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Tank are the Losers of 1.2


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I'm a War hero Powertech spe Shield, and let me tell you that, at least for our class. This 1.2 has kicked us badly.



I'm kicked by any DPS, and can't overdamage any healer: what can i do?! keep guarding another healer and trying to DPS pointlessly. You say it's to equilibrate, the only thing is that from now i feel useless and have no more fun in playing.

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Thats kinda strange. People complain they die way too fast and the people who have an ability to compensate that are complaining about not being useful.


That's kinda ironic.



I'm useful because i die as fast as the others :), while i should be able to stay more. That's why i've no more fun.

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everybody's a loser of 1.2 pvp. it's bad for the state of the game.


some people don't fully realize it yet, though.


Everybody is a loser in 1.2 that's true but it's still far away from balanced. You must realize that tanks got the short end of the stick now that dps is the way to go in pvp.

like some other guy said in a thread. tanks arent tanks anymore we're low dps guys.

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go advanced proto powertech and taunt the hell get same benefits as tank and lots more dps =P


that immune to movement and kb is awesome as ball carrier, 20% less dmg when stunned and increased runspeed on top loving it =P

Edited by mamosh
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I'm a War hero Powertech spe Shield, and let me tell you that, at least for our class. This 1.2 has kicked us badly.



I'm kicked by any DPS, and can't overdamage any healer: what can i do?! keep guarding another healer and trying to DPS pointlessly. You say it's to equilibrate, the only thing is that from now i feel useless and have no more fun in playing.


Powerteck is highest pvp dps with best survivability. my god what are you doing wrong?

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So lemme understand this correctly. You're saying:


1) Damage = out of control

2) Therefore, the specs that mitigate damage by a lot, keeps healers up a lot longer, and has a nearly spammable 30% single target damage reduction and a 40 second aoe 30% damage reduction = useless.


Rateds will still require at least 2 tanks and 2 healers, might be even better to go 3 tanks + 3 healers. Tanks and healers just need to adjust. Before 1.2 a tank and a healer standing near each other could both mash 2 buttons and act like a unified raid boss. A group of 3-4 coordinated dps had to pray to the RNG gods, execute a perfect setup (and pray the tank doesn't have near full resolve or a gap closer--haha too bad all tanks do), and work 10x as hard to take down one of these behemoths for a measly 10 seconds whereupon they simply jump back in and the cycle starts over for another 2 minutes.


Now, post 1.2, healers actually have to bait interrupts, LoS, kite, and call for help--in the same way a DPS has to interrupt, call for target switches/focuses, pick his fights, and mash defensive CDs while trying to keep up max DPS. Instead of just standing there and contributing by merely existing, tanks actually need to focus on CCing, slowing, stunning, etc... instead of just outright spamming taunt while hitting /laugh next to his healer buddy. Most people are still in the "stand like a pillar of cement and mash your two heals as hard as possible" mentality that gets them killed quickly.

Edited by Anbokr
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Powerteck is highest pvp dps with best survivability. my god what are you doing wrong?


Um, he Specced Shield, probably because he wants to be, you know, A TANK. Yes, anyone can Spec DPS, but it's rather silly to have a Game with Tank, Healer and DPS roles, and force everyone to DPS through your FUBAR design decision/mistake.

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I dunno, my marauder's sure kicking butt. He's completely biwinning with tiger blood.


then you didn't understand the comment.


it's bad for the game, so it's bad even for those of you who's characters are doing fine and who are in situations where you may win a lot.

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So lemme understand this correctly. You're saying:


1) Damage = out of control

2) Therefore, the specs that mitigate damage by a lot, keeps healers up a lot longer, and has a nearly spammable 30% single target damage reduction and a 40 second aoe 30% damage reduction = useless.


Rateds will still require at least 2 tanks and 2 healers, might be even better to go 3 tanks + 3 healers. Tanks and healers just need to adjust. Before 1.2 a tank and a healer standing near each other could both mash 2 buttons and act like a unified raid boss. A group of 3-4 coordinated dps had to pray to the RNG gods, execute a perfect setup (and pray the tank doesn't have near full resolve or a gap closer--haha too bad all tanks do), and work 10x as hard to take down one of these behemoths for a measly 10 seconds whereupon they simply jump back in and the cycle starts over for another 2 minutes.


Now, post 1.2, healers actually have to bait interrupts, LoS, kite, and call for help--in the same way a DPS has to interrupt, call for target switches/focuses, pick his fights, and mash defensive CDs while trying to keep up max DPS. Instead of just standing there and contributing by merely existing, tanks actually need to focus on CCing, slowing, stunning, etc... instead of just outright spamming taunt while hitting /laugh next to his healer buddy. Most people are still in the "stand like a pillar of cement and mash your two heals as hard as possible" mentality that gets them killed quickly.


Going to agree with you to a point, as a corruption sorc, if a tank guarded me I could keep both of us up for a long time even with a full team focusing us.


Now post 1.2; I'm a bigger victim of interrupts, my healing was nerfed in pvp, my resource management was nerfed (not really a bad thing), and I'm still focused by the entire team.


That hey dps got buffed in pvp! I now hit crits of 500 on my attackers with shock. This means a single even not as well geared as me (I'm a war hero) player can put me down with little effort, while I frantically try to heal myself, run away, stun, anything I can do; being completely useless to the rest of my team.


Seriously it's more viable to have 8 dps and just hit things now.

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I'm not the best but I am a good tank, I like to guard and mitigate damage. I was one of the very few vanguards to do full ss, full absorb/shield chance mods, I didn't care about damage just wanted to protect and be a pain.. Pre 1.2 i could do just that. I pulled 10 medals a game and normally in top 3. Average damage was only 200 k. Normal protect 200 k, and damage taken 300 k. I constantly changed guard to who ever got hit, taunting all the time, ccing shutting down healers. Always in the thick of things and I felt useful.


Now... Most I have gotten is 14 medals but with the damage increase at 300 k damage, but protection is like 100k and taken is 100k as I don't have enough time to guard before some dies, I guard a healer he dies in two gcds then I die 1 later. I dont stay up anymore. I don't mitigate damage anymore the ss spec for PvP is basically worthless. Which makes me feel worthless (and am since I'm not doing dps) getting into the thick of things is just asking for an instagib now.


Before it sucked to not have shield/absorb/defense work in PvP, now its utterly broken. This is my prefered playstyle but with post 1.2 I'm forced to go tactical or assualt. Which this is an MMO and ill adapt but its a sad way to force a complete tree not to be useable. There is no reason to go a supercommando set now, as you won't be able to keep anything up anyways. To get your set bonus.


Tanks are definitely losers in 1.2. Now we all have to spec dps or hybrid tank/dps and for vanguard only reason to do that is to get storm otherwise ss not really worthwhile and some stockstrike love. Time to adapt and grow or die for us tanks...


Ghrunn Felshard, DS Vanguard

Order of Methedras

Corellians Run

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I'm a War hero Powertech spe Shield, and let me tell you that, at least for our class. This 1.2 has kicked us badly.



I'm kicked by any DPS, and can't overdamage any healer: what can i do?! keep guarding another healer and trying to DPS pointlessly. You say it's to equilibrate, the only thing is that from now i feel useless and have no more fun in playing.


Obviously, you don't understand the role of a tank.


Thanks for clearing that up.

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