, can mask his presence from people with super-senses, and would have no trouble at all taking out a large number of what are essentially minor-league superheroes.

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You've got to be joking...

Jedi are nowhere near as fast as the Flash. Nor are they as fast as Superman or most of the other superheroes.

Green Latern Corp destroys the Jedi Order.


1. Force repulse to take out fast movers and what if its possible that green crystals are actually kryptonite?

2.Yellow lightsabers=Lantern corp destroyed :p

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Superman is in the mutliples of FTL (Faster Than Light) speed. The Force is meaningless, even if it could hurt him, because he'd kill them all so fast it'd be instantaneous. Same with Flash. And GL's have shields that block psychic attacks anyway.. Superman is resistant to it, J'onn is a more powerful Telepath than the entire SWU put together.


Really, why're you even trying to question this? This is what wee call a Curbstomp.

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1. Force repulse to take out fast movers and what if its possible that green crystals are actually kryptonite?

2.Yellow lightsabers=Lantern corp destroyed :p


wouldn't matter all Superman has to do is stay back and use his heat vision to destroy the light sabers or the jedi.


as for the yellow yes and no. The Rings wouldn't be able to say block an attack but that is easily solved by using the ring to grab the hilt of the light saber blade or just grab the jedi and squeze them so they can't move their arms.


It really isn't a fair fight and like someone else said the jedi where wiped out by clone troopers with blasters. The only one that wasn't was Yoda. All the rest of the failed to sense or even move fast enough to dodge.

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Btw, Lanterns are no longer weak to yellow. They beat the Yellow Fear Monster that possessed the Lantern, which drove out their weakness to the color yellow. So...no weaknesses anymore.


^This. Parallax was defeated after possessing Hal Jordan when he went rogue.


Also, red saber crystals would at least harm Superman since Red solar energy (superheated plasma) saps his power, and the Jedi Mind Trick would work on quite a few of them in that COUNTDOWN poster. Green Arrow would be susceptible, since he could barely make Hal's old ring spark. Flash would be a factor unless they inhibit his speed. I would also see him as susceptible to Force Persuade. Remember, Wally West isn't nearly as strong-willed as Barry Allen. At one point, I never thought I would say that, since I read "A Flash of the Lightning" when I was a kid. Barry Allen was one of my favorite characters, and the first CSI detective in comics history. Up until Final Crisis, he was the ONLY hero who had stayed dead. :p


That said, I say the Prequel Jedi win round 1. Then of course Batman figures everything out and goes Ninja on them one by one. He is able to hide his presence and thoughts from J'onn J'onnz (Martian Manhunter), so it stands to reason he can hide from the Jedi. The Jedi don't possess any superpower Batman hasn't faced before. Besides, Batman killed a god. I believe that qualifies him for Bad*** of the Millenium right there. :D

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*sigh* no. Red lightsaber will not hurt superman. Key word being "Solar" and not "Plasma". It's a specific form of Radiation, and it doesn't hurt Superman, it just weakens him. But even that doesn't work much anymore since all the writers dumbed down Superman's weaknesses. So, yet again, No. That crap don't work on him.
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*sigh* no. Red lightsaber will not hurt superman. Key word being "Solar" and not "Plasma". It's a specific form of Radiation, and it doesn't hurt Superman, it just weakens him. But even that doesn't work much anymore since all the writers dumbed down Superman's weaknesses. So, yet again, No. That crap don't work on him.


And what exactly do you think a sun is made of? Superheated plasma, not unlike a lightsaber. Solar radiation on such a small scale wouldn't harm anyone who isn't abnormally affected by it. Superman, on the other hand, would be. Or if they were able to get him under a red or orange sun, he would be pretty vulnerable. Granted, I'm not a huge Superman fan. In fact, I think he's a dumb*** tank who is vastly overrated. He's basically not much more powerful than the average joe now. Heck, Mongul is capable of taking him on toe to toe now. Didn't used to be that way. lol


They've nerfed the modern Superman down from the Golden Age into a really REALLY weak*** version of himself. Basically now, he's not as invulnerable as he used to be. Now he just heals really quick and has a dense muscular structure which accounts for his superpowers from being a solar powered hero.


Golden Age (Kal-L): All powerful, could beat down ANYBODY as long as it was under a yellow sun and they didn't have any Kryptonite.


Silver Age(Earth 1 Kal-El): Pretty much the same as above, only with the added vulnerability to Magic.


Bronze Age: (COIE - Zero Hour Kal-El) Slightly weaker than the Silver Age version. Could actually be overwhelmed by numerous villains all unleashing their powers at once.


Modern Age: (Zero Hour - Final Crisis Kal-El) "Died" while fighting Doomsday. That was the fight when his "healing factor" really came under close scrutiny, and how they explained him coming back from the dead. Still doesn't explain the mullet, however. :p His powers went through some weird phases during that time, including "Electro Superman". Yeah, I lol'd hard at that one. :p


Anyhow, the final incarnation of the Modern Superman is vulnerable to Kryptonite of course, red superheated plasma radiation, magic, sonics, mind control, and a thorough beatdown from someone of sufficient beatdown capabilities. Yeah, he got hit hard by the nerfbat.

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Jedi are allowed to kill and repent later. Super-heros aren't allowed to kill at all (Batman being the only real exception, but everyone knows he's the only real brains in the outfit). So basically it's Batman vs all-the-Jedi... Kinda one-sidded... ;/


EDIT: Just caught on to the "red-sunlight" arguement... What happens to Superman against a LightSabre with a red Kryptonite Crystal in it???

Edited by MORTTUUM
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Again, no. A sun is not made of Plasma. It is made of a collection of gasses that've compressed and create nuclear fission. Plasma is only one aspect of a star that is generated by it. That in itself does not hurt Superman in any way. We've seen this crap not hurt him. He's been hit by all manner of laser and plasma weapons, of varying colors, including red. So, once more. That. Does. Not. Work. It is a Specific form of Radiation generated by a Red Sun that Weakens Superman. Radiation, Not Plasma.


And since Kryptonite Only Exists in the DCU, Jedi would not possibly have it nor have the means of acquiring it. Plus, some people think there's only a few JL members. People, there's more than 100 Justice Leaguers. Captain Marvel, Steel, Supergirl, Power Girl, Captain Atom, The Atom, Plastic Man, Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, several Green Lanterns (Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner), Dr. Fate, Zatanna, Fire & Ice, Aquaman, Etrigen, and so on and so forth.


So, Again, why're you even bothering to argue?

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Again, no. A sun is not made of Plasma. It is made of a collection of gasses that've compressed and create nuclear fission. Plasma is only one aspect of a star that is generated by it. That in itself does not hurt Superman in any way. We've seen this crap not hurt him. He's been hit by all manner of laser and plasma weapons, of varying colors, including red. So, once more. That. Does. Not. Work. It is a Specific form of Radiation generated by a Red Sun that Weakens Superman. Radiation, Not Plasma.


And since Kryptonite Only Exists in the DCU, Jedi would not possibly have it nor have the means of acquiring it. Plus, some people think there's only a few JL members. People, there's more than 100 Justice Leaguers. Captain Marvel, Steel, Supergirl, Power Girl, Captain Atom, The Atom, Plastic Man, Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, several Green Lanterns (Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner), Dr. Fate, Zatanna, Fire & Ice, Aquaman, Etrigen, and so on and so forth.


So, Again, why're you even bothering to argue?


Because the Modern Age Superman isn't nearly as powerful as you make him out to be. I believe the Jedi could, in theory, focus on Superman and take him down.


Oh, and Fate is Justice Society. :) Etrigan is on his OWN side now, and Aquaman is....well, Aquaman. :p

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Kryptonite doesn't exist in SW. Also, it barely hurts him anymore. Supes has become resistant to kryptonite now.


All Jedi have the same weakness; Being soft fleshy meat-bags.


yeah but your puting these two worlds together so yes . you not talking about worlds your just talkign about puting to worlds together a human killed super man he can die. PLus goku can destory super man end of story :p

Edited by ninjashadowdark
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By even debating this issue, you all do realize that this makes us the BIGGEST geeks on the face of the planet....:D


I would have to give it to the JLA, Batman would come up with a plan(as always) and use the superpowers of each hero to the most efficient way (kinda what Captain America does with the Avengers). he may have Superman, supergirl, and Flash destract the jedi with speed; causing some jedi to use force speed, use Powergirl, Shazam, Martian Manhunter, Steel and Wonderwoman to go into close combat with some; gauging the powers that they can use, have himself, the Atom and Zatana "mark" specific targets of power (kinda like hearlers in WZ:D) and use the energy projecting flyers with the lanters and rain down havoc from above to the marked targets. just an example:D

Edited by Angel_of_Cain
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"Current" Superman is still vastly more powerful than anyone in the SWU. It won't even matter. He can lobotomize the entire Jedi Order in the time it takes someone to blink. He split a moon in half by flying through it. He threw starships across solar system. He can fly across black holes and it's already been revealed in the future that Superman Can't Die. I'm not joking. When all life in the Universe is dead and gone, Superman is all that's left, and Death is ticked off as all hell because Supes can't die for some reason. It's ridiculous. Edited by ReiKai
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"Current" Superman is still vastly more powerful than anyone in the SWU. It won't even matter. He can lobotomize the entire Jedi Order in the time it takes someone to blink. He split a moon in half by flying through it. He threw starships across solar system. He can fly across black holes and it's already been revealed in the future that Superman Can't Die. I'm not joking. When all life in the Universe is dead and gone, Superman is all that's left, and Death is ticked off as all hell because Supes can't die for some reason. It's ridiculous.


Now THAT sounds like Lobo. :p

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And what exactly do you think a sun is made of? Superheated plasma, not unlike a lightsaber. Solar radiation on such a small scale wouldn't harm anyone who isn't abnormally affected by it. Superman, on the other hand, would be. Or if they were able to get him under a red or orange sun, he would be pretty vulnerable. Granted, I'm not a huge Superman fan. In fact, I think he's a dumb*** tank who is vastly overrated. He's basically not much more powerful than the average joe now. Heck, Mongul is capable of taking him on toe to toe now. Didn't used to be that way. lol


They've nerfed the modern Superman down from the Golden Age into a really REALLY weak*** version of himself. Basically now, he's not as invulnerable as he used to be. Now he just heals really quick and has a dense muscular structure which accounts for his superpowers from being a solar powered hero.


Golden Age (Kal-L): All powerful, could beat down ANYBODY as long as it was under a yellow sun and they didn't have any Kryptonite.


Silver Age(Earth 1 Kal-El): Pretty much the same as above, only with the added vulnerability to Magic.


Bronze Age: (COIE - Zero Hour Kal-El) Slightly weaker than the Silver Age version. Could actually be overwhelmed by numerous villains all unleashing their powers at once.


Modern Age: (Zero Hour - Final Crisis Kal-El) "Died" while fighting Doomsday. That was the fight when his "healing factor" really came under close scrutiny, and how they explained him coming back from the dead. Still doesn't explain the mullet, however. :p His powers went through some weird phases during that time, including "Electro Superman". Yeah, I lol'd hard at that one. :p


Anyhow, the final incarnation of the Modern Superman is vulnerable to Kryptonite of course, red superheated plasma radiation, magic, sonics, mind control, and a thorough beatdown from someone of sufficient beatdown capabilities. Yeah, he got hit hard by the nerfbat.

XD hello

Edited by ninjashadowdark
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"Current" Superman is still vastly more powerful than anyone in the SWU. It won't even matter. He can lobotomize the entire Jedi Order in the time it takes someone to blink. He split a moon in half by flying through it. He threw starships across solar system. He can fly across black holes and it's already been revealed in the future that Superman Can't Die. I'm not joking. When all life in the Universe is dead and gone, Superman is all that's left, and Death is ticked off as all hell because Supes can't die for some reason. It's ridiculous.


i hope you realize every super hero dies in the comic books...super man is not powerful because he does die later on i have proof http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Death_of_Superman.. this shows super man is not so super because he dies :p..So yeah he died and came back.. so he can die like every one else dies:P

Edited by ninjashadowdark
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i hope you realize every super hero dies in the comic books...super man is not powerful because he does die later on i have proof http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Death_of_Superman.. this shows super man is not so super because he dies :p..


Ya know...except Superman didn't really die against Doomsday.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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