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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dungeon Finder

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It has always surprised me these past couple of years that when a new MMO is released with a queue system for PvP they neglect to implement a decent LFG queue for PvE.


Getting groups together for flashpoints and heroic quests is rather painful compared to the simplicity of WoW's Dungeon Finder. We have to struggle with shouting over a congested chat channel and try to flag ourself as LFG that I'm certain 80% of the player population is unaware of.


It'd ease my heart if I new something was in the works...

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+1 to that - the dungeon finder is a nice feature. Or at least give party leaders a possibility to summon party members to the instance. The game is some 90% running around on low levels and waiting for ppl to get together is quite boring, too.
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WoW's Dungeon Finder

This is the main issue that i hope never come to this game, it killed the community of servers, gave power to *** that just want their gear and wheres the social in that thing? Seriously i hope they never add a dungeon finder copy to the game, maybe adding categories and other option to the current lfg tool would be enough.

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This is the main issue that i hope never come to this game, it killed the community of servers, gave power to *** that just want their gear and wheres the social in that thing? Seriously i hope they never add a dungeon finder copy to the game, maybe adding categories and other option to the current lfg tool would be enough.


I'm sorry, but the convience that the tool brings far out weigh any detrimental effect it might have to the server community. And I'm not sure it really has any, if people want to stand around chatting they'll do so.


But with the chat channels divided amongst the worlds, its painful to just stand around looking for a group. You want to be in a queue and off doing other stuff. Which is what TOR seems to be about doing with its crafting system, its just silly how they missed creating a LFG tool.

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I agree with the no LFG system thing ! I've kinda missed the old LFG chat thing ! I like getting a group together and then talk to each person ! Not just : Click LFG -> Select role, click -< Click enter dungeon - > Pew Pew ***** and go out to my things ! I'ts boring! Just speak with mates when looking for more, its really enjoyable to chat with community !
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I agree with the no LFG system thing ! I've kinda missed the old LFG chat thing ! I like getting a group together and then talk to each person ! Not just : Click LFG -> Select role, click -< Click enter dungeon - > Pew Pew ***** and go out to my things ! I'ts boring! Just speak with mates when looking for more, its really enjoyable to chat with community !


There is nothing wrong with chatting to the community. I would encourage it, in fact. But spamming general with LFM XXXX is not "chatting." It is an unnecessary inconvenience.

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This is the main issue that i hope never come to this game, it killed the community of servers, gave power to *** that just want their gear and wheres the social in that thing? Seriously i hope they never add a dungeon finder copy to the game, maybe adding categories and other option to the current lfg tool would be enough.


They could create something somewhere in between. You go to a LFG tab, and select the instances you want to group for, and can find people there (sort of what WoW had before LFD) and can summon people to you.


The spamming of chat can be annoying, so I would like something.

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Community is such a tossed around term , there is no such thing really. There is no reason an mmo should take steps backwards over the previous ones. Nobody sits around and chats, also if you wanted that just join facebook and search for random people. I am here to play a game an progress and have fun doing it. Its not fun to sit on the fleet station and spam LFG, or click looking for group box that has yet to get me one invite so far.
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This is the main issue that i hope never come to this game, it killed the community of servers, gave power to *** that just want their gear and wheres the social in that thing? Seriously i hope they never add a dungeon finder copy to the game, maybe adding categories and other option to the current lfg tool would be enough.


I would have to disagree with you. I've been in WoW since vanilla beta and I've seen WoW grow before my eyes. It was nice that a "PLAYER" created the LFG channel so that the community can easily set groups for instances. However, the dungeon finder was the best thing that happened to WoW for leveling. It allowed you to knock down quests, put yourself in a queue and hope it popped. When it did pop, you were able to knock down quests and do dungeons without having to sit there for hours spamming for group. You are not looking at the logic of all this.


A game without dungeon finder is just not a game. I don't care for the social part of the game. It's like saying, "get rid of the auction house, I would rather spam my items in chat rather then put in an auction". That doesn't make sense.


Let's not forget, the game has too many heroics that can't be soloed. I have 3 heroics in my logs and I can't seem to find anyone that want's to do them. When I try to invite someone, they don't want to be a part of it. So yea, dungeon finder is really good for instances and heroics.


On the other hand, LFG flag is horrible. Most of the people LF runs are already in the runs.

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I'm getting tired of trying to look for groups without a dungeon finder. Either no one is responding, or the folks that do respond tell me to be more patient and stop spamming. It's a tough line to walk figuring out how often to spam your LFG message.
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I am pretty frustraded with trying to find groups atm.

Initially i was against a LFG tool , but right now i cant find any groups at all.


This is partly because i am ahead in level of most (40) on my server, but there realy is a lack of interest in flashpoints at times it seems, That or people jsut run with firends and guilds.


A cross server LFG tool would ensure that people of all levels would find groups, even late game when you start leveling atls.

On another note finding groups for heroics is hard aswell i can see 5 people on the planet i am on and ask for heroics not 1 single perosn will respond.


It is not gamebreaking but yeah LFG tool please.

Edited by Amonephis
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go back to wow.


Dungeon Finder is the worst thing ever to be implemented in a mmorpg.


I can Agree with a finder that gets the menbers in your party together, from your server, but moving there, and so on, should be your responsibility.


MMORPG's need timesinks.


Edit: why people want to implement WoW mechanics in SW: Tor is beyond me. This types of requests, allready ruined an otherwise good mmorpg (yeah wow). Players managed to destroy that game, and now, are starting to want to destroy this one. :mad: , All in favor of FAST, GOOD AND EASY.

Edited by Raxwars
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It has always surprised me these past couple of years that when a new MMO is released with a queue system for PvP they neglect to implement a decent LFG queue for PvE.


Getting groups together for flashpoints and heroic quests is rather painful compared to the simplicity of WoW's Dungeon Finder. We have to struggle with shouting over a congested chat channel and try to flag ourself as LFG that I'm certain 80% of the player population is unaware of.


It'd ease my heart if I new something was in the works...


No. keep this a real MMO.

Daoc, EQ, EQ2...all these didn't have "dungeon finders" and it worked perfectly.

you want to do dungeons? go out there and find a group. works fine and you'll meet new people.

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It's a delicate matter, thread lightly i would say, start by making a chat-channel for group finding. That along with more people joining as the game starts for real; should make it alot easier.


If it still doesnt really work, then start looking for a dung-finder. Well thats how I would have done it.

Edited by soul-stealer
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This is the main issue that i hope never come to this game, it killed the community of servers, gave power to *** that just want their gear and wheres the social in that thing? Seriously i hope they never add a dungeon finder copy to the game, maybe adding categories and other option to the current lfg tool would be enough.


Same here.

Big NO to any dungeon finder.

unless you want pull down the community level to the one in WoW.

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Hope they'll add it fast because finding groups in the current way is atrocious. Unless the people i already know and started playing with are online i don't bother at all.


There's really no reason not to have the system, the people who want to group by spamming can do so regardless.


I've participated into countless discussions about this and i've yet to see any valid argument against it that isn't "i don't like it so you can't have it" from people who like to live in 1999.


As for the community aspect, i won't even go there, if you want to be a socialite by all means go ahead, but people shouldn't be forced into interacting with each others by the lack of modern features.

Edited by AzKnc
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I would not be angered by a dungeon tool being put in, but i want the option to play with people just from my server, for various of reasons.


But what i don't see as a valid argument is people saying cross-server dungeon tools destroys the community, it makes no sense.



  • If you feel as if you want to get to know people, find people on your server who wants to do dungeons with people only from your server. It makes no sense for you to say that it destroys the community when you are still in power to do the flashpoints with people from your server, it is no different, you just ask around.




  • Secondly, community? You mean the community spamming the general chat with "LFG *insert flashpoint name here.* LFM *insert flashpoint name here*



It makes no sense, it is a stupid argument and it hurts my head, please stop.

Edited by Geckosoldier
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There is a LFG tool. Open your social, click LFG, and type out what you want in the comment. More people do this, then you can just search it


To the people saying community isn't ruined? Right now, the level 40+ group on my server is small. We all know each other, and we all chat and joke around in flashpoints and heroics.


In WoW, no one talks anymore, other than to insult the weakest player. There's no friendship or anything. Many WoW players barely see each other as people. They are NPCs because they don't need to interact


Anyone who wants a LFG tool more advanced than what we have now is a WoW-kid as far as I'm concerned. They want the UI to do the work for them, instead of actually communicating with other human beings. This is an MMO. Learn to chat, and ask around. Maybe instead of spamming "LFG __", actually TALK.

Edited by JediIorith
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